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Quantum Break |OT| We'll Be Right Back After This Commercial Break

I only skipped the final boss cutscene because of replaying it a few times, if that's how long all of them are, it's gonna be a pain to go through again.

The worst ones are where you are "previewing" your choices before making a decision. I think the loading time there was longer than viewing that cutscene. And I have no clue what it's loading since all I want to do is go back to the scene that I was already in (the one with selection)


The worst ones are where you are "previewing" your choices before making a decision. I think the loading time there was longer them viewing that cutscene. And I have no clue what it's loading since all I want to do is go back to the scene that I was already in (the one with selection)

This game would have benefitted from a challenge mode - I left the game satisfied with the story, however I was still craving more firefights (just don't want to have to replay all the story stuff to get to them)


Boss fight minions are the literal worst things in video games

Especially because an intimate 1v1 fight with
Paul Serene
would have been both better in general and a better fit for the game. Can you imagine how cool it would have been to fight someone with equal powers as yours 1v1? They really dropped the ball. Everything up to that point was A+.
whats the big difference between dashing behind large cover and dashing behind waist high cover? Just the crouching animation... Either way, when your powers are back, you jump back into the fight

Difference is that it's a bit misleading game design. It has snapping to cover that's typical to cover shooters, but it's not how the game is "supposed to be played". I can see how Jeff totally missed the point. I found this system almost useless.


I think the clip of Jeff playing is being misunderstood - this wasn't him playing the game naturally. It was him trying to talk about elements of the combat system, and demonstrate what he was talking about.

In the earlier fight in the quick look he was using all the abilities available - also while narrating what he was doing.

Also, his complaint about blind-fire was that he couldn't shoot enemies on the non-cover side of the cover without Jack standing up - which is perfectly reasonable and something I found annoying while I played as well.


Especially because an intimate 1v1 fight with
Paul Serene
would have been both better in general and a better fit for the game. Can you imagine how cool it would have been to fight someone with equal powers as yours 1v1? They really dropped the ball. Everything up to that point was A+.

such an underutilised character as well. He was barely a villain, which made him so fascinating - in fact I would argue Jack's plan/actions were more ignorant and selfish. But the game dropped all of this towards the end and almost forced the characters into binary good/bad positions of power, that felt at odds with the rest of the game


Also, his complaint about blind-fire was that he couldn't shoot enemies on the non-cover side of the cover without Jack standing up - which is perfectly reasonable and something I found annoying while I played as well.

What a lame way to kill enemies that would be. I never killed someone by just shooting them in this game. I always used some kind of power with it. It's not just about kicking ass, you have to look good while doing it.

The only complaint I can see is that there is no hip fire without aiming with LT. The shotgun would have benefited from it.
I think the clip of Jeff playing is being misunderstood - this wasn't him playing the game naturally. It was him trying to talk about elements of the combat system, and demonstrate what he was talking about.

In the earlier fight in the quick look he was using all the abilities available - also while narrating what he was doing.

Also, his complaint about blind-fire was that he couldn't shoot enemies on the non-cover side of the cover without Jack standing up - which is perfectly reasonable and something I found annoying while I played as well.

I checked out achievement leaderboards and it looks like Jeff used the powers about a third of the time that I did. I think he genuinely was trying to play this as a cover shooter. But I think it's partially because of unfocused game design.


The only complaint I can see is that there is no hip fire without aiming with LT. The shotgun would have benefited from it.

That is literally what I am talking about. You're in cover, enemy comes up to you, but it doesn't let you fire unless you hold LT - which makes you stand up.


That is literally what I am talking about. You're in cover, enemy comes up to you, but it doesn't let you fire unless you hold LT - which makes you stand up.

Which is a non issue because you are not supposed to kill enemies while in cover.


I checked out achievement leaderboards and it looks like Jeff used the powers about a third of the time that I did. I think he genuinely was trying to play this as a cover shooter. But I think it's partially because of unfocused game design.

Yeah you could definitely argue that the game requires too much agency from the player to be "fun" - although I personally loved every aspect of the gameplay
I would pay $5 for a challenge mode as DLC. Loved when Machinegames added that mode finally to Wolfenstein The Old Blood. Best part of Superhot.


Which is a non issue because you are not supposed to kill enemies while in cover.
When you have a snap to cover system, that includes the ability to fire and resnap, players are going to fire from cover. If they weren't supposed to, it shouldn't have been in there. But since it is in there, it should be a modern implementation.


When you have a snap to cover system, that includes the ability to fire and resnap, players are going to fire from cover. If they weren't supposed to, it shouldn't have been in there. But since it is in there, it should be a modern implementation.

Sorry I don't really give a shit about the players that don't want to have fun playing this. They shouldn't be catered to.


But what was the point of snapping to cover then? Just let player position himself behind objects to avoid fire.

But... you don't snap to cover. At all.

You just automatically duck when near it, meaning you can position yourself behind a wider range of objects to avoid fire.
Context sensitive buttons wouldn't work well in a game like Quantum Break where you're moving so fast and have to react so quickly, imo.

I hate when you're trying to do something in say, Gears, the Division, etc. and you accidentally go in or out of cover without meaning to, it can easily get you killed.


