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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Sarm winces, and is unsure and hesitant also strongly feeling about the use of the Hand of Vecna or a spell similar to its powers, "I am certain Pelor would not approve of the creation of undead, but I fear we are left with no choice at this moment..."

Mike M

Nick N
Val swims up to Sarm and Suvne and gently places a hand on each their shoulders as he quietly confides in their ears, "Before you judge him too harshly, indulge me in a thought exercise. Fire has the power to warm us or to burn us, but would you say it is intrinsically good or evil? Or is it dependent on the ends it is used for? Perhaps magic is much the same way. It is only natural that the sun would proclaim the darkness is to be shunned, but a world without night withers the fruit on the vine and leaves its inhabitants parched and burnt.

"Just offering some outside perspective to the situation." With a smile, he pays them both on the back and swims towards Quintus' makeshift conveyance.

Once his back is to them, however, the smile is replaced by stern contemplation. The staccato, jerking motions of the tremendous reanimated abomination are unsettling. The huge, dead eye of the dire crocodile sets upon him briefly before lolling back in it's socket. In life the creature didn't seem very bright, in undeath Val wonders what mental facilities it has at all.

Hauling himself out of the water, he marvels once more at liquid's inability to soak his clothing or hair. Feeling a bit of a comedown from losing his extreme underwater mobility, he takes a seat on the scaly hide behind Quintus. "I hope you know what you're doooooooiiiiiinnnnng..." he mutters in a slightly singsong voice.
Sarm looks between Val and Suvne, and begins to speak, to Suvne in particular, "I will be brief because we need to flee the cult, the greater evil. I do not know if a Paladin has such a luxury of this kind of decision making, but ever since I have joined the Ranging Company I knew that I would have to coexist and work with men whose methods I might not agree with in principle but are important for our goals."

He starts to make for the Dire Crocodile, "At least now the creature has no need to eat me... Or so I hope."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus climbs atop the Zombie Dire Croc, slightly on edge as the beast whom he carved a pair of giant teeth from is now once again moving through the swamp.

"I trust Quin..." he stares sidelong at the lolling undead eye of the beast as bits of the Croc fall apart leaving a trail of chunky undead flesh behind them.

"But let us make this quick."

He unsheathes his greatsword and lays it across his lap, just in case...
((I'm going to hold off on the narrative until Ganhyun posts again, but in the mean time I'm going to need Survival checks to determine if you know where you're going. Also an idea of where you WANT to go would be helpful. There are no clear paths leading you through the water; Elim was guiding you by memory, and it's also about to get dark))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Tarkus time to shine and prove you can do something besides hit things...and planning how to hit things!))
Survival Check: 1d20 [8] + 0 = 8

Tarkus tries to peer through the swamp to see if he recognizes any landmarks from the way in. He remembers something about moss and trees...but everything in the swamp is covered in moss. He really has no idea where they are.

Growling in agitation, he says "Any know where we are? Should try and make landfall south. Not take direct route back so we avoid ambush and catch catch green-cloaks by surprise."
((I was the only one that made a wisdom check for survival last time for some reason, I guess it's because of my wisdom or something?))

Sarm Survival Wisdom check - 1d20 + 4, rolled a 14, total 18. I'm really not sure if that's a good roll or not.
Suvne Survival Wisdom check - 1d20 + 1, rolled a 5, total 6​

Sarm would ask Suvne if she remembers which direction Elim and his persuer went, and asks Quintis if the croc can be driven underwater. ((I assume we aren't anywhere near close to running out of Water Breathing.))

EDIT: ((Oh right, should have Suvne do a Survival check as well. Editing that in above.))

Mike M

Nick N
Survival check:  1d20 + 1 = 14

Val at least knows enough about life outside city walls to know that the the sun sets in the west. Hopefully the gloomy environs of the marsh don't diffuse the light of the setting sun so much that he can't get a general bead on its direction and allow the party to orient itself accordingly.

