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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

((I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news, but polymorph does not grant you a creatures Supernatural(or spell like) abilities, only Ex. so no breath attacks.))

Quintus casts a quickened Vampiric Touch on the nearest crocodile, using his amazing new archmage powers to make it a ranged attack.

Vampiric Touch attack;Damage: (1d20+9+1=13, 6d6=26)

Unfortunately, the dice don't seem to impressed his new powers... Whether he succeeds or fails, Quintus runs over to pick up the Shield.
Muun has the Celestial Dire Crocodile by the teeth, as the great otherworldly beast finds itself unable to wrest itself free of the Giant Squid's squirming mass of tentacles.

Dragon Turtle Jack is also doing a fine job of keeping Evaneth pinned down, though the monk-summoner is not giving up without a fight; the jet of steam appears to have burned Evaneth's skin only slightly, and certainly not as much as Jack was likely expecting ((Quintus was right about the breath attack, but I'm just going to say that the scene still happened because it was cool, and is just an explanation for the automatic grapple damage)).

Evaneth, for the first time, grows angry. "I won't have some oversized metallic turtle question my motives! Shut UP!" and he charges up a magically-infused fist, delivering a mighty uppercut to the dragon-turtle's jaw and causing a massive disruption in Jack's internal systems.

Tarkus and Quintus together light up the Fiendish Crocodile, who has just gulped down a delicious and unhappy Swashbuckler; the beast takes the blows on the chin (although it looks extremely beaten up, and possibly on its last legs), and sets its sights on Tarkus in retaliation.

Inside the Crocodile's stomach, Val frantically stabs at it even as acid eats away at him. He manages to puncture a small hole, but it is not yet large enough for an exit to be feasible.

Quintus, after revitalizing himself a bit thanks to an energy-sapping ray pointed at the crocodile, swims to the unattended relic-shield and picks it up. He immediately discerns the true nature of the item: it is both the Shield AND the Axe. Its bearer can alter it as a Standard Action, or once per encounter can alter it as an Immediate Action (for example, when getting attacked). It counts as a +5 Greataxe and as a +5 Light Steel Shield (but not at the same time).

((Fiendish Crocodile performs a Full Attack on Tarkus. Bite attack: 25 vs AC. 26 damage. Tail Slap: Natural 20; 21 vs AC to Confirm. That is a whopping 59 damage.

Celestial Crocodile rolls a 42 to avoid being pinned and fails. He spends his turn trying to escape the pin again: 44 on the check.

Evaneth repeats his action from last turn, infusing his fists with Greater Dispel Magic and punching Jack in the throat. 33 vs AC will hit. Jack takes 18 damage. Caster Level check: 29. Polymorph drops, and Jack reverts to a normal Warforged. He is still grappling Evaneth (but can release the grapple as a free action if he wants).

Val takes 25 Acid damage from being in the Crocodile's stomach.

Your Turn!))
Opposed Grapple Check: 1d20+29=33

((Can I use the Jet ability to carry the croc out of the temple and basically remove it from combat except with myself if I win a grapple check?))

((Actually I changed my mind, it would take a full minute to be able to jet back again and the croc could easily do enough damage in that time while being too far away for the others to help.))

Muun continues to put effort in re-pinning the Croc, even more determined to prevent another person from being eaten by this second crocodile.

Pin Attempt:1d20+29=47
Quintus swims over to Tarkus and says, "You might wanna give this thing a try. Trust me." then points a finger at Jack, recasting polymorph on him.(do i need to roll an attack for that?)

Mike M

Nick N
((If Jack gets polymorphed back into the dragon turtle, Evaneth would still be grappled, but not recieve automatic damage since Jack wasn't juiced up on turtle power at the start of his turn, yes?))
((Our 3G internet will be cut off soon, but I should still be able to post via smart phone whenever possible, so if it's taking too long for me to post in the next few days, that's why.))
((If Jack gets polymorphed back into the dragon turtle, Evaneth would still be grappled, but not recieve automatic damage since Jack wasn't juiced up on turtle power at the start of his turn, yes?))

((Yeah, I'll agree with that. This is a highly specific circumstance to say the least, so we sort of just have to go with what sounds good.

And I won't make you roll for the ranged Polymorph, Quintus. You succeeded.

And Tarkus, you can just grab the item as a free action if Quintus is handing it to you))

Mike M

Nick N
((Our 3G internet will be cut off soon, but I should still be able to post via smart phone whenever possible, so if it's taking too long for me to post in the next few days, that's why.))
((I do all my posts via smart phone. No excuses!

Alright, so Jack's got Evaneth grappled, but can't use the breath attack, and could have polymorph dispelled at any moment. Suggestions? Just hold out long enough for Fiendish Croc to check out and wait for Tarkus to go all Tarkus on Evaneth?))
((I do all my posts via smart phone. No excuses!
((Internet reception for our phones is barely existent at best (our 3G connection is connected to an antennae which catches the signal, which doesn't connect to the phone), so I would need to get lucky that reception is working to post.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((That's probably your best bet for the moment, Mike. Good shout on the shield, hopefully Val won't be stuck in the stomach after this round.))

EDIT: ((NM on the mechanics question))


bitch I'm taking calls.