I kinda can't believe the reload animation.

Like. How do you not have a clip coming in and out of the gun?
Reminds of the awfull Hitman: Absolution animation. Coming from Max Payne 3 with absolut believable transitions, seeing Hitman just... let appear the new choosen weapon in his hand looks not tripple A or anything near that ^^.

After so many Uncharted games (and playing Max Payne 3 lately) expectations to animation artists are pretty high on my side.

On the cover system: I love that since Tomb Raider 2013. Button pressing cover systems are so oldschool and feel too mechanical and not organic at all. I don't want to press a button for cover EVER in future games...
Dumb question. Currently in act 2 part 2, playing on hard, and I know I missed a chronic whatsis at the end of part 1. Will it mess anything up or interrupt any achievements if I go into the timeline, replay a2p1 on easy to blow through and get the chronon, and then jump back to a2p2 on hard?

Edit: Went ahead and tried it out. Worked fine, and it kept a "Resume" for my a2p2 progress/difficulty, so I jumped back ahead as soon as I grabbed the whatsis. (Edit edit: Actually, even though it said Hard when I Resumed a2p2, it actually bumped it down to easy, so I had to restart the part to get back to hard).


All I need to 100% is to do the other junctions. Can I just jump right into the junction mission before choosing or do I have to replay the entire part before?


Difference is that it's a bit misleading game design. It has snapping to cover that's typical to cover shooters, but it's not how the game is "supposed to be played". I can see how Jeff totally missed the point. I found this system almost useless.

It's exactly as useful as standing behind large cover. There's litterally no difference other than jack crouching down.

In either case, you get a few moments to recover, at the expense of being able to be aggressive.

Perhaps, they could have cut it out all together, but that would be replacing the short cover with tall cover, which would probably negatively impact art direction and have a minimal effect on how most people will play the game. I'd say people who took Jeff's approach are the extreme minority.

"This cover system is ineffective offensively... well, let me keep trying to use it" can't be a common train of thought.

The game does so much to discourage prolonged use of any sort of cover, that I can't understand how someone could not find any motivation to try a different approach.
It's exactly as useful as standing behind large cover. There's litterally no difference other than jack crouching down.

In either case, you get a few moments to recover, at the expense of being able to be aggressive.

Perhaps, they could have cut it out all together, but that would be replacing the short cover with tall cover, which would probably negatively impact art direction.

Exactly the point I'm making. There's "literally no difference". As far as I'm concerned it's useless. It should have been cut and there's enough vertical cover in this game as is.


I just got the game on xbox one. god damn this game is impressive. the lighting, the physics. specially when he dodge a bullet and effects change behind him etc.

I am really impressed . even the shooting is fun and story is very nice. this is a system killer app for me and worth purchasing xbox one for it (if you don't have powerful PC to play it)


When you see red under or around you, time rush to the other side of the room. Don't stop moving.

I do, but it follows me

edit: it doesn't follow me, but they make half the fucking arena the same colour as the 'bomb' effect, so you never know when you are safe. It's a bullshit boss.


Exactly the point I'm making. There's "literally no difference". As far as I'm concerned it's useless. It should have been cut and there's enough vertical cover in this game as is.

There's cover that comes in a variety of sizes, and levels of destructabilty. Also, care was taken to make the environments appear practical.

Completely Removing the ability to crouch, would have unessisarily limited art and level design, in an effort to hand-hold a minority of gamers who decide not to use the powerful tools at their disposal... The very tools that make up the games entire premise.

If you agree short cover Is as useful as vertical cover... Then How is it useless? It sounds like your (and Jeff's) issue is that it isn't MORE useful than vertical cover.
This game would have benefitted from a challenge mode - I left the game satisfied with the story, however I was still craving more firefights (just don't want to have to replay all the story stuff to get to them)

I would pay $5 for a challenge mode as DLC. Loved when Machinegames added that mode finally to Wolfenstein The Old Blood. Best part of Superhot.

Would have been a great addition. I think it would have alleviated some of the complaints as well. This way you can get used to the mechanics .


I can't stop laughing at that first shot gunner advancing on hostile. Sounds like a redneck moving in to kill me.....so out of place and never gets old


That is literally what I am talking about. You're in cover, enemy comes up to you, but it doesn't let you fire unless you hold LT - which makes you stand up.

He's talking about hip firing while moving. You're talking about blind firing from cover.

Adding blind fire would discourage use of powers because it would had to the security provided by the cover.
Finished act 2.

So far so good but... I'm not crazy about the game. The gunplay is fun but it isn't amazing by any means and the story/characters aren't so interesting it makes up for the relatively ok gameplay.

At least with Alan Wake it had the atmosphere and the writing, not to mention music, to back up the relatively just ok gameplay.

I don't regret my purchase of course, have always loved Remedy.


Finished it yesterday. Really enjoyed the pacing, characters, and set pieces. I also really enjoyed the story though I'm not sure I GET it to be honest. Confused by some of the time traveling stuff but will probably give it a second run through.
Finished watching Episode 4, holy shit

Just when Charlie stopped being a dick as well :(

The game looks incredible when everything starts popping off

Just beat it.

