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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign


bitch I'm taking calls.
The immediacy of his end brought on more swiftly than he could have ever imagined, Tarkus nonetheless assumes death as all feeling escapes his being. Feeling a mix of acceptance at his defeat by Evaneth, a worthy foe, and regret at his fear of failing to help the others, he is consumed by darkness as he struggles against the strange nature of his journey. Not usually afraid of facing death, truly experiencing it is another thing altogether. His eyes are blind and his body is unfeeling as voices discuss what could very well be his fate in this formless existence.

Before he is tortured further, he finds himself in a pristine white hall. His senses and form returned, he finds himself restored even more perfectly than before. Silently he paces a bit, feeling his muscles and skin smooth and scarless. Turning to the pale figure in black as she speaks he steps forward.

"Astral Sea? So am truly dead. Where are the others? Am here to serve? Why here? Never did choose for worship any certain god in life..." Stopping his train of questions, he looks warily at the dark-haired woman before him. Remembering he is in the presence of a god, he makes a point to hold her gaze a moment before bowing his head.

Starting again slowly, he continues. "Raven Queen...your name is known; but seldom heard." Tarkis pauses to look again at the goddess aspect before continuing with an averted gaze. "Other mercenaries spoke of ravens as omen. But admit know little of your ways except heresy...some tell you have stolen for your own certain powers from the elder gods..." He looks up at the god once more.

"But this is no slander to me. If true, I respect. Any power and fate in mortal world must be taken for yourself...or that is how I used to live...uncertain of purpose now."
In the hour of reckoning, as Quintus toils to make everything just so, Jack confides in Val. "Julius," he says, recognizing that Rand and Evaneth are still around and following the orders laid out to him, "It occurs to me that should this plan work as intended, there is a possibility that I will cease to exist, as I am a product of this timeline.

"I find this possibility intriguing, but also disconcerting. I cannot postulate what it would mean to have never existed. I would like you to know that, should I cease to exist, and should you remember that I once existed, our time traveling together has been most agreeable. I have learned a great deal about the human condition from you and your compatriots. Thank you for allowing me to come with you."

Once everyone is arranged in the circle - Evaneth and Rand included, out of necessity (and it was impossible to destroy Rand without jeopardizing the ritual, so he's still around) - Quintus casts Plane Shift for the first time.

The transition is seamless. If not for the sudden presence of breathable air and lack of water, it might not have been noticeable at all.

Without any break in consciousness, Quintus, Val, and Jack find themselves in Valerie Fierno's office, where they had last left her - in their own time.

She is reading a scroll, and doesn't notice the party's appearance at first. Finally she looks up and jumps with a start. "Valgar!" she yelps. "What in the Nine Hells are you doing? Don't scare me like that. Why don't you learn to use a door like a normal person?"

She glances down, and her face turns deathly pale. "Oh, gods..."

Tarkus's beheaded corpse and Muun's somewhat skewered body lie on the floor at Val's feet.

Jack looks at his hands impassively. "Fascinating," he observes.


Celia leads Muun through a verdant paradise, where he sees myriad flora and fauna that are wholly foreign to him. There are more than a few humanoids with odd animal-like features, too; some of them lock eyes briefly with Muun and flash him a smile before trotting away.

The journey is short; in less than ten minutes, the path they're on opens up into another clearing. At the center of this clearing is a tree with a relatively narrow base, which rapidly expands as it gets taller, into a vast network of branches and leaves, each populated by various small animals.

The base itself is in the shape of a chair, and in this throne sits a woman with deep green skin. She is completely naked, though there are flowers and leaves draped over parts of her, more as decoration than for any other purpose. Her brown hair is styled to look wild, and there are streaks of paint on her face. Celia lands on the soft grass and bows down to her.

"Muun," she says, "This is grove is a beautiful place, don't you agree?" She doesn't give him time to finish. "Worth defending and keeping safe. I need you to join me in protecting this place from the terrors that grip the rest of the Astral Sea. Will you help?"


The Raven Queen's eyes smile at Tarkus. "That was a long time ago," she says. "Things have changed quite a bit since then, though I am impressed that you've done your research.

"I am the Shephard of aimless souls - those who bear no particular allegiance to any god. You are unique - for the vast majority of those who pass through this hall, no gods lay claim to their souls. There are no less than four who have petitioned to have you join their cause, and so you've been sent here, to make your decision.

"I do not grant audience with every mortal who comes here. Ordinarily, my attendants see to new arrivals. But you... the entire Multiverse has been watching you and yours, Tarkus. The battles you've fought in the mortal realm have created ripples throughout all other realms, and the Astral Sea is no exception."

She takes a few steps forward. "A great war is being waged here. The gods are all vying for supremacy, such that when the Treaty of Worms is satisfied and the Deific Aspects are united, they might claim the Champion under their own banner.

"So you see, Tarkus, you must think very long and very carefully about which master you choose to serve during your time here. And choose you must, for if you do not, then your soul WILL be claimed by the first god who has the opportunity."

She pauses and looks at Tarkus patiently, like she's waiting for him to either ask a question or make a statement.

We forgot Coriolis, didn't we?))

Muun gazes around curiously, aimlessly buttoning back the silk shirt that was 'given' to him with just one hand. He blinks at the animal people that flash friendly smiles to him, only able to gaze back to them awkwardly with little feedback.

As he approaches the natural beauty of the throne room, his eyes peer up the glorious tree that rules over the local area, its network of branches and leaves casting appropriately divine beams over the lush curves of the woman that speaks to him.

Though he flushes slightly, he looks over to Celia bowing, and then in turn kneels down himself.

He considers her plea, and the world around him. Though it is beautiful, he has yet to develop any sort of attachment to it, and he still feels that he still has much to do as a living being. "I am used to living my life protecting the weak, a ruined, wretched landscape, and fighting hopeless battles. I feel..." he stops, knowing that it's probably best not to argue with a goddess on the matter... he feels that much of his potential would be wasted defending a world that already has everything.

((Muun is now an alien time travelling boy from the future.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Listening intently, Tarkus nods at the discussion of souls in the afterlife being claimed by various gods for servitude. These are concepts and ideas many warriors and mercenaries before him have discussed and held as motivation for their actions. When it came to fighting and living, it was unusual to encounter one who did not worship or act in the name of one god or another. Unusual like him...

As the Raven Queen continues, however, the Half-Orc's brown begins to furrow.

"Can ask what purpose Treaty serve and what Champion is to claim?" His eyes glazing over with a faraway look, Tarkus considers his fate in the light or darkness of serving the will of a god or goddess. "Wield many artifacts of gods in time with companions. But cannot say kinship felt with any aspect. I fought for my friends."

He blinks and looks back toward the Queen. "Is it not possible to yet aid friends who still in life...or know if they yet live?" Closing his eyes to calm the storm in his mind, he comes to a decision. "If in death it is for my soul to serve, so shall I. If Raven Queen may answer my request to aid my comrades, I would pledge my warrior soul to her if she should find need for it."

Mike M

Nick N
Though he was the one to constantly beat the drum about the need to return to the past and undo a future gone wrong, it isn't until Val lays eyes on his still-living adopted sister that he realizes that he was never entirely sure it would work.

Relief washes over him like a soothing wave, sapping away the adrenaline that has been keeping him upright since entering Evaneth's monastery 20 years hence. "Valerie," he says with a weak smile as he collapses into an available chair behind him, "we are in need of assistance."
((Coriolis did not follow the party underwater, that's true))

Ehlonna raises a curious eyebrow at Muun, leaning slightly forward. She smiles. "I like you, Muun Reinhart. You follow your heart like a true denizen of the Wood. Do as you please, but be wary; there is always a danger that the wars being waged outside of the Grove will spill into it at any moment. If you choose to leave the grove... then all I can say is, may the blessings of the Wood always be upon you."


The Raven Queen stands silently for a very long moment as she considers Tarkus's words. "Your friends are still in the mortal planes, save for Muun, who was taken to Ehlonna's Grove. As to your request, I cannot help them. It would be easier to show you why this is than it would be to explain. Steel yourself, Tarkus Rook."

Suddenly Tarkus's mind feels like it has just been illuminated from within, and the sensation is so overwhelming that for the time being, his physical senses take a back seat to what is being projected into his mind's eye.

He sees a wood, filled with grey, dreary trees. Ten figures stand in a loose circle; a thirty-some year old man wearing a shiny suit of plate mail stands slightly higher than the others, upon a tree stump.

Next to him is a woman in a light blue dress, with short blond hair, wearing spectacles. "They are coming," she seems to insist. "There's no mistake; it has been foretold."

"Yesss, millionss of yearsss from now!" an enormous snake protests. "What ssensse is there in planning to deal with it now? Thingssss change over time, after all."

"Oh, please," says a dismissive twenty-something year old man, dressed in black and wearing scaled gauntlets. "Time means nothing to the likes of us and you know it. May as well be happening tomorrow, and I, for one, prefer not to face annihilation tomorrow if I can help it."

"We need a plan." This is an older man, wearing robes adorned with a symbol that Tarkus remembers having been emblazoned on Sarm and Suvne's armor. "An insurance policy, if you will. We can't just go about our business and expect that millions of years from now, we'll all miraculously unite against a common threat. Some of us may not even last that long."

