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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

((Incoming wave of really good rolls ahead))

Grapple Escape (Full Action)
1. 1d20 + 6 + 4, rolled 9 = 19
2. 1d20 + 1 + 4, rolled 1 = 6 ((I like to think this 1 is a direct result of Tarkus' 1))

Will Save - 1d20 + 6 + 1, rolled 17 = 24

Full Attack
1. 1d20 + 11 + 1 + 1 + 2, rolled 3 = 18

2. 1d20 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 2, rolled 19 = 29 | Damage:
1d8 + 1 + 4 + 1, rolled 6 = 12
Confirming Critical: 1d20 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 2, rolled 20 = 30 | Damage:
1d8 + 1 + 4 + 1, rolled 2 = 8

3. 1d20 + 11 + 1 + 1 + 2, rolled 19 | Damage:
1d8 + 1 + 4 + 1, rolled 4 = 10
Confirming Critical: 1d20 + 11 + 1 + 1 + 2, rolled 16 = 31 | Damage:
1d8 + 1 + 4 + 1, rolled 7 = 13

The snake coils to gaze into Suvne's eyes, but they're only met by a piercing drive that stands up and overcomes the Snake's power at least for that moment. Her body suddenly blurs into a lashing of swings with a curdling battle cry, aiming to slice at the eyes which dare to approach her so closely and challenge her and the god protecting her.

Sarm is... not doing anywhere near as well. The pain from the squeezing and the Snake using him as a shield by carrying him by the tail to get hit by one of Tarkus' attacks leaves him too pained to make a decent effort of escaping.


Evaneth ignores the God's taunts, knowing they are just there to distract him. He quickly orders the three Owls to attack Set.

Since the snake is still nearby Evaneth decides to try and slow him down a bit. Evaneth touches the snake and a wave of necromantic energy flows forth, attempting to drain life and energy from Set while fatiguing him.

((Life Fades))

((Incoming great damage roll for me!))

Damage Roll (Non Lethal)


((Also, Set will be fatigued for 4 rounds unless he succeeds a fortitude save of DC 16. ))
Quintus casts Slow on Set (DC 20) and the tentacles do their thing again.
Grapple: 1D20+8+8 => [ 5 ] +8+8 = 21

((Wait a second... is Sarm touching the ground or has the snake lifted him off of it?))
((Wait a second... is Sarm touching the ground or has the snake lifted him off of it?))

((For rules purposes, he's still on the ground, with the snake's body wrapped around and constricting him. The snake's very long reach, and the fact that its primary weapon is not involved in the grapple, is allowing it to strike out at the party unimpeded. Sarm took a little liberty in describing the snake as dragging him around, which is fine, but in terms of the actual rules, he's standing on the ground, grappled))
((In that case, I would like to use Baleful Transposition instead of Slow, switching places with Sarm. Though I'm guessing with the spell being my standard action I won't be able to escape till next turn... Which is fine.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus staggers back, both in momentary flinch from the biting strikes of the snake god and in horror from accidentally aiming a shearing cut down Sarm's side. He roars his frustration into a fierce shout, punctuating each word with a slash of his bastard sword. redoubling his efforts to bring Set down.

"Call this strength of a god?! You. Are. Nothing!"

[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3795659/"]Hit Rolls[/URL] & [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3795660/"]Damage Rolls[/URL]

Attack 1: 1d20 [4] + 12 (BAB) + 2 (Flanking) + 2 (Haste/Prayer) = 20
Damage if Hit: [spoiler]1d10 [6] + 6 + 1 = 13[/spoiler]

Attack 2: 1d20 [18] + 12 + 2 + 2 = 34
Damage if Hit: [spoiler]1d10 [4] + 6 + 1 = 11[/spoiler]

Attack 3: 1d20 [15] + 12 + 2 + 2 = 31
Damage if Hit: [spoiler]1d10 [9] + 6 + 1 = 16[/spoiler]

[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3795644/"]Fortitude Save[/URL]: 1d20 [9] + 10 = 19.
-1 Constitution (17-1=16)
HP: 30

Pausing after the attacks he begins to feel a thick, creeping nausea as the serpent's venom begins to work its way into his body. Shaking his head, he spits on the ground and uses his shield arm to quickly wipe the sweat and blood out of his eyes. He steadies his breathing and concentrates on maintaining his footing as a pool of blood begins to form under his feet.
As Tarkus's blade digs firmly into the flesh of the beast, it seems to provoke two distinct sounds. One is the god-snake screaming in anguish, frustration, and pain as the life seems to seep from its body.

