Congrats, two really good cards. Hope you're able to level them!
Yup, saved several Snow Globes for each. So both are 92 right now.
Going to start trying to make a Blue and Green team. Sadly, still pretty weak on the darkside.
Congrats, two really good cards. Hope you're able to level them!
Being bad at combos and reliant on skyfall is the reason Krishna is my OTP.
You have to turn it on.grr - one major complaint I have recently is when I'm speed co-oping
randomly I can fail a dungeon due to stupidity - I end up canceling one team continue and hitting the same area on the second phone I end up spending a stone to continue.
I didn't want to continue and I burned a stone because I have to quit right after.
I can't tell you how many stones I've burned by mistake while co-oping
feels bad!
- this really pisses me off because the game asks you if you are sure you want to quit, but does not ask you if you are sure you want to continue.
- another minor pet peeve - the "ok" after completing a dungeon on IOS is absent in the android version - it makes for sloppy speed selling after completing a dungeon.
Reincarninated Ame no Uzame.
I know who I'm awakening next. She's been my go to healer for Krishna.
Krishna's a shit sub tho. Pretty balanced awakenings but no real offense, shit stats, shit active. He offers so little. I just checked both my padherders and I got dick for viable Ame subs, otherwise I would have just straight up switched. I love Krishna like he was my own beautiful elf child but I need a god damned bind immune leader in my life.
ed: oh and also, Ame is another one of those all or nothing leaders with no damage control. So if you don't have all 9 of those orbs you aren't killing shit. There are plenty of ways to make partial matches with Krishy that don't need 9 fire orbs. Not that you aren't constantly skyfalling red blobs with his active up anyways.
Version 11 is pretty slick. I'm loving these QOL improvements, and Kushinada seems really fun. I'm looking forward to trying out A3 with her, but I'm still a bit unsure on what inherits to use.
Right now, I'm looking at:
Kushi (Susano) / Haku (Asmodeus) / Haku (DKali) / Haku (Sheen) / BValk (R.Orochi)
R.Orochi deals with Vishnu. Asmodeus is just a nice board. DKali is a slightly less nice board that guarantees a guard break. Sheen nukes through Radar dragons. Susano helps tank hits from Noah, Gaia, and Hera dragon.
I mostly like this setup because I think it covers most of the major situations while also being completely on-color for the extra stat boosts. I'm not really sure what to look for in a friend's Kushinada though. Indra would be super nice as insurance vs Kali and would double as a way to tank 2 more hits against Hera dragon. Another damage boost could be nice as well. Sun Quan could provide a nuke to easily kill Kali and a delay to fall back on in an emergency.
What is everyone else planning for inherits? I haven't seen a ton of consistency in what people are choosing for Kushinada (other than people inexplicably putting Fujins and Urukas on her...)
4x xp Ultimate God Rush is soo good
I'm swimming in tamadri
You have to turn it on.
Options->Dungeon->Check Rewards=ON
Caved and said to hell with it. Four pulls:
1 Momiji
3 Julie
Julie is REALLY good and stupid easy to build a team for. Great pull! I don't know that I'd run multiples but it could work depending on you box. The real catch with her is she can run a killer heavy team making things like Sopdet or worse Vishnu a nightmare to fight.
I was going to try and add her to my Meri team and maybe use her skill on a couple of my other characters if it's possible? At some point I need to actually use the whole assist thing.
I'm sticking with Kushi till I learn to combo properly. I never realized how reliant on skyfall I've been for most leads. I can pretty reliably hit 6 combos but anything less than 7 is crap damage. When I don't need defense break I'm putting Khepri in over bvalk. The TE and combo bump should improve my consistency.
Julie is REALLY good and stupid easy to build a team for. Great pull! I don't know that I'd run multiples but it could work depending on you box. The real catch with her is she can run a killer heavy team making things like Sopdet or worse Vishnu a nightmare to fight.
I have a friend who just drew both. He seems to prefer Meri at the moment. In particular, Meri's ability to support a wider range of actives makes her a bit easier to build for. As a sub on Meri, the active is pretty lackluster and you'll rarely need the killers. She'll be useful when you need to kill high defense guys or need a shield, however.
- I like being able to control damage and not have to worry about sky fall, the bane of every PAD players existence.
