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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Suvne listens quietly and patiently as she sips her porridge, clearly eager to get moving but also respectful of the group's desire to come up with a coherent plan. She is already fully equipped, with her sword resting in its scabbard by her side.

The common area of the inn is half-full of burly miner types, eating breakfast. Some of them steal curious glances at your group, and a hint of skepticism can be detected if you look hard enough, but it's not disrespectful.

As the party is finishing up their breakfast, the front door opens as a patron walks in. Right behind him comes the goat that Tarkus had momentarily distracted earlier. It marches straight to the half-orc, nuzzles his leg affectionately, and then gets to work attempting to chew on the boot (the boot continues to be unaffected, despite the goat's perseverance). There's not much of a reaction from the crowd, apart from a few chuckles; the innkeeper either doesn't seem to notice, or doesn't care.


((Tarkus can add +1 Goat to his inventory.

Also, Quintus's assessment of the merits of a Belt of Constitution are accurate))

Mike M

Nick N
((Well technically it was an amulet of Con+4, but the point is taken. I'll gladly give it to Val, unless we want to buff Suvne. Val's seemingly made of glass, he's good for like two hits in a fight.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus listens to Quintus' counsel regarding the mirror and stands up. "Will have to do for blinding or damage eye." He checks the straps on his shield arm and hands out the supplies he gathered from the cart. He gives everyone but Evaneth an ever-burning torch and to Suvne he hands a potion of anti-toxin, giving her a stern look. "Snakebite venom not joke."

To Val he gives his 50ft silk rope to stow in the handy haversack. "No know depth of chasm, may need for safe navigate." In his own utility belt he stores two potions of Cure Moderate Wounds.

Satisfied everyone is suited up and ready, Tarkus leads the group into the mines.

"Now, to exterminate."

[Tarkus AC 24 since changing into his plate and shield]

Mike M

Nick N
Val swaps the amulet he acquired from the shopkeep with Suvne's own. Donning it and the belt of strength, he feels definitely more... fortified than previously. Adding Tarkus' silk rope to his own belongings, he transfers everything from his trunk into the handy haversack ((Come hell or high water, I'm keeping this thing when we're done with this quest. Do you know how much shit Val carts around in that trunk? Maybe now it'll see some use)) and slings it over his shoulder. "Wish I knew something that snakes had a distaste for, I might be inclined to roll around in it like a dog if I thought it would increase our chances of survival."


Once inside the mine, Val is more than happy to let Evaneth and Tarkus take the lead, as their vision is not as impaired as the rest of the party. Hold in the everburning torch aloft above his head, Val wonders if perhaps lanterns would have been a better choice, since the radiant light of the torches impairs their night vision whereas the light of a directional lantern would only illuminate where it was pointed. Of course, everything he knows about night vision comes from working at night, not in the depths of a mine infested with giant would-be god snakes. In the complete absence of any and all ambient light, experience in prowling along in the dead of night in city streets hardly seems applicable.


((From my understanding, the light helps you guys see, but as long as we don't look into it it shouldn't affect us that badly vision wise.))
Suvne takes Tarkus's warning seriously, carefully placing the antivenom in her belt, for easy access.

Tarkus's goat follows him into and through the mines if he doesn't restrain it somehow; it seems to have taken a liking to the half-orc.

The entrance to the mines is on the fourth (and uppermost) level of Iron Hill. It's roped off, with a sign warning of danger within, but the ropes can easily be stepped over (or under).


The inside of the mine is relatively well-lit. There are sconces with everburning torches on either side of each hallway, spaced regularly throughout. There is a gentle slope downward as you progress, and the air steadily grows cooler and damper, the further down you go; there is not much of an odor in the air, other than a vague metallic scent, and only for those with particularly sensitive noses. Things are eerily quiet; nothing seems to be making a sound, apart from the six of you. There is an uneasy feeling in the air, and Sarm and Suvne recognize that it's coming from the fact that so many dwarves recently lost their lives here.

