I just caught the two films Tarantino wrote (Natural Born killers was totally rewritten, so it don't count) the past couple days:
From Dusk Till Dawn
Loved this. Every scene is an reworking of genre (the vampire portion being the longest) all combined into a whizz bang story. Clooney is the fucking man in this, probably his best role. Outside of a few slow patches in the Vampire bit, this film really delivered.
True Romance - The Tarantino Cut
Really good script in place here culminating in that wild shootout, it was good in that respect. there were some pacing issues, scenes where it was like "yea, I do liek this as a standalone scene, but it's keeping me off the main path here." Weirdly divergent moments where it's like I'm not even sure what the point was. Why did they spend all that time of Darryl ( I think that was his name) becoming an actor? Kind of a waste, I thought for sure he'd die.
Scott's cinematography is a little stale. He's got a nice color palette, everyone had great costumes, but he has no way with making colors like that "pop". it was sterile, really. Plus he has that "quick cuts so you can't see shit" problem, too. And shit, I didn't even realize Clarence died. He didn't do that death justice, even for a deleted scene. Like, it looked like the bullet grazed his eyebrow, I figured he'd get up at any moment. And I dunno what the deal is with the ending with her flashbacks and stuff. I guess that was to show she really loved him? I dunno.
I think if Tarantino left this in the pot to stew more, it would've been a perfect bridge between Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown. But, he let it go too early. What we have is very good, but it could've been great.
I mean, holy fuck @ all these actors in this movie! It's crazy how many stars are in it. Gary Oldman was the best though, you could barely tell it was him. Just great.
Speaking of which, I guess Christopher Walken jsut gets off scott free? He wasn't even in the climax of the film at all, that's weird, in retrospect.