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Quantum Break |OT| We'll Be Right Back After This Commercial Break


Any tips on the boss battle? I'm talking about the one in

just run around a lot. he really isnt that hard. the battle is broken up like this

initial wave of henchmen
red blast thingy that kills you in one hit - evade this, pretty easy - shoot him immediately after once his shield goes down
second wave of guys
more red blast thingies - just run around and evade, theres three of them or so - shoot him one more time once shield is down

surprised so many people are having trouble with this fight
Has anyone encountered chronon sources that you can't pick up? This one in A2P2 (on the little tower thing next to the car you have to start) just won't pop up the "press Y to collect me." Fairly certain I should be able to as it's listed before narrative objects I picked up right past it. Restarting the checkpoint didn't do it, guess I might need to restart the whole level later on.
There's cover that comes in a variety of sizes, and levels of destructabilty. Also, care was taken to make the environments appear practical.

Completely Removing the ability to crouch, would have unessisarily limited art and level design, in an effort to hand-hold a minority of gamers who decide not to use the powerful tools at their disposal... The very tools that make up the games entire premise.

If you agree short cover Is as useful as vertical cover... Then How is it useless? It sounds like your (and Jeff's) issue is that it isn't MORE useful than vertical cover.

It wasn't an issue to me. I don't think I used that cover feature once. I just ignored it, but obviously it led Jeff to play differently. If it wasn't there it would not have an impact on me, but as far as I'm concerned it would be more cohesive game.
Act 4, part 1

Just finished it and oh my @ the stutter parts in that act. Lovely stuff and this is truly something I haven't seen before in videogaming. There have been games with time manipulation and what not, but the way they have implemented time here is just sweet and something new.

I keep being amazed what Remedy has managed to do with the hardware and I already can't wait to see what they come up with next. It's unfortunate that they take a really long time to finish a game, but that's also because they aren't really big, not a while lot of employees, right? I mean that with the utmost respect by the way.

Loving this experience so much that I am already dreading the thought that I really don't have a whole lot left until I finish it. For games this awesome I wish they would have double the acts. Like ten acts or so. Please make story DLC Remedy. I will buy the shit out of it. :)


I did it:


Bonus porn:

Has anyone encountered chronon sources that you can't pick up? This one in A2P2 (on the little tower thing next to the car you have to start) just won't pop up the "press Y to collect me." Fairly certain I should be able to as it's listed before narrative objects I picked up right past it. Restarting the checkpoint didn't do it, guess I might need to restart the whole level later on.

I had one early on in the game, I had to restart that part to get the prompt to appear.


Junior Member
I didn't think the final boss was all that difficult, but I played it on normal. As far as design goes, it's pretty boring. I too would have preferred a one on one fight but I'm not huge on boss battles to begin with.

Spoiler stuff:
what the fuck is that ending? Didn't Martin Hatch get a knife to the dome in the TV show? Or did Jack's actions somehow change that? I'm even more confused than I have been throughout the narrative."


Hey everyone, wondering if someone could help me out - I started the game and just finished Act 1 but I never saw a TV show? Did I accidentally skip it? I hadn't installed the video pack until mid way through the act, did that make them not play?

I just started playing as Paul for the first time
and haven't seen a TV show yet, is there a way to go back and watch it if I have missed something?
Hey everyone, wondering if someone could help me out - I started the game and just finished Act 1 but I never saw a TV show? Did I accidentally skip it? I hadn't installed the video pack until mid way through the act, did that make them not play?

I just started playing as Paul for the first time
and haven't seen a TV show yet, is there a way to go back and watch it if I have missed something?

do the part with him, then you'll see.

Ein Bear

I didn't think the final boss was all that difficult, but I played it on normal. As far as design goes, it's pretty boring. I too would have preferred a one on one fight but I'm not huge on boss battles to begin with.

Spoiler stuff:
what the fuck is that ending? Didn't Martin Hatch get a knife to the dome in the TV show? Or did Jack's actions somehow change that? I'm even more confused than I have been throughout the narrative."