The walls of the monastery rumble with a slow reverberation as the summoned titans continue to face off against his poly-morphed allies. Centuries of dust and grime are shaken off the building to flow chaotically through swirling depths of their combat. A dark and bulbous tentacle slaps against the side of the inner sanctum before thrashing against its glowing prey as Octo-Muun holds the celestial croc in a crushing embrace. A loud and rhythmic humming noise comes from Jack's location and a blast of bubbling froth shoots out from his direction.

Carried with the wave is a scorching heat, not enough to hurt but one which makes the half-orc squint uncomfortably at the rapid temperature change. But the warrior has his own problems to deal with far more pressing than the sudden warmth of his surroundings.

His strikes combined with Quintus' magic appear to have infused a desperate strength in the Fiendish Croc and it turns ferociously toward Tarkus to clamp its razor sharp maw onto his leg. His scream of pain is punctuated and muted by the murky depths as Tarkus wrenches free and swims toward the beast's flank, a crimson trail of blood left floating in his wake. However, he doesn't get far before the massive crocodile swiftly retaliates, sending wooden debris shooting through the water as its tail crashes through a row of pews and strikes him squarely in the chest.

His armor crushed painfully against his lungs, the water around his leg a growing shade of darkest red, Tarkus growls and focuses on antagonizing his pain into anger as he unleashes another set of hasted attacks against the tough hide of the Croc.

Full Attack vs Fiendish Croc

1d20+24 → [15,24] = (39) [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4119104/"]Damage[/URL]: 1d12+13 → [11,13] = (24)
1d20+24 → [1,24] = (25) Nat 1 Failure
1d20+24 → [2,24,-5] = (21) Dice discrimination
1d20+24 → [8,24,-10] = (22) [URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4119180/"]Damage[/URL]: 
1d12+13 → [11,13] = (24)

Preparing himself for another set of potentially fatal blows, Tarkus is interrupted by a shout from Quintus. The mage swims over and whispers something to him, handing him the majestic relic shield.

'Capable to unleash the powers of Erythnul AND Mayaheine..?' The fighter nods and sheathes his great-axe in order to brandish the shield/axe and discern its power for himself.

((Tarkus AC with the shield is 27, though I don't know if I can fully equip it as an action this same round that will also affect my AC for the next round. Bit confused on that mechanics-wise, so I just attacked using my regular great-axe and plan to alter the shield next round for my attack.))

Mike M

Nick N
The enraged Evaneth lands a titanic blow against Jack’s faux terrapin visage. Servos and articulators scream in protest as the force of the impact reverberates through the mechanized dragon turtle’s entire chassis, vital components jarred loose from their positions.

The characteristic blue glow of Jack’s eyes and other parts go dark, as the metal plates that compose the head of the creature fall away and reveal Jack in his humanoid form, locked in embrace with Evaneth.

Quintus’ quick action reverses the disintegration process, however. The slumped body stirs back to life and regains its footing on the stone floor of the monastery, and the debris that had once been the head traces their individual paths back to the point of impact and reassemble themselves around Jack’s true self. The blue light of the eyes flicker once before resuming their familiar glow.

Jack doesn’t even seem to acknowledge what has just occurred as he continues to address Evaneth. “My apologies, I did not intend to give the impression that I was second guessing the motivations for your choices. I am merely curious. If you would be willing to explain your reasoning behind your actions before you are defeated, I will incorporate it into my database so as to improve the accuracy of my systems governing interpersonal interaction.”

Turning his head, Jack observes Muun's continued success in restraining the Celestial Crocodile and the weakened movements of its Fiendish compatriot. The natural murk of the water has been worsened by great plumes of blood from Tarkus' engagement with his reptilian opponent, but it does not obscure Jack's acute senses. Even without the benefit of the array of analytical methods and sensors Jack possesses, anyone can see the battle has turned decisively.

"Evaneth, I calculate there is only a 50% probability that I can maintain a superior tactical position given your demonstrated abilities. Be aware that I need not defeat you myself, only restrain you long enough for others to come to my assistance. I do not wish to needlessly inflict harm onto others. Surrender is the logical course of action."

Diplomacy check:  1d20+3=4
((Wow, knew that would be pointless, but damn...))

Opposed Grapple check:  1d20+28=43


Val's flesh is on fire, his eyes are clenched shut to protect against the burning. The corrosive action of the crocodile's interior is undoubtedly able to reduce even the most resilient of bone and enamel to their chemical components. Even if his eyes were open, he would see only unrelenting darkness here in the belly of the beast.

He does not need eyes, however, to know the crocodile is engaged in ferocious battle. Val can feel the impact if savage blows, the strain of powerful muscles flexing in attack. Most importantly, he can hear the monster's heartbeat, and it grows fainter with every passing moment.

Val reverses his grip on his rapier to gain more leverage. His intimate familiarity with every square millimeter if its surface allows him to feel even through his gloved that the metal has grown pitted since its immersion. Panic is welling up from within. Both he and the crocodile have precious little time, but he prays that he has more.

Attack:  1d20+16=26
Damage:  1d6+12=18
((Fiendish Crocodile dies and disappears.

Evaneth uses Dimension Door and reappears on the other side of Muun and the other Crocodile, meaning that no one has direct access to him this turn except maybe for Muun.