The layout of the mines matches up exactly with the map, including the scale of the illustration. There is a central corridor leading from the main entrance, and cart tracks run all the way down it. The mines begin with a series of interconnecting hallways that are lined with residences, and this continues for an eighth of a mile or so; past that, the work areas can be found. The central corridor widens here, and other hallways branch off from that corridor; the cart tracks also branch off to these longer hallways, and down some of those branching hallways you can see carts on the tracks that could theoretically still be used.

Quintus finds that he can still sense the direction to travel in order to find the snake (courtesy of the snake's magicks), and it's telling him to continue down the central corridor; this would be consistent with the apparent location of the snake, near the chasm.

Eventually, the branching corridors stop appearing, and the main corridor widens further - it must be upwards of forty feet across. Accordingly, the cart tracks split off into two separate, parallel lines; also accordingly, things get somewhat darker, since the torches lining the walls are further apart (this doesn't affect anyone's vision much, but it does create a more ominous atmosphere). This continues for another half mile.

Up ahead, the corridor ends in an entryway into a very, very large cavern; according to the map, this would be the area with the chasm (after about fifty feet of solid ground past the entryway). This is where Quintus's senses suggest that the snake can be found.
Sarm keeps his mouth silenced during the trip down into the mines, keeping his composure unharmed by the thoughts of upcoming danger. He lifts the rope of the warning sign to help everyone pass under it.


Evaneth heeds Quintus' words and slows, already beginning to prepare to cast his Mesmerizing Shade mystery to try and blind the snake's eyes.

(low whisper to Quintus)

"Should we go in with me doing this at the start or wait for a signal from you?"
Quintus whispers back, "You go ahead and start as soon as you see it, this thing can apparently shallow people whole so we will want to slow it down as quickly as possible." but finds himself wondering why the creature seems to be hiding when the creature practically rolled out the red carpet for them to come here...
Quintus whispers back, "You go ahead and start as soon as you see it, this thing can apparently shallow people whole so we will want to slow it down as quickly as possible." but finds himself wondering why the creature seems to be hiding when the creature practically rolled out the red carpet for them to come here...

((Just to clarify... the snake isn't necessarily hiding. You just feel that it's up ahead in the next room. I only paused here to give you guys an opportunity to engage/plan/whatever, rather than suddenly thrusting you directly into the battle with no break while traveling through the mine))
((Since we actually know when we're going into battle, will it be possible to cast Owl's Wisdom on somebody and have plenty of time for it to last throughout the battle?

I am thinking of casting it on Tarkus, so that he'll have a better Will saving throw.))
((Just to clarify... the snake isn't necessarily hiding. You just feel that it's up ahead in the next room. I only paused here to give you guys an opportunity to engage/plan/whatever, rather than suddenly thrusting you directly into the battle with no break while traveling through the mine))

((Ahh, alright.)

Quintus casts shield on himself and will prepare to cast haste on the party before they engage in battle.

((btw how high is the ceiling? By which I mean, if I cast polymorph how big I get?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus shakes his head at the goat as it enters the mine behind them. Before they reach the chasm, he picks it up and puts it inside a minecart laying absent beside the tracks. "For your own good."

As they approach the entrance to the expanded mine area he unsheathes his bastard sword and lowers his gaze toward the ground, hoping to use his peripheral darkvision to puck up movement while hopefully avoiding the large snake's gaze.

Mike M

Nick N
When the party stops, Val looks around to evaluate their tactical options. Though he lacks the visual acuity to pierce the darkness, he can sense the yawning chasm -- and likely Set -- threatening just beyond their field of vision.

"It might behoove us to arrange ourselves here and draw him out to us," he whispers hoarsely. "I'd rather not cede him any advantage that we needn't."
((Quintus - the ceiling is a good fifteen feet up here, and in the cavern ahead it's much higher.

Sarm - assuming that it's a "one minute per level" spell, then you definitely can do what you're asking))

As Val finishes his sentence, a voice echoes from ahead. "I can sssssenssse you are clossssse," the snake-god taunts. "Have you losssssst your nerve, mortalsssss? You wish to vanquissssh me; here I ssssstand, ready to faccccccce you. Come, so that I may feasssst on your flesh!" Ahead, the shadowy figure of a gigantic snake slithers across the opening into the cavern. It's looking directly at you as it passes.
Sarm darts his gaze around as they draw closer to the Lord of Darkness. He places a hand on Tarkus' shoulder and casts a Cleric spell. Tarkus will feel his mind having more clarity and insight.