There's a few e-mails/intel items which imply that Hatch is an ancient time traveller of some sort with his own agenda. I believe he's the 'Shifter' that Monarch encounter throughout the events of the game. You encounter him towards the end in Monarch tower, after he's blackmailed an employee to switch off the Shifter defences. An e-mail suggests that he's immortal, capable of rewinding any 'death' through timey wimey stuff.


Posted this in another thread, but I'll post it here as well. All the actors feel like crappy second-rate CW actors. Like Liam's actor will surely be in some shitty SyFy Original Action Movie in the future.

The only actors I really enjoyed were the main characters and Martin Hatch's. And the main character's performance doesn't matter because he is the most generic video game protagonist ever. Lance Reddick as Martin Hatch is really the only 'story element' of the game that continues to keep me engaged even if he is a bit of a mustache twirler.

Yup, Hatch was the only interesting character in any way and that's almost entirely because Reddick is fucking awesome. I watched the episodes, but I have zero clue why. Charlie and Burke are among the worst characters I can recall from any recent game.
The whole show is basically about Burke and, by the end, I know basically nothing about him besides he is good at killing people and Monarch security forces are less competent than storm troopers. Wilder is almost interesting. She has the story with the most potential, but Remedy doesn't really do enough with it.
Remedy is clearly capable of interesting characters and worlds, from Payne and Alan Wake, but that's definitely not the case here.


Spoiler stuff:
what the fuck is that ending? Didn't Martin Hatch get a knife to the dome in the TV show? Or did Jack's actions somehow change that? I'm even more confused than I have been throughout the narrative."

Did you
read the note on the desk when you enter Serene's office?


I think I'll finish act 5 tomorrow. What I really like about the game is how everything in the story fits perfectly together with the time travel aspect. There are a lot of moments that "clear" things up and where I said aloud "ahhhh! That's what happened!".

Edit: Everything works logically correct by the rules that are set in the Quantum Break universe.


Junior Member
Did you
read the note on the desk when you enter Serene's office?

There are so many notes and isn't that in like the beginning of Act V? I'm sure I glanced at it.

There's a few e-mails/intel items which imply that Hatch is an ancient time traveller of some sort with his own agenda. I believe he's the 'Shifter' that Monarch encounter throughout the events of the game. You encounter him towards the end in Monarch tower, after he's blackmailed an employee to switch off the Shifter defences. An e-mail suggests that he's immortal, capable of rewinding any 'death' through timey wimey stuff.

Ah, I remember seeing that and going "lolwut?"
Yup, Hatch was the only interesting character in any way and that's almost entirely because Reddick is fucking awesome. I watched the episodes, but I have zero clue why. Charlie and Burke are among the worst characters I can recall from any recent game.
The whole show is basically about Burke and, by the end, I know basically nothing about him besides he is good at killing people and Monarch security forces are less competent than storm troopers. Wilder is almost interesting. She has the story with the most potential, but Remedy doesn't really do enough with it.
Remedy is clearly capable of interesting characters and worlds, from Payne and Alan Wake, but that's definitely not the case here.

Even though I definitely enjoy the show, I easily could have done without it too. In fact if they had made the episodes into playable acts, I would have loved that. But the idea for the show has been there from the beginning. That was never going to change.

Ein Bear

Ah, I remember seeing that and going "lolwut?"

Yeah, it's a really bizzare thing to just chuck in at the end. I'm really hoping we get a sequel, or at least some DLC, to follow on from the main game. Feel like there's a lot of things left unresolved.

But I'm still waiting on Alan Wake 2, so I won't hold my breath just yet.


Beat the game. Enjoyed it, but there were definitely a few things lacking.

I hated the lack of checkpoints. Anytime you died, you had a long loading screen and had to repeat the last 3 gunfights.
This was especially annoying during the final boss fight. Man what a terrible fight. I finish the two gunfights, don't realize the red time bomb will instantly kill me, have a long loading screen then do it all again/

Anyway I had a few questions about the end for those who beat it. Is there a spoiler thread or is it all done here?