"Agreed," says another old man, dressed in traveler's clothes and wearing the boots that Tarkus had grown fond of during his time in the mortal realm. "So, what shall we do?"

The scene in Tarkus's mind begins rearrange itself, and he understands this to represent the passage of time. When it is done, the figures are somewhat spread out in the same general area, and they're all looking at the man standing on the tree stump.

"So it's settled," he declares. "Each of us will leave a piece of our souls here in Primaria, under guard by the Wormwood Initiates. When the Eldrazi arrive and the time comes, the pieces will be combined to create a Champion, under no single god's allegiance, whose sole function is to fend off the Eldrazi and save all of existence from destruction.

"To prevent any foul play, this agreement will forbid any interference into the affairs of Primaria by ANY god, past, present or future. Failure to abide by these guidelines will bestow grave consequences upon ALL parties, so that we are all held accountable to each other. Are we finally agreed?"

The gods all look at each other, watching for objections; clearly this has been a long process with multiple iterations. This seems to be the final iteration.

"Excellent." The man in plate mail conjures a scroll, and with his mind he etches some foreign characters into it. The scroll is passed around to each god, who inscribes his or her own characters into it.

It is here that the scene ends, and suddenly Tarkus returns to the present moment; he is back in the marble room with the Raven Queen.

"I was not around to see that," she explains as he recovers from the ordeal. "I have also taken liberties with the appearances of those involved, so that you could understand what you were seeing. But that happened many, many years ago, and ever since the gods have been forbidden to interact with your world; I am no exception.

"If you wish to serve me, I will not object, but I must be honest that I'm not sure you would be satisfied with your tasks here in my hall."


Valerie gladly obliges Val's request. She rolls herself out from behind her desk in a queer sort of chair that has wheels attached to it, and gets to work making arrangements for the party.

The Mayor's Mansion is still under construction, but Valerie seems to have temporarily set up her base in Bertha's Boarding House; as such, she has no problem securing comfortable accommodations for Quintus, Val, and Jack.

The next order of business is summoning the town cleric, Boris, from his church to assess the situation with Muun and Tarkus's remains.

He begins by casting curative spells on their remains. Although this does repair their bodies, reattaching Tarkus's head and closing up all wounds on both men, it does not return the souls to their bodies, nor does it cause their bodily functions to return. Next, he casts Gentle Repose, to prevent their remains from decaying.

"I can't bring them back to life," he says bluntly. "I'm not exactly comfortable repairing their dead bodies if you want the truth of it, and if it were for anyone else I'd refuse. A shade too close to necromancy for my tastes. And I'll tell you another thing - even if I could bring them back to life, I wouldn't, not even for you lot. Sorry; I liked Tarkus, but what you're suggesting is just unnatural."

After Boris leaves, Valerie wheels herself next to the much-more-presentable corpses and leans down to look closer. "Didn't you two make some connections at Pelor's seminary while you were over there? Maybe they'd be willing to help you. Too bad Sarm's not with you. Unless..." She smirks and sits back up, and points at the enchanted glasses that Val is wearing on his face. "You think they'd fall for it?"

At this point, it's mid afternoon in the town of Alydar.
"Perhaps, but if they see past it they'd probably take the deception personally. They know who we are and there leader knows what we are doing, I think they will be willing to help... though I might want to take extra measures to hid my arm here." Quintus says, showing off his skeletal arm.

Also, first chance he gets, Quintus will... take care of Rand.
Muun is surprised by the answer given to him, having up to that point being expected to either have no choice but to comply, or be thrown out. He doesn't even know yet if he could even return to the living world.

He looks up, then bows his head again, "Thank you... Perhaps someday I'll find it right to return to the grove. I do owe the goddess' power my life once over, afterall."

Muun then glances over to the fairy and wonders what she must be thinking right now.
((One thing to keep in mind when considering whether to disguise as Sarm, and Quintis can probably tell you this ICly, is that Sarm by now is more than capable of using the Raise Dead spell.))

Mike M

Nick N
((So w/the disappearance of Rand and Evaneth, I presume the belt vanished with them? Also since we gave Jack the boots so he could move underwater, he may as well have the axe/shield too. Muun could probably keep the armor, since there's no pressing need to have removed it, and doing so is considerably more involved than picking up an axe.()


bitch I'm taking calls.
His mind burdened with the knowledge he has gleaned from the vision of the gods, Tarkus contemplates in silence. After some time, he finally speaks again. "If prophecy and vision are true...Elder-rasi are near to come; It is my wish to see Wormwood Treaty is fulfilled. But cannot see how to aid this in death..." Tarkus furrows his brow and steps forward to entreat the Queen once more.

"Understand now gods forbidden to interfere with mortal realm. But am reluctant to yet serve in afterlife with new knowledge of importance of my task in life. Does there exist a way to return?"

Mike M

Nick N
((I'm thinking Quintus or perhaps Jack may be the only real beneficiary of the belt, but it would depend on whether Jack's "built-in" armor would count against the Monk abilities. The rest of us wear armor, so if I understand correctly the only benefit we would get is a roll of a d8 hit die and some added weapon proficiency.))

Val absentmindedly brushes his fingers against his enchanted Mask of Lies. "Well, it's at least a part I've played before, though that was for a considerably less knowledgable audience."

Before he can continue too far down this line of thought, he closes his eyes and shakes his head vigorously. "No, no, Quintus has the right of this. The cost if our deception were discovered is far too high, it is entirely too risky with what lies at stake. We'll have to play it straight and hope that wherever Sarm is, he has enough clout to bend the ear of Pelor so that he might convince Luna to assist us."

Coughing into his fist, he gazes upward as though he has suddenly become entranced with the fine woodworking of the ceiling. "Quintus might want to wait outside the campus, though..."
When Muun looks at Celia on his way out of the clearing, she looks right back. "Well, I guess that's it for now then. Maybe I'll see you around. If you want to try hanging out in another part of the Astral Sea, just keep going that way and you'll eventually get to the shore. Bye!"

And Muun is now left to his own devices, free to go where he pleases.


"You are not the first to make such a request, nor will you be the last," the Raven Queen says sadly. "Alas, I am afraid there is not much that can be done from here. Worry not; your friends will almost certainly resurrect you shortly after your bodily death. However... time runs differently here than it does in the mortal realms. For each soul, the relationship is different. They might call your soul back to its body a day after it left, and you will have experienced a century's worth of time here. Or only an hour's worth. It is impossible to tell until you one day find yourself back in the land of the living.

"A soul returning to the mortal realms without assistance is a true rarity, and typically involves binding your soul to a deity who has a vested interest in returning you. I would strongly caution against this; typically only evil gods are willing to do this, and the only evil god with an interest in your return is Vecna.

"So, Tarkus Rook, my advice to you is to choose a side, perform your duties under your chosen god for as long as is required, and wait for your friends to call you back to your physical body. However, the decision is yours and yours alone to make."


The next morning, after what's left of the party has had a chance to rest, Valerie accompanies Val and Quintus to the stables. She watches as they find Sarm's old wagon - and the goat from Iron Hill that the stable hands have been looking after. It nuzzles its nose against Tarkus's lifeless body as it's loaded onto the bed of the wagon. "Bahhhhhh," the goat bleats, and it almost sounds like it's mourning.

"Every time we say goodbye, I feel more and more confident that we'll see each other again," Valerie says, her eyes shining with a hopefulness that Val is unaccustomed to seeing. She seems to have found a sense of purpose here that she never had before, even at the height of the Fierno clan's infamy. "Or, I guess that is to say, I feel more confident that you'll return to.... to Alydar. And one of these days, I'll be out of this damned wheelchair so I don't have to look up at you anymore."

"Mayor Florentine," Jack says, "Until you are able to find a permanent cure for your paralysis, I may be able to improve upon the design of your chair. While it is an impressive piece of engineering, I have already made note of twenty three suboptimal design choices, and beneficial alterations that could be made to each. Perhaps the next time we return, I can brief you on the specifications."

Valerie just looks at Jack, still not entirely sure what to make of him, and a little miffed at him for ruining the moment.

((Pause for character interaction before hitting the road))
As Muun is walking out with the flying fairy, he finally finds it safe to mention his intentions, "I don't think the Astral Sea holds my goal. It's being alive where I need to be... even this realm would benefit, but I only know of death as true end.." he doesn't seem aware of the methods of revival and probably expected it a forbidden request to the goddess.

"Let me stay with you for a little bit until I know what to do.." he doesn't mention outright, but he is already considering Ehlonna's offer as his smartest option.
((with my fancy new con penalty, I would not mind having a extra d8 of hp(and an ac bonus would not hurt either)... and i guess being able to punch people would be nice to, could take AoO's with having to carry my dagger around(because this comes up so often...). Just too bad level 1 monk doesn't give a bab bonus, be useful for my touch spells.))

If possible, Quintus will probably want to stop by a shop to pick up some scrolls before leaving. Assuming they sell level 7 scrolls around here...

"Actually, there is something else I would like to talk to them about. Hopefully they will remember me and not freak out about the Arm again. I'll just keep my gloves on so fewer people will hopefully notice it." Quintus replies.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Time. Underneath the ornate marble arches and the dustty walls of this endless hall Tarkus cannot remember last when he had so much of what seemed a finite resource. He thinks back to chained limbs and marching through hot sand with green skinned brothers...endless treks through marshes and mountains side by side with other conscripts of the Storm Crow mercenaries...horrified thrashing and maddening lullabies in the the dark woods of Ravenholm.