Celestial Crocodile rolls a 50 to avoid being pinned, then attempts to escape the Grapple. For that, his check is 39))

While Tarkus's single hit isn't quite enough to put his opponent to pasture, Val's efforts from within manage to finish the job. The gradually slowing heartbeat abruptly ceases, and the beast's carcass vanishes around Val, leaving not a trace of its existence apart from the damage it caused.

Evaneth, growing evermore frustrated by Jack's steadfast grip on him, incredibly still attempts an earnest reply. "Some of us answer to a greater power," he says, and it's clear that he's trying to keep the obvious frustration out of his voice. "My god watches over me and guides my actions. It is my duty as his loyal disciple to follow His will to the end, consequences be damned. When I leave this mortal coil, Ao will take care of me in the afterlife if He knows that I gave him all that I had. That is reason enough for me to carry on."

His explanation concluded, Evaneth takes a page from Quintus's playbook and teleports out of the beast's mouth, reappearing in the corner of the room next to his other pet and preparing for his next move; meanwhile that other pet seems to be slowly attempting to break Muun's hold on him.

((Begin Next Round))


Mike M

Nick N
((Hm... Maybe have Jack tag in for Muun to take over the gator wrasslin', Muun can maintain pressure on Evaneth/maybe drag him back to everyone else when he can so they can steer clear of the crocodile?

What are our healing options? Val's one Evaneth blow from being unconscious, one croc attack from death. Can he just fully retreat out the front door? Otherwise Jack can give him a couple hits of Opportunistic Piety, but that's a couple rounds of wasted turns for both of them.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Awww, Snatch functions as Improved Grab, which only works on enemies a size class or smaller. Ugh, Jack can't grapple without provoking an attack of opportunity, and his touch AC is *8*. Probably better off just straight up attacking and mad dogging the crocodile...))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I have 3 Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (x3) [3d8 +7] left as the last of my potions, feel free to head over to Tarkus and drink what you need.))

Tarkus is bracing himself for another counter when he spots a a sliver of silver piercing through his foe's hide. Like a threaded needle, it pulls back before sliding once more through the lining of the beast's stomach, puncturing a large hole. And just like that, the Fiendish Croc is no more, both metaphorically and literally it would seem.

Clamping a hand over his leg, the fighter spots Val floating in the spot where the creature once was, looking rather haggard but still brandishing his rapier. "Take potion!" Tarkus yells, unhooking his pack containing the last trio of liquid medicene that is desperately needed to allow Val to sort through its contents.

Quickly swimming toward the Croc entangled in Octo-Muun's grasp, Tarkus grasps the relic shield tightly and focuses on his battle-ravaged body and the adrenaline of the fight. As he does so the shield begins to alter itself, a surging heat passing through his arms as the ornate light shield is transformed into a fearsome looking greataxe. "Let see what power Caragon once wield!"

Attack Vs Celestial Croc
1d20+25 → [5,25] = (30) Damage: 1d12+14 → [4,14] = (18)

((Also I just realised...what the fuck is Zombie Rand doing??? Can Quintus tell him to shoot a death ray at Evaneth or something or would that require too much concentration at this stage in his power over Rand?))

Mike M

Nick N
The burning sensation of the acid bath abates completely and without warning, and Val is reasonably certain that he is dead. Having never been dead before, he couldn’t say what the process of transitioning from a state of life to one of death feels like, but the sudden cessation of sensation seems like a reasonable expectation. He experiences a faint twinge of regret that of all the ways he could have shuffled off his mortal coil, it had to be in such an ignoble fashion.

Adrift in colorless murk, Val reflects on the fact that while he has not exactly led a virtuous life, he’s certainly stayed well away from being outright evil. It stands to reason then that his fate in the next world would be to be stranded somewhere indistinct and without form, not unlike his own moral compass. It’s not exactly a pleasant place to be, but having had a brief taste of the alternatives during his visit to the demon’s den in Sigil, Val knows it’s is vastly preferable to the alternative.

Then, looming in void before him, Val sees the silhouette of a familiar figure. Tall and broad shouldered, every bit as massive and invincible as he had seemed when Val was but a small child. “Father,” Val says weakly through blistered, scaled lips, “I have failed you. I knew Valentino wanted a greater share of the action. The rest, they all vouched for his capabilities. But in my stubbornness, I refused to alter the visions of my grand, idiotic schemes and recognize his abilities. I drove unwittingly drove him into the arms of the cultists, I unraveled our legacy. I... Father, I am unworthy of the name. Please forgive me!”

Drifting closer over the course of his muttered confessional, the figure gradually resolves itself and comes into focus. Arms spread wide to embrace his long lost father, Val is momentarily confused that he seems to be wearing armor and wielding a battle axe. Also, he’s considerably more green than Val remembers. Just... possessing an all around set of orcish characteristics that he couldn’t recall the previous generation of Val Fierno having.

A giant mechanized turtle flies above the baffled Val, turbines whining as they leave twin contrails of fine bubbles through what he had taken to be air as it lunges at a bizarrely angelic crocodile doing battle with a giant squid. “Take potion!” shouts his “father,” thrusting a backpack into his arms. Val’s head begins to clear a bit as he regains his focus. Nodding numbly to Tarkus, he fumbles to remove one of the bottles and downs it quickly.