Why was Hatch trying to sabotage Monarch? Because he's a drifter and feels at home at the end of time? I guess this will be explored in the sequel if there is one? Do people believe that the end of time was avoided or that the end of time Paul and Beth went to was not caused by this fracture but by a future fracture (sequel again)?

Also, thought it was funny how they spend the entire show basically to humanize Liam. What about the hundreds of other people I killed? What about their wives and children? Also thought Charlies complete turn at the end was out of nowhere. I was sure he was just pretending to go for the CFR, but nope he became a good guy.

I'm a bit disappointed there was never any encounter with a drifter. I was sure they were leading up to it at the Monarch headquarters and especially with all the backstory on Kim and Hatch. But nope.

Am I also stupid or are the upgrade points very hard to find? I literally only got 3 during the entire game despite going out of my way to look for them. I had 95% of the narrative items and got all the ripples for the show, so it's not like I wasn't looking.

Ein Bear

Why was Hatch trying to sabotage Monarch? Because he's a drifter and feels at home at the end of time? I guess this will be explored in the sequel if there is one? Do people believe that the end of time was avoided or that the end of time Paul and Beth went to was not caused by this fracture but by a future fracture (sequel again)?

The actual end of time is set to take place in the 2020s, and a few characters in the game are confused by why shit seems to be kicking off in 2016. Considering the version of time travel portrayed in the game suggests that events in time can't be changed, I'm guessing that the actual main event is still scheduled to happen in a few years, with the Fracture in this game being something that was always supposed to happen and be resolved.

I've got no idea about Hatch's agenda though. He's a time traveller of some sorts, who has been around long enough to suffer the same illness as Paul, become a Shifter and eventually pull himself back together... But I have no clue what his actual plan is.


I'm at act 3 and I'm really enjoying this so far. I don't understand the negative reviews or what people are saying that the story is lacking, or the acting is off. Some people just don't enjoy games anymore and treat it like more of a chore. I think the characters and story are spot on for what we are paying for ( an interactive television show script intermingled into a game). This is one of the more interesting games I have played in recent years ( I played max payne 1 & 2, but never did try alan wake. I will after I'm done. ).

"It's not a movie of sci fi proportions like "Interstellar" It's far more casual/digestible sci-fi like "Looper". Both good on their own but different on many levels. In some ways the story here is much more coherent compared to most sci-fi TV shows, as it has a clear direction it's going. I think many people forget its a video game, so it's looked at like a movie review ( and the two couldn't be any more different ).

The cover mechanic works ( can be a little janky at times ) but does it's job to keep the user moving. You can't stay in one spot and expect to clear an area ( depending what difficulty was used ).I think Jeff got it wrong any review of this game lower then a 7 got it wrong ( unless they just really dislike the sci fi genre ).

The action is good and gets better as you gain abilities ( like most games of this gameplay style ). So far i give this game a 9.5 on my scale of enjoyment. I'm not one to give a shit what reviewers say, as i think the high profile reviewers tend to like nothing, and are jaded because playing games is a job and not a hobby.


The actual end of time is set to take place in the 2020s, and a few characters in the game are confused by why shit seems to be kicking off in 2016. Considering the version of time travel portrayed in the game suggests that events in time can't be changed, I'm guessing that the actual main event is still scheduled to happen in a few years, with the Fracture in this game being something that was always supposed to happen and be resolved.

I've got no idea about Hatch's agenda though. He's a time traveller of some sorts, who has been around long enough to suffer the same illness as Paul, become a Shifter and eventually pull himself back together... But I have no clue what his actual plan is.

Thanks yeah this is what I thought. Guess I missed the 2020s references for the end of time. Seems like the next game (if they make it) will be all about how to change things (stopping the end of time and saving beth).


Just started playing this on Friday. It's on another level as far as graphics go. Unbelievable they was able to pull this off.. game looks like The Order except everything is dynamic instead of baked. Story is really interesting but I'm a scifi fan by nature.
I'm a bit disappointed there was never any encounter with a drifter. I was sure they were leading up to it at the Monarch headquarters and especially with all the backstory on Kim and Hatch. But nope.