And yet all these experiences are nothing but grains of sand in comparison to what may face him in this afterlife in the Astral Sea.

'Could even be a century...'

"Somehow believed that in death, things are be simple..." Tarkus mutters. "But since encountered my comrades, relics of god souls and other worlds, maybe should not have thought so foolishly." Pondering his emotions regarding his own demise, he fails to muster any emotion of ill will toward Evaneth, merely a secret shame in not surviving longer to aid his living companions.

Even in this, he feels the pull to come to terms with. Such emotions he may wrestle with for eternity, but he endeavors to find new meaning and not dwell on what has been lost.

Tarkus nods as he comes to a decision. "Thank you, Queen, for sharing gift of knowledge." He kneels before her respectfully as he continues. "As your role is shepherd aimless souls, I will take your advice and seek service in the other gods."

"I would seek out the voice of a soldier, or that of the travel god whose boots carried me through many travels; find still reason to fight and serve but also have lifelong kinship with promise of new beginnings brought by traveling the endless path."
Muun and Tarkus
Basically it's up to you what you're doing in the Astral Sea until - spoiler alert - you get resurrected. It can be as long or as short as you want, and you can pretty much have anything happen that you'd like (it's not going to end the war though). It's up to you whether you actually want to tell the story in a post, or just weave any potential character development into your character's personality once he comes back, and let it come up organically. Either way is fine with me, and I think either approach could be interesting to everyone else as well.


As for the rest of you, yeah I didn't really give you guys time to shop and get your stuff together in town. Feel free to take care of that stuff (shopping, etc) before heading out. And yes, the magic shop does have Level 7 scrolls for sale.

Mike M

Nick N
((Alright then, looks like Quintus is sporting a fancy new… piece of rope…))

Val smoothly interjects himself between Valerie and Jack. “That is most commendable, Jack. I’m sure the mayor would be absolutely delighted to see what you can come up with. Perhaps on our return trip, you might be able to sketch out some schematics and diagrams for a prototype for her to review.”

Val takes one of Jack’s hands, places the reins to the horses in it, and then clasps Jack’s opposite hand over the straps of leather. “Could you be a friend and see our cart to the town gates? I’d do it myself, but I must confess I am very much a city slicker and have never acquired the necessary skills to direct beasts of burden and whatnot. Being the vast repository of knowledge that you are, I wouldn’t hesitate to trust your hand with them over my own any day of the week.”

Val watches as Jack departs, leading the horses and their cart behind him, Tarkus’ sad gray goat taking up the rear, bleating morosely. He has no idea what Jack’s effective range of earshot is, but once the cart turns the corner out of sight, Val judges it safe to talk openly with his sister. “I can’t help but find your optimism a touch ironic since every time we depart from Alydar, I feel like we are heading out into ever increasing peril,” he says before he turns back to her. “I’m sure Tarkus can vouch for that fact if—when he returns to us.”

Sighing heavily, Val removes the Mask of Lies and rubs his eyes. Despite having gotten more than adequate rest, he’s beginning to feel the fatigue of responsibilities placed on him and his companions. “As it should so happen, before we appeared in your office we were actually stranded twenty years hence. In a future where you… Where you weren’t there, and the Arm had metamorphosed into a Legion that dominated the continent. The thought of having lost you was intolerable, I was only able to keep moving forward by convincing myself I could return to the past, that I could still save you.

“Fortunately, I was correct, as I so frequently am,” Val says with a smile. His face darkens with seriousness as he continues, “And I’m right when I tell you things are only going to get more dangerous from this point on. There are ten artifacts in total, and we now possess seven of them. The Arm’s pursuit was relentless before, I lack the vocabulary to describe how it shall be now that the balance has shifted to our favor. The end is not quite yet in sight, but it’s at least just over the horizon at this point.

“When this is all over, the Arm will be vanquished. There would be nothing hanging over our heads in Ruby Keep.” Val holds up his hands to halt Valarie’s imminent protestations. “Yes, I know, you’ve given up on the notion of returning to how things were and built a new life for yourself here, and I can respect that. But my future here is questionable. Am I to return to being Kaff Reyneel, to while away the remainder of my days curating Alydar’s meager museum? No offense dear sister, but that was a nom de plume necessary for survival, not to supplant my true identity. If I were to remain in Alydar, what would I simply do with myself? You know my predilections, I live for the game, the con. I literally have no idea what I could possibly do as an upstanding citizen of society that would not bore me to tears within a week.

“Besides, the identity is as good as burned, even if no one’s had the brains to deduce it yet. If I were to return for any prolonged period, it wouldn’t take long before someone were to start questioning how someone as milquetoast as Kaff has been successful in gallivanting around the continent, thumbing his nose and poking the Arm in its collective derrière with his rapier. Once someone starts pulling that thread, it’s only a matter of time before the entire tapestry is unraveled. And I fear that would inevitably include ‘Mayor Florentine’ in the process.”

Val holds Valerie’s hands and meets her eyes. “I don’t mean to sour your newfound optimism, this is just me being as pragmatic as I ever was. Who knows what might transpire between now and the conclusion of this task? Perhaps I’ll find some other calling in life compatible with what you’ve built here. We’ll just cross that bridge when we come to it.”

((Apologies for the sudden regression into being a wordy motherfucker lately...

Oooh, shopping. Hmmmm... Val can afford a +5 enhancement on his armor outright, or may be able to swing enough for a +4 Rapier if he's allowed to borrow Jack's remaining funds/share of loot and hawks all the Shifter weapons they collected...))
Valerie looks earnestly at Val. "I know," she says simply. "It's why I fell in love with you. I'm not expecting you to settle down into an honest living. But maybe when this is all over, you'll at least be able to settle down in a single city and not have to continue 'gallivanting around the continent,' as you put it. There's still plenty more mischief yet to be found in Ruby Keep, I'll wager."

She leans forward and kisses Val on the cheek, careful not to lose her balance, lest she fall out of her chair. "Until then, just do me a favor and don't get yourself killed, hmm? I'll be here when you get back, gods willing."

Valerie sees Val off as he scurries to catch up with the departing wagon.

Val can afford a +5 enhancement on his armor outright, or may be able to swing enough for a +4 Rapier if he's allowed to borrow Jack's remaining funds/share of loot and hawks all the Shifter weapons they collected...

((That's all fine with me, if you were looking for approval. The town has capable weapon- and armor-smiths and enchanters.

Once all the shopping is completed, I'll carry on to the Seminary))
((I'm not gonna post something Muun related just yet, but I do want to write something before you guys end up at the Seminary. You guys can probably guess what it relates to.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Shitsnacks, should have written down the Shifters' loot, especially since I was always planning on selling. How many pages ago was that?))

Mike M

Nick N
((Alright, so adding up all that loot and selling it for half price (plus Val's daggers that he replaced with Bone's kukris, that's 25,536. How do we want to divide that? I imagine a sizable chunk should go towards Potions of Cure Serious Wounds or other healing items.))
Sarm's wagon and the accompanying goat remain the last personal remnants of the devout Pelor worshiper and the commander, holy relics not withstanding. It is just a simple wagon, whose design is dated and hails back from an even more simple time. Jack would be the first to notice that the wagon has been kept well repaired, the nature of which most likely made through magical means; however, this has not stopped the cloth exterior from experiencing discoloration through weather and time and the metal bindings that keep the two horses attached to the wagon from beginning to rust. It should be clear to him that many improvements can be made to increase its reliability and performance.

Inside can be seen what sets apart the wagon from any other, several of Sarm's personal belongings still exist here, as if he knew he would depart eventually and wanted to leave personal memories. The floor is placed with an exotic rug hailing from the desert culture, which of course has accumulated dirt and other careless tracking from the heroes using the wagon over time. Various colorful decorations of the similar, foreign designs scatter over the interior, creations made of vibrant beads held together and hung by string to embrace patterns and gradients and color. Glass designs sit in a corner, their designs abstract but pleasing in their flawless textures, curving and bubbling shapes that never find a harsh angle, and the material stained with colors. The glass figures are wasted in the dark corner of the wagon where light cannot beam through them to show their true shine, though it was unlikely Sarm had the artistic aptitude to realize this. Finally, there are the obvious symbols of Pelor here and there, and a few items that he has collected from the more local areas such as a few figurines and a landscape painting. The painting shows a simple clearing in a forest, with a waterfall in the background and some animals gathering towards the focal point of the image, where much of the light shines on them and heavy shadows act to frame the image. The actual style is very unrefined, possibly deliberately so with many visible brush strokes to approximate the design being made, and possibly to quickly manufacture the picture. There are also many imperfections in the representation of the animals, as well as the perspective and contrast, suggesting that this may have been a rather inexpensive painting that was picked up back when he had not begun making gold from adventuring.

