How likely is it to roll the featured 6* on this collab? Like worth going all-in if I want a Cecil, or should I just roll a few times and see what happens?
Cecil just seems really solid for a few reasons--time extends for gremory and an alternate lead when I need something that can beat combo shields (I have persephone and satsuki when I want to operate from that perspective).
In general, it seems as though rolling for 6* monsters is poor decision.
You're right, rolling for 6* is a poor choice. Much like Kenshin I'm rolling because I like the property and there isn't much in the pantheon pool I needs (Pretty much just DQXQ) and rolling for GFE's is a similar trap. I have teams that can clear pretty much everything in the game so now I'm just rolling for funsies which is one of the big reasons to roll a collab. The other is to get unique actives for skill inherits or to get a lead that changes how you play (Tifa/Noctis).