The other is a loud, muffled explosion, coming from the tunnel you used to get here.

In front of your eyes, the gargantuan snake begins to shrink. Its tail loosens and pulls away from Quintus, who had just appeared in Sarm's place, and the body undergoes a transformation into a normal-sized human corpse... wearing a green cloak, consistent with that of a member of the Arm of Vecna cult.

The only remnant of snake anatomy that remains are the two fangs that had been protruding from the top of its mouth - and as the human body slumps to the ground, the fangs fall out of its mouth, attached to some kind of mouthpiece that's meant to fit over your teeth. It appears to be made of bone, and it has a strong magical aura, consistent with the other artifacts you've collected.

Meanwhile, behind you, the tunnel is collapsing, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. For a few minutes, the violent crashes of boulders and collapsing support structures fill the air (though none of you are in danger of being crushed; it's all going on within the tunnel). When all is said and done, the passage into the tunnel is completely blocked by the cave-in.

The only path available to you runs along the minecart tracks, which continue over a bridge that crosses the giant chasm. There is an empty minecart near the edge of the cliff (on the tracks). According to the map you've brought with you, the bridge continues for a good three or four miles. The bridge is made entirely of metal, and is traversable on foot, and wide enough for two people to comfortably walk side by side; the cart is also large enough for all six of you to fit without it being too cramped.

A seesaw-like locomotion device, with a handle on each end, operable by either one or two people, is built into the center of the cart. It appears that the harder and faster the seesaw gets pumped, the faster the cart moves.

In the eerie stillness and quiet, you can hear the sound of rushing water coming from below; though it's not visible from here, it seems like an underground river is flowing beneath the cliff.
Sarm would normally resist Quintis' spell to prevent him from being in danger if he could, but knowing that he had cast Freedom of Movement, he is able to see the ingenious logic behind the stunt.

It takes his brain a moment to process the new image of suddenly viewing the false god from farther away. He gets a view of Suvne and Tarkus' fighting valiantly and ultimately killing Set, or what turns out to be a vessel that he has occupied.

Looking behind him as the explosion goes, the rocks collapse and not knowing the extent of the falling pieces of earth, he covers himself up instinctively.. Once he realizes what had happened, he looks back over to the deflating creature.

Sarm gets up and pops several bones in his body. He stumbles over the loss of feeling that his legs have. He feels fortunate to not have any part of his skeleton shattered. Carrying himself over to the body of what seems to be a Vecna cultist: it was their work all along as originally expected, and concludes what he thinks of the god of darkness, "For one that shuns the mortal for their vulnerability, we have shown him to be the most mortal of us all.. But what now...?"

He doesn't dare touch the dark relic, remembering what had happened to him last time when Quintis tossed him the Hand.

((EDIT: I am pleased that Suvne did awesomely this battle, relative to the crocodile battle.))

He then moves over to Tarkus to heal him to stop the flow of blood from persisting. He casts Cure Critical Wounds (heals 40 hit points), then does so again for himself.

Mike M

Nick N
Prodding the would-be god turned human corpse with the toe of his boot, Val sheathes his rapier. "Well I doubt that went as he expected."

With a kick, he rolls the body onto its back and kneels down to search the body, holding his everburning torch as close as possible for maximum illumination. Inspecting the strange mouthpiece, he can make neither head nor tails of it. Outside the fact that it may possibly turn one into a snake, he has no idea what it's function may be or to which god it belongs.

