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Question about beating Metroid Prime

aoi tsuki

i finally picked this game back up and got the last artifact, so i can focus on beating it. If i beat the game, will it let me use the same savegame to start another game, or will i have to create another?

aoi tsuki

Thanks. i'll pick it up later today before work. i'd like to think that i'd run through it again on hard, but picking up the powerups again isn't my definition of fun.

Deku Tree

aoi tsuki said:
Thanks. i'll pick it up later today before work. i'd like to think that i'd run through it again on hard, but picking up the powerups again isn't my definition of fun.

If you already know where they are because you've beaten the game on Normal and gotten most of them, then it's not much work because you can get almost everything (including artifacts) on your way through the game without running around on "powerup hunts". But Hard isn't really that hard except on the Major bosses.

aoi tsuki

i started playing the game when it was launched (Q4 2002?), playing it for a couple of days in my normal game time. i picked it up a few times, feeling lost for a good half hour until i finally made some small progress. If i decide to go through it again, half of the game will be a new experience. It's tempting to stay up and beat it just to have hard mode to play, because the difficulty is my only gripe in the game.
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