It's because it's not the same thing. Guy's talk comparatively, is far less motivated. Girls have a different disposition than guys from the start. Girls know guys likes them. That makes guys instantly vulnerable creatures in any type of exchange, the same way a kid with candy is. You can lead them around anyway you please and women do; for attention, for money, for popularity, or just to ridicule.
Look how willing this broad was, to ridicule QT for wanting to hook up with a girl, he was lead to believe liked him. He tried to provoke her to talk about his films she liked, he has a fetish, he's famous - so what! None of that was deserving of public ridicule; insulting his looks, his penis, his fetish. Absolutely fuck her in this situation. That's some seedy, self-interested shit the girl pulls off.
It must be a sad life to go home to, if she's willing to react with, "Ummmmmmmm...Fuck yes?", to going back to the place of a guy she has NO sexual interest in. Was she writing the e-mail in her head as she went, how villainous do you get? It's stuff like this, that gives guys the proper motivation to be outright assholes to women.
Jamie Foxx's move was the best I felt this entire e-mail, while being behavior normally you wouldn't promote. The perfect situation that type of attitude is built for.
Because she said "I fucking loved Reservoir Dogs!". He probably wanted to keep the conversation going, not start his masturbation session early.