((+4 Enchantment Bonus to Wisdom, which consequentially gives you +2 to your Will Saves.))

He continues to remain silent as to not draw attention to themselves.


((Does Sarm or Suvne have any sort of Intelligence, Charisma, or Wisdom boost at this time? If not, would either of you want a boost? Its a minute per level, so it would last for 4 minutes, which would be a good part of this fight. The Mesmerizing Shade only lasts 1 round, so its a one shot chance. ))

Mike M

Nick N
Val observes the movement of the giant serpent, the darkness on deeper darkness gliding across the entrance of the cavern. Drawing his rapier from is sheath, he wonders if perhaps he should have invested in explosives to use as distraction after all.

Gripping the hilt with white knuckle tension, he says, "Well, I think we can safely say we'll not be enjoying the element of surprise.

"Ready when you are..."
((Does Sarm or Suvne have any sort of Intelligence, Charisma, or Wisdom boost at this time? If not, would either of you want a boost? Its a minute per level, so it would last for 4 minutes, which would be a good part of this fight. The Mesmerizing Shade only lasts 1 round, so its a one shot chance. ))
((Sarm has a +2 to Wisdom, so you can cast it on Suvne, or if Val doesn't have any Wisdom boosts, on him if you want.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus thanks Sarm and closes his eyes. He begins to feel a tingling in his eyebrows and then suddenly he feels more enlightened than ever before, like a torch in his head that was burning dimly had suddenly burst into a brilliant flame. As the familiar jitter from Quintus' hastening begins to take hold Tarkus grabs a lit everburning torch and throws it into the chamber as far as he can before steeling himself and stepping inside.
((Alright, I'll take this as a signal that everyone is charging forward, since now you guys have buffs on that have a time limit. Evaneth has time to cast his buff spell before you all go in, though.))

With any possibility of a sneak attack now lost, the party moves forward, emboldened by the enchantments that are currently augmenting their abilities. With superhuman speed, they charge through the remainder of the tunnel and into the cavern.

This cavern is far larger than it appeared from the confined view through Quintus's mirror. In fact, given how dark it is over the cliff and past the reach of the Everburning Torches lining the back wall, it's impossible to tell just how far back it goes; it certainly extends way, way past the limits of both Tarkus's and Evaneth's vision. The ceiling of this room is also easily hundreds of feet up, which becomes obvious by how sound echoes in here.

Set, the Snake God, awaits the party as they enter, perhaps twenty feet from the opening into the cavern. He is easily twenty feet long, and appears to be a living stereotype of what would spring to mind at the mention of a Snake God. It has the hood-like skin flaps protruding from the side of its head; it has two abnormally long fangs extending down from its mouth; it periodically sticks out a forked tongue; the bottom half of it is coiled into a pile (so it could actually be much longer than 20 feet long if the coil were unwinded); and the very end of its tail has a rattler that idly jingles when the snake moves. Its eyes are both a hypnotic pattern, though it's easy enough to passively avoid it for now ((basically, it has to actually use its gaze attack in order for you to be affected by it)).

"Welcome to the ssssite of my reassssscension," it says menacingly. "Sssso good of you to join me. I have been trapped in this accursssssssed cave for hundredssss of thoussssandsss of years, and it issss quite convenient that you have been kind enough to bring me the sssssoulsss of my fellowssss in the Pantheon. Oncccce I devour the Gauntlet, the Belt, the Bootssss, and the Rod, I will be sssstrong enough to essscape thissss backwater Plane and return to my rightful placccce in the Asssstral Ssssea! Prepare to meet your end, mortalssss!"

((Begin Combat. Because the snake insisted on monologueing, you guys automatically have first initiative. Just as a reminder, there is quite a bit of ground in this room before the cliff; you have a good fifty feet to work with, and the snake isn't particularly close to the edge, so the fact that there's a dropoff elsewhere in the room probably won't factor into the combat unless someone wants to make it matter.))
Sarm will start off by ignoring Set's boastful words and instead ask for help from his own god through a prayer.