Over by the front seat which was used to drive the horses is a sundial. It was once a cute, indirect symbol of the sun, but now it has become a unwelcome reminder that the man of the sun has become lost in time, and time now sits in his place. In his actual seat, lays a book with no title on the cover, and whose bindings are beginning to loosen and detach, and several pages threaten to escape from between the overall collection of pages, as if they wish to be lost forever and scattered to the winds. If somebody were to look inside, it would turn out to be a collection of his thoughts. It describes a lot of thoughts that were kept private from most others, particularly what he thought of the other other people. He admitted to being attracted to Arianna and had to do his best to hide it. He had much trouble getting along with Quintis but tried not to express any ill will. He saw Suvne as a sort of daughter figure and would have even made a good son. He liked Tarkus quite a bit, and would have hated to see him die the most out of anyone. Finally, he was extremely confused about what was going on between Val & Valerie. Other pages describe many conflicting thoughts, heavy nights of self doubt, and other times calm examinations of things to think over or memories he has of his old home. The book ends with his feeling accomplished and excited to have defeated Set.

All of these things now serve as a remnant of Sarm, and they are a gift to the party.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Can I just say, that was the most beautiful exposition about Sarm that I've read. Been a while since the game moved me so much, but it makes me really miss the calming cleric of Pelor. Bravo, KM.))
((probably best we just split the gold 5 ways, Muun and Tarkus can worry about it when they get back, which will hopefully be soon.))

Quintus stocks up on level 7 spells(plus any focuses need for them and a single level 6 spell) despite having distinct lack of spell slots for that level(archmage high arcana+no wizard domain/school slots is nasty...), but hey, everyone loves playing with new toys. And fuck if he's going to actually buy new equipment. Squishy wizard is the only way to go.

((here's the spell list just in case you felt you needed to know what spells i was rocking now:
mage’s magnificent mansion level 7 spell
prismatic spray level 7 spell
Energy Immunity level 7 spell
arcane sight, greater level 7 spell
banishment level 7 spell
Mage’s Sword level 7 spell
Transformation level 6 spell))

((damn... the monk's robe in the monk's belt in 3.5. curse you pathfinder for getting my hopes up!))

Mike M

Nick N
On his way to meet Jack and Quintus before departing from Alydar, Val considers his damaged, corroded rapier. Functionally, it should still work as fine as ever, but it's aesthetic value has been considerably diminished. The mother-of-pearl finish on the grip, for instance, has been completely washed away, revealing the base metal beneath. The edges of the blade are nicked and pitted, and the lustrous shine of the metal has dimmed from the partial dissolution of the polished surface.

"Time for a replacement," he mutters to himself with a tinge of sadness. This rapier has been with him for a considerable length of time by this point, and has pierced a great number of foes, so it's no surprise that there's some level of attachment here. But ultimately it is a tool that has been damaged, and Val has a lifetime of experience behind him to demonstrate the importance of keeping your tools in good shape.

Making a quick detour into the market district, Val enters the shop of one of the local weaponsmiths, who raises his eyebrow to see the man he knows as the curator of the town's small museum enter his shop. The eyebrow raises even higher as Val begins to pull out a veritable arsenal of weapons acquired on his trip to the future from his seemingly bottomless bag. "Museum work been getting dangerous lately, friend?" the shopkeep inquires.

Val effortlessly slips back into his familiar persona of Kaff Reyneel and begins to weave a tale of how the newfound wealth of Alydar has given rise to a class of nouveau riche with obscene amounts of disposable income to throw after the ever changing status symbols of the day, and how the latest craze is historical artifacts and artwork. As such, some of those with lesser quantities of moral fiber have deemed it easier to acquire the objects of their desire by hiring mercenaries to seize the property of others rather than to pay for it outright, spawning a small, undeclared war between patrons of the arts. Kaff, with his appraisal skills is not only in high demand, but his life in dire peril as well. Consequently he almost never goes anywhere without body guards, who are responsible for the... Acquisition of many of the items he is selling.

The shopkeep seems duly impressed by all of this, and tallies up the value of all of "Kaff's" items. He tries to lowball Val on the value of his rapier, pointing out its poor condition, but Val insists that it is a valued antique from two dynasties previous, and to find such an item in even that condition is an astounding feat in and of itself. The shopkeep eventually raises his price to half of the rapier's retail value, which Val responds to with shock and outrage but ultimately accepts. He turns around the sum he's just been counted out and purchases a shining new sword of his own, presumably to defend himself from roving bands of bandit art lovers.

Exiting the store, he tests the balance of his new blade by miming a quick parry and riposte, drawing the curious stares of other shoppers on the street. Satisfied with his purchase, he twirls his sword in a single circle and effortlessly slides it into its sheath before going to meet the rest of his party.

((Everyone's share of the Shifter loot is 5107 gold.))
Before leaving in the wagon, Quintus notes he could just teleport them there, or at least really close. Speaking of, he probably picked up a greater telelport scroll while shopping (no sure why I didn't get that before...). Of course he could use the time riding in the wagon to copy all these damn spells he just bought, so he's good either way.
Tarkus and Muun
Hey sorry about the slight change of plans, but if you guys can hold on to your stories until the clerics actually cast the spell to bring you back, that would be great. I just had a sudden stroke of inspiration. This could mean writing in the exact moment that you get swept away from the Astral Sea at the end of your tale, but it doesn't have to if you think it'd be too hard to fit in.
The day-long journey to the Seminary of Pelor feels especially lengthy for Val. Quintus is in the back of the wagon, busily doing whatever it is Wizards do when they buy a new scroll, leaving the unfortunate eldest member of the Fierno clan to bear the full brunt of Jack's continuous observations about the differences between the world now, and the world as it had been twenty years ago.

"The ratio of chronological signatures between the tree at the crest of that hill now, and as it would have been in the future, is substantially smaller than the ratio of the tree I pointed out earlier. This would suggest that the tachyon emissions are..."

It's like that all day long.

When the sun sets and camp is set up for the night, Jack seems to at least respect living creatures' need for sleep, so Val does get some measure of peace and quiet.

The next morning it's only a few hours' ride to the Seminary of Pelor.

Hardly anything has changed about the campus since the party was last here. It's still full of young people dressed in acolytes' robes, with the occasional older paladins and clerics milling about as well. Most everyone reacts quite differently than they did the last time, though. Stares of reverence and admiration are coming from all sides - not just from the students. It's actually fairly easy for Val, Quintus, and Jack to get access to Luna's office; presumably, the bodies of Tarkus and Muun were left outside, and likely covered up adequately with blankets so as not to attract undue attention.

The silvery-haired headmistress is seated at her desk, and sitting in a chair off to the side is another tall, younger woman. She eyes the party silently.

"Welcome back," Luna says with a smile, but as she takes stock of the party, that smile fades somewhat. "Sarm," she says sadly, "And that little dwarven fellow." She closes her eyes. She mumbles something that's probably a prayer, and takes a deep breath. "Well, at least you still have the Rod of Pelor with you. I need to borrow it for just a moment. This poor young woman has a malady that our clerics as yet have been unable to remedy. By Pelor's grace, you seem to have arrived just in time."

The younger woman sits up slightly straighter in her chair.

"Of course. Where are my manners? Gentlemen, this is Avalyra Astatine."

((Zynx, please describe your character's appearance to the party. Embedding that picture would probably help too.

Oh, and welcome to the game!))



The young woman looks up with surprise in her eyes as the party enters the room. As she is introduced by the headmistress, she stands up awkwardly.

The first thing you notice is her long, straight black hair, the color of midnight, but very quickly your attention is captured by the intense look in her dark brown eyes. Beyond these two distinctive features she doesn't seem too remarkable at first sight. A little on the tall side, her elegant, flowing grey dress covers most of her body, and after a few moments, you notice silvery embroidery incorporated subtly in the fabric. From what you can see, she does seem a little delicate on the physical side. But somehow your instincts tell you not to underestimate her, as you sense a kind of hidden strength in her that isn't in plain view. But as you look for more signs as to what kind of person she is, the only clue that stands out is a band inlaid with some kind of precious metal that she wears around her neck.

She softly clears her throat before she speaks. "Hello, um...nice to meet you." Her arms remain motionless by her side.

((Hey everyone, I've been following the game for some time and it's been pretty awesome. I hope my play will be a valuable contribution to the game as well. Btw, that trail of energy is totally a spoiler!))
((Oh, cool. I woke up to see a new party member!))

Tarkus and Muun
Hey sorry about the slight change of plans, but if you guys can hold on to your stories until the clerics actually cast the spell to bring you back, that would be great. I just had a sudden stroke of inspiration. This could mean writing in the exact moment that you get swept away from the Astral Sea at the end of your tale, but it doesn't have to if you think it'd be too hard to fit in.
I think I still want to go ahead and post
the stuff that happens while he's in the Astral Sea so that interaction with Tarkus can happen and I just roleplay being brought to life at a later time since Muun doesn't have any control of when that happens.

Mike M

Nick N
((Oooh, fresh meat. I think the trail of energy is less a spoiler than the fact that the picture appears to be labeled "Flan Psion." LOL.))

Though saying he is happy to ride in the front of the wagon with Jack on the trip to the seminary might be wording things a bit strongly, Val is certainly more than willing. Putting aside the fact that much of the interior of the wagon is currently taken up by the corpses of men that number some of the very few friends he possesses with whom he has entrusted his true name and history, there's something... uncomfortably voyeuristic about spending much time in the roving home of their former companion Sarm. The bitter irony that his absence is a driving factor in the circumstances leading to their current destination does not escape him.