Potion of Cure Serious Wounds:  3d8+7=20
Jack Bite Attack vs. Croc: 1d20+18=37
Damage:  4d6+8=25
((Also I just realised...what the fuck is Zombie Rand doing??? Can Quintus tell him to shoot a death ray at Evaneth or something or would that require too much concentration at this stage in his power over Rand?))
((Clearly the proper course of action is to polymorph him into a zombie giant turtle.))
((Rand is just sort of standing there in the middle of the action, doing nothing. Quintus would need to give up his entire turn and concentrate to make Rand do anything worthwhile.

Edit: Crocodile rolls a 42 on his Grapple check, successfully avoiding being grabbed. None of Muun's other attacks hit, and also the one that did, along with Jack's bite, didn't seem to affect the crocodile as much as they should have (meaning, Damage Reduction).

I probably should've waited until after Quintus went to make this post. Itchy trigger finger I guess. This battle is awesome))
((Oops yeah, that's my bad.

Celestial Croc does a Full Attack on Muun. Bite Attack: 19 on the die (critical threat); 23 confirms the crit. 49 damage. Tail Swipe attack: 30 to hit, for 27 more damage. That straight-up kills Muun, so his corpse reverts back to human form.

Evaneth casts Dispel Magic on Jack from a distance. He rolls a 24 on the CL check for Polymorph, dispelling that; then he rolls a 31 on the CL check to dispel Haste.))

Seeking vengeance for keeping it tied up for so long, the Dire Crocodile ruthlessly tears into Muun's squishy squid form, apparently striking a particularly vulnerable spot and causing the unlucky Ravenloft-ite to perish far sooner than anyone could have expected.

Evaneth, this time trying to stay out of the thick of battle, tries a more traditional spell-casting technique, successfully reverting Jack to his normal form in a bid to make him much less effective in combat.

((Begin Next Round))

Mike M

Nick N
((Fuuuuuuuu... Just when we had this shit on lockdown. Would Quintus incur taint points for zombifying the crocodile, or does that only apply to intelligent creatures being subjugated to his will?))
Muun's inability to outsmart the crocodile's movements becomes the mistake that he has lived his life fearing the most. Not monsters or forced insanity, or even emotional turmoil, but that one mistake in a second that undoes a life's worth of careful planning, choosing the right battles, and many near brushes with death.

As the jagged fangs tear into his innards, the magic cast on him is no longer able to support his new form, and his body shrinks back into that of an older boy. Water tainted by his own blood begins to fill his body, aching his lungs with an insatiable hunger for the surface.

As he drowns, the crocodile releases him and slams him into the temple floor, his body's movement leaving a wispy trail of cherry liquid flowing from his chest. As the pain grows, and his body giving in, he finally succumbs to memories in his life he refused to acknowledge as truth.

A girl who had fallen for him, mesmerized just by being near him. He was oblivious at first, and even didn't care once he started to realize, but he subtly allowed her to get closer to him.. her sweetness to him surprisingly safe.

And then he finds her, blood painted on her chin, her wide shocked expression like a child being caught. He never realized how stupid he was until then. Magic had kept the illusion of seeming warm and living, her hair glowing, but it had turned out he was sharing himself with a vampire with raven locks and pale skin, who could have killed him, or worse even turned him at any time.

His last memory, before fleeting into nothingness is how he held up his bow and shot her with sharpened wood through the heart, ignoring her pleas that she loved him. It was just another job to him, and it would be later that he accepted payment for his services from Ith for the first time.

Now a lifeless body vessel of what was once before, Muun drifts helplessly in the water, arched backward as he gently floats onto Ao's temple ground. What does Evaneth think, now that it has been revealed that the squid that had been fighting alongside the familiar heroes was neither Sarm nor Suvne, both equally devoted to their god as Evaneth is to Ao, but a boy who hasn't even become a full man yet with no connection to even this world whatsoever?

((This story I made up was supposed to be a throwaway one liner but noooooo... it had to be tragic and edgy....))
((To answer Mike M... You guys don't know. It's also uncertain whether it would even work, given the fact that this is a Summoned beast))

Mike M

Nick N
Muun's inability to outsmart the crocodile's movements becomes the mistake that he has lived his life fearing the most. Not monsters or forced insanity, or even emotional turmoil, but that one mistake in a second that undoes a life's worth of careful planning, choosing the right battles, and many near brushes with death.

As the jagged fangs tear into his innards, the magic cast on him is no longer able to support his new form, and his body shrinks back into that of an older boy. Water tainted by his own blood begins to fill his body, aching his lungs with an insatiable hunger for the surface.

As he drowns, the crocodile releases him and slams him into the temple floor, his body's movement leaving a wispy trail of cherry liquid flowing from his chest. As the pain grows, and his body giving in, he finally succumbs to memories in his life he refused to acknowledge as truth.

A girl who had fallen for him, mesmerized just by being near him. He was oblivious at first, and even didn't care once he started to realize, but he subtly allowed her to get closer to him.. her sweetness to him surprisingly safe.

