So I've got ALB, Dios, Australis, Verdandi, and Tengu for Star Justice. So that covers colors, boosts, and SBR, but what do we need in terms of the team being fully-powered? They're all fairly high-level, but only ALB and Verd are 99, and only ALB is fully plussed (Dios is halfway there, Verdandi has ~70, Australis is only in the teens, but I have a +297 I could burn, if necessary). Plus Tengu's skill level is only 2, so I can't inherit anything useful on him yet, though I could grind in the challenge if necessary.
The big thing is making sure you can do about 7 million damage total, twice. Verche is stacked with HP and Justice is too (6.something million). You have 3 bursts (Aus, Dios, and verd) so you're fine there. I'd skill up a Tengu just because of the uses elsewhere but you don't need to worry about it here.
I need to run mech Zeus for radragons ult.
What are the teams for it? I have some decent stuff but nothing to really top tier anymore.
Running XM, Sarasvati, Sumire, yomidra I guess.
Mech Zeus can be cleared by at least XM, saras, and Sumire. I haven't seen a Yomidra clear but I could see it happening with the right team. If possible I'd run coop sarasvati and have a one team bring a Khepri. Adding +2 to the combo count is the difference between killing Zeus and being sad. XM can do it too but I've only seen semi system clears (XMx3, Uriel x2, and Gadius).
If you have Sephiroth or Awoken Ra there's teams you can build to get through it with a fair amount of consistency in coop. There's a super sketchy ALB setup in the ALB discord that might be worth running for giggles. I'm looking at dumping a couple stones into the dungeon if need be to get another mech zeus. I really don't want to burn my current one (mostly plussed and max level evo'ed).