His search completed ((Search check needed?)), Val takes stock of the situation. Frowning at the collapsed tunnel, he comments aloud, "Well that is highly inconvenient. I can see why the mayor didn't want us mucking about with their explosives. Do you think he rigged that somehow? Some arcane dead man's switch?"
Now that the immediacy of combat has abated, you notice a feeling of.... disrespect toward the Fangs of Set, and toward Set himself, coming from the Rod of Pelor. This is different from his feelings toward Vecna; though he hates everything Vecna stands for, he also recognizes him as a formidable adversary. With Set, it's different. Pelor doesn't consider him a threat at all, despite the fact that he's evil.


Evaneth edges away from the collapsing tunnel relatively unscathed except for some dirt on his attire. He casually brushes himself off.

"I think that it was a sort of dean man's switch."

Evaneth looks Tarkus and Sarm.

"It looks like you two took the worst of it. Do we still have any potions of healing? I'd prefer to save whatever prayers Sarm still has just in case we need them getting out of here."

Evaneth looks at the mining cart.

"I've seen one of these in action before. Don't pump too hard on a decline otherwise you can fly off the tracks."

Evaneth looks at the weird mouthpiece as well and shakes his head.

"The things people make. Back where I am from, I knew a mage who made a living selling boxes that held cold temperatures in them permanently to Inns and such. Gave them a way to store meats and such for much longer than they normally could."

Evaneth pauses and looks thoughtful

"I wonder if I could eventually make that work myself."
The dead man doesn't have any valuable equipment on him; only gear that one would have to explore underground mines. There is some rock-climbing equipment, a nonmagical lantern, a survival knife, and a combat dagger.

There is also a note with a poorly-scrambled code which is easily decoded by Quintus with no roll required. It seems to be a set of orders.

"You are to infiltrate the mines of Iron Hill undetected and use Ioun's Monocle to seek out the Fangs of Set. IMPORTANT: Once the fangs are obtained, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO WEAR THEM. The Fangs are the only of the ten artifacts whose god is now dead. Our thaumaturgists have thus far been unable to ascertain how that could affect its properties. You are to pack it away safely and return to headquarters once your mission is complete." The letter has no signature, and the handwriting appears to be manufactured - certainly not done by hand.

There is no sign of Ioun's Monocle anywhere.
Sarm looks to the Rod he has wielded for the battle momentarily after healing himself and Tarkus. He agrees with the feelings given to him: Set was more easily dispatched than previous threats they faced, and would be considered a joke if it weren't for the fact that it has been terrorizing the dwarves.

He looks to the others, and says, "When we return to the Dwarves, let us not tell them that Set was supposedly a god. Set does not deserve such high status and recognition he craves. He is as mundane as the crocodiles as far as I'm concerned." When read the letter, he says about it, "I now have disrespect for the vessel himself for being foolish enough to ignore the advice given. It must have been how the snake has become trapped here as he claimed, because of the actions of this man."

He looks towards Evaneth, "I should still have plenty of spell power for healing even after casting strong spells."


Evaneth nods at Sarm's comment and stares off into the distance, worried that they are being watched by a Vecna cultist with the monocle. If so, then they now know that the group has a new look to it.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus flashes a fanged smile in satisfaction as Set cries out in anguish and begin to slither away, disappating into the human form before them. "Ha..ha..." his breath torn and ragged he laughs harshly but is suddenly cut off as the sound of a muffled explosion reaches his ears.

Adrenaline still pumping he rushes towards the sound of the explosion but is blocked by dust and rubble as the tunnel entrance collapses. He lowers his shield slowly as the flush of victory evaporates and he realizes they are trapped. His mind flashes momentarily back to the incorrigible goat he stowed in a minecart to stop it following them into Set's chamber. "Foolish goat..." he whispers solemnly, shaking his head.

Noticing Val examine the body he eyes with wonder the fangs he promised he would pry from the snake god's mouth. "Slithering god power...trapped in costume prop." He raises an eyebrow and asks Quintus "Safe to take?"