And then he finds her, blood painted on her chin, her wide shocked expression like a child being caught. He never realized how stupid he was until then. Magic had kept the illusion of seeming warm and living, her hair glowing, but it had turned out he was sharing himself with a vampire with raven locks and pale skin, who could have killed him, or worse even turned him at any time.

His last memory, before fleeting into nothingness is how he held up his bow and shot her with sharpened wood through the heart, ignoring her pleas that she loved him. It was just another job to him, and it would be later that he accepted payment for his services from Ith for the first time.

Now a lifeless body vessel of what was once before, Muun drifts helplessly in the water, arched backward as he gently floats onto Ao's temple ground. What does Evaneth think, now that it has been revealed that the squid that had been fighting alongside the familiar heroes was neither Sarm nor Suvne, both equally devoted to their god as Evaneth is to Ao, but a boy who hasn't even become a full man yet with no connection to even this world whatsoever?

((This story I made up was supposed to be a throwaway one liner but noooooo... it had to be tragic and edgy....))



bitch I'm taking calls.
((We can save Muun's body and revive him, but we've gotta get him out of the water soon, right? May need to rush him out with someone else. But we can definitely save him...right? =( ))

Tarkus covers his eyes as the rush of water streams past his face, Muun's massive form dissipating, torn into and thrown to the ground of the monastery. Watching his now fragile human body float lifelessly, the half-orc tastes the familiar bitter iron tinge of blood on the water. His eyes shut and shakes in anger, determined to put an end to this before anyone else is hurt, even if it means sacrificing himself in the process.

Full Attack & Damage vs Celestial Croc
Attack 1: 1d20+26 → [3,26] = (29) Damage: 1d12+14 → [4,14] = (18)
Haste Attack: 1d20+26 → [12,26] = (38) Damage: 1d12+14 → [6,14] = (20)
Attack 2: 1d20+26 → [12,26,-5]= (33) Damage: 1d12+14 → [8,14] = (22)
Attack 3: 1d20+26 → [17,26,-10] = (33) Damage: 1d12+14 → [10,14] = (24)

Mike M

Nick N
((We can save Muun's body and revive him, but we've gotta get him out of the water soon, right? May need to rush him out with someone else. But we can definitely save him...right? =( ))
((Well if Sarm has a Raise Dead spell he mi--OH WAIT.

Right now, the best option might be for Quintus to zombify the corpse, see what the seminary can do for him when we get back?))
SRD said:
You can raise a creature that has been dead for no longer than one day per caster level.
((So you guys have at least five days to find a Cleric that knows Raise Dead. You'll also need to jack 5K Gold from Muun's pile to pay for the spell component.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Well if Sarm has a Raise Dead spell he mi--OH WAIT.

Right now, the best option might be for Quintus to zombify the corpse, see what the seminary can do for him when we get back?))
((No way, Quintus has enough taint as it is and I'd bet more than anything Muun would rather stay dead than become a zombie. We just need to take out Evaneth ASAP.))

Mike M

Nick N
((No way, Quintus has enough taint as it is and I'd bet more than anything Muun would rather stay dead than become a zombie. We just need to take out Evaneth ASAP.))
((Yeeeeeah, about that... Jack just became a whole lot less useful, and Val should take at least one more turn to heal up with another potion.

Quickest way to end this would be to snatch the Belt like when Quintus lost the Hand. What are the mechanics of that? Anyone got any moved to boost the odds/prevent what I assume would be an attack of opportunity?))
((Snatching worn items from a target is a Disarm attempt. The mechanics of Disarming can be found here. The belt is fairly secure since it's tied around his waist, so you'd need to pin him down as described in order to pull this off.

For what it's worth, Tarkus really tore into the croc this turn. Its HP are more than halfway gone after that))
((I'm sure a ranger with favored enemy undead won't mind being turned into a zombie.))

((Yeeeeeah, about that... Jack just became a whole lot less useful,
((actually, i can fix that.))

Quintus cast Polymorph on Jack again, "I can do this all day!"

((That was of course his last casting of polymorph. But he doesn't know that. I hope.))

Mike M

Nick N
((I'm sure a ranger with favored enemy undead won't mind being turned into a zombie.))

((I was under the impression zombies made from corpses were mindless, so if we succeeded in getting him resurrected he'd have probably never know, but apparently it's not even necessary to begin with, so it's all moot.))

((actually, i can fix that.))

Quintus cast Polymorph on Jack again, "I can do this all day!"

((That was of course his last casting of polymorph. But he doesn't know that. I hope.))

((Is Jack close enough to use his 10ft reach to go full attack on Evaneth?))

Mike M

Nick N
As the curative properties of the potion restore a bit of Val back to himself, he takes the opportunity to take stock of the situation. Muun and Jack seem to have the celestial crocodile well in hand, his fiendish companion having been banished back to wherever Evaneth had summoned it. The shadow casting monk was taking refuge behind his remaining reptilian bodyguard, with Tarkus and Quintus in position to close in on him.

Judging the situation to be well in hand, Val dares to take part of another potion, just to bring himself further out of the woods should he wind up in trouble again.

Potion of Cure Serious Wounds:  3d8+7=23

Feeling somewhat more restored and clearer of mind, Val contemplates how best to bring this conflict to as quick an end as possible.

