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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
Val listens to the townspeople's descriptions of the snake and puts together a composite of what they're looking for.


Once Quintus has returned, he presents his analysis to the group. "Pretty clear that the Arm of Vecna is trying to clear the mines. Probably so they can search for our relic undisturbed.

"I'm positive that this snake is not natural. If these descriptions are accurate, it may not actually be a snake at all. It's like... Someone had an idea of what a terrifying snake would look like and created some kind of... Idunno, magical construct that embodied it, anatomical mistakes and all.

"Magic's not one of my area of expertise, so I will defer to our resident experts on that one."


Upon hearing Quintus' tale of Rubio's flight from Alydar, Val nearly does a spit take, but manages to keep in it contained. "I presume you signed no such contract? Child's play to demonstrate it was a forgery, then. Even if you were daft enough to actually willingly enter into such an agreement, I could probably prove it false.

"Or we just find Rubio and beat the truth from him. Both routes would give me satisfaction."


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Nice snake picture. And I did NOT expect that little plot bit to come back into play))

While Quintus is away Tarkus asks about to see if he can acquire a significant amount of meat or a goat to use as bait for their plan. When Quintus returns and briefs the group he lifts an eyebrow hearing about the dodgy dealings of the Alydar gnome but resigns to concentrate on the task at hand. "Can always use magicks on gnome too, right?" He points to the map and suggests a scouting mission into the mines sooner rather than later for the rest of the group while Quintus is doing his thing.

He turns to the mage and asks "For magicks, how does it tell location of snake?" After Quin explains he tells the group "If we get location, we need to go and find spot to set trap."
"First I use Darkvision so I can see. Then I cast Scrying, will take an hour to cast by the way, and while this probably won't tell use where the snake is exactly, as I don't know the mines layout myself, it WILL let me get a good look at the creature, which will allow me some ability to track down the snake with the Locate Creature spell... unfortunately the spell has its limits, but I figure if we scope out the areas its been known to attack, we will hopefully be close enough for me to lock on to it."
"We and Ivor have seen this before..." he says about the snake possibly being a magical construct, "Alydar was attacked by giant spiders conjured by magic. We were not able to find the magician that had done so."


Evaneth shakes his head.

"I'm sorry, I meant to tell Val to do that. I'm apparently a bit unfocused at the moment. "

((I totally did mean to tell Val that. My bad))

Mike M

Nick N
"Hm? Valance? Even if I knew how to contact him right now, I don't know how helpful he'd be. He's probably more concerned with tracking down Valdemar's location."

With a snap of his fingers, he adds brightly, "Valerie may be able to help out though. She's not the same level, but as the mayor of Alydar, she's probably got a spy apparatus of her own functioning by this point. Plus, as a citizen, I guess Rubio is kind of her problem now?"

Closing his eyes and shaking his hands in front of him. "But we're losing sight of our immediate concern. We can worry about finding Rubio and delivering a truly world-class thrashing provided we're not eaten by some magic evil snake.

"Alright, assuming this is a summoned creature, will Quintus' plan still work? Is the snake a persistent entity, or something called forth as needed? Might we be able to try and pinpoint the location of the summoner instead?"
"If it is a summoned creature... then no, without knowing anything about the person summoning it, I won't be able to find them with this spell. Nor the snake if it is not currently summoned."
Tarkus is able to find a mountain goat slightly up the mountain (outside of the town's border) without much trouble. The innkeeper gives him a funny look when he brings it inside, buy doesn't say anything, since he knows what your mission is.

Quintus, given the notoriety of this snake, you're very confident that a Scrying attempt will be successful if you perform it in town, assuming that the snake is still alive and on this plane.
((Quintus, when you cast Scrying, make a Will save. Your character wouldn't know about this before casting it; I'm only telling you now to facilitate the post-by-post format))
Quintus, having totally planned ahead, left a few spell slots open so he'd be able to at least be able to cast the scrying spell today. So after giving himself Darkvision, he beings the hour long process of casting the scrying spell and then stares into the expensive mirror...

Will save: 1D20+9 => [ 9 ] +9 = 18
To Quintus's surprise, the ritual doesn't take an hour - it works almost immediately. The mirror turns black, no longer offering up a reflection, and Quintus (and Tarkus, if he's looking) sees the inside of a huge cavern in the mirror. In the foreground is an enormous green snake, coiled and seemingly at rest; in the background, the chasm from the maps is visible. The ground has tracks, meant for a mine cart, running near the snake.

Seconds after the snake appears in the mirror, the beast springs to life and seems to stare directly at Quintus. At this point, the mirror's darkness gives way to the image of the snake for everyone - including those without Darkvision.