Sarm and his allies get +1 Luck Bonus to Attack Rolls, Weapon Damage Rols, Skill Checks, and Saving Throws ((The duration is based on rounds, so I couldn't cast this buff before hand.))

Assuming Sarm can move at least 40 feet close and has done so, (shouldn't be too much of a problem judging by the "fifty feet to work with" guideline you gave) the Prayer can negatively affect Set as well.

Prayer Caster Level roll - 1d20 + 9 = 20​

Suvne will move with Tarkus and go into Total Defense this round.
Quintus will wait for Evaneth to cast his spell, then follow it up with Confusion(dc 21).

Caster level check: 1D20+8 => [ 16 ] +8 = 24
((might not be needed, but no harm in making sure I guess.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Write-up forthcoming when I've got time, just want to be sure I've got my ducks in a row on all the modifiers in play. Right now there's a +2 to BAB (Haste + Luck), and a +4 to damage (Haste + belt of strength +6), right?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus ignores the Set's monologue and moves forward to engage it with the hastened strikes of his bastard sword.

Attack 1: 1d20 [9] + 12 [BAB] + 2 [Prayer/Haste] = 23

((Ah right, edited accordingly.))
((Val - add another +3 to BAB from the strength bonus, and subtract 1 from the damage (Haste doesn't help damage).

Also Tarkus, haste only gives you the extra attack on a full-attack action, so I'm only counting the first attack, which misses))

Mike M

Nick N
Watching Tarkus fling himself headlong into the fight before Set has scarcely finished ssssspeaking, Val follows in kind a fraction of a second later. Being of slighter build and not possessing any of the holy relics that Set seeks to consume, he gambles that he won't be viewed as a desirable target. Not knowing where on a particularly malevolent giant chariacture of a snake would be a good spot to strike something vital, he stabs blindly.

((I'd like to flank with Tarkus and take my Improved Flanking for a spin, but I don't know if I can do that in the same turn))

Attack:  1d20 + 15 + 5 (Haste/Prayer/Belt of Strength) = 32
Damage:  1d6 + 12 + 4 (Prayer/Belth of Strength) = 18


Evaneth does not wait for the Snake God to finish talking. He immediately uses his mystery Mystic Reflections on him.

Castor Level:

1D20+8 => [ 16 ] +4 = 20

((Multiclassing can hurt sometimes lol))

Spell DC: 10 + 1 (spell level) + 5 (CHA mod) = 16

This is a will save.

If the DC is failed then the subject is dazed.
If the save succeeds then the daze effect is avoided, but either way the creature has a -1 to attacks, checks, and saves.

((Sadly, this only lasts for a round. ))

Evaneth does not wait to see if his spell sticks or not. He begins preparations for his next move immediately.
((Evaneth, I tried finding that spell you used. I think you got the name wrong, because Mystic Reflections, according to the book, is just your class's version of Detect Magic. I tried finding the actual spell you used and couldn't come up with anything, so I'm going to assume that it's a mind-affecting spell, since it's a Will Save.

Snake is unaffected by Confusion, Prayer, and Evaneth's spell because it is immune to mind-affecting effects. It does NOT have Spell Resistance, though.

Snake uses its Gaze attack on Evaneth as a free action. DC 20 Will Save, or Evaneth is stunned for 1 round and gets -2 to all checks on the following round.

Snake attempts to grapple Quintus. He succeeds on his Touch Attack roll (natural 20). Grapple check of 29. If you don't meet or beat that, you are grappled and take 15 damage from being constricted. While grappled you are unable to cast any spells which require somatic components.))

Set is surprised by the party's complete disregard for what he has to say. "Foolssss," it hisses angrily. "I will teach you to show proper ressssspect to a God!" As Tarkus tries to hack at the beast with his sword, Set springs into action, darting out of Tarkus's path with lightning-quick agility and making a beeline for Quintus.

Val, rather than charging blindly forward, positions himself just so that he is in a flanking position with his half-orc companion, and finds the optimal moment to strike, poking a sizable hole in the creature's scaly body.