As the party regroups Tarkus hails Val, nodding at Evaneth's suggestion to preserve their magicks.

"There potion in Handy Haversack...for whp, matters not to Tarkus." He spits blood onto the ground and grunts, satisfied his condition is not critical. "Pain only. Temporary."

Endurance proves to be unnecessary however, as Sarm's faith proves that Pelor's light shines even in the darkest of places. Tarkus closes his eyes as the cleric's magick seals his wounds. He grips Sarm's shoulder in a gesture of thanks. "Appreciated, friend."

He turns to address the group.

"Best move quick, tracks only way according to map."
"Yes, lets move. Once we get out of here I'll check out the artifact, though I think we have a good idea of what it does already..." Quintus then hops into the cart and waits for someone else to do all the work.

Mike M

Nick N
Val gazes at the fallen adversary and shrugs. "As far as the people of Iron Hill need be concerned, they were being victimized by a supernatural beast summoned by a mage who is now dead. There's nothing here to contradict that account.

Tarkus's comments remind him of the stash of potions he's got in his handy haversack. Thinking on them, he sticks his hand within it, and coincidentally they are the first thing his hand makes contact with. The bottles tinking together, he shakes a pair of them between his fingers and asks, "Anyone fancy a pick-me-up? Guaranteed to cure what ails you."

Once everyone's wounds are knit to their satisfaction, Val hops up on the pump cart, and shakes his arms to loosen them up. "It appears one way or another, we need to head in deeper. Hopefully our dear departed friend Set has driven out any lingering threats during his occupation."
When everyone is reasonably recovered from the wounds they took during the battle, they board the cart. After taking a moment to familiarize themselves with the mechanism and figuring out how to change the direction (since the initial test pump pushes it toward the caved-in tunnel), Tarkus and Val operate the pump. It could use a little grease - it squeaks very noticeably every time Val pushes down - but otherwise it is in fine working order.

As the party moves away from the well-lit precipice, the magnitude of darkness surrounding them truly hits home. Though the everburning torches are put to good use, they only illuminate in a radius; the party has no mechanism for shining a light forward to see what's ahead. The experience is potentially claustrophobic, and looking out over the edge into the abyss, hearing the water flowing ceaselessly below at an uncertain distance, does not help.

The cart is moving at a decent clip, however, and after about fifteen minutes it's reasonable to estimate that the trip across this bridge is about halfway finished.

((I need Perception checks from everyone. Tarkus gets +5 and Evaneth gets +2 because of their varying degrees of Darkvision.))
((Can I just cast Daylight while we are in the darkness? That should give about 60 ft of light.))

((Yes, you can. I'll give everyone an additional bonus in that case, including those who already rolled.

Which means that Val notices it, so the others don't need to roll. DC was 30.))

There's something coming from down the tracks. It's moving very quietly and isn't emitting any light, but Val notices approach on the dim outskirts of the light.

It's another mine cart, and there are people in it wearing green.

It's being pumped by two burly Orcs, with other non-orc passengers in tow, and it's moving very fast - probably at the maximum speed that these things are designed for -, on a direct collision course toward you.

You have two rounds before they smash into you. Roll initiative when you take your action.

((Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving!))
Initiative - 1d20 + 1, rolled 15 = 16
Initiative - 1d20 + 4, rolled 11 = 15​

Sarm casts Daylight on his shield while they're seating themselves into the mine cart. Whenever he says that he'll bring Pelor's light where he goes, he can mean it literally.

Whenever they begin heading for impact with the band of cultists they see, Sarm and Suvne jump off the back (I'm sure that's a move action, whether or not this is a good idea, I have no idea). Sarm looks back and tries to think of what he can do. He decides to cast Hold Person on one of the Orcs operating the pump to freeze its grip on the handles in place.

Hold Person Caster Level Check - 1d20 + 8, rolled 1 = 9 ((Crap))​

((Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving!))
((What's the D&D equivalent to Thanksgiving?))
((Yep, that was a bad idea. This is probably how I'm gonna lose a character. The rolls too, this is so embarrassing.))