Its eyes are hypnotic, and Quintus immediately realizes that it's attempting some sort of gaze attack through the mirror; luckily, the attack's potency is mitigated by the gulf through which it's attempting to pass, and he is able to resist its effects.

"Who daresssss sssspy on the Great and Powerful Sssssset, Lord of the Darknessssss and God of Ssssssserpentsssss?" it demands menacingly, in a loud whisper, yet with a surreal calmness. Everyone can hear it. Its head bobs to and fro in a loose figure 8 pattern. "You are powerful," it says, intrigued. You ccccertainly would make a more sssssatisfying meal than the dwarven ssssscraps I have been forccccced to endure. Come and facccce me, if you dare." The snake opens its mouth wide and strikes forward as if to consume the mirror from the other side, and then it disappears. The mirror reverts to its natural reflective state, but Quintus, you can sense exactly which direction to travel to reach the snake, as though you had cast Locate Creature.
Sarm slowly steps closer to the mirror when the snake presents itself for them all to see. He stands confidently unfazed by the threat of the talking snake and proclaims in response, "One who calls himself 'Lord of Darkness', I threaten to bring light to every corner you cast your shadow on."

((Can I do a knowledge check to see if hearing his name, Set, rings any bells about what he might know?))

((Also, threatening a giant snake that claims to be a god is probably a terrible idea, but I can't help it.))
The snake shifts its gaze toward Sarm ((Make a Will save, DC 18)). "Child of Pelor," it says contemptuously, spitting as it utters the god's name. "I shall enjoy the tassssste of your flesh most of all."

((The earlier Knowledge Religion check still applies. The name "Set" doesn't ring any bells at all. You've never even heard of him. You also recognize that he's acting kind of ridiculous and over the top. All of you do. That doesn't mean he's not powerful though; after all, he did hijack Quiintus's Scrying spell))
Will save: 1d20 + 13, rolled 3, total 16 ((And of course, I get a roll bad enough to make +13 Will fail. YOU HAD ONE JOB, SARM. ONE. JOB.))​

Mike M

Nick N
Val witnesses the spectacle of the unexpected confrontation with Set during Quintus' scrying attempt with practiced lack of discernible reaction.

"I'm not sure if that was better or worse than I imagined. Rather unusual for a god to manifest physically like that, isn't it? Not that I don't appreciate the direct approach, but that was rather... Melodramatic."
Sarm becomes entranced in the gaze of the serpent god, and for a moment tunes everything else out, completely mesmerized and unable to act.

After just a few seconds, lucidity returns to him, but he still feels a little out of sorts for a few more seconds ((Stunned for 1 round (except that you don't drop what you're holding); -2 to attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for one more round after that))

Also, since Val mentioned it, it IS very unusual for a god to manifest itself in the physical world, especially for an extended period of time. You're not really sure what to make of it, but something strange is going on.
Sarm doubts the snake a little TOO much, and fails to make any effort to resist its gazing power. Lost for a few seconds, he is soon brought back to the world with a slight blur in his vision and a bit of a head ache...

When hearing what Val says, he responds quickly to bring him back into the discussion, "I- I have never heard of this 'Set' before.." He tries to think for another second on what Val said, rubbing his forehead, "If he is truly the god of serpents, then why does he choose to live in a place where there are none of his kind?"
((rolled knowledge, got an 18...))

"This Set is clearly full of it. However, he certainly has some impressive powers which worries me as this is obviously a trap for us, which means they will probably be ready for most of what we can throw at them."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Staring into the abyss with Quintus, Tarkus tenses up, his eyes narrow and his hands gripping the hilt of his Greatsword at the sight of the large coiled serpent.

When it suddenly awakens and slithers towards them into sight of everyone Tarkus leaps back and draws his weapon, uncertain of its ability to affect them from the mirror. As his heart beats rapidly he remembers some errant folklore."Forsaken is creature forced to crawl, belly on ground." He breathes deeply and lowers his sword. Recovering, he flashes his own sharp incisors in a smile as he pats his belt where the Dire Croc fangs hang tied and secured. "Fang of god serpent be nice add to trophy belt."

When the spell fades his bravado is replaced by concern. "Ambush not possible. He expect us." Noticing Sarm standing in a daze, Tarkus sheathes his weapon and walks over to ask if he is okay. He closes his eyes to think and states out loud: "We meet him to battle soon. Most concern is fight against magick eyes."


Evaneth calmly watches Quintis scry for the snake, watching with Quintis as the dark confines of the cave are searched. He jerks back as the snake comes at them, barely managing to move away. Afterwards, he speaks.