As Suvne hangs back to assess the situation, the three casters go to work in a bid to keep the snake away from Quintus. They quickly find that while this creature has no innate protection against magic in general, mind-affecting magicks do not seem to have any effect on it. It makes its way to the unfortunate wizard and coils the lower half of its body around him, trying to trap him. Meanwhile, it turns its head to meet Evaneth's gaze, and the Shadowcaster finds himself in a battle of wills with the creature as it tries to incapacitate him. "You wish to get insssssside my head?" it taunts, "You will not like what you find there..."

((So, Tarkus and Val have the snake flanked; Quintus is probably grappled by it in the center of the battlefield; and Suvne, Sarm, and Evaneth are hanging back for now. Whoever gets in melee range of the snake WILL have a Flanking bonus on their attack roll. Begin Round 2))


((It was Mesmerizing Shade, im sorry. Im a bit tired. Been up for 72 hours for work and such. The two spells are side by side in the description part of my book. ))


Evaneth watches as the mystery he casts does not affect the creature. He sees the snake begin to encircle Quintus. Knowing this could be bad, he begins to taunt the creature when he instead finds himself in a battle of wills.

Will Saving throw:


Evaneth pushes aside the snake's attempt to stun him.

"I may not look like much now, but I've faced off against much more powerful foes than you snake."

Evaneth wishes that he had half the powers he used to have still. This snake would be no issue at all then. Knowing that this is another lesson for him in its own right, he does not linger on these thoughts and instead attempts to help Quintus by giving the snake a major distraction.

"Lets see how you like this!"

Evaneth casts Burning Hands right in the snake's face, since, well, it is right there in front of him and blocking anyone else from being hurt.

DC = 10 + 1 (Spell Level) + 5 (CHA Mod) = 16

Damage Roll


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus grits his teeth in frustration, his haste to charge having allowed allowing Set to deftly avoid his opening move. He see's the serpent begin to grapple Quintus and steps into a swift three-point attack, his last attempting to cut into its scaly flesh by putting his enter weight behind an overhand slash.

Attack 1: 1d20 [8] + 12 (BAB) + 2 (Flanking) + 2 (Haste/Prayer) = 24
Damage: [spoiler]1d10 [10] + 6 + 1 = 17[/spoiler]

Attack 2: 1d20 [7] + 12 + 2 + 2 = 23
Damage: [spoiler]1d10 [4] + 6 + 1 = 11[/spoiler]

Attack 3: 1d20 [19] + 12 + 2 + 2 = 35
Critical Confirmation: 1d20 [17] + 12 + 2 + 2 = 33
[spoiler]Damage: 1d10x2 [7] + 12 + 2 = 21[/spoiler]

Mike M

Nick N
While there is no doubt that Set poses them a grave threat, Val would probably be finding his melodramatic professions of villainy to be comedic. Given the circumstances, however, he's finding it merely highly irritating instead. Taking advantage of the fact that the serpent is caught between him and the half-orc, he voices his displeasure while punctuating his words with rapier strikes.

"Do. Shut. Up!"

Attack 1:  1d20 + 24 = 33
Damage:  1d6 + 15 = 18

Attack 2:  1d20 + 19 = 37
Confirming Critical:  1d20 + 19 = 27
Damage: 2d6 + 30 = 38

Haste Attack:  1d20 + 24 = 38
Damage: 1d6 + 15 = 20
Suvne decides to rush in and take the opportunity to attack with the others especially now that she has an opponent that allows her to. Her armor clangs as she jogs in with a glowing sword held, and smashes into the dark god's scales with the sword blurring into a beam of light. ((Yes, everybody. I have found a way to work Lightsabers into fluff.))

Smite Evil Attack Roll: 1d20 + 11 + 1 + 1 = 28
Damage: 1d8 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 6, 19​


((Actually, you know what? Quintis will probably have to use an action to break free anyway, so I'll go ahead and cast Freedom of Movement on him)).

Sarm rushes up in front of the Snake, where Quintis was wrapped and comes to his aid. Sarm casts Freedom of Movement and after he does so yells to Quintis, "Free yourself!" and reaches to touch Quintis' head to channel the spell's power.
lolGrapple: 1D20+5 => [ 15 ] +5 = 20

Quintus gets bad touched by Set, but slips free thanks to Sarm and runs away, preparing to cast a spell... If the damn thing doesn't get him again.
((Quintus escapes the grapple and retreats.

