It's not as clear cut as what you make it out to be. 30fps can be tolerable/fine or even good for some people (like yourself) but for others it is completely unacceptable. No one is "wrong" but it's down to preference. However, it seems that more people now demand/prefer 60fps as evidenced by even the poll in this very thread. This is probably down to sheer availability of performance modes this gen and people are now much more exposed to it. The question is how developers will look at this changing landscape. Sure, pushing graphics at the expense of frame rate can improve marketability, but people are far more demanding of performance this gen. Offering two modes is the best compromise so far, and I think it will continue to be the norm all through the gen. Let's see.
I used to be this way. Only 60 or more. 144hz screen, 240 etc. CRT displays, focus on fps, no blur and so on.
It was actually terrible playing 60hz limited game like dark souls123 on a 240hz monitor after playing other games at 240hz.... while previously, 60hz was great.... while previously 30fps was great.
The best thing I did was selling 240hz monitor and getting 4k 40-60hz vrr one. At least I got better visuals and never felt robbed of a performance with 60fps games

(now 4k120 oled so best of all worlds?)
If a game is out on pc, I can put 3080 to work and get 4k120 and DLSS which is my dream come true. perfect iq.
But if I am to play, Uncharted 4 or the Last Guardian or Boodborne, 30fps is fine. Motion blur is fine. This is how these games are and I don't put one thought towards it.
If a new ports come out and I can play bloodborne 4k60?! F yeah, I am there day 1.
But if not? I think saying "I can never go back to 30, I can never play 30 fps game again, it's terrible" is just stubborn. People like this only limit their own enjoyment. Ignorance is bliss !!!
I am way less tolerant of imperfections on PC. I will do testing to get perfect image quality and framerate if I can. It can take a bit too much time. The pc ports usually also have more issues and troubleshooting... so sometimes I wish I just went with a console port.
Best pc surprise this year must've been Guardians of the Galaxy. Just works and looks great. Only had 1 carsh.
That said - I like good graphics. I am one of these people who always asked for photo mode

So maybe that's my personal priority.