Jack's incessant observations about myriad ways that the timestream has already been altered in imperceptible (well, imperceptible to everyone but Jack), potentially meaningless ways secretly buoys Val's spirit. Up until this point he had been harboring a deep seated fear that their return to the past might not be enough to prevent the terrible vision of the future they experienced, but Jack has given him hope that their every act has far reaching ripples and greater impact than he can see from his limited temporal perspective.

Val gives some consideration to the cascading nature of the effects to the time stream as he understands it, and wonders if perhaps the Terminator Jack's existence in their timestream might yet be undone. But then that would lead to a paradox, wouldn't it? Who would have driven the carts if Jack hadn't existed in this time line? Every time Val tries to wrap his mind around this whole time travel business, he gets a headache. He considers asking Jack about the possibility that he might vanish, but he doubts he would comprehend the answer.

The reverence they receive when they finally arrive at the seminary throws Val for a loop at first. Thinking back to the first time they visited, he recalls that the situation had very nearly deteriorated to open violence. He feels a twinge of disgust when he remembers the lengths he was prepared to go through to take the Rod of Pelor by force if need be.
He was totally going to put the Hand on and cause massive havoc as a diversion if it came to it.

When they are brought before Luna, he bows courteously and gives a polite kiss to the back of her hand. "Madam Luna, rest assured that things are not so dire for Ivor and Sarm as you might fear. Ivor is currently recovering in Alydar from wounds he sustained during the Hand's assault some time past, and it's my understanding he's expected to make a full recovery... er... eventually. Sarm I'm told has transcended the mortal plane, currently serving as the embodiment of Pelor's light in a realm that has never before felt the warmth of the sun's rays and safeguarding a resurgence of humanity against the terrors of the night."

Val draws the Rod of Pelor from his pack, the metal still as inert and dim as any other mundane mace, as spectacularly sculpted as it may be in the likeness of a rose. "Actually, it is Sarm's departure that brings us here to you today. We have suffered... casualties in our most recent encounter. We've done what we can for them, but I fear we lack the expertise and ability to complete our task in restoring them to fullness. We've come to plead in Sarm's memory for your assistance."

He hands over the rod to Luna. "Hopefully, it can still be of use to you in this state. When Sarm... departed us, whatever happened to him left the Rod in this state. I don't know if it has somehow been depleted of Pelor's ability, or if it simply does not react when devotees are not present."

Turning to Avalyra, he bows once more, and promptly forgets where in his web of lies and false identities he had left the residents of the seminary. "Ms. Astatine, it's a pleasure. I am Va--Kaf--..." Parlaying his verbal slip up into a cough into his clenched fist, he continues, "I am pleased to make your acquaintance."

((BTW, I'm on the road tomorrow and Saturday shooting weddings. I'll almost certainly still be able to post, but the word count is likely to be dialed waaaaaaay down.))
Luna frowns slightly at Val's mention of resurrection. "...First things first." She takes the Rod of Pelor from Val, and it immediately lights up in just the same manner as it had when Sarm wielded it. She weighs it in her hand for a moment and nods.

Luna steps next to Avalyra and points the Rod directly at her. Nothing happens, and Luna seems puzzled. She gradually moves it closer and closer to the lithe, raven-haired woman until she is literally touching the crown of her head with it.

"I don't understand it," Luna finally says, withdrawing the Rod. "I almost... it's as though the Rod is actively resisting curing this poor woman's memory. As if Pelor himself doesn't want her to remember."

As soon as Luna says that, Quintus experiences a weird sensation, as the Hand of Vecna actually reverses the process that had bound the artifact to his skeletal hand. Accompanied by some interesting tingling sensations, Quintus feels his hand and forearm being reconstructed, and suddenly he is wearing the gauntlet version of the artifact again.

Quintus is not able to effectively hide this from everyone else, given the peculiarity of the sensation and how unexpected it came, and also due to the fact that the glove he had placed over his bony hand is now partially torn due to the resulting bulge.

Luna appears to be consciously ignoring the Hand of Vecna, deciding that even if it's a necessary evil, she doesn't want to acknowledge it. "We haven't performed a resurrection here in many years. The stigma against it is too great. However... I suppose this is one instance where we have to make an exception. We will even give you a discount, of sorts; it will be 5,000 gold per soul to be retrieved, and we will perform a True Resurrection for your friends.

"I do have a request, however. I would like you to bring Avalyra with you on your journey. I've already sensed the potential she has locked up within her, and we clearly cannot help her here. Perhaps she'll find what she's looking for by traveling with a group of her peers." Luna turns to Avalyra. "That is, assuming that this is agreeable to you. But I can't imagine you'd want to stay here any longer, given our failures in finding the answers you seek."


bitch I'm taking calls.

Having spent what feels like several lifetimes in the Astral Sea, Tarkus finally feels he has found a place where he can piece together the frozen, tattered and burnt aspects of each life. To him and many others it was simply known as the Bright City. To the cleric whom guided him to its gates in the land of the never-setting sun, it was Hestavar: seat of Erathis and the peak of civilization and invention in the Astral Sea. Attempting to reform the divergent aspects of his wandering soul, Tarkus finds solace in the city of the sun, symbol of his dear friend Sarm.

Stopping to quench his thirst, Tarkus drinks deeply from the cool water of a fountain and rests to reflect on his journeys in death which have brought him many lessons in this realm of gods and goddesses.

- - -

The Raven Queen had smiled a sweet and dangerous smile at Tarkus’ request before raising a cloaked arm beckoning him forward. As the warrior takes a single step forward, his vision is suddenly darkened and he feels a chilling wind sweep through him. As he braces himself against the cold, he hears the pale goddess voice whisper in his ears.

“Farwell, Tarkus Rook. Though the threads of fate are spun ceaselessly, do not forget your destiny is woven of your own accord…and the coming winter is cold in ways you must never forget.”
- - -

In this new region of the Astral Sea, it feels to Tarkus as if he has been walking forever. The rope he holds cuts into the well-worn rivets in his palms as he pulls his cart along the endless trail. The rickety wooden wheels squeak in protest, the sound a familiar one as he winds down roads along rivers and struggles up hills that cut through mountain and wood. Ever so often, its passenger raps Tarkus on the shoulder with an oaken staff, a reminder to the half-orc to keep pace as he travels ever on.

The elderly man, skin wrinkled and weathered like old parchment, speaks to him sparsely on the journey, no more than a few words and only under a crescent moon. When he first awoke from his summoning via the Raven Queen, Fharlanghn approached floating on a mystical disc, the god’s vibrant green eyes sparkling with promise. And yet the only thing he has been granted in his servitude was a travel stained cloak of bleached linen and a single commandment:

“My boots served you well in life, thus you shall patrol a single step along the road to Oerth for every one you took wearing them in the mortal realm.”

Looking back the way he came only ever serves to show the same winding road he has been traveling on ceaselessly. Even now, his legs coated with layers of dust and his feet calloused and bruised, he yet continues to walk. Tarkus hardens his mind against such thoughts, attempting to mold his distress into patience as the old man has taught him. And yet little by little, as the seasons pass unerringly through mountain, valley, field and forest, frustration begins to chip away at the rock of patience he has attempted to form in his mind.

“You were not instructed to stop.” Turning to the voice of the old man, he tears his cloak off and throws it aside. “God or no, I cannot continue! What good is travel if no destination, no other traveler, nothing to see or do but walk forever upon blasted road!” Fharlanghn looks at him silently a long time before he replies. “You seek adventure then, and not patience.”

Tarkus is surprised by this response, unusual of the stubborn god. “What is existence in afterlife if no other life to be had?” He picks up his cloak and hands it to the old man. “Thank you for what your relic done, but cannot go on.” The old man stares blankly at Tarkus. Reaching a hand out, he grasps Tarkus arm instead of the cloak. Again the warrior experiences a flash of light and extreme vertigo.

”Travel is not the destination, and the endless road is its own reward. If it is adventure you seek, it is adventure you will find. Be careful what you wish for.”

- - -

Blinking, the half-orc finds his vision restored to a horrifying sight. Bodies, in various states of death and decay surround him. Shuffling back in horror, he nearly trips upon an impaled demon that sputters up black blood onto the ground. Walking further, he finds himself in a stiflingly hot land of thick ash, black rock and flowing lava. The surface itself glows through cracks in the broken ground around him, erupting in places with fire and brimstone. As he walks, the ground burns through the slippers he wears and begins to sear into the flesh of his bare feet.

At the edge of a dark pit choked with smoke and ash, he discovers the remains of a man hewn apart at the torso. As Tarkus turns him over, chunks of his blackened and charred skin crumble and the man cries out from the ruin of his face incoherently. Seated in the bleak pit of his skull are two perfectly preserved, bloodshot eyes that stare back at the half-Orc unerringly. “For Erythnul…I GIVE ALL MY SUFFERING!” The man screams out these last words before using his charred sword to heave himself into the depths below.

As what feels like days pass, Tarkus comes to the realization that he has awoken in a land of chaos and ceaseless battle. Not an honorable or fair kind of battle, but the kind of ruthless, savage and bloodthirsty free-for-all melee only the truly hellish would savor. Forced to scavenge what he can of the weapons and armor of the fallen at night, Tarkus savagely defends himself against the demons and blood-thirsty champions of Erythnul by day. As he executes the last of his drow attackers, he vomits in fear at the adrenaline that rushes up in his body, unbidden; nearby his foe’s head tumbles unceremoniously into a crack in the ground.