He makes a mental note to pick up a compass at the earliest available opportunity.

((Seriously, I've got a backpack and trunk full of useful crap, but no compass?! How'd I overlook that?))


((Sorry guys, life got in the way.))

Evaneth is enraptured at this point. He almost completely forgets to pay attention to the others, so overjoyed he is. He didn't even register Tarkus's clap on the back.

Evaneth turns as Suvne's voice breaks through his reverie. As everyone goes to the dead remains of the Dire Croc he tries to soothe Suvne's reservations.

"Lady Suvne, I can promise you as one who was formerly on the dark path, his use of the dead animal in this case is a minor trifle compared to some of the things I myself have done in my past."

Evaneth looks sadly out into the water.

Evaneth reaches out to Ao:

My Lord Ao, I am more than willing to obey you. However, due to my last failed attempt at obeying you I would like to make sure I am on the proper track this time. Do you mean that they cannot be gathered by anyone, or just this traveling group? Should I prevent those of Vecna from gathering them as well?

Evaneth follows his group, patiently waiting for a response from his diety.

Survival Check Roll

"Underwater? Sure, why not? Alright guys, let's ride!" says Quintus, pointing dramatically!
Survival: 1D20+1 => 9
"...Anyone know the way back to town?"
((Anything that you guys might have left on the boat with Elim and Suvne, assume that Suvne brought it with her. Quintus, if that includes your spellbook, don't worry; it'll be fine once it dries off. That also applies if you took the book underwater with you. However, for those who were earlier wearing heavier suits of armor and traded them out for leather, you left those back in the cart at Northport.))

The party meanders through the swamp on the back of a reanimated Dire Crocodile corpse. They manage to head in a vaguely southward direction, but by the time they reach solid ground and actually make it out of the swamp, it's approximately midnight - meaning the journey took over five hours. Everyone is soaked (except Val), filthy(including Val), cold, exhausted, and likely in a very bad mood.

The terrain south of the swamp is mostly wide-open plains, sparsely decorated with trees. There is no indication of civilization anywhere near here.

As the party begins to set up camp (with wet sleeping gear, no less), Quintus realizes that if he goes to sleep, the Dire Crocodile will likely return to its base nature and easily wrest free from his control; he is not nearly as good at controlling his undead abominations as Clementine apparently was.

Ao responds immediately to your request for clarification. It is imperative that NO ONE assemble the Relics. Not your traveling companions; not the cultists of Vecna, not any other interested parties. If the ten Relics are brought together, my grand plan will be severely disrupted.
Quintus realizes that if he goes to sleep, the Dire Crocodile will likely return to its base nature and easily wrest free from his control; he is not nearly as good at controlling his undead abominations as Clementine apparently was.
Sarm and Suvne would surely want to destroy the undead crocodile anyway, now that it has served its purpose. He would ask if this is okay to do.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus looks for a part between the Dire Croc's leathery scales near the base of its neck. When he is steady of hand he drives the blade of his greatsword down in a 2-handed strike, attempting to sever its spine.

((Assuming it doesn't suddenly put up a struggle))

Tarkus shakes his head in disappointment. "Shame it too long dead, meat be nicer than rations." He sits down with the group around the fire and quickly consumes his meagre meal with little emotion.

"Always wanted to try fried crocodile."

He walks around the perimeter of the camp, checking their surroundings.

Perception check:  1d20 + 0 =16

Once satisfied with his patrol and out of sight, he strips from his gear and pats himself down with dirt. He's already going to be dirty, he might as well be dry. He puts his now dirty but dry armor back on and grunts, unphased by the physical hardships but worried about their position and the likely danger Northport is in from the Arm. As much as he dislikes Elim, he is given pause when he tries to consider whether or not he is still alive...

Tarkus returns to camp and offers to take the first watch. He asks Evaneth how he feels now that he has the belt, knowing Sarm especially seems different when holding the relic of his god.