"That was unexpected and somewhat worrisome. I agree that there will be no surprising that creature."

Mike M

Nick N
Val can't help but laugh at Quintus' assessment of Set's godliness. "With a little bit of showmanship and a pinch of flash powder, I could dupe the public into believing I was a great and powerful master of the arcane. I've long since wondered what someone with actual magical aptitude might accomplish, and now here we have someone doing precisely that, and looking ridiculous about it.

"In all seriousness though... We may have forfeited our element of surprise, but we've gained valuable intelligence in return. Our quarry is obviously more powerful than we suspected, but we can at least attempt to anticipate that now. Suddenly, a face-full of flaming grease seems an even better strategy than before..."
Sarm nods, finally starting to feel better, "Yes... I am alright.. I was foolish to let his gaze affect me, but so far it did not seem like anything that could not be done with learned magic."


Evaneth looks at Quintus.

"I would like to compare spells with you. To see how we can best plan our magical attacks upon this monster. I am not as varied or as studied as you, since my abilities are more spontaneous, but if we can find magical combinations that are effective, I fail to see why we should not use it to our advantage. If you prefer to do that in private I am more than willing to do so."

Evaneth awaits Quintus' reply.


bitch I'm taking calls.
While the wizard types are seeking council and preparing spells, Tarkus thinks on the physical side of things, placing an arm over Val and Sarm's shoulders. "Need to keep sight down. Aim for snake eye first. We have grease to use?" He grunts and says "I return with supplies."

Going back to the party's wagon he grabs the ever-burning torches, one of his potion of anti-toxen and his 50ft silk rope hoping to stow them in the handy haversack acquired by Val. While there, he takes the opportunity to let the scruffy goat he captured free, but it seems to just stand there when he lets it off the rope.

"Go, get outta here." He taps the gray-bearded creature lightly with his boot and it brays loudly in complaint. Tarkus frowns and waves his hands in front of the creature in a shoo motion. "Were meant snake food. Lucky for goat, plan fail. Now get!" As he turns to walk away the goat headbutts him in back of the legs and then starts chewing on his boot.

Tarkus spins around. and roars "ARTIFACT BOOT NOT FOOD FOR GOAT!" He leaves in haste to meet back up with the group and hand Val the supplies.
Evaneth looks at Quintus.

"I would like to compare spells with you. To see how we can best plan our magical attacks upon this monster. I am not as varied or as studied as you, since my abilities are more spontaneous, but if we can find magical combinations that are effective, I fail to see why we should not use it to our advantage. If you prefer to do that in private I am more than willing to do so."

Evaneth awaits Quintus' reply.

Quintus gives it some thought, but eventually agrees, "We'll probably need every advantage we can get."

((http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=60048 you can see all my spells on there, just scroll down and click the check box next to "Display Spells and Powers"))


Quintus gives it some thought, but eventually agrees, "We'll probably need every advantage we can get."

((http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=60048 you can see all my spells on there, just scroll down and click the check box next to "Display Spells and Powers"))

((That site is pretty cool. I'll get you a list of my spells/mysteries. I doubt my mysteries mix well, but hopefully some of my spells at least help. I really cannot wait to start my prestige class. It is reallllllly useful. Do you have an email account I can share a google docs to so you can see mine?))

Mike M

Nick N
((I guess we do have to start worrying about prestige classes in a while, huh? Nooooo idea what to do there, but I have plenty of time to think about.))
((The goat can become our very own "Uni the Unicorn", complete with modernized Brony artwork.))

((...I am okay with this, which probably comes as no surprise with my avatar http://images.wikia.com/mlp/images/0/01/Tie_munching_goat_s02e19.png))

"I think this Mesmerizing Shade... spell, could prove useful. Even if he resists the effects, it make weaken his mind and body enough so that he has a harder time resisting some of my own spells. And your summoning spells could be useful in keeping his attention away from our allies, if only for a short time."
((Assuming the Snake is evil (I hope it is), I can probably use Magic Circle of Evil to limit what it can do. I haven't used the spell before and it has a lot of rules, so I don't know how useful it actually is.))
((Sorry about my lack of posting. I was just sitting back as you guys interacted, and then today the election is taking up all my attention. Tomorrow I'll probably make a post giving Suvne a voice in the situation. Until then, enjoy the election coverage! :) ))
Quintus quite remember anyone else mentioning it so suggests the rest for the night, mostly just so he can have all his spells for the day.