Balance - 1d20 + 1 - 3, rolled 10 = 8
Tumble - 1d20 + 1 - 3, rolled 7 = 5

Balance - 1d20 - 7, rolled 17 = 10
Tumble - 1d20 - 7, rolled 20 = 13​

Mike M

Nick N
Staring intently into the darkness as he and Tarkus rhythmically pump the reciprocating handles of the rail cart, Val thinks he sees something stirring in the darkness just outside the range of vision. His suspicions are rapidly confirmed as another cart heading in the opposite direction materializes out of the oppressive stygian darkness.

He ceases pumping immediately and thumps on Tarkus' forearm while pointing behind the burly half-orc. "We've got company," he hisses loudly enough for everyone on the cart to hear, but hopefully not for the Vecna cultists to hear. Though with the squeakiness of his pump handle and Sarm's helpful daylight spell, the cultists have almost certainly already spotted them.

Pulling the handbrake to stop the cart, Val follows Sarm and Suvne's lead in disembarking off the back. "They're moving at a good clip, they may intend to ram the cart into us. Anything we can do to immobilize the cart itself? That would give them a nasty surprise."

Initiative:  1d20 + 5 = 14

((I'm going to be soooo full of self loathing after this evening. And pie. Self loathing and pie.))
Sarm leaps out of the moving cart on instinct, and Suvne follows her patron out of loyalty. While Suvne is able to keep her footing, though, Sarm is not so lucky. Unable to keep his balance, he stumbles, and momentum works against him as he rolls off the side of the bridge.

Suvne does not hesitate, and leaps down after him, even as she begins to undo the straps on her full plate armor.

((Don't make a new character yet, Sarm, but you are out of this combat at least. We will deal with the consequences of your tumble after the situation on the bridge is resolved))

Mike M

Nick N
((I missed the message about balance and tumble checks, do I still need to roll that since I had Val use the handbrake? I guess I'm just supposing the existence of the handbrake in the first place...))
((Braking the cart took a full round action. So technically you would still be in the stopped cart, but since it's stopped, it won't make a huge difference right now. And you still have another round before they would crash into the stopped cart))
Quintus quickly reacts to Sarm falling off the bridge by attempting to cast Levitate on him and then using his move action to lift him back to. He then focuses on how he is going to not died in a horrible mine cart crash.
Levitate succeeds in stopping Sarm's descent, but unfortunately Suvne is unable to benefit from the spell, and continues to plummet toward the river below.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Apologies for not posing, caught up in the family festivities. I should be able to dedicate time tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Ouch that escalated quickly. If the chasm is < 50ft we may be able to use the silk rope in the haversack to our advantage in escaping this situation and saving Suvne. Otherwise we should put and obstacle between us and the other cart or try and break the track. I'm really not sure which is better. If not they will likely hit us and engage in combat while both tracks travel backwards. If someone can think of a better action for me I will happily edit it in. I don't think I can hit the track or have anything to damage it in the same round we are breaking the cart.))

Initiative 1d20 [12] + 6 = 18

It is all Tarkus can do to gather his wits and ready his weaponry as in the short space of a few seconds Val informs the group of the incoming threat, a large flash of light illuminates the cavern and Sarm and Suvne tumble off the cart into the depths below.
((After Evaneth goes, you all still have one more round before the other cart slams into you.

Also Sarm, you are now back in the fight. You can use a move action to grab the edge of the bridge and pull yourself up, or you can cast spells from where you are.

Now that the cart is closer, you see a total of five humanoid figures. There are definitely two orcs and three humans; the humans all seem to be wearing the robes of a caster))


((Sorry guys, Family festivities and braving Black Friday for the girlfriend. Then add in my laptop died, so Im having to post from work where I luckily saved a backup of Evaneth to use while I repair my laptop.))

Initiative Roll:


Evaneth glances forward and as Val points the other cart out sees it as well. He looks on in horror as Sarm attempts to jump out of the cart and rolls off the bridge. He sees Suvne jump down after Sarm, only for Sarm to be saved when Quintus uses Levitate to stop his fall.