Tarkus begins to count the passage of time not in the setting of the blood-red sun, but in the ceaseless number of hellish encounters he struggles through. Beginning in the hundreds, Tarkus starts to find it harder and harder to simply defend himself. Each battle, he feels a sickening strength flow into his muscles, an inner furnace fueled by a newly awoken desire. He begins to find himself seeking others out to fight.

As he wakes one morning, he no longer feels like himself. His mind broken, he attacks a nearby roving band of warriors traveling in peace. Slaying each with brutal efficiency, he is only snapped out of his blood lust by spotting his reflecting in the platemail of his final victim. Unable to recognize his own horrible face, he flashes back to all those who have met their end by his own blade. He covers his face with his hands, his palms stained with blood. Roars in agony at what this world has made him, Tarkus attempts to take his own life by falling upon his own sword.

A flash of pain gives way to a burning like he has never known and just as he opens his mouth to scream he finds himself standing face to face with a giant minotaur with burning black eyes and a mane of flame. It roars savagely at Tarkus in a booming voice that shakes the very foundations of the earth and wields a familiar looking axe dripping in blood.

They stand on a golden bloodstained alter, surrounded by cloaked worshippers kneeling in reverence to their task. The nearest crawls forward, head bobbing as if in a trance. “The bloodiest one wishes to honor you in battle.” Cackling, the worshipper points to the minotaur. “Your screams shall make music to our ears.”

Tarkus kicks the cackling worshipper and steps forward to stare down the frightening visage of the minotaur. “Death no longer sways me. Break and burn my body. Flay and slash my limbs. But blood rage shall not move my hand to battle again.” Closing his eyes, expecting, instead he feels a light touch upon his chest.

Floating between the minotaur and himself is an unusually tall woman with auburn-gold hair and striking blue eyes. Stepping to the ground, she lifts the tip of a black staff from his chest and he finds his body cleansed of the scars and layers of blood he had accumulated from his time in the chaotic realm. Placing a hand on his shoulder, Tarkus obediently kneels before her. All trace of the worshipers and the fierce minotaur have vanished leaving only him and the mysterious woman.

As he kneels, the warrior woman lifts a familiar looking shield and places it on the ground before him. It is set with gleaming sapphires that sparkle against the flames on the alter around them. She gestures for him to take up the shield with the nod of her head.

“But who…” before he can finish his sentence the woman places finger upon his lips, running her hand over his eyes with her other hand and closing them gently. Reaching out, Tarkus finds the strap of the shield in his grasp and pulls it against himself tightly. A dual-layered voice speaks to him both in a fierce voice both fearsome and fair:

“Rage and restraint are two sides of the same coin, and each carry a weight of their own. You must master both to fulfill your warrior heart’s true desire. The harmony of each will give you the ability to wield a fearsome power in protection of your comrades. ”

- - -

Waking in a cold sweat, Tarkus realizes he has drifted off in reminiscence, his back propped up against the wall by the fountain. As he stands up, he laments not having encountered Sarm despite his long travels and attempts to gain audience with the high clerics who serve Pelor in the city. If he could but see one familiar face, he would feel comforted in the knowledge that this afterlife was yet worth living.
Celia chimes ats the Ranger's brooding goal with a sing song voice, "Oh, some souls come back to their living bodies, but you'll never know how long it takes!~ And only a few return at all!" However; Muun remains unphased knowing that the others must be planning something inane and crazy back in the living world right now. They went back in time. Celia then maneuvers in a loop in the air to look at the human boy, a little off put by the fact that the human just asked to stay with her, taking it a bit differently than he probably intended. With a thoughtful pause, she reluctantly accepts, "Just for a little while, okay? I'm sure Ehlonna doesn't want you staying too long if you're not gonna help in protecting the grove." Of course who knows what the goddess might actually think, it's more of an excuse not to keep him around. The fairy then leads him to a spot in the grove she makes her home, which turns out to be a small pond, sprouting leeks that fairykin can hide in. Muun has to find a nearby spot of grass next to the pond, where Celia flutters to her home.

Muun leans over the water, the perfect white clothing he wears stained at the knees from the water drifting over the ground. He dips hands into his mirrored reflection, shattering the illusion of seeing himself with the rippling water before splashing himself in the face. He then sits and thinks to himself for a bit, still trying to decide on his course of action.

Celia just watches him with a wrinkled expression, saying, "I get it! You're one of those stuck up types that are no fun aren't you? You should really consider staying! I think you could use an eternity of relaxation, maybe you'll learn how to smile in that time!" Muun looks up to respond to the fairy, his expression only becoming alert by this assertion, "Maybe I'm just an incredibly difficult person to please. There is a lot on my mind right now." The fairy picks herself up through her hummingbird hover and buzzes over to his forehead and attempts to press it with a finger, "Worrying isn't good for wandering souls! You don't have to act so tough while you're here.. at least not yet."

An argument like that would be how the two would start off their days.. But as time passes, time that can only be measured by cycles of sleep and as long as the morning is constant out in the grove, he grows used to the reality that he will not be returning to the living world anytime soon. He ends up spending more time in the grove than he anticipated, Celia leading him to places and things. He eventually manages to switch out of his plain silk clothing in favor of tribal wear that the animal folk wear. He finds much of his time relaxing and enjoying the gifts that the divine nature brings. He relaxes and seems pleased, but never manages to make a strong smile through it all. Over time Muun and the fairy find themselves sticking together often, the stoic human often making an easy target for teasing criticisms.

After a one night, where Celia inexplicably drifted off to sleep, unwittingly allowing herself to have curled into the curve of his neck neck, she wakes up to find herself placed on a large leaf. Perplexed, she hovers not far from the sleeping place to find Muun had not traveled far off. He can be seen practicing with a makeshift bow, attempting to shoot at a pile of fruit stacked up on a raised ledge. Shot after shot, each one misses or scrapes the target, and frustration and disappointment can be seen in his steps as he moves forward to examine his pitiful performance. When Celia asks what is wrong, he explains, "I can't stay here. I can't wait for some war to happen here. I have become complaicant. I am lazy. My skills are unpolished." He then throws down his bow, allowing his anger to vent freely in an unveiled rant, "But it's pointless to just go out into the sea of the gods for no reason! Why should I put myself into danger needlessly?" He heaves his breath, pacing back and forth, "I have to find a way to retrain my abilities.. This bow doesn't cut it.."

Celia frowns, and is even a bit frightened at Muun's sudden outburst of emotion, her spot in the air flung back a bit as if she were hit by a soft gust of air. As Muun starts to slow down, she carefully navigates towards him and stands back onto his shoulder to softly speak in his ear, a bit wearily, "I'm sorry Muun.. I.." she doesn't really know why she's apologizing but feels like she had failed in some way. She makes a fist like she's clutching her heart, "It'll be alright, you don't.. have to fight if you don't want to." It's true to her, she has known him as a strange, confused human that is learning how to be a friend, rather than as a brutal vampire hunter who lived each day struggling to live and overcome fear by shutting down his emotions.

"Muun..." a soft, motherly voice appears through the air behind him, then gives tone of a smile, "I had allowed you freedom to do as you wish, because I knew that you were most likely going to find solace here in the end. However; I still see that you are a leaf struggling to break free from autumn's tree, but if you were to break free now, there is no wind to give you direction. You would only fall." It is Ehlonna's voice, and she had noticed Muun's plight. "There is something I should tell you. Perhaps this knowledge I will bestow upon you will be the wind that drives you, Muun Reinhart. Shortly after your arrival in the Astral Plane, so did another of your companions, the mortal warrior you know as Tarkus." Muun swiftly turns in place at Ehlonna's presence, quickly asking, "Tarkus died too!? That can't be right, he was much better suited for that battle than I was."

"It was a powerful creature that ended both of your lives... I hesitated to tell you when I first summoned you, because I did not wish for you to blame yourself for not being able to prevent his death.." Ehlonna steps closer, her lust-inducing body swaying magnificently with each step. "Tarkus is to be chosen by one of several gods. If you wish for a goal, go and reunite with him to rekindle your friendship with him in this afterlife. However; I cannot relieve him of his servitude towards another god."

Muun takes a deep breath, and gradually beins to return to his serious, critical, and deliberate self, "Tell me how I can cross the Astral Sea safely, and then I will make it my death's goal to find Tarkus, if no other purpose in this world."

Ehlonna would lead Muun and Celia to the shore of the Astral Sea, the distance of the silvery waters showing much of nothing. To provide Muun with extra safety for his trip, she casts a spell with her own power to create a bridge formed from the roots of a tree behind them, that continue to grow out towards the distance towards the unknown. "Walk along the path I have given you, and you will be the leaf carried by the wind. You will then have to find your own path from then on." Muun nods, and gives a final bow. With his lowered posture, Celia flies off his shoulder to stay in the grove. Muun then turns and begins to walk along the rooted path, looking back behind him once more to give a hint of a smile towards the fairy he met that day.

As she watches the human shrink towards the distance, Celia asks the goddess, "Do you think I'll ever see him again?" Ehlonna smiles, "Do you wish to?"


Muun's walk over the tangled roots that guide him go on for what seems like days. He becomes zoned out in a trance from performing only mindless walking for so long. The only event that breaks this monotony is hearing the sound of the roots crinkling once more, causing him to look over behind him to see that the roots are shrinking, but stop just behind his feet to prevent his fall. Continuing his walk, the roots continue to shrink at his pace. It must be a way of saying that there is no turning back now. Thus begins Muun's journey through the planes as a wandering soul.

