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Quantum Break |OT| We'll Be Right Back After This Commercial Break

Just finished it, absolutely loved it throughout - the mechanics keep it feeling like just another shooter, the actual shooting is solid, the tone and acting were great, as was the story. My GOTY at this point of 2016.


Really like that the junction choices have a affect on the gameplay and scenes. Really makes a second playthrough a must.


Just finished Episode 2.

The one and only critique I have, literally the only damn one as the game has been excellent so far, is with the live action stuff, it
really kind of highlights how silly enemies in video games can be. Specifically the dudes that wear the suits so the fractures or whatever the proper time travel terminology is does not affect them and they can still move around because they are wearing the suits. When the first showed up in the game during Act 2 they were pretty bad ass even with the equivalent of 3 gas tanks strapped to their backs. However seeing them "in real life" they look like
CosPlay gone horribly wrong.

That so far is the only negative I can say. Everything else is just pretty damn amazing. Production values on the game itself are through the roof. So damn good.
The costs for this game must have been huge with all the well known actors for the show, not to mention the game itself.

Anyway, I just finished act 2 and I don't want to blaze through this game too fast, so I decided I'll go look for the collectibles I missed in the previous levels. Can I just go to Timeline from main menu and pick a level? It won't overwrite my current progress right?
Really like that the junction choices have a affect on the gameplay and scenes. Really makes a second playthrough a must.

This game was made for people like me. I have kids and can't play things for long stretches without breaks. Not only can I pause (something I used to take for granted) but it actually kind of fits my play style. I like to play for a bit then pause and flip to netflix while I do shit around the house or help out the kiddos. Taking breaks to watch the show feel natural to me and I quite enjoy it even if its not on par with top tier TV.

Completing the first act, junction and episode and then starting the 2nd act really highlighted how well they tied everything together. I don't expect this to be a new trend in gaming but Remedy does this style better than anybody else.

I hate to rag on reviews but I can't see how a game of this quality could get a review below 50%. To me 2 stars or anything below 50 should be a broken technical mess that only true fans of the IP would want to play through. This game is at least a 60-70 simply by technical merit IMO. I know that isn't' how people review games anymore but it should be. 2 stars feels a bit personal.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Took me a bit to realise the Chronos bits only show up in time vision when you're within their immediate proximity. Makes them easy to miss.

Still tracking at 100% collectibles found, on my own. Only needed to replay to find a missing one once per level so far. Still on Act 2.


The last fight is terrible, ticks all the bad points about how a last fight should be which a lot of games end up doing because of the need for it to be "Epic"

Bad checkpoint system, wave after waves of enemies, way too overboard on the vfx meaning it's hard to see shit, some insta deaths etc.

Especially strange considering how long these reads are, they are often news article length.
Shit that's my worry, I'm near the end now and had a few wtf moments in the fighting due to shit check pointing and just dodgy ai and stuff, worried about the last battle now on hard.


Took me a bit to realise the Chronos bits only show up in time vision when you're within their immediate proximity. Makes them easy to miss.

Still tracking at 100% collectibles found, on my own. Only needed to replay to find a missing one once per level so far. Still on Act 2.
You've got the little ring near the circle that shows general direction before they are visible which helps.


Shit that's my worry, I'm near the end now and had a few wtf moments in the fighting due to shit check pointing and just dodgy ai and stuff, worried about the last battle now on hard.

Yea Act 5 is somewhat rough on Hard. There's one in a big lab where you're cornered and there are two snipers and you just have to hide back and dash in the back area.

The snipers being essentially a OHK can be really aggravating.


Watched the first tv episode tonight and played a long stretch of Act 2. Advanced SMG is my new favorite. Game is good no doubt about it. One thing I dislike so far is the overkill film grain effect.
That was infuriating. Here, there's a very positive gameplay-to-cinematics ratio and very little unskippable cutscenes, that I actually find myself anticipating to relax watching the TV show episodes after hours of playing. It also helps I care about the story and want to know more about the characters in this game versus MP3.

Sorry, I've only seen screenshots and some GIFs, what is this TV show business you speak if you don't mind elaborating hah?

It just boils down to the fact that I truly don't care about stories and 'woooaahhh' shit in games, I just want to actually play my videogames. If this game provides that, I'm all in because it looks killer in action.

THanks for the impressions.


Sorry, I've only seen screenshots and some GIFs, what is this TV show business you speak if you don't mind elaborating hah?

It just boils down to the fact that I truly don't care about stories and 'woooaahhh' shit in games, I just want to actually play my videogames. If this game provides that, I'm all in because it looks killer in action.

THanks for the impressions.

You can skip the show. It's a live action TV show that changes based on the decisions you make. They happen between gameplay acts.