"Thought we almost lose you to ghost world. Things change for your ghost family since we get belt?"
((Zombie Croc goes down in just a few hacks and does not put up a fight.

Character Interaction Time until everyone goes to sleep))

Suvne collapses the moment there is something for her to lay on and sleeps like a baby.

Mike M

Nick N
Val's lip curls in distaste as Tarkus rescind's Quintus' "gift" of undeath from the dire crocodile in a few swift strokes. There's not as much blood as he would have expected, and what little does ooze out is black, thick and congealed with clots from when they killed it. You know, the first time.

The smell is terrible, but the corpse of the primordial predator is the only windbreak available on these flat plains. Val crouches down and leans up against it, pulling his mercifully dry cloak around him for warmth. He briefly wonders how this ring his brother gifted him would work with wet sleeping gear. Would the water repulsion quality drive the moisture from the fabric, or would it merely keep him dry as the soaking bedroll sapped the warmth from his body? Either way, it seems like too much effort to find out at the moment.

"We should get moving at first light. If the Arm is about the area, it probably won't take them long to realize Valance was leading them off the trail. Fortunately, their actions lead me to believe that they are not taking the monocle into the field, so the current party will probably have difficulties tracking us.

"Unless I'm wrong. We should probably set up watch then. Who wants to go first? Not it!"
If there is a campfire, Sarm will cast produce flame to set it a lit quickly to allow everyone warmth and a way to dry off. He waits until Suvne is asleep before shedding himself of some of his soaking garments. He sits down and seems interested in Evaneth's answer. He hasn't decided on a response to Val yet.
Quintus hates having the prefect spell for this occasion, but not having it prepared... Oh well! He offers to take first watch if needed. He also keeps glancing at Sarm, as if he is expecting something from him...
Sarm asks Quintis once he finally realizes he's being glanced at, and speaks in a curious tone "Is there something the matter?"

EDIT: ((Oh right, I just remembered that Quintis got hurt in the last battle. Sorry about that.))

He then remembers and says, "That's right, I didn't get a chance to heal you." He'll cast a second level healing spell to restore 23 hit points of damage.
"No no... Just kinda surprised you haven't said anything since the giant skeletal demon called me out on having the Arm. Of course if you are okay with it and we can skip that whole awkward conversation, I'm fine with that."
He starts to heal Quintis to relieve him of the blunt damage he's taken, "I must have not noticed during the heat of the battle. I wasn't aware you found a way to use it without becoming disfigured yourself." He soon shifts back to his seat, "To be honest, there is something else on my mind right now, unrelated to the matters of dark magic. I am thinking of taking the first shift so that I can ponder it to myself for awhile."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus listens to what Evaneth has to say and also watches as Quintus and Sarm discuss matters. He nods as Sarm takes the first shift.

"I will second after Sarm." Tarkus tosses kindling into the fire, stares into the flames and reminiscing.


Evaneth looks around and smiles at the group. He places his bedroll near the fire to dry out.

"Well, I feel much better. A bit more confident actually too. Tarkus, my friend, as far as my ghost family goes, I can only hope that my actions made for a better life for them and myself, since I was one of those ghosts as well."

Evaneth bites into some trail rations, knowing that he needs to keep up his strength for this journey.

"How do I feel wearing the belt? Well, I feel the same as before for the most part. I feel like I'm a bit more skilled than I sued to be, and I imagine it will take me a while to understand the changes as well.

Evaneth finishes his rations, which he somehow managed to efficiently eat without making a mess or losing any.

"My friends, I think that I will turn in now. I am willing to take the watch after Tarkus."

Evaneth stretches out and more uses his bedroll for a soft spot than anything else. He faces away from the fire so as not to blind himself to any possible threats in the dark.

From there Evaneth causally listens to the conversations around him until everyone drifts off to sleep. He then does so himself.
Sarm is putting back his leather armor that is now dried off. He listens to Evaneth's story but allows him to drift to sleep as he wishes without query. He tells Tarkus that he'll wake him up for his shift once the moon begins to steadily fall.

