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Quentin Tarantino Opts For Toe Sucking + Jerking Off Over Sex

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I blame Chelsea Handler and her ilk for this tone when telling stories. It seems females can only be funny now by being crass and disrespectful.
gerg said:
The girl in the story isn't publishing it - she just e-mailed her friends.

Now, one of those friends then did decide to forward the e-mail to "Brobible", but that's not the same as this girl herself directly publishing the article on her blog.

Aw, ok. Terrible friend then.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
vatstep said:
Considering that this e-mail was just sent to a few of her friends who surely know and "get" her personality, I don't really see it as bitchy. Sure, maybe she had a feeling it would leak to the public, or maybe it was even intentional, but there's also the possibility that she never thought it would get out there like this. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt on that, and if that's the case, she really did nothing wrong.

Am I missing something? Do we know for a fact that she intentionally leaked this herself?

why take pictures if you don't intend to whore it out to the public?
Dude. This is way too personal info. Who the fuck cares?

I wouldn't want this shit coming out about me. What a bitch selling him out like that.


Unconfirmed Member
vatstep said:
Considering that this e-mail was just sent to a few of her friends who surely know and "get" her personality, I don't really see it as bitchy. Sure, maybe she had a feeling it would leak to the public, or maybe it was even intentional, but there's also the possibility that she never thought it would get out there like this. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt on that, and if that's the case, she really did nothing wrong.

Am I missing something? Do we know for a fact that she intentionally leaked this herself?
Nobody writes THAT MUCH and in that kind of prose (WITH PICTURES) about much of anything with the intention of keeping it private.


besiktas1 said:
hmm, not really, maybe it's a turkish thing but in our culture it's very disrespectful to talk about a man's "manhood" (penis, ability to get an erection, duration during intercourse). Don't wan't to derail thread but it sometimes leads to honor killings :/
Yeah, here in America that really isn't a big deal.

Well some guys might get mad about it (including some Gaffers I guess) but they wouldn't have a problem talking about a woman in the same light so fuck them.


MetatronM said:
Nobody writes THAT MUCH and in that kind of prose (WITH PICTURES) about much of anything with the intention of keeping it private.

I've written e-mails that are over 2,000 words to friends talking about my gap year, and attached about a dozen e-mails to boot.

I don't really expect any of them to send that stuff on to anyone else, unless that someone else were also a close friend who wanted to know about my time abroad.

besiktas1 said:
hmm, not really, maybe it's a turkish thing but in our culture it's very disrespectful to talk about a man's "manhood" (penis, ability to get an erection, duration during intercourse). Don't wan't to derail thread but it sometimes leads to honor killings :/

I don't approve of cultural sexism.

Saying you'd "let this girl eat your ass out" (although, as an admittance that you like rimming, it's probably quite brave) is neither funny nor poignant as hyperbole, so I just wouldn't bother with it, really.

You just end up coming off worse than the girl in question.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
so someone talking to friends about a fucked up sexual encounter they had is somehow a horrible thing to do now?

besiktas1 said:
Stupid cunt, I find nothing more repulsive than someone "kissing and telling", even worse that she is talking about his manhood like that. I just find that low as well. Why go about chatting shit about a next person's manhood. I don't give a shit if it's true or not. I think every guy can agree with me there.

Talking shit how he's soo ugly, but she has so little shame or respect in herrself that she surrendered herself sexually to him just to tell the world publicly how much or a whore she is. For shame bitch. For shame.

As for her looks, I'd just about let her eat my arsehole out. That's all she deserves, to be treated like a dog.



How can someone think "Ewww, Quentin Tarantino is so gross!!!", but still make out with him and almost get one rubbed out on herself? I can't imagine the mental gymnastics involved. If you're not attracted to someone at all, why would you even put yourself in that position?

Eh? Huh? Vas?


Unconfirmed Member
gerg said:
I've written e-mails that are over 2,000 words to friends talking about my gap year, and attaching about a dozen e-mails to boot.
Did you constantly mention to your friends how "I'm the most uncool one of my friends" over and over, implying that the intended reader was someone other than your friends?


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
LQX said:
Well he does look like a pervert so not surprised.

I don't really "get" feet, however, this is far from perverted. Hell, google foot fetish. It does not appear to be uncommon. It's just not something people talk about.


junkster said:
How can someone think "Ewww, Quentin Tarantino is so gross!!!", but still make out with him and almost get one rubbed out on herself? I can't imagine the mental gymnastics involved. If you're not attracted to someone at all, why would you even put yourself in that position?

Eh? Huh? Vas?

People make out with other people that they're not really attracted to all the time.

As the girl writes in her e-mail, the reason she let Tarantino explore his fetish was exactly so that she wouldn't have to put out any further.


Brobzoid said:
so someone talking to friends about a fucked up sexual encounter they had is somehow a horrible thing to do now?
Only when the object of ridicule is a nerd idol I guess.
gerg said:
the girl writes in her e-mail, the reason she let Tarantino explore his fetish was exactly so that she wouldn't have to put out any further.
That definitely seems easier than "I have to go now. My planet needs me." and just peacing out the door.


MetatronM said:
Did you constantly mention to your friends how "I'm the most uncool one of my friends" over and over, implying that the intended reader was someone other than your friends?