Am I also stupid or are the upgrade points very hard to find? I literally only got 3 during the entire game despite going out of my way to look for them. I had 95% of the narrative items and got all the ripples for the show, so it's not like I wasn't looking.

I thought the whole last act of the game was going to be against the shifters. Like they were able to time stop you like you did to the low level enemies. I was disappointed they didn't do that.

And as for the upgrades, you just have to get used to pulsing time vision all the time. I got like 70% of them without even trying.


Just beat act 4, I'll probably finish the game up later tonight.

I'm enjoying the game a lot so far, everything has come together really well, and the whole thing just has that Remedy touch to it.

My biggest issue is that I feel there really isn't enough of it. This is directed primarily towards the combat. It feels like everytime I'm fighting a group of guys and I start to get into a good combat flow with my powers and weapons, the fight just ends and you have to wait a good chunk of time till the next encounter. Perhaps this will be fixed on a second playthrough on a harder difficulty, but I feel the game would have really benefited from a challenge mode of sorts to really play around with the combat mechanics in depth.


I thought the whole last act of the game was going to be against the shifters. Like they were able to time stop you like you did to the low level enemies. I was disappointed they didn't do that.

And as for the upgrades, you just have to get used to pulsing time vision all the time. I got like 70% of them without even trying.

I have no idea how I missed them then. Anytime I was moving around I was time pulsing

Definitely made it interesting though. Beat the game and my only powers on lvl 2 were time pulse and shield.


The actual end of time is set to take place in the 2020s, and a few characters in the game are confused by why shit seems to be kicking off in 2016. Considering the version of time travel portrayed in the game suggests that events in time can't be changed, I'm guessing that the actual main event is still scheduled to happen in a few years, with the Fracture in this game being something that was always supposed to happen and be resolved.

I've got no idea about Hatch's agenda though. He's a time traveller of some sorts, who has been around long enough to suffer the same illness as Paul, become a Shifter and eventually pull himself back together... But I have no clue what his actual plan is.

Imo Hatch is the real villain. He was working to sabatoge Monarch the whole time because he knew Paul's plan would actually work. Paul was a pawn, very short sighted. He never realized he was playing against his own rules. It never once occurred to him the CFR could have been a delaying mechanism for the end of time, meaning it would still happen later but Hatch new the lifeboat would work eventually, since no one had been past 2021 to see what happened. Paul screws up.
Hatch for some reason wants the end of time to happen. The note you pick up mentions as much with the whole natural time machine in Africa. I think he knows that you can change time, same as Jack also does now. So I believe his agenda is focusing on keeping the timeline as consistent as possible.


Which act has the best enemy encounters and could be used to play around with time powers? If someone wants to constantly shoot monarch guys, which one should be replayed?


Which act has the best enemy encounters and could be used to play around with time powers? If someone wants to constantly shoot monarch guys, which one should be replayed?

probably the one on Gull Island, where you have to escape the bunker and get to Paul's gala.


So, I've had our surround sound/audio stuff packed for when we move. Also packed was my HD projector.

Got it all back out and setup last night for the heck of it.

HOLY $#!*@&!

This game at 300" with surround and a sub...I've not played/experienced anything like that before. Jesus!

Last boss was easy shit I'm actually surprised people are having trouble with it. I died a few times but when I realized that you had to outrun his time nuke shit was cake after that.

Honestly should've been a more epic boss fight with the time powers.

Also what chapter did you guys read about hatch?? I think I probably skipped past it but I'm interested in reading it and learning more about him and his powers
Second Part in a row where I've come across a chronon source that I can't pick up and winds up staying on my radar no matter how far away I move. Seemed to cause some weird glitches last time around as well (animations broke in a strange way during the timelapse in A2P2). Getting a little frustrated. Edit: This one at least fixed itself by reloading (though the icon still stays in the world).
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