He'll then go into prayer for spell preparation and speaking to his god in a low whisper easily carried by the winds. He thanks Pelor that they were successful tonight and still well, and that they were able to reverse a terrible fate to an undeserving family. He also asks Pelor if his judgement today was fair, and whether he is even a good influence to his cohort. He finally asks about something he had not discussed with the others yet
in that he seeks solace from the fear that he was somehow supposed to have participated in the death of Evaneth's family, even in self defense, and feels partially responsible for the past he has had because of it. He further questions how successful he is at being a good person.
The watches are not particularly successful. Sarm is so exhausted that, despite his best efforts, he falls asleep about an hour into his watch, and no one else wakes up to do the rest.

Fortunately, the party is not bothered during the night. One night's rest was probably not enough to recover completely from the previous day's ordeal, but at least everyone feels well enough to travel again (though Sarm, Suvne, and Evaneth are particularly sore all over from all the hard swimming they had to do), and everyone's mind is fully rested, so that's good enough to get moving.

((Are you going to make your way back to Northport, or did you guys have some other destination in mind? Either way, give me Survival checks. You'll make it there eventually; these checks will determine how long it will take, and what might happen along the way))

Mike M

Nick N
As the sun breaks above the ground, an old man stands on the hill Val stirs to wakefulness to find that them all to be very fortunate that the Arm did not seek them out in the night, because otherwise they'd all be dead. Or possibly worse, since they'd have Quintus' little toy in their possession.

Rising from his impromptu sleeping spot against the side of the dead dire crocodile, he stretches out his muscles and begins trying to beat some warmth back into his extremities.

"Sarm, I don't suppose you've got any of those magic apples on you? I could certainly go for one."

Once everyone has been roused fully, Val opines on their next course of action. "We ought to return to Northport, to collect the rest of our belongings if nothing else. From there, I vote we strike out for Ironhill.

"Seeing as how Valance's job was to watch over that stylish belt Evaneth is now sporting, we may be able to convince him to dispatch to Emerald Bay for some recon work. Presuming we find him at all, he's likely already gone to ground at this point."

Now that he can see his environs better during the day, Val produces a spyglass from his backpack and climbs atop the dire crocodile. Scanning the horizon in all directions, he attempts to determine the most expedient route to civilization.

Survival check:  1d20 + 1 = 4

((I have this mental image of him looking through the spyglass backwards now...))
Sarm is shook awoke by Val, and he blinks and looks around quickly in alarm. He gives Val a look before the question finally registers in his mind and he looks over his side, then back to Val, "No.. I may have left the bushel with my chest at the inn..."

He sits up and aches his shoulder. The physical drain of swimming must have settled over night somehow. "I trust that Valance was able to flee the cult."

Survival: 1d20 + 4, rolled a 20, total 24​

Sarm lifts his hand up to turn Val's telescope towards where he thinks Northport may be, "I think I remember which direction the road we traveled went in relation to where the sun walks each day."


Evaneth comes awake and groans from the stiffness and soreness.

"Oh, that smarts. Trust me to sleep on a rock all night."

Evaneth suddenly looks around.

"Did I fall asleep on my shift? I don't remember a thing."

Seeing the others trying to figure out where to go Evaneth looks around as well.

Survival Check Roll


"I'll be honest, I don't really know which way to go. "

As Val fumbles with his spyglass, Sarm is overcome by a surety of direction that does not feel like his own, and he somehow seems to just know how to get back to Northport.

Sarm only
That's not the only thing you feel, either. There is an inexplicable distrust and skepticism emanating toward Evaneth. After some ruminating during the journey, you realize that these feelings are almost certainly being communicated to you from the Rod of Pelor, and it dawns on you that it's entirely possible Pelor may have been communicating to you this entire time, but you, having learned to control your emotional state during your training, may have been filtering them out... though you can't be certain that's the case.