Not to mention she said she included 15 random people on the email. She wanted it to be public.


otake said:
I don't really "get" feet, however, this is far from perverted. Hell, google foot fetish. It does not appear to be uncommon. It's just not something people talk about.

I have a foot fetish so what QT did doesn't really strike me as odd. Like you said, it's not really that uncommon.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Sickboy007 said:
Aren't fat dicks supposed to be more pleasurable?

Maybe for women, but not for men.

Brobzoid said:
so someone talking to friends about a fucked up sexual encounter they had is somehow a horrible thing to do now?

If it stays private, I really don't see the issue. But I still find it to be a dick move. All in my opinion, of course: I don't see the need to talk about sexual encounters in that way as whatever happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom for me.

Unless we're talking about "OMG I MAY HAVE AN STD" or some shit, then that's when you go to the doctor (after eating pizza).


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
MetatronM said:
Nobody writes THAT MUCH and in that kind of prose (WITH PICTURES) about much of anything with the intention of keeping it private.
It's really not even THAT much. What about people who write in diaries that no one else will see, or LiveJournal posts that all of three friends will glance at? Some people just like to write. And the pictures can just as easily have been intended as proof for her friends, which she mentions in the e-mail (that she thinks they won't believe her).

From the looks of it, she sent the e-mail to some acquaintances rather than just close friends, and that was probably a dumb move. Again, as I said before, it's possible that she knew what she was getting into, but I think it's just as likely that this got out of hand. I'm just willing to give her the benefit of the doubt on that, but I'm not surprised most people aren't.
MetatronM said:
Did you constantly mention to your friends how "I'm the most uncool one of my friends" over and over, implying that the intended reader was someone other than your friends?
Have you been around enough women to make this judgment? A lot of women actually talk like that, particularly with their friends.
I like how she explicitly mentions she went to a screening of RAY with her BLACK boyfriend and that somehow Jamie Foxx should've appreciated that.


If a man wrote this up about a female celebrity in a similar bitchy way I'd be flaming him too.

This post was for the couple of people in here that are implying we're all sexist or something.


MetatronM said:
Did you constantly mention to your friends how "I'm the most uncool one of my friends" over and over, implying that the intended reader was someone other than your friends?

First of all, that's not the point you originally made.

Your argument was that people who write long e-mails don't intend them to remain private, presumably because of some innate property of short e-mails which means that they become intended for public consumption at a certain length. I'm sure you can see why this is a silly suggestion.

As for the argument that you're making now, she only mentions being "uncool" twice, once as an instance of self-denigration, which I'm sure can hardly be used to deduce the writer's intended audience. As for saying "I am easily the most uncool out of all my friends", this sentence immediately follows one where the author writes "As are my four friends, who are all...", so I think it fair to conclude that the "all" in the former sentence refers to the four friends mentioned in the latter, and so this too probably can't be used to work out whether or not the recipient of the e-mail was also a friend of the author.

To clarify my position on the letter, I think the woman in question made a dick move in not properly considering what may happen if she chose 15 of her friends and sent them a funny story about her hook-up with a celebrity. Wanting to tell her friends about this experience is in general, though, fine with me. People talk.


So she doesn't shave or wash her underwear, she gossips, goes to Hollywood parties and bitches about being there, texts in a corner at social gatherings, goes to a celebrities house alone at night after a party and doesn't want to have sex, and snoops through a man's belongings when he leaves the room?

Sounds like a real keeper there.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
TheSeks said:
If it stays private, I really don't see the issue. But I still find it to be a dick move. All in my opinion, of course: I don't see the need to talk about sexual encounters in that way as whatever happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom for me.

Unless we're talking about "OMG I MAY HAVE AN STD" or some shit, then that's when you go to the doctor (after eating pizza).

"dis dude turned down proper sex in favor of sucking my toes and fucking his hand" is a story worth telling. come now.


Whats her name Beowulf?.....good story....so she can blog..... thats alright...strange sex fetishes? QT?....you dont say.....David Carridine also had a crazy way to get off.


God the constant bragging, the "you know this one time sb asked for a threesome trolololol", the dick size comment...ugh. Typical girl I'd love to hate.


ConfusingJazz said:
Man is single, didn't do anything non consensual, and doesn't moralize.

Let him be.
Completely agree. Man she tries to make him seem like a wierdo, but i think as the rest of gaf, that she comes out far worse in this email than QT.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Brobzoid said:
"dis dude turned down proper sex in favor of sucking my toes and fucking his hand" is a story worth telling. come now.

Sure, if you're wanting to know that. Me? I have a sex worker mindview. It's just sex. So long as he wasn't beating her like said sexworker, I don't see the need to recount it. *shrug*
(this blatant arrogance is the type of douchebaggery that really gets my gourd about Hollywood, so now my film boner has turned to film hate fuck, and I feel the need to cheekily undermine Quentin.)

Not seeing how Tarantino asking what other films of his she likes is douche baggery. Maybe the more polite question would have been "Have you seen any of my other films?" but when you make at least one movie that still holds accolades 15+ years later after its release, your last movie got an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor and you're a recognizable name to the public, I think you're allowed to ask the question the way he asked it.


can't tarantino get better looking bitches whose toes he can suck on? i know, he's not the prettiest man in the world, but he won an oscar and his name is quentin tarantino. surely, that'd be enough.
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