Revo anubis paired with a 7x6 board lead pair...
I've been playing around with Tifa/A. Anubis for kicks and I can confirm this is going to be a crazy pairing. Load up on fingers and massive orb changers for a team that just cracks things open. Using Light or Dark as the primary damage component you're only restricted by not using Light-->whatever changers. I ran with this team: Tifa, Vaan, Yuna, Pal Cecil, Anavalk, Awoken Anubis.
Ichigo is going to be a goddamn monster when he comes out. I made a decent team to see how many rows I'd get keeping the usual stipulations (100% SBR, full board change bind clear somewhere) I put on teams. Using Ichigo(?), D/D Akechi (4), Awoken Pandora (3), D/D Haku (2), Yomidragon (0) you get a 4.5x spike from his active, plus the Hakechi burst, and between Panda and Yomidra enough RCV to come back from big hits even without an RCV multiplier. Swap haku for A. Luci with Haku inherit for another row and WAY more RCV. If RCV isn't necessary add Shantotto for an extra 6 dark rows lol. Does Awoken Ichigo get and Rows?
Crazy team would have Ichigo, Shantotto, A. Panda, A Luci (Zuoh), Lu Bu (Bind Clear) for at least 14 rows for 7x damage spike on Ichigo, Zuoh-->Panda gives you a burst board, you just get n
As I suspected, most of the FF buffs seem marginal and don't really improve their standing in life too much. They did alright with a TPA and a finger on Zidane, but I think it might have been too little too late. He will at least be better than green farmables like CuChu now, which is nice considering he's a gold REM pull.
Zidane needed an orb generating component to his active and he'd be a stellar sub. Even just a Vishnu-esque 2 orbs, maybe 1 light and 1 wood. The 5 turn skyfall buff is ok as an inherit but outside of Awoken Apollo when would you need that specific combo? And why would you inherit it over any of the other available options? So yeah, he's now better than farmables but only just, and not by much.
Rinoa and Lightning got the real buffs. God type and SBR make Lightning usable as a sub/lead on a ton of rainbow teams instead of just an inherit. Rinoa is both a poor man's sarasvati lead and a hell of a bind clear option now. I'd choose her over Isis any time I didn't need Isis's colors. Rinoa's going on my Sumire system as soon as she gets this buff with a Snow White inherit.
EDIT: Forgot about Butz getting a third TPA. Combined with his active guaranteeing a 2 TPA board this makes him a stellar Vishnu, Acetet, Revo Bastet, Robin Hood, Balboa and Kaede sub. His active is solid on Machine Athena teams too.