The mayor's office is easy to find. It's on the second level, and is a solid stone construction with a sign prominently displayed that reads, in both Common and Dwarven, the words "Office of the Honorable Mayor Balthor Fireheart."
When someone knocks on the door, a voice calls out "Come in," from the other side.
You walk into a single large room with a desk toward the back, and a cave entrance behind it. The desk is designed for a small person, and sure enough, a dwarf is seated there, looking at you.
He has a full red, bushy beard and is clad in Dwarven formal wear (though to Val, who is accustomed to the predominate idea of high society, it probably doesn't register as "formal" at all). He is noticeably distressed and fidgety, even before a word escapes his lips. "You're not from around here," he says unevenly. "You're not from Ruby Keep, are you? I only put in a request for aid two days ago, and still haven't even heard an acknowledgment that they received it..."
He temporarily deflates when you explain that you're not from the Keep, but perks back up when you express your desire to help. "I'm offering 100,000 gold to any crew that takes out that snake," he explains, "But you ought to know what you're getting yourselves into.
"The beast appeared seemingly out of nowhere about a week ago and devastated the crews on duty at the time, and... and very nearly wiped out the entire town's dwarf population," he says sadly. "Most of my people made their homes inside the mine, in areas where the ore had been depleted. Dwarves are more comfortable living underground, you see, and..."
The man is clearly struggling to keep his composure, and after a moment's pause, he manages to keep his emotions under control. "I sent the town guard in to deal with the beast, and they never returned. Three separate parties of good men, all likely dead. The last team was sent out four days ago. When it started to look like they wouldn't be returning, that's when I realized I was in over my head here, and began soliciting outside help."
He looks at each member of the party in turn and nods his head. "I'll say this for you - you certainly look like seasoned warriors. My men - may they find peace in the afterlife - well, many of them had never seen real combat before. Maybe you lot will stand a better chance."
When someone knocks on the door, a voice calls out "Come in," from the other side.
You walk into a single large room with a desk toward the back, and a cave entrance behind it. The desk is designed for a small person, and sure enough, a dwarf is seated there, looking at you.
He has a full red, bushy beard and is clad in Dwarven formal wear (though to Val, who is accustomed to the predominate idea of high society, it probably doesn't register as "formal" at all). He is noticeably distressed and fidgety, even before a word escapes his lips. "You're not from around here," he says unevenly. "You're not from Ruby Keep, are you? I only put in a request for aid two days ago, and still haven't even heard an acknowledgment that they received it..."
He temporarily deflates when you explain that you're not from the Keep, but perks back up when you express your desire to help. "I'm offering 100,000 gold to any crew that takes out that snake," he explains, "But you ought to know what you're getting yourselves into.
"The beast appeared seemingly out of nowhere about a week ago and devastated the crews on duty at the time, and... and very nearly wiped out the entire town's dwarf population," he says sadly. "Most of my people made their homes inside the mine, in areas where the ore had been depleted. Dwarves are more comfortable living underground, you see, and..."
The man is clearly struggling to keep his composure, and after a moment's pause, he manages to keep his emotions under control. "I sent the town guard in to deal with the beast, and they never returned. Three separate parties of good men, all likely dead. The last team was sent out four days ago. When it started to look like they wouldn't be returning, that's when I realized I was in over my head here, and began soliciting outside help."
He looks at each member of the party in turn and nods his head. "I'll say this for you - you certainly look like seasoned warriors. My men - may they find peace in the afterlife - well, many of them had never seen real combat before. Maybe you lot will stand a better chance."