Absolutely loving this game.
Here's a couple screenshots I took from last night:



Crossing my fingers for Alan Wake 2 announcement this E3. Please MS. The beginning of Act 1 was incredible as an Alan Wake fan. So many great references.
Crossing my fingers for Alan Wake 2 announcement this E3. Please MS. The beginning of Act 1 was incredible as an Alan Wake fan. So many great references.

There are a handful of Alan Wake references that stretch into a handful of acts. I really hope we see more Alan Wake as well.
Is time rush b? I'll use it to melee someone and then hold the trigger to aim at the next person and Jack just spins about or stares at the ground. Disabled aim assist.

The Flash

Really enjoying this game. Gotta take a break from it though. As much as I want to keep playing I want to stretch out this first playthrough as much as possible.


Really enjoying this game. Gotta take a break from it though. As much as I want to keep playing I want to stretch out this first playthrough as much as possible.

I hear ya. It makes me kinda sad that I will be at the ending so soon.
Thankfully, I'll be able to enjoy going back to earlier acts with more time powers for some extra fun.


Guys, which button prompts the melee after a time dash? Also, why they hell do long range enemies take so many bullets to down with the advanced SMG lol. It looks hilarious the way the wail about flailing their arms and legs for what feels like 20 seconds of non stop intermittent burst shots lol.


Guys, which button prompts the melee after a time dash? Also, why they hell do long range enemies take so many bullets to down with the advanced SMG lol. It looks hilarious the way the wail about flailing their arms and legs for what feels like 20 seconds of non stop intermittent burst shots lol.

There is no button, Jack automatically does the melee if you targeted the enemy and are close enough ;)


Guys, which button prompts the melee after a time dash? Also, why they hell do long range enemies take so many bullets to down with the advanced SMG lol. It looks hilarious the way the wail about flailing their arms and legs for what feels like 20 seconds of non stop intermittent burst shots lol.
B for Melee

There is no button, Jack automatically does the melee if you targeted the enemy and are close enough ;)
Yep, he will hit them no matter what, but I am pretty sure if you press B he does a proper melee.

The Flash

I hear ya. It makes me kinda sad that I will be at the ending so soon.
Thankfully, I'll be able to enjoy going back to earlier acts with more time powers for some extra fun.

I'm probably going to play the Signal and Writer dlcs for AW in QB sessions. Never actually finished either of those or American Nightmare for that matter.


Guys, which button prompts the melee after a time dash? Also, why they hell do long range enemies take so many bullets to down with the advanced SMG lol. It looks hilarious the way the wail about flailing their arms and legs for what feels like 20 seconds of non stop intermittent burst shots lol.



I really really like this game and the tv show in between chapters. Once you unlock all your powers you feel like such a badass.


just finished the game. rather disappointed.
story wasn't very interesting (including the live action segments) and the shooting stuff was just of kind of THERE.
i'll play it through again but yeah. the game is just 'okay'
id score it around the 6 or 7 mark


Cheers guys.

On a side note, I took a video of the bullet sponge long range effect with the Advanced SMG. I kid you not, this was the second or third clip of doing this. 30 seconds wasn't even enough to capture it lol.

Advanced SMG + Long Range = Lots of flailing

If any Remedy dev is reading, please either increase the range effectiveness on this weapon, or tweak the hit detection animation or spread of bullets so you can actually see your fire is not being as effective. Still really enjoying the combat mind, just found that one element rather funny.
Crossing my fingers for Alan Wake 2 announcement this E3. Please MS. The beginning of Act 1 was incredible as an Alan Wake fan. So many great references.

Dude I'm with you on that. It would be fantastic, but isn't it a bit soon right after QB has been released? I don't really see a AW2 announcement happening soon.

It's quite clear that Remedy wants to make it though and hopefully MS is ready to invest in it.

B for Melee

Yep, he will hit them no matter what, but I am pretty sure if you press B he does a proper melee.

Hold on, you can always do this? Because the game never explained this to me at all.

Also isn't there supposed to be a way to sprint?

Oh hold on. I don't have time dash yet.
Cheers guys.

On a side note, I took a video of the bullet sponge long range effect with the Advanced SMG. I kid you not, this was the second or third clip of doing this. 30 seconds wasn't even enough to capture it lol.

Advanced SMG + Long Range = Lots of flailing

If any Remedy dev is reading, please either increase the range effectiveness on this weapon, or tweak the hit detection animation or spread of bullets so you can actually see your fire is not being as effective. Still really enjoying the combat mind, just found that one element rather funny.

It's not a range weapon. That's what the Assault Rifle is for, right? Also, throw a time stop grenade, then fill with lead.
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