It seems as though Pelor prefers not to use imperfect speech to communicate with you, and instead does it through feelings. And for whatever reason, he wants you to keep a close eye on Evaneth.

The journey goes by remarkably quickly. It's not long before the party comes across an actual road, where the traveling is much easier, and by mid afternoon they have returned to Northport, none the worse for wear.

Elim/Valance does not seem to be at home. The door to his house is locked and would require a DC 25 Thievery check to open without using force.

Your horses and cart are exactly where you left them in the stable area, and Quintus, wherever you stashed your spellbook, it's still there, waiting for you.

Quintus only
During the walk from the swamp back to Northport, the voice of Vecna whispers in your ear. Be wary around the shadow-mage, he warns you ominously. I can't read his thoughts, which means they are being shielded by Ao. Ao was never much liked among the gods of the pantheon, and I've never trusted him.

That's all Vecna offers you, though, and even if you attempt to ask follow-up questions, they don't get answered.
Sarm gives a passing glance towards Evaneth for an elongated, thoughtful moment, and then breaks it by saying, "I apologize.. have failed to keep myself awake. I won't be offering to take a shift any longer."

He then looks to Quintis and says in confidence, "I am actually quite convinced. We may find ourselves there while it is still morning."

While they all walk towards Northport, Sarm brings out the Rod of Pelor and gazes at it, seeming to meditate upon it for a moment.

To ThLunarian:
Sarm is sure that Pelor has spoken to him without the Rod of Pelor in the past, but may be choosing to speak to him through the Rod exclusively now. He takes note of the command given, hoping to have the power to take appropriate action if necessary.

He puts the rod back into his belt as they are arriving in Northport again. He asks Suvne to retrieve the items from his Inn room while he quickly checks the horses and brings the wagon out for the party. He would then ride everyone to Elim's house once they are ready.
Quintus wonders why the hell he doesn't have the knock spell...((quick question, i have a point in thievery, can i use my int mod for opening locks or is that only for disable device?)) He also suggest if they are going to leave anything for that Val's brother can find them, they leave it well hidden and heavily encoded, two things he is sure Val will have no problem with, so the Cult can't use it to find them. Sure they have the Eye or whatever, but that doesn't mean they should make tracking them any easier.

As for their next destination... Quintus suggests heading to his old school(or the Ruby Keep, assuming is has any kinda of large library they could use... of course the wormwood base would also be a good place too. I need teleport already :/), but not for the relic that is most likely hidden there, "I am hoping we could actually do some research. Maybe find out what exactly is going on. Sure we need to stop the big bad cult from getting the relics, but there is a something much bigger happening here, that has multiple 'gods' throwing their weight, even sending people across the planes and/or through time and if at all possible, I'd like to be prepared for that, whatever it may be."
((Almost forgot to mention that everyone gains a level. This would put everyone at Level 8 (plus Evaneth's special Monk level).

As for Thievery, I'll stick with my original rules modification and allow you to use Int for a thievery roll to pick locks, in the interest of staying consistent. It's my own fault for not realizing when I made that change that the components of Thievery use different ability scores))

Quintus, you're pretty sure that there's a decent-sized library in Ruby Keep, though you've never been there. Val can confirm this. It seems likely that your own school's academic resources would be greater, but it would also be a significantly longer trip to get there from where you are, and you feel like you're very close to mastering Teleport; once you do, you'd be able to instantly bring everyone there; the same would not be true of Ruby Keep since, again, you've never been there.
hp roll: 1D4 => [ 2 ] = 2
((Oh the fun of being a wizard... glad i have that 14 Con))

Quintus scraps the idea of going to his school and figures since its closer anyways, they might as well head to Ruby Keep. And maybe while they are there, keep a look out for any relics. You know, on the side. Assuming it doesn't get in the way of their research.
Sarm Hit Die roll - 1d8, rolled a 3
Suvne Hit Die roll - 1d10, rolled a 6 ((Yay, a half-decent roll finally))​

((We get an ability score at level 8, right? I am sure we do but I don't own a 3.5 book so I want to make sure.))