((Im unsure if you would allow this ThLunarian, but I'll go ahead and post it, and if you decide its not ok just let me know and I'll edit my post to something else. ))

Evaneth, thinking quickly and on instinct, casts Carpet of Shadow on the tracks about 25 feet in front of them. Since it is already dark and there are tons of shadows, whats a few more to those barreling towards Evaneth and the others he hopes. The only difference being, these shadows have altered the tracks ahead for a 5 foot area, causing it to be doubly difficult to move through. Evaneth gauges their speed and time to stop, and judges that even if they do notice it, its unlikely that they can stop in time before hitting the suddenly difficult stretch of track and flipping or throwing their cart off the tracks.
The Carpet of Shadows creates an area of sticky blackness over the tracks between the two carts, which would definitely cause trouble for the incoming vessel.

The bad guys on the other cart see Evaneth casting the spell, however, and you see one of them casting a spell of his own. The thick mass of shadows dissipates almost as soon as it appears, and it becomes clear that Dispel Magic was just cast (caster level check of 24 on the attempt to dispel, which beats the DC of 19).

The two orcs are continuing to pump the machine; the other two casters seem to be holding their actions. They're still coming right for you.

((Sorry about your laptop dude. I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday yesterday though))

Mike M

Nick N
Val wedges the handbrake on their cart as tight as he can before beating a retreat. "Fall back, they're not slowing down!"

((Full retreat from the cart))

As he passes Evaneth, he offers some fleeting advice. "Whatever that was, if you can do that behind our cart, it would function much the same if they ram it."


((It happens. Luckily it was an easy fix, but I did lose my OS and such. I get to play the reinstall game and program download and install game. ))

"Unfortunately, since my diety has decided that I needed to learn humility and many other things, I'm fresh out of that until I can sleep and meditate again. I will try something else though."

Evaneth ducks down so the enemy mages cannot see him as well and casts Acid Splash, targeting the planks and spikes behind their cart to attempt to create a small weak point so that when the other group smashes into their now stationary and hand-braked cart, it might still cause the wanted flip or derail.

Once done Evaneth high tails it back as far as possible.

((I realized I needed my ranged touch attack roll here. Here it is))



bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus follows the group lead in rushing off the cart and back down the track, attempting to put some distance between himself and the quickly approaching cart while the party observes the results of Evaneth's gambit.
After being suspended in mid-air and becoming unable to catch Suvne as she dives down into the river. Unable to move himself to go after Suvne, and not wanting to be at the crash site, and unsure how the physics of casting Hold Person on the Orc would affect the collision into the hole being made he is forced to wait for now.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((forgot to roll initiative before... 1D20+7 => [ 11 ] +7 = 18 there we go!))

Quintus casts Polymorph on himself, turning into an owl and flying out of the cart, because his balance and tumble skills are pretty terrible.
((You should be able to just run out if you wanted to cast something else instead, the cart's already stopped since we're on the second turn before they reach us.))
((You should be able to just run out if you wanted to cast something else instead, the cart's already stopped since we're on the second turn before they reach us.))

((ahh... I should really work on the reading comprehension thing huh?))

Quintus actually just steps out of the cart and once in range, gives the opposing party a taste of his slow spell.
As the well-practiced arcane syllables escape Quintus's lips, he feels ancient magicks well up from the aether.... and promptly fizzle out like so much fine mist, as an opposing mage performs a perfectly-timed counterspell ((using Dispel Magic; he got a 25 on the caster level check)).

The other Mage who had held his action casts a spell of his own, and all five members of the opposing party take to the air, abandoning their cart and flying overhead. Arcana DC 20
He cast Mass Fly

Mere seconds later, the runaway mine cart smashes headlong into the stationary cart. The collision emits a horrible screech, as metal crumples and tumbles recklessly (but not wrecklessly) down the tracks, threatening to take out the party.

