^ yes damage absorb just isn't fun or good game design I hate it
Yesterday I turned my Liu Bei into ALB and even though it's not a big deal to most who have had it since release it's very nice to not have to sheepishly join a co-op room with Perseus and hope they accept me. Also I'll be able to carry others who were in the same situation I was in, which is great.
Blew all my stones and there was a lot of trash, but also:
-Ra #2, which is great for buttoning
-Dantalion, which I don't know what to do with. Good Krishna/Tsubaki sub I hope.
-Dill Sirius ???? Never heard of this card
-Pandora, who if I understand correctly isn't a top-tier lead anymore but still has use as a sub
-Hamal, never heard of it but looks maybe ok as a dark sub?
-Oda Nobunaga, why is this 6*?
-Viper Orochi, idk if 4 TPAs are worth evolving him
-Ronald #3 and #4, will save for the fusion thing
-DQXQ which I wanted for Myr

-Hades, seems like trash, I don't really use gravities
-Chiyome, seems weak but maybe mono fire sub?
-Haku, apparently this card is good
-Goetia x2, I'm pretty sure this is trash
-DKali #3
-Gryps, funky active
-Laila, doesn't look good
-Lumiel, ok?
-Acala #2
-Akechi #2
I might sell the mech dragons etc. for MP. And with that I'm done whaling for now. With Myr happening soon and enough different cards to mess around with I should be good for a few meta changes, hopefully. Also near 300k MP so I should have some more options.