He lets the others talk about their next destination while at the reigns.

EDIT: ((Also, I realized that Sarm left his shield in Elim's boat, but I can probably just explain it as Suvne taking it with her when she went down to meet them at the temple.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Apologies for delayed responses, crunchtime at work for a project due Friday. Will update my character sheet ASAP)).

Tarkus recollects his things and checks up on his horse. He is relieved to see the port town relatively unharmed. The first thing he does after washing up is seeking out a hearty meal. Not trusting the tavern for long he takes his food to go, heading outside of town to discuss their next destination with the group. Handing out the extra booze and cooked fish he bought, he washes down a few tankards of ale with a generous helping of fish sticks.

As maps are pulled out he notices Evaneth and Sarm staring off into the distance, which he interprets as worry. He gives each one of his signature slaps on the back.

"Raise your spirits! We could be Croc bait or bloated drowned bodies or spooky ghost lost in time. Instead we make it out of cursed swamp with more power than before. Much to be cheered."

He asks Val what he thinks of the fate of his Fierno brother and whether they should do anything before they leave Northport in regards to leaving him a message.

Listening to Quin's suggestions and the rest of the group chat, he cannot help but suddenly look a bit sullen himself at the mention of Ruby Keep. Tarkus shares Val's reservations about the Keep but for different reasons. He winces at the thought of arrogant and judgemental eyes set upon him from every corner.

"Tarkus and high society not good mix. Iron Hill is closest to us and if green-cloaks were near to finding us here, we should go soon."


((Sorry guys, I've been really busy the last few days with a bunch of medical issues Im trying to get taken care of. I'll try to update my character later tonight or sometime tomorrow before I go to the hospital on Sunday evening. Its nothing major as far as I know, but I might not be able to post again until Tuesday after Saturday afternoon. ))
((Thanks for the update dude, hope everything turns our alright.

I have another narrative post planned out, but I need to be at my computer to do it, so it won't go up until tonight. Sorry about the delay. Riff off of each other til then if you want. My post will describe the trip to Iron Hill, since it sounds like Quintus got outvoted, but if that somehow changes before I post, then I'll adjust))
Sarm looks over his shoulder to Tarkus, barely shaken by the slap on his shoulder and smiles, "You're right. I should appreciate that we are safe."

He would nod then, "I'm afraid I must agree. Iron Hill is very close, and it would make a single trip to these parts to visit it next."

Mike M

Nick N
((Hope everything checks out for you, dude.))

The party's course of action seemingly decided, Val writes a coded missive detailing the group's plans, embedding it in a seemingly mundane piece of mail from a satisfied customer praising "Elim's" unparalleled craftsmanship. Val also includes a request that if he is otherwise freed of his obligations here in Northport now that the belt is secure, Val would appreciate it if his talented brother headed west while they turned east. Valdemar may still be out there, and there's the matter of the relic at Emerald Bay.

Packing up his things into Sarm's cart (which is an easy task since he never really unloaded his trunk), he laments the departure of the spymaster "tailor." "Such a shame he didn't have more time with us, I had an idea for disguised I could have used his help on... Of course these magic eyeglasses kind of render my talent for those type of shenannigans rather moot, but one should never grow too dependent on such things."
The next morning (since it seems likely that you would all get some rest and probably wash up before heading out again), everyone sets out for Iron Hill.

The road is an easy one, and the path is relatively straightforward. Part of the journey is backtracking toward where you washed ashore the other day, except that there's no need to wander into the wilderness this time; you reach the town the next morning.


This is the most vertical town you've ever come across. Although its name is Iron Hill, in actuality the entire thing is built into the side of a mountain. The bottom portion of this mountain is mostly perpendicular to the ground, and most of the structures you see are actually using the mountain itself as their back wall. You see various cave entrances that have been carved into smooth, aesthetically-pleasing shapes and have had doors attached to them; it can be assumed that these are residences.