This was one of the two titles that I, in some ways, got an Xbox One for (the other was Sunset Overdrive). The game was a letdown for me. It's not a bad game, but just an okay one for me. The gameplay is more kinetic and more feature-rich than Alan Wake or Max Payne, yet I had a lot more fun with those two games for some reason. I enjoyed juggling the different time features to dispatch several enemies, but it was never as satisfying as I hoped. To be fair, it never looked all that satisfying in preview videos to me either, but I figured that it'd be something else when you're actually behind the controller.

Most disappointing to me is just the tone, story, and characters. I just didn't... care for any of them. Like, at all. Shawn Ashmore is a solid actor, but his character is bland. His love interest is bland. Paul Serene is less bland, but still much more bland than other characters Aiden Gillan has played as a talented actor. I felt it was weird that some characters' paths never really crossed and there at times seemed to be two separate, never-to-cross stories being told within the same game.

And it was really the first time with a Remedy game where I didn't feel sucked into the narrative. I think a lot of that for me was rooted in the largely humorless story and writing. There were minor easter eggs in the world
(The Night Springs casting video where they were looking for a new narrator for the series was great
) but it largely just felt like a standard direct-to-video time travel story for me. There wasn't the signature dark humor and slightly absurdist charm that I've come to expect with Remedy's writing. And the fact that the entire narrative is framed around the protagonist recounting the story we're playing immediately lowers the stakes for me. I know that in 99% of games the protagonist lives, but being constantly reminded of this fact by having Jack talk about the scene we're about to play in past tense just kept reminding me of "Oh yeah, I guess he makes it out at the end of this."

It's not an awful game, just an average one to me. If the gameplay was amazing, I'd just look past the other stuff, skip the cutscenes, and just play it for its cover shooting mechanics (something I STILL wish Rockstar would fix with Max Payne 3, God Damn). But for whatever reason, I don't really feel compelled to replay it even on just its shooter merits alone. Nothing compared to shining a flashlight at a heavy enemy until his shield melted away and blasting him point blank in the face with a shotgun for me in Alan Wake. Or jumping back over a table in slow mo as I pumped bullets into a thug in Max Payne. And I acknowledge that the appeal those two games hold for me may very well be rooted in a case of "they were good for their time"-ness, but even having played American Nightmare just a couple years ago I still had a blast with it.

I really hope Remedy considers working on a new IP or going back to one of their previous two titles instead of making a sequel for this one. I feel like it'd be a waste of their talents, personally.
I do, but it follows me

Last boss tips
phase 1
So in phase 1 you need to kill all the enemy soliders while paul is thowing bombs at you, soon as you see the area turn red around you dash away (think jack says "oh no" when hes about to throw abomb at you.) when all enemy soilders are dead paul will start talking (use this time while he talking to move to the side of the room.) once hes done he will throw his big ass bomb (area your standing in turns red) move to the other side of the room asap and as far from it as you can, after you survive the blast shoot paul to move to phase 2

Phase 2
Same thing as phase one, kill all the enemy soilders while paul thows bombs at you. once you kill them all he will start to talk again get ready for big bombs, but more of them move to the side of the area and work your way round giving yourself space to move away from them. once he does this 3-4 times i think shoot paul again and your done.

Also i didnt like this fight, really wanted a 1v1 vs paul with time powers not fightin grunts with someone throwing bombs at me :\

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Posted this in another thread, but I'll post it here as well. All the actors feel like crappy second-rate CW actors. Like Liam's actor will surely be in some shitty SyFy Original Action Movie in the future.

The only actors I really enjoyed were the main characters and Martin Hatch's. And the main character's performance doesn't matter because he is the most generic video game protagonist ever. Lance Reddick as Martin Hatch is really the only 'story element' of the game that continues to keep me engaged even if he is a bit of a mustache twirler.


Posted this in another thread, but I'll post it here as well. All the actors feel like crappy second-rate CW actors. Like Liam's actor will surely be in some shitty SyFy Original Action Movie in the future.

The only actors I really enjoyed were the main characters and Martin Hatch's. And the main character's performance doesn't matter because he is the most generic video game protagonist ever. Lance Reddick as Martin Hatch is really the only 'story element' of the game that continues to keep me engaged even if he is a bit of a mustache twirler.

Lance did a pretty good job.

Everyone else ranged from bad to terrible, IMO. Charlie in particular, pheeewwww.
I'll laugh if by "7-10 days" they literally meant "between the 7th and 10th day after release." Has a single person received the preorder W10 code yet?
I'll laugh if by "7-10 days" they literally meant "between the 7th and 10th day after release." Has a single person received the preorder W10 code yet?

I haven't and I really don't think anyone else has. Here's hoping sometime next week. What a mess.

Also, Lance Reddick is a pro at making anything and everything sound convincing. I think Fringe helped him with that.


I haven't and I really don't think anyone else has. Here's hoping sometime next week. What a mess.

Also, Lance Reddick is a pro at making anything and everything sound convincing. I think Fringe helped him with that.

Yeah, he was also the best part of the shitty Killzone Shadow Fall story.
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