After spending what must have been several of his lifetimes walking little by little finally reaches a new island. Strangely enough, the perceived lightness of the sky begins to dwindle to nothingness, becoming black and smothered. Forced to cast Darkvision to move on, Muun carefully travels through his new surroundings, holding out the crude, clumsily made weapon in his arms. He carefully steps through what is now an underground tunnel somehow. At the end of the giant passage he can tell that the floor ends as a cliff.. as Muun carefully approaches the edge, he witnesses the perspective shift showing a great chasm filled with gigantic spider webs and a larger network of tunnels and caves. Just as he's certain that he's in danger, he is sprayed with a thick substance that immediately binds him and covers him completely. Toppling over he is then pulled up and hung upside down from the cavern ceiling, leaving him trapped and helpless to the whims of any that wish to have their way with him. Muun should have known better than to have allowed this to happen, he shouldn't have traveled so deeply into the cavern to begin with, but not having experienced danger for so long, longer than any human can handle has left his instincts dulled and worthless.

Looking around while upside down, he can see a gigantic spider crawling down towards him from the webbing that he is hung by. His eyes widen, and he attempts to struggle to try and shake it off with little success. "Down, boy." a strong feminine voice beckons, commanding the giant spider to slowly turn around and crawl back up the web and back onto the ceiling. Leveling his view back forward, he notices an elven woman, but her skin is black like obsidian, and her hair white like the webbing he is trapped in. She is wearing a robe, not dissimilar to a druid's, "Curious.. a human with a surface elf's face.. and drow hair.." Still attempting to break free, now having a chance to use his escape techniques to try to loosen himself from within the tight web's grip, Muun answers, "I never did track my bloodline very far." All he knows is that he is human enough to constitute a full blood.

"Well.. human. You make an interesting choice coming here. Perhaps you seek our queen's embrace." the drow spider worshipper then laughs at the prospect, practically taunting him with his upcoming fate. Muun scoffs, despite the predicament he's in, "I've already shared myself with a woman of darkness once. Never again."

"Share? Share? We of the spiders aren't known to share." She begins to walk forth and place her hand on Muun's cheek, "In fact, my baby is feeling a little hungry tonight. I'm sure the Queen won't mind a few crumbs given to-" a loud rumbling echo roars through the tunnel, carrying a rugged voice that halts the Drow's approach, "UNHAND HIM!" a spear pierces the drow woman's shoulder, toppling her over away from him. Muun suddenly finds gravity taking hold, pulling him down into being caught by a muscle bound figure running by. Being set down, a scoundrel-looking fellow kneels down to carve away the webbing at him, and then a ranger tosses him a new bow, one that appears properly made and legitimately useful. Catching an arrow tossed towards him, the heat of battle puts Muun in a position where his instincts begin to awaken again out of necessity. From laying on his back, he pulls the arrow and releases, sending it flying to the spider crawling above. Expecting to have missed that shot, instead the creature is fallen to the ground, twitching heavily.

A Dwarven warrior soon pulls Muun up, "Are ye alright laddie? It must be th' gods' miracle that we found y'ere in th'knick of things. Lessgit y'out o'ere a'ight?" Muun is pulled right along. As the light grows upon returning to the shore of the Astral Sea, Muun dispels the Darkvision spell, and is soon able to see the heroes that have saved him just now in detail. Mostly human and the dwarf, all are in their elderly years, and yet they still continue their adventures even in death. It's an admirable marvel, seeing that death and old age both cannot stop the drive of some warriors. The party members lead Muun towards a ship floating atop the unnatural making of the gray magical sea, a ship clearly comprised of many magical installations that allow it to function the way it does. "We're ancient heroes." the elder ranger says in a gruff voice, being a man whose hair and beard are kept well kempt, and the coloration having become a fine white, "In death we travel to the realms to find lost souls to bring to safety."

As they quickly board the ship and raise the boarding plank, foul songs can then be heard. The shipwatch screams atop his lungs to warn the party, "HARPIES INBOU-!" The figure atop the watch is suddenly pulled away by a flying humanoid beast, his warning turning into a panicked scream and then fading into the distance. "Everyone! Cover your ears! Don't let them tantalize you!" somebody warns. The harpies circle overhead, continuing their screaming and songs, and in tandem constantly dive down to claw at the hapless crew below and grabbing others into the air.

The Dwarven fighter draws a double handed blade, scribed with Dethek runes symbolizing the personalized nature and the nature of its magic powers. The mighty dwarf slams the giant blade into the dexterious creatures, the sheer weight of the blade actually crushing the lanky bodies like tin cans instead of simply slicing their skin open.

The rogue is noticably less capable, but is still able to keep toe to toe with the dangerous creature through maneuvering his body and limbs to cause fail for its reach. When finding an opening where he knows that the creature can't retaliate so easily when he goes in, he punctures the flying monster with deft dual blades.

The tall Barbarian, a spectacle of human fitness and the means to show it where dragon's hide does not cover him, roars loudly as if he were a bear. The massive man is able to propel himself with super human strength, more than easily capable of matching the altitute of the in-flight monsters, and then grabs one of its heads, just the vice grip of his fingers capable of making its skull begin to crack, but he allows gravity to take over, sending him flying back down with the harpy in hand, and as he is landing, in the same movement he thrusts his arm forward, crushing the head of his enemy with both the will of gravity and his massive arm strength, leaving a splatter of gore in his wake.

Muun stands side by side with the elder ranger, the two of them firing from where they are at, and both grabbing arrows from the same quiver as they do so. Together they are able to attack the flying beasts where most others could not. Soon the harpies finally find the sense to retreat, and the ship manages to leave to travel the Astral Sea safely. The trip from there manages to be much safer and less eventful, and the ship crew seems to have much experience on how to navigate with no possible guide within the nothingness. It is here Muun is allowed new clothing to travel the city with, now wearing simple black trowsers, a white long sleeved shirt, and a black thin vest.

Being on the ship, he is provided food, a place to sleep, and company with the other party members. While at a dining table, he hears tales of past adventures and conquests, people they have saved and marvelous events incurred by gods. When it becomes Muun's turn to tell his story, they become most intrigued when he describes the Cleric of Pelor that visited Ravenloft and how that was his means of escape. Even for them that seems unfathomable. "Luck o'e the gods y'do 'have boy. E'en death is a better place than'at hell hole." the Dwarf he now knows as Connery comments.

Muun, a ranger himself, soon visits the elder Ranger of the party, known by name as Eldaeric, asking him for help in getting him back to speed in his bowmanship. Eldaeric is more than welcome to help, and leads Muun down to a practice area below deck where targets are set up, as well as dummies and cylinder mats to practice sword play with. "Only Iilgar, our Barbarian friend, doesn't use this training room. He finds it fit to battle as he pleases and would most likely destroy the ship if we let him have his way here." Muun actually gives a bit of snicker at the thought. Eldaeric watches the young archer practice several shots. Tilting his head, watching Muun's gaze rather than the targets, he walks foward and notices the problem, "You lack focus." He grasps Muun's chin to turn his face towards him, "Your eyes appear to be looking outward, but I can tell.. I can tell they're looking inward." He lets Muun go and explains, "You've had a focus and a drive that was lost over time. This is what you must get back, as it is what keeps you alive. This is why you have left comfort, you wish to find your focus once more."

With the advice implanted to him, Muun tries to think of why he was focused.. what allowed him to eschew emotional attachment. Then the memory of the vampire girl that loved him that he killed plays back to him. The thoughts he had then still play out like they were current. He was doing what must have been done. He was protecting himself. He was efficient. Heartless. Unsympathetic. His mind plays out the shot he took that night again, the dead accuracy he had in killing the vampiress with a single shot of a wooden arrow.

"Very good." Eldaeric says, having just watched Muun make the target steadily. "Keep your wits sharp just like that."


Finally, the ship carries him to a port of a city known as Hestavar. It seems to be a city well developed enough to have a viable means of transportation with well developed ships powered through magical and scientific means both. The city's building designs seem to be so much more modern and new than even the Mallory mansion in Primaria. Given some currency to spend, Muun says goodbye to the heroes, and they wish him luck in finding his companion.

From the docks, Muun finds himself entering a set of markets that are strategically placed to ensure that 'tourists' like himself do not miss their wares and enjoyments. He is soon forced to step aside for a carriage... That... has no horses drawn upon it, and seems to be some sort of mechanized steam device with an explosive casing at the front. It's like if Jack were a transportation device of some sort.

He decides to examine some of the shops, given currency to start out with. He first finds himself in a weapon shop, but it doesn't carry ordinary weapons, it carries various cannon-like devices that are small enough to fit in one's hand, or two. "Welcome!" the owner says, looking to be much more of an engineer in scholar's robes instead of a blacksmith or wood worker, "Please, take a look at my selection of guns. Have a fancy for some of the antique models. They're all in working condition and well inspected." Muun's ignorance shows, like it usually does when he finds something unfamiliar, "What is a gun?" he asks simply. The clerk behind the counter snaps his fingers and begins to grin, "They are the end of armor as you know it!" [OOC NOTE: That should be bows but noooo] "They will replace swords, bows, crossbows.." His tone then switches to considering and dismissive while emoting a wave, "But perhaps not magic but the two will coexist nicely."

