Pete Townshend has had The Lifehouse Chronicles up on Eel-Pie.com for quite some time now. As you already know the Lifehouse project is what eventually dissolved into Who's Next which in my personal opinion, is one of if not the best album of all time.
But I only own and I've only listened to one post Who Townshend album and that's Empty Glass. Great album btw. It's doubtful but my question is to any of you who might own or have listened to The Lifehouse Chronicals in it's entirety, what is your opinion on it? What can you tell me about it? I'd like to buy it, but a lot of Pete Townshend's post Who stuff(post Keith Moon) wasn't all that hot with the exception of Empty Glass so I'm wondering if the Lifehouse Project = A facinating, yet broken look into a failed (which is subjective, I'd hardly call Who's Next a failure neither commercially or artistically) project? An enjoyable listen? The definititive Who's Next?
But I only own and I've only listened to one post Who Townshend album and that's Empty Glass. Great album btw. It's doubtful but my question is to any of you who might own or have listened to The Lifehouse Chronicals in it's entirety, what is your opinion on it? What can you tell me about it? I'd like to buy it, but a lot of Pete Townshend's post Who stuff(post Keith Moon) wasn't all that hot with the exception of Empty Glass so I'm wondering if the Lifehouse Project = A facinating, yet broken look into a failed (which is subjective, I'd hardly call Who's Next a failure neither commercially or artistically) project? An enjoyable listen? The definititive Who's Next?