Then everything goes horribly, terribly awry.

Despite the mass of Jack's form, his attacks seem to lack the punch needed to penetrate the divinely blessed hide of the crocodile, and does minimal damage. Most unfortunately, he also seems to suffer some sort of temporary mechanical malfunction, as he momentarily goes inert and almost seems to be in some sort of disassembly process before whatever gear has slipped finds purchase in the interlocking teeth of its counterpart cog and restores him to functioning form.

This coincides with the crocodile finally managing at long last to slip the many-armed embrace of Muun, who had thus far been single-handedly responsible for keeping the dire creature out of the conflict until this point. Unfortunately, the soft, fleshy body of a giant squid offers no protection from the powerful jaws of a crocodile. Val witnesses in horror as the monster makes short work of his companion, some disassociated part of his mind noting that a giant squid and a crocodile would never actually meet in the wild, as though that would somehow undo what has just been wrought.

In death, Muun reverts back to his humanoid form, drifting slowly to the bottom of the sunken monastery, trailing plumes of blood and fallen leaves like a tree caught in an autumn windstorm. Val has never seen it happen before. Oh, certainly, he's witnessed plenty of death, and he's lost companions before, but to be there, present and watching as it happens... Fury wells up within Val, occluding the margins of his vision with red veins pulsing in his retina.

"Tetsuuuuuuuuuuuuoooooooooooooo!" "Evaneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeth!" he bellows, his voice reverberating off the stone walls of the monastery above even the din of the conflict as Tarkus and Jack engage the crocodile in tandem.

Jack Full Round Attack:
Bite Attack:  1d20+18=36
Damage:  4d6+8=25

Claw Attack:  1d20+13=30
Damage: 2d8+4=15

"You sanctimonious zealot son of a whore, what gives Ao the right to override the decree of all other gods? What respect can a god who pisses upon a contract of which the only parties are divine forces command? You are the puppet of a self serving god of avarice seeking to usurp the domains of his fellows, a betrayer just like yourself!"

Pointing his rapier at the patch of water sparkling with glitter in the darkness that he knows conceals Evaneth, he shouts, "We gave you the opportunity to rejoin us. You could surrender the belt willingly at any time and go home and be a family man. Instead you spurn us in the service of your lunatic god and kill a man whom you had no cause to harm. My only regret is that we need kill you here and now. If I had my way, we'd claim the belt and hurl you into the deepest, darkest pit of demonic depravity the human mind can conceive. Do you hear me, Evaneth? You die here!"

((Val will move as far as he can in Evaneth's direction while steering well clear of the crocodile. Also, he suddenly remembers his Dodge Bonus is a thing and applies it to Evaneth.))
((Tarkus, I just looked at your character sheet, and assuming that your current HP is updated to this point, it looks like you forgot to take out the Bite attack damage from the same turn that you got nailed for 59 from the tail. Either that or you assumed that the total was 59 from both hits; I wasn't as clear as I could have been there. Whatever the case, your current HP should be 46.

Crocodile goes Full Attack Mode on Tarkus. Bite Attack: 29 vs AC. Tarkus takes 26 damage.

Tail Attack: Uh... I kid you not, I rolled another Natural 20. I don't keep a log of my rolls like some of you guys do because I'm the DM and I reserve the right to fudge rolls, but in this case I kind of feel bad that I can't prove it :-\ 22 to confirm the critical hit. Tarkus takes 54 more damage, killing him.))

As the crocodile continues its reign of terror, outright decapitating Tarkus with one brutal swipe of its gargantuan tail, for Evaneth time seems to move in slow motion.

Time is a funny thing. For the Dark Monk, it is more mutable than it would be for most. Thanks to the influence of his God, Evaneth exists outside the normal flow of time; by all rights, in his current form he should not even exist. Altering the flow of history created a different version of Evaneth, a version whose family was never slain in the Monastery of Ao on his home plane of Faerun.

As a consequence of this fold in the very fabric of time itself, Evaneth did not experience the flow of time like others would. Over the years he found that his perspective shifted massively depending on a number of factors, and with some practice he learned to manipulate those factors to his will.

With this in mind, watching Tarkus's head fly off of his body, its momentum blunted by the surrounding water, he suddenly finds that he can remember the conversation that Tarkus referenced earlier as though it had happened five minutes ago.

"Gods move in mysterious way, for good or for ill. But one day we all fall, by blade of heaven or hell. Tarkus can only wish for glorious death protecting comrade. But that day not today."

"A man chooses. A slave obeys. Fight for god or man...belief in own strength makes our fate."

The words reverberate within Evaneth's skull over and over again as he looks into Tarkus's eyes, and something wells up inside Evaneth that he has not felt for twenty years.

"Tarkus can only wish for glorious death protecting comrade. But that day not today."

"That day not today..."

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Evaneth bellows, his words echoing through the cavernous ruin of a monastery. He throws up his arms, and the Celestial Dire Crocodile vanishes into nothing. The curtain of blackness dissipates, making Evaneth plain to see, his face distraught. "I can't.... Ao forgive me, I can't bear to be the cause of any more suffering. I surrender. Do what you must with me." He falls to his knees and lowers his head in defeat.