Snake attempts to grapple Sarm. Touch attack succeeds (17 vs Touch AC). Grapple check: 45. If you don't meet or beat that, your spell casting is restricted as described earlier when Quintus was grappled, and you take 16 damage.

Snake also uses its gaze attack on Val. DC 20 will save or you're stunned for 1 round and get -2 to rolls on the following round.))

Set is enraged that Quintus was able to slip from his grasp, and directs that rage at Sarm, once again coiling the lower half of its body around him and squeezing.

Val, Tarkus, and Suvne use that opening to unleash on the unholy monstrosity; Tarkus is a bit off his game today, missing the first two swings, but making up for it with a particularly nasty direct hit. Suvne is able to channel the power of Pelor into her blade, and the sun-kissed broadsword sears into the creature's flesh. Val seems to be on the top of his game today, having enjoyed a huge boost in offensive power from his new belt, and pokes three more deep, penetrating holes into the snake's body.

Realizing that ignoring Val may have been a mistake after that last round of blows, Set glares at him, hoping to earn himself a little breathing room. "No one tellssssss the Lord of Darknesssssss to ssssssshut up!" he bellows, and his voice echoes through the vast, dark cavern.

Mike M

Nick N
((Rolled a 3 on my Will check, all the modifiers in the world isn't going to fix that, LOL))

Val's stinging remarks and blows apparently have wounded pride and body alike, as he has finally warranted the attention of the would-be/former god.

He knows he shouldn't meet Set's gaze, but the serpent's neck is pliable beyond expectation, and has no problem inserting himself squarely in Val's view. A pithy remark is stillborn upon his lips as the luminous irises of the god-snake's eyes seem to expand to consume Val's entire field of vision, and he finds himself lost in the depths of their infinite kaleidoscope of facets...
((Do crits even work on such ridiculously high grapple DCs? I rolled a 9.))

Sarm is immediately pulled into the crippling grip of the gigantic monstrosity just as soon as he has freed Quintis. He can feel the pressure in his face begin to boil and his bones beginning to disjoint. Still, the Cleric struggles to grunt these words to the dark god with confidence even in the worst of times, "It must... Have been your arrogance... Agh.. That has banished you here and rendered you forgotten..." Honestly, Sarm may be just as bad as Set when it comes to mouthing off.

All he can truly do is attempt to break free otherwise.

Suvne, envigored by the power of her new god, is determined to show the power of the sun in her blade.

Grapple Escape (Full Action)
1. 1d20 + 6 + 4 = 20
2. 1d20 + 1 + 4 = 14

Full Attack
1. Smite Evil: 1d20 + 11 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 39
Confirming Critical: 1d20 + 11 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 22
Damage: 1d8 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 6 = 16

2. 1d20 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 21

3. 1d20 + 11 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 20​

((I am not sure I'm interpreting Smite Evil's rules on what "one normal melee attack" means, and I am assuming that pretty much anything 25 and under is a miss, so correct me if I'm wrong on anything.))

((EDIT: Forgot flanking bonuses, I don't think it changes the results of Suvne's attacks though.))
"Let's see how you like squeezed snake god! ...You guys may want to move back a bit." shouts Quintus, then he casts Black Tentacles, hopefully in a spot that won't hit any of his allies and still get Set.

Tentacles Grapple check: 1D20+8+8 => [ 6 ] +8+8 = 22


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus takes a breath as he watches Quintus slip out of the giant snake's grip thanks to Sarm's timely intervention. He cheers Evaneth as the otherworldly warrior stares right back at Set and rebuffs his hypnotic attempts. As Set begins to hiss in anger, Tarkus pivots to regain flank on the serpentine beast. After discharging his anger in a series of blows he notes in horror through his peripheral dark vision that Val appears frozen in the gaze of the snake.