((I need Reflex saves from everyone except Sarm (since he's not on the bridge), DC 18 (Evaneth, your Acid spell knocked 2 off of the save DC; good call on trying that). If you fail the save, you take 16 damage and you fall off the bridge. If that happens, then don't panic... yet.))
Quintus somehow dodges the minecart like a fucking damn pro.
Reflex: 1D20+10 => [ 17 ] +10 = 27

Arcana: ...+21, I think I go it.
"Mass Fly? That is not good..." says Quintus. He then decides to go for broke and casts his own dispel magic in an area, hoping he can knock at least one of them out of the air.

Dispel check: 1D20+8 => [ 8 ] +8 = 16

Mike M

Nick N
Not seeing the value in a kamikaze assault on the braked minecart, Val half expected the opposing cart to come to a halt at the last moment. Glancing behind him, he sees the quintet launch into the air, their cart no longer a vehicle for suicide but rather a ballistic weapon.

"Oh fuck me..."

((25 on Reflex check))

Summoning inner reserves of speed he didn't know he posessed, Val pours it on and manages to stay ahead the rolling mass of wreckage and debris that used to be a pair of minecarts.

((How far down is the water anyway?))
Sarm tries to use his own Dispel Magic to take out the fliers after Quintis informs of what the spell is.

Dispel Magic Check - 1d20 + 8, rolled 11 = 19 ((Crap, not much better))​


bitch I'm taking calls.
Reflex save: 1d20 [9] + 4 = 13

Tarkus attempts to jump out of the way of the crashing carts but is unable to move quickly enough and the screeching wreckage smashes into him with a sickening crunch. He is sent flying back and tumbling down the track, momentum carring him with the carts and then off the tracks, roaring in frustration down into the depths below.
((Okay, I'm going to roll Evaneth's Reflex save for him. He got a 9, so he is also falling off of the bridge. Sorry dude))

The carts clip both Tarkus and Evaneth, sending them hurtling down toward the flowing water below. Quintus and Val both hit the deck, and narrowly avoid the flying mass of crushed metal; it also tumbles down, and from the bridge, three loud splashes can be heard. Sarm is unaffected by any of this, as he is still hovering just off the side of the bridge (and may take a Move action to climb onto solid ground).

The group of flying cultists take a moment to slow down and gain control of their forward momentum. When they do, one of the Orcs attempts to charge at Val....

...And when he gets thirty feet away from the rest of his group, he leaves the range of the flight spell and falls like a brick to the water below.

One of the robed wizards facepalms and glares down at the water below. He shakes his head in frustration and points at the remaining group on the bridge. "Get them!" he shouts.


Tarkus and Evaneth plunge into the water, but fortunately it's deep enough that they don't hit the bottom (and, consequently, don't die). Tarkus finds it easy to make his way to the surface, thanks to his boots; Evaneth has slightly more trouble, but manages to claw his way up.

The river is flowing steadily, and Evaneth would find it impossible to fight the current (Tarkus would be able to, at half movement). Both of them were able to keep hold of their Everburning Torches; those, combined with their Darkvision, allow them to find each other.

Suddenly, a hefty Orc splashes into the river, not far from them; after a moment, it surfaces, and takes notice of Evaneth and Tarkus. Clearly enraged and not thinking clearly, it begins swimming toward Evaneth (the closest target) with bloodlust in its eyes.

((Tarkus and Evaneth are thirty feet apart, and are flowing side by side along with the river. The rapidly-approaching Orc is twenty feet from Evaneth; Tarkus would be able to intercept him this turn. Evaneth, if you want to cast a spell then you'll have to make a Concentration check, DC 10 + the spell's level. You can also try making Swim checks to get further away from the enemy.

For those on the bridge, the four remaining enemies are about 40 feet away, and are hovering 10 feet over the bridge (which means that Val could technically charge forward and stab up at the Orc in front). They look like they're making a concerted effort to stay in formation, close to each other, though the Orc clearly looks like he wants to charge.

I hope that description is good enough; I'm not entirely sure how I'd go about drawing it out. Either way, it's you guys' turn))
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