The town has at least four levels that you can see from the bottom. Various ladders lead up to higher levels, and there is a very large, elaborate machine that looks like it's used to move supplies up and down between levels.

The population of Iron Hill is made up almost entirely of huge, well-built, muscular people - both men and women. You notice that there is an inordinate number of people moping about sullenly, either wandering about or simply sitting around. Some of them look angry; others look distressed. Very few are in a good mood.

The town has all the usual amenities that you're all used to; there are stables on the ground level, there is a blacksmith's shop filled with pickaxes and other mining equipment, there is a small apparel shop, a general goods store, and a magic item shop.

The local bar is located on the second level, and is called the Hopping Harpy; the sign is decorated with a picture of a harpy that's missing one of its wings.
Sarm lifts his chin slowly to scan the mountainside. The wagon is routinely and predictably ridden into the stables.

He takes the sullen condition of the stable workers as maybe some internal work issues, but once everyone is exploring the city more closely he becomes inclined to ask the others, "How can so many be so... Down?"

Mike M

Nick N
Val lets out a long, low whistle of appreciation of the city's unconventional design. While he will forever be biased towards Ruby Keep, Iron Hill is definitely more imposing that Alydar or Northport. "It's very... Upright, isn't it? A burglar would need to be part mountain goat to work this town, I'd expect."

The residents of this city seem to be as hewn from stone as the buildings. Solid, massive, and cold. Valance would have had little trouble blending into the masses of this town, he thinks to himself. Indeed, it's entirely possible that his brother's large stature may be owed to descending from Iron Hill stock, but it is the nature of being orphaned that this is a question that will likely never know an answer.

The sour mood of the populace permeates the atmosphere. If he hadn't been living in Alydar, he might have speculated that this is simply how miners are. After all, toiling under the ground all day doing hard labor is enough to put a crimp in anyone's disposition. But he had known miners, and none had looked like this, even on their worst of days.

"Place your wagers, gentlemen. Is it simply a culture of perpetually downtrodden outlooks on life? The Arm of Vecna wielding some dastardly new spell of gloominess? Or perhaps some relic of a particularly morose divine being coloring their attitudes?"
Quintus shrugs and says "Well, I hope its the last one, as that will probably give us a clue as to where to start looking for the artifact." then walks over to a random citizen and asks, "Anything strange happen in town recently?"
The stranger looks at Quintus with a sour expression that is nonetheless caught by surprise at being approached. It doesn't take him long to recover in time for a healthy helping of snark, though. "Other than the giant snake running loose in the mines and eating people, completely shutting down operations so that the entire town is out of work? No, not really." The man rolls his eyes and goes about his business.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Since we seem to be approaching things more often from a pacifist position whenever possible, I picked up improved sunder so we can have a better chance at disarming opponents.))

Tarkus Hit Die: Previous HP [72] +1d10 [5] + Con Mod [3]  = 80
Tarkus takes in the sight of the mountain town, fascinated by its vertical construction and the apparent physical prowess of its inhabitants.

"Town of rock hold men of iron. Makes sense." he grunts. "These be real challenge in testing of arms." Tarkus grins and flexes his bicep mimicking an arm-wrestling position.

He watches as Quin gets an earful of snark from one of the towering men. "Body AND personality of rock" he laughs before the gravity of the man's words fully process in his mind.

"Tarkus bit as child by snake. Had to drag swollen foot for many days with rest of slave children..." his hatred for serpents readily apparent in the narrowing of his eyes and gritting of his teeth.

"We should find town leader and slay beast. No doubt relic related to its reign of terror."
"I can almost relate to being eaten myself..." he idly comments to no one in particular and suddenly asks, "Tarkus, you were a slave child?"

Regarding the matter of the snake and whether the relic affects it, he says, "It is possible. Either way, I do not think I can stand by and allow it to continue."
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