Attack 1: 1d20 [14] + 12 (BAB) + 2 (Flanking) + 2 (Haste/Prayer) = 30
Damage if Hit: [spoiler]1d10 [4] + 6 + 1 = 11[/spoiler]

Attack 2: 1d20 [17] + 12 + 2 + 2 = 33
Damage if Hit: [spoiler]1d10 [4] + 6 + 1 = 11[/spoiler]

Attack 3: 1d20 [1] + 12 + 2 + 2 = 17
Damage if Hit: [spoiler]please don't impale yourself tarkus lol[/spoiler]

((natural 1, ruh-roh))


((Oh boy, that 1 should be interesting))

Evaneth backs up as Quintus casts Black Tentacle and grins as the snake takes his Burning Hands spell right in the face.

"Val! Snap out of it!"

Evaneth casts Summon Monster 2, using it to summon Celestial Owls.

number Summoned:

Roll a D6, 1-2 = 1; 3-4 = 2; 5-6 = 3


3 it is!

Evaneth casts the summons and three Celestial Owls heed his summons and arrive in the air above everyone.

((Since I have to wait until next turn to order them about I will do so.))
((Snake maintains its grapple on Sarm. Sarm takes 16 more damage.

Snake's grapple check against the Tentacles is a 57 (off of a natural 20), so they don't affect him at all this round - though they will try again next round.

Tarkus's Critical Fail accidentally hits Sarm instead of the snake. Sarm takes 10 damage.

Snake uses its Gaze attack on Suvne. Suvne must make a 20 DC Will Save or be stunned for 1 round.

Snake uses its first attack on Tarkus: 35 to hit. Tarkus takes 25 damage. It uses its second attack on Tarkus; 27 to hit. Tarkus takes 25 more damage Make two DC 20 Fortitude saves; if you fail the first, lose 1 Constitution and don't roll the other one. If you pass the first but fail the second, lose 4 Constitution. This may affect your HP total.

Val, your Stunned effect ends and you are able to act normally, but you get a -2 to all attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws for 1 round))

While Set got off to a rocky start, things seem to be turning to his favor. He has Sarm firmly in place where he wants him, Val has been removed from the battle as far as he's concerned, he just savagely chewed Tarkus up into so much minced meat, and he is about to put the belligerent Paladin under his spell.

Black tendrils writhe up from the ground, seemingly from another dimension, but Set only laughs at their pathetic attempts to constrict him. They do, however, get a fairly solid grip on the portions of Sarm that are not already clenched by the snake. "What a pathetic dissssplay," he says with satisfied derision. He addresses Evaneth, "If thessse pitiful owlsss are an indication of the godlike powersssss you professssss to have oncccce possessssed, then you have a thing or two to learn about what it isssss to be a GOD."

Tarkus is undeterred by the chunks that were just bitten out of him by Set and cleaves into it twice more, but the wounds and their poison have taken their toll, and he accidentally grazes Sarm with the third blow (who is difficult to avoid in the position he's in).

Suvne is also able to connect on Set, and the snake looks like it's been worn down quite a bit, but is still very much alive... and hungry.

((Begin Next Round. The narrative suggests that the snake went first last round, but only for story-telling effect; you guys still have first initiative each round.

Also, to address Sarm's question about rolling 20s and 1s on Grapple checks. For opposed rolls, I don't count 20s as auto-successes or 1s as auto-fails; instead, I give a 20 on the die an additional +10 and I give a 1 an additional -10. This solves the problem of what to do when both contestants roll a 20. Just a rule of thumb that a DM of mine used and I picked up on. Don't put that in your own calculations though; I'll take care of it if it comes up))

Mike M

Nick N
Val comes too feeling like he was just jolted out of a deep slumber. Everything in his mind is jumbled and confused, and he feels heavy and slow, as though he is moving through some viscous fluid while everyone about him is unencumbered.

This is no time for demonstrating wittiness. Val needs to end this as quickly as possible, and puts all the wavering force he can possibly muster behind his unsteady blows.

Attack 1:  1d20 + 22 = 32
Damage:  1d6 + 15 = 16

Attack 2:  1d20 + 17 = 30
Damage: 1d6 + 15= 18

Haste Attack:  1d20 + 22 = 29
Damage: 1d6 + 15 =  21

((-2 penalty ain't too terrible.))
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