Handing Muun a rifle, he leads him to the back where there is a mannequin put on display. It is punctured and ruptured by several holes from constant abuse. The clerk prances about the room, taking an apple and balancing it on the rounded surface of the mannequin's head. Nearly clapping at his success, he moves back and helps Muun pull up the rifle, and places it to where he is aiming with it properly, "Using a gun is simple. Pull the trigger! In fact, one could say it's too simple. Don't have them near children, now. Aiming is a different matter, try hitting that apple." Looking over to the man, Muun considers the instructions, then looks back and sets his eye down the sight as told. With a cold expression, he takes careful aim and makes the man wait carefully for him to take the shot. After a long moment he finally pulls the trigger, and a deep gaping hole finds itself where there would be a heart on the Mannequin.

"Ooh, it'll be alright. With practice you'll-", "I hit exactly where I wanted to." Muun interrupts, "Training to not hit targets that might try to kill me is a waste of time.. how much for this?" As they are travelling back, the clerk attempts to explain how a gun could be useful to someone other than a killer or a warrior, "Well, you could protect your home with them, or use it for self defense.. or for hunting! Or even just to show that you have a gun!" "Only the hunting part sounds like an exciting reason to have one. I am a hunter myself." The clerk finally then tallies up the cost of the weapon and its bullets, "That will be... five thousand and fifteen gold pieces."

"... What."

As Muun walks down the street to the next shop, having decided to keep the bow given to him by Eldaeric instead of trying out a new futuristic weapon for very personal and moral reasons. He steps into a large opening with many clothing in display, looking over the designs which seem better made than in any other world. Most of the clothing here reminds him of what Val wears, which is not exactly what he wants, but he eventually settles on finding a dark, muted blue trench coat outfit to travel about with. The attire suits his natural charisma given by his handsome appearance perfectly, the bow accompanying the suit to present an image. An image of a man who makes hunting a target his very business, where nothing will stop him from accomplishing his mission.

And finding his target he has. With direct steps he eyes a figure which he has hunted for the many life times he has been in the astral sea. The satisfaction of winning finally overcoming him after much peace and at the same time frustration weighing him down. He circles around the fountain, gazing towards the introspective half-orc, interrupting his dream-like state with the familiar voice that has been sought out by the half-orc like water in a desert and gold for the poor, "Sorry I kept you waiting."
"So we just pretending that didn't just happen? Works for me. Anyways, Avalyra, if you would like to join us, you should know is our job is very dangerous, if you don't end up like our friends who are currently corpses outside, you could end up like one of the others who have all disappear for other, various, strange reasons. And what, if you don't mind me asking, is it you do? I'd just like to know in case something happens so we can make the best us of all our abilities and avoid a repeat of yesterday... 20 years from now... ahem." Quintus clears his throat after that last remark, but continues.

"Just to give you an idea, I'll give you a quick overview of ourselves. Val here is talks us into, and occasionally out of, trouble. Jack is... I'm still not sure what he is really, a construct of some sort, but he is incredibly intelligent and isn't to bad with that big old sword of his. Tarkus, my good half-orc friend who you will be meeting soon enough I'm sure, hits things with his Axe very hard and I wouldn't have him any other way. Muun is also a bit of a mystery to us still, but he's pretty good with a bow and is capable of using some magiks, reminds me of the kind these church types use as well. And I... names Quintus by the way, sorry for not introducing myself earlier, am a practitioner of the arcane arts capable of bending reality, even time, to my will." Quintus briefly considers following that up with a hearty 'Mwahahaha!' but decides against it.


Avalyra is quiet as the more scholarly looking man of the trio introduces himself in a rather charming manner...before slipping over his words. She involuntarily frowns in response, but has no time to consider his peculiar behavior as he produces a simple, yet majestic cylinder of metal, topped with an exquisite flower. "Wow," she whispers to herself as she admires its craftsmanship. As her eyes follow the Rod as Luna takes hold of it, she is caught by surprise as it suddenly glows with with an intense light.

"Eee!" she utters incoherently as she flinches in surprise, almost losing her footing. She tries to regain her composure, but can only feel nervous as Luna turns to point the Rod right at her. A tingle of anticipation courses through her, but nothing seems to happen. Continuing to stand in place, Avalyra is only vaguely aware of Luna's approach until she feels something gently touch her head. Her eyes focus on Luna as the headmistress declares defeat. A mixture of emotions wash over her as Luna withdraws - disappointment, but also relief.

A second shock is in store for her as a strange sound draws her attention towards Quintus. She sees the torn glove on the man's hand, but can't make any sense of the situation. A quick glance at the others of the room show that they either missed the commotion, or more perhaps are intentionally ignoring it, so she refrains from saying anything. But she now can't help but notice the strange gauntlet on the man's other hand. Avalyra tries not to stare as Luna returns to address the newcomers. She listens quietly as they talk, when a third surprise is sprung on her, as the headmistress suddenly suggests that the group take her with them. She turns to face Luna with her mouth open, not knowing what to say.

After taking a moment to gather her thoughts, she's about to ask who they are when another one of them speaks up. The first mention of corpses already plants a feeling of revulsion in her mind, and then...she's just confused. Yesterday...20 years from now?? She finds herself trying to unravel the meaning of the strange statement, but is interrupted when he continues with his introductions. All the unexpected events so far have taken their toll on Avalyra, but she manages to pull herself together to respond. "I'm...I'm pretty good at crafting things." She reaches into her pack and produces an object. "Like this." The shape is easily recognizable, a single, swaying stalk of grain - made out of pale orange glass. A longer look at the unusual sculpture reveals its uncomplicated, yet fine craftsmanship. But as Avalyra looks at the others' reactions, it's obvious that this wasn't what they were looking for. "Um..." she stalls, and looks questioningly at Luna, asking wordlessly if she should reveal her abilities that she normally keeps secret.
As Avalyra tries to figure out what's happening, Jack fills the awkward silence, oblivious to her discomfort. "My sensors are detecting large quantities of psionic energy emanating from Ms. Astatine. Given that she is an Elan, it is probable that she possesses formidable psionic ability." He tilts his head slightly, as if something just occurred to him. His speech patterns are wholly foreign to Avalyra; their complete detachment from all emotion, save perhaps curiosity, is something she's never encountered before.

"Ms. Astatine, are you aware that you possess these abilities? Although the energy stores in your cranial region appear to be vast, I cannot detect any psionic residue anywhere else on your body. This indicates that your abilities have not been activated in some time, or perhaps have never been activated." He tilts his head in the other direction. "Fascinating."

Luna chuckles. "Well, I suppose that cat's out of the bag now, dear." She steps closer to Avalyra again and places a warm, comforting hand on her shoulder. "These men were chosen by the Pelor - by all the gods themselves - to embark on an ancient, sacred quest to save all of creation from destruction. If you want my opinion, it was not just circumstance that saw their return during your short time here. You are destined for great things, child. Embrace that destiny."

She smiles warmly. "Take some time to think it over while I see to their request. It will take some time to set everything up. Feel free to stay here in my office if you like." She turns to Val. "Right, then. Lead the way to their remains."

Luna follows the party out to their wagon, and seems pleasantly surprised at the condition of the two dead men, though she is taken aback slightly by the fact that one of them is a half-orc. She instructs Val and Jack to carry the bodies across campus, to a small ritual chamber that seems dusty and rarely used. She has the bodies laid gently on an altar in the middle of a plain, circular carpet. After collecting the necessary fee to pay for the material components, she proceeds to anoint the foreheads of the two men with various oils and ointments. Candles placed around the circular carpet are lit, and burn with curious pinkish-purple flames.

She holds the Rod of Pelor as a focus and closes her eyes, standing over the two men and waving the instrument in deliberate patterns over their heads. She speaks in a language that Val and Quintus don't understand; Jack seems to be loving this, drinking it in intently, but understands that this isn't the time for commentary.

As she continues to speak, her words get louder and louder, and eventually she is almost shouting. The divine energies in the room begin to spike, and eventually even Val can feel an unfamiliar tingle. The candle flames flare up, and the entire room begins to almost rumble.

There is a flash of the pinkish-purple light, and everyone is temporarily blinded. When that subsides, Tarkus and Muun's eyes are open and blinking, and each of them prop themselves up by an elbow.

They have returned to the Material Plane.

((Muun and Tarkus, this happened almost immediately after you met each other in the Astral Sea. Tarkus said his one line as dictated by KittenMaster, and then suddenly here you are with the rest of the party))
The younger of the two revived persons groans a bit as he pushes himself up. Suddenly all of the time he has spent, the agonizing extended ages that he has experienced all compress themselves into a much shorter memory, as if it was all just a dream he was having. Looking around, he naturally asks, "..Where am I?" Then looks to see if Tarkus is still there, and has a breath of relief that he is. Looking over at Tarkus' neck, he sees a very fine cut line where he was decapitated, "What a horrible gash. I wonder how I look.." He pulls off his shirt, oblivious to the manners of the two ladies in the room, looks over himself to examine the massive scars he just earned from his death. "Damn it. That's never going to go away..." He then looks up to everyone looking over them, noticing that Val and the others are still around.

Tarkus said his one line as dictated by KittenMaster,
((It was Muun that said that.))
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