Muun opens his eyes. He is in a small clearing, and is surrounded by nature: a deep, colorful, vibrant nature, the likes of which he has never experienced. Lush bushes; technicolor trees; wild grasses that are taller than he is.

Or, as tall as he would be if he were standing up. He overcomes the urge to continue lying in the pillow-like bed of foliage and rises to his feet.

All of his equipment is gone. In its place are a white, silken shirt and pants - almost like a set of pajamas, but slightly more form-fitting. His feet are bare, though there doesn't seem to be a need for shoes here.

The skies are clear and blue, with slight wispy cloud formations littered about here and there. Multicolored birds sing their love songs, and dragonflies buzz about happily, serving to complement the otherwise-silent serenity. The aroma of honeysuckle and blueberry wafts into his nostrils, and involuntarily, Muun's mouth begins to water.

"Welcome, human," a tiny voice chirps. Muun looks in front of him, and at the edge of the clearing is a miniature humanoid creature with thin, translucent, rapidly-beating wings keeping her afloat. "Welcome to Ehlonna's Grove. When you are ready, the Goddess wishes to hold an audience. I can take you there. My name is Celia. How are you feeling?"


Normally, when Tarkus closes his eyes, all he can see is black. This is kind of like that, except instead of blackness, he sees a silvery, dark rainbow of swirling colors, and he has no eyes to open.

All sensation has left him. He can only see and hear his surroundings, and he notices four voices. They seem to be bickering. He tries to focus and tune into them. They are speaking in a strange language, and though he has never heard it before, somehow Tarkus understands it perfectly.

"He was wearing my boots," a crotchety old man's voice insists. "By all rights he should be inducted into my Elite Scouting Brigade."

"He wielded our (Axe/Shield)," says a bizarre dual-layered voice, half male and half female. Somehow, "axe" and "shield" were the same word. "We have need of competent guardsmen."

"He fought with courage, conviction, honor, and valor," says the voice of a battle-forged soldier. "My Legion requires his services."

"I CLAIM DOMINION OVER ALL ORC SOULS," says a terrible, demonic voice. "HE WILL ARISE IN MY DOMAIN."

Suddenly Tarkus opens his eyes. The first thing he notices is the absolute silence here. Never has he experienced such a pronounced lack of sound; it's a little jarring. He lifts his head and looks around; he is in a large, marble room, made of the finest building materials, and yet lacking in any sort of decoration. His best guess is that it's a hall of some kind. The floors are shiny, while the walls and ceilings are less so, but are nonetheless every bit as pristine.

The room is empty, save for a single, slender female figure standing perhaps thirty feet away. She wears a black dress, form-fitting but designed to drape down in places. A black veil covers the bottom half of her face. Her eyes have black pupils, and her long, raven hair runs down to the middle of her back. Her skin is very pale. She is looking directly at him.

Tarkus notices that all of his possessions are gone. He is wearing a simple black, cotton robe that is incredibly comfortable, with soft wool slippers on his feet. He also notes that he feels fantastic; all injuries and scars that he's accumulated over the years have somehow vanished, and he seems to be in peak physical condition.

"Tarkus Rook," the woman says, her voice just a touch deeper than her petite figure would suggest. "Welcome to the Astral Sea. I am the Raven Queen."

Mike M

Nick N
Val strides over to Evaneth, averting his eyes at the maimed and mutilated bodies of Muun and Tarkus. His gait and movement is strangely discontiguous with the rest of his surroundings, unaffected as he is by this liquid medium that hinders movement and adds bouyancy. But the water that envelopes does not touch him, repelled by the presence of the enchantments on his enchanted ring.

The tears welling up in his eyes are all the more apparent for the knowledge that they should only be washed away in this place.

"Stand up," he says, voice choked and thickened by emotion. "Stand up, gods damn you, Evaneth!" Val seizes Evaneth by his hair and forcibly points his face in the direction of Tarkus' remains. "You do not get to look away! See what you have done! We were your companions, Evaneth, Tarkus perhaps more than any of us! And you threw his life away like scraps into the gutter!"

With a gutteral shout of agony and despair, Val hauls the taciturn Evaneth to his feet by his hair. Putting all his might behind it, he delivers a left hook to the monk's chin that seems to have little effect outside of turning Evaneth's face to the right. The lack of reaction only infuriates Val further, screaming obsceneties as he continues to pummel Evaneth with his fists.

At length, Val finally exhausts himself, his hands on his knees as he breathes heavily from the exertion. Gazing up at Evaneth's face with unmitigated hatred, he says in hoarse voice. "I promised I'd kill you Evaneth. By all rights, I should kill you. But I've had my fill of death for the day, and there's little satisfaction to be had in slaying an opponent that won't fight back."

Val lays his hand on the Belt of Ao. "I wish you nothing but pain and misery in your life in the altered past. Go to hell, Evaneth."

((Val will just yank the belt unless Jack or Quintus want to get a word in. Or if they want to kill him, Val probably won't object too strenuously.))
Evaneth opens his mouth and struggles to think of something to say, but eventually decides against it and takes the beating quietly.

Jack is oddly quiet, as though he is unsure of how to react to this tragic turn of events. It's hard to read the body language of a giant mechanical turtle, but he almost seems to be struggling for the right words to say as his gaze lingers on Val.