I'm currently running this team:
Not sure how I feel about School Athena in here. It's nice when I can hit a TPA but she doesn't help much otherwise. I'm inheriting MeiMei on her so it is a nice inherit. I'll have to decide how I feel once I get b. Valk and Kush fully plussed.
The team doesn't hit consistently hard like D. Athena teams. It seems like with the multiple color focus of most teams the damage ends up being just enough to clear current floors. Once the next wave of dungeons comes around her consistent damage might not be enough.
Any thoughts on another replacement I can use for School Athena?
I pulled a Julie on one of my accounts, it looks like she pairs well with my Balboa army on the other account... Throw the RagDrags on both teams and whatever else. This sounds alright, ya?
Yeah, my Meri team is kind of just thrown together but I can end up with a full set of blue orbs at the final round of most dungeons, so it works well enough. Only real hangup so far has been Zeus + Hera, which I haven't quite sorted out yet.
[edit - went to make the new Kushinadahime, did a de-evolve. Apparently you have to do two from the form I had her at, so I need more little ghost fellas, heh. But once I got those, she's ready to rock]
[edit 2 - got her done. Now to re-level her special and everything.]
For Z&H, bring a delay or poison. Tank the first couple of hits and heal back to full after each attack. After two turns, the status shield drops for a turn (they'll put it back up for another two turns after, so pay attention). Then delay or poison. Use Meri and whatever else you need to break the combo shield. If you poison, they'll take damage after your turn, killing them despite the resolve. If you delay, you'll need to break the combo shield again, but any damage will kill them. It really ends up being pretty easy--you just need a delay or poison.
PSA: You can poison them when there is still 1 turn of shield left and then one shot them. The resolve will save them, their turn will start, the shield will go away, and then the poison kicks in and kills them before they can heal. The shield doesn't stop the poison from applying to them, it only stops the damage.For Z&H, bring a delay or poison. Tank the first couple of hits and heal back to full after each attack. After two turns, the status shield drops for a turn (they'll put it back up for another two turns after, so pay attention). Then delay or poison. Use Meri and whatever else you need to break the combo shield. If you poison, they'll take damage after your turn, killing them despite the resolve. If you delay, you'll need to break the combo shield again, but any damage will kill them. It really ends up being pretty easy--you just need a delay or poison.
Counter-attack it is, then. I need to actually look at some of my characters to see who has what, I get into the habit of making a team that works well enough and then never changing it up.
For Zeus Hera
All you need is to have counter attack up
Ignore the resolve and nuke
They will follow up with a gravity attack that will never ever kill you
But your counter attack will kill them always
I have Astaroth and Anubis. I might have to just take the hit on total damage for the sake of reliable clears.
Remember, you can always inherit the counter attack skill over something you would want to run; you just may need to stall a bit to have it up. That having been said, don't feel like you have to have a consistent line-up that you use all of the time. For my Meri team, I'm switching between Gabriel, Orochi, and Sitri somewhat frequently, depending on the needs of a given dungeon.
Anyone been watching DzyDzyDino over the past couple days? Dude has pulled a ton of times chasing Uruka to no avail, but his rate of other rares has been insane. I think he's pulled 1 Julie, 1 Elgenubi, 2 Ilminas, 1 Romia, 4 Meris and like 8 Navis. He's got to be close to a 50/50 rate of 6* and it's amazing and sad at the same time because Navi is the trolliest of troll diamond eggs.
I watched Dzy pull in vain and felt his pain. Once I got literally everything else in the machine I instantly went itstimetostop.jpg
Been going thru the new challenge mode on both accounts (this tri-hero with 2 leaders is WAY less irritating than the old challenge mode) and using all the stones for heroine rem. Getting all the good stuff on my alt, natch. Gonna suck only having a Meri on one my accounts. Maybe I'll sell some of these Mels and Sheenas and get a Neptune dragon if I don't snag a 2nd one.
Do you have a Ryune on your main? She pairs well with Meri. I expect that UUvo Andromeda would also be an acceptable pairing.
I haven't had time to bang on A3 enough to beat it, which was the reason I got her, but she's still really fun. I was really burnt out playing Krishna for everything.Dark Athena purchasers, are you satisfied with her? I still haven't bought her yet and I'm sitting on 1.3 million mp. I have 2 Haku and Loki, would use Persephone for the last slot. Just missing top inherits like Ryune, Lumiel, and gemstones.