Evaneth would suggest a guard, even here. Afterall, if the snake knows where they are, it could send someone/something after them.
Suvne has been quiet for a while, but she is pretty obviously restless, and almost appears frustrated when Quintus recommends waiting another night. "I'll stand watch," she says in reply to Evaneth. "I'm already too well-rested to sleep. I... I do hope we dispatch this false god at first light in the morning."

The next morning, Suvne appears slightly bleary-eyed, but otherwise none the worse for wear. She seems eager to first get a quick breakfast, and then get moving toward the mine.
After preparing new spells and praying to his god, Sarm passes out instantaneously like he always has in the past. He would wake up just fine though, it's just that his descent into sleep is never gradual anymore.

Mike M

Nick N
Val arrives in the morning laced into is vivid Vecna-green armor, carrying the enchanted belt and amulet he acquired.

"We still need to decide how to allocate these remaining items. The Amulet of Constitution I'm thinking would benefit Quintus the most, as he is perhaps our least robust member -- no offense, Quintus. On the other hand, it may better benefit one of us who are only effective up close.

"Now as to this belt... Tarkus is our heaviest hitter by far, so the question is do we want to augment that further, or elevate someone else to his league so we don't suddenly find ourselves at immense disadvantage should the... unthinkable occur?"

((Val's constitution is 12, I've no idea what anyone else's is. Does upping it effect anything except Skills that use the Con modifier? HP get a small boost?

If Val takes the belt, that's a 25% boost to his damage bonus, very respectable. And he's only good for melee in combat anyway.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus body is half on the bed and half off when he mindlessly rolls out and hits the ground with a thud. He groans and sits up, swearing to himself before splashing water over his face and heading outside to relieve himself. On the way back from the outhouse he sees a pair of yellow glowing eyes staring at him from the morning fog...

Staring back he notices them get closer and closer. Tarkus prepares to spring into action when galloping out from the mist is...

The gray goat he shoo'd off from earlier. It quickly headbutts him in the leg and begins to bray loudly.

"Goat! I strangle you and wear horn as trophy!" Tarkus growls. It headbutts him a few more times in response before seeming to look at Tarkus' boots suggestively. Tarkus quickly takes a few steps back and the goat follows him to the stable where his horse is feeding. He pours out some grain for it to feed upon. When he is certain the goat is fully committed to stuffing itself, he runs back to the common room of the inn.

Tarkus greets the rest of the party with a short grunt and takes in a quick meal of porridge. Finishing, he cracks his neck loudly. his joints sore after a long night pouring over the map of the mines before collapsing on his somewhat stiff bed. "Mountain men of Iron Hill must sleep like rock, too" he says, rubbing his neck and grimacing.

While Val discusses equipment allotment, Tarkus methodically straps himself into his full plate mail and begins to sharpen his bastard sword, his steel plate shield close at hand. At the mention of him being the heaviest hitter he says "I not take chances against snake, fake god or no. If snake more human than god, maybe I keep it focused on Tarkus." indicating his decision to play up his defenses as much as possible and distract the beast while the rest do their thing.

"No challenge for Val using belt. Needle sword seem better for find weaknesses." Satisfied with its sharpness, he sits up and straps his own sword to his back and his steel shield to his left forearm.

"Close quarter and area need set up in our favor for best fight. Also need blind snake-eye fast or use magicks against it." He turns to Quintus and asks "Can mirror used in combat?" his imagination thinking of ways to possibly strap the mirror to his shield or otherwise use it as a distraction against the snake.
Quintus gets up, does his nerdy little spell book stuff, then meets with the others. "Use the mirror when he attempts to use the gaze of his? Uhh... maybe. Might be to small... also its a bit expensive. As for the belt... I've got other ways I can deal with that problem."

((btw, other then skills(which is just concentration I think, which really only spell casters have to worry about), a belt of con should give you +1 hp per level, per con bonus it provides(so a +6 belt(+3 total bonus) should give you +24 max hp at level 8) as well as +1 to fort for each bonus(+3 again)))
((I'd say that a melee person would benefit more from the HP since I've seen Quintis easily stay back from danger while still able to contribute.))

Sarm catches up with the rest of the party late, just putting the finishing touches on getting his armor strapped in. When Tarkus speaks of the mirror that they have, he says, "Be careful if you use the mirror.. There may be a chance it could fail." ((DC 14-15 whatever it was seems so iffy...))

He then sees the goat coming along, and he says, "It seems our sacrifice has taken a liking to you."


Evaneth would gear up and wait for everyone else to be ready.

"Tarkus and I naturally have Darkvision so we have an advantage over those without it. However, we will also be more susceptible to the creature's gaze attack. I will try to blind it with my ability but we can expect it to be a nasty fight. "
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