Finally, he looks at Quintus instead. "I believe that conditions are now optimal for the ritual to be performed. I am available for assistance, should you require it."

((Quintus, make an Arcana roll, and add +4 because you're getting assistance from both Jack and Rand. The details of the ritual are up to you; describe it, and try to include all the components, if only for consistency's sake.

Whatever you decide to do, it's going to take at least an hour, so if Val and/or Jack want to do or say anything to pass the time, that's up to them))
Just after his last moments forced to relive his embarrassing moments that follow his only brush with affection in life, he is suddenly blanketed by a strange warmth of the sun and the cool touch of air both, and the murky waters and hard plaster of the temple floor replaced with sweet, fragrant air and lush grass supporting his back. Woken by the sudden presence of birds providing song to the background, his eyes slam to the sudden light in his eyes cast through the foliage straight above.

Propping himself upward, Muun takes a gasp of breath, as if he just woke up from a nightmare. Remembering feeling immense pain in his torso, he instinctively begins to unbutton his strange collared shirt to examine himself, soon to discover that what would be a gaping hole is gone. Other past scars from past battles are gone. He touches his own face, feeling smooth skin where there would normally be a scar. Leaving his shirt open and himself vulnerable to the morning breeze, the ranger begins to stand up to meet tall draping that obscure his view of the lush woodlands.

At this point, Muun is confused, and doesn't understand where he's at or why he's there. He wonders where the others are at, what they are doing now. He questions whether he has actually died or if death is actually much more pleasant than everyone was led to believe. He pushes aside the tall curtain, feeling drips of morning dew splash onto his arm as he does so, and suddenly finds himself staring towards a land that couldn't possibly be more opposite of where he has lived. He starts to feel dizzy, his mind having difficulty taking in the colorful and warmly lit world much like when he first came to the material plane.

Just as he turns away to spit out unwanted saliva forming in his mouth, he hears a voice speak to him. He almost doesn't hear its volume, coming from such a small body. Looking towards the tiny person that addresses him, he looks around once more while feeling his head and looks towards the tiny girl with questions, "I... I don't know.. What... are you? Was it the goddess that brought me here?" starting to find his critical attitude again suddenly, he asks, "Why would a goddess wish to have audience with me of all persons?"
Celia flutters closer to Muun, to give him a better view. "I'm a faerie," she says cheerfully. "Sorry, I guess I didn't really explain much. I forgot that you probably don't even know who our goddess is. The leafy armor you were wearing had a part of her soul in it, so since you never worshipped any gods while you were alive, your soul got sent here. Ehlonna's Grove is a part of the Astral Sea, where all the gods live; everyone gets sent here when they die. At least at first. Some of the other gods don't keep them here long.

"Anyway! If you're hungry, feel free to pick some fruit off the trees and bushes. It's all really delicious!"

She moves away again, to keep a respectable distance, but close enough to respond if addressed.
"Don't worry Val, once we are back in our time, we'll get them back. Pretty much the one thing these so called gods are good for..." says Quintus, who then begins the long process of inventing time travel, without a DeLorean or a blue Police Box.

Quintus sets Rand to work on the Treaty as he and Jack prepare to somehow control the chrono-particles or whatever. He has Val stand in what will eventually be a circle, along with the corpses of Tarkus and Muun, hoping that isn't as creepy as it's starting to sound.

He and Jack, who is most likely wearing Tarkus' boots once his polymorph form wears off/is dismissed, begin by deciding on the best place to focus all the energies they will be using and drawing diagrams and the like, that some how aren't washed away despite them being underwater. As the hour passes and lots more stuff that Val doesn't understand, and probably some stuff that Quintus doesn't fully understand, happens, Rand just continues his work on the Treaty almost like some kind of machine... though not the kind Jack is.

Once all preparations are complete, Quintus says "Well Evan, I wish I could say it was nice seeing again, but that was clearly not the case. Maybe we'll see you before you decide to become a complete ass, but to be honest, I'm not planning to go out of my way to find you." and then walks up to Rand, touches him with the Arm of Vecna and attempts to destroy his body, releasing his mind and soul from Quintus' control... Hopefully, if that doesn't work he probably just kill him somehow else.

Quintus makes one last remark "Jack, if this doesn't work, I promise to gather the remains of my soul scattered across time, space, and the multiverse for the soul purpose of finding whats left of you and kick your ass." He returns to the circle and contemplates going back in time to only just before this fight and changing the results a bit, but quickly dismisses the idea. Way to many potential problems with doing something like that. He then begins casting the spell that will hopefully send them all home, in time for dinner.

Arcana: (1d20+26+4=50)

((...Did I make it?))
Muun tilts back a bit as the faerie playfully comes close to his face, still holding the grass blades apart while listening to her explanation.

When he hears that he was sent because of the armor he was wearing, it gives him the possibility that he'll have to face up to the other ranger he fought and took the armor from if he encounters him in this realm.

"Can you just lead me to the goddess, I'm sure I'll pick something along the way.." of course, it's more likely that he won't if he doesn't understand the nature of the fruit. Even in death he tends to be wary of berries and plants that could be poisonous, despite the heavenly nature of the grove.
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