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Radio Contest Winner Sues Over '100 Grand' Candy Prize

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Seth C said:
Oh, her poor children! "No minivan, mom?"

Seriously, I'd bet the $100,000 that this woman is currently living on wellfare. She's probably already earned at least $100,000 out of our paychecks.
way to offer some idiotic insight to the discussion

Seth C

cubanb said:
way to offer some idiotic insight to the discussion

This news is from my town, so I'll offer what insight I please. Seriously though, I'd almost guarantee that what I said is true. 3 kids spanning a decade, a 1 year-old with no mention of a husband, and an entitlement complex. Oh, and she lives in Kentucky. I'd say those are sure signs.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Am I the only one amused by the fact that the DJ who lost his job over this is named "DJ Slick"?

Personally, I'd suggest a name change at this point. Maybe "DJ Not So Slick" or something similar...


Seth C said:
This news is from my town, so I'll offer what insight I please. Seriously though, I'd almost guarantee that what I said is true. 3 kids spanning a decade, a 1 year-old with no mention of a husband, and an entitlement complex. Oh, and she lives in Kentucky. I'd say those are sure signs.
I apologize, didnt know you were from there.
Well, if thats the sort of folk that live in this town , it makes this stunt even more cruel.
Seth C said:
This news is from my town, so I'll offer what insight I please. Seriously though, I'd almost guarantee that what I said is true. 3 kids spanning a decade, a 1 year-old with no mention of a husband, and an entitlement complex. Oh, and she lives in Kentucky. I'd say those are sure signs.

You're still making assumptions, and trying to justify them by saying it's in your backyard? IF you're right about the woman being on welfare (and there's nothing to suggest you're right unless you have more info than "omg i live near this!11"), that makes the DJ even more of a fucktard, and not the only one for that matter.


JC10001 said:
Heh. Sounds similar to the Toy Yoda incident.



Seth C

cubanb said:
I apologize, didnt know you were from there.
Well, if thats the sort of folk that live in this town , it makes this stunt even more cruel.

The town is honestly a bit of a mixed bag. However, it's pretty obvious based on her promises to her children that she isn't one of the wealthy doctors/lawyers that live in $500,000 homes. Among the poorer segment, goverment assistance abuse is a little out of control. doubt there are many people in Kentucky that don't know several people living off the government, collecting disability or "crazy checks" without really deserving them. Seemingly, if you can get any or all of your kids diagnosed with ADD or anything similar you can earn enough money to live on. It's become a bit of a running joke for most of us.


I live in Richmond, KY, about 15 mins away from Lexington. Seth C is right. Some of us Kentucky folks are fucked up fuckers. :lol


Tedesco! said:
Radio stations routinely have contests where they give away amounts of money as prizes. I have worked in radio for almost 10 years now, and never has any of the stations ever had a contest for a candy bar. The DJ thought he was being cute, using wordplay to fool the listeners, but the fact is he made his station liable. The station should pay the money to the woman, regardless of what the intentions of the Dj may or may not have been.

That's probalby why he doesn't work there anymore.

Seth C

Bildocube said:
I live in Richmond, KY, about 15 mins away from Lexington. Seth C is right. Some of us Kentucky folks are fucked up fuckers. :lol

Funny, I'm actually living in Richmond right now myself. Howdy, neighbor.


Setec Astronomer
cubicle47b said:
"and you can win 100 Grand" is valid if it's a candy bar? (assuming 100 Grand isn't "hundred grand" and not "a hundred grand")
Oh no, I meant that it doesn't matter what version they said. It's still deceptive.
It seems unlikely that they would think such a ploy would work. Going by the article, they also seemed to handle her in a somewhat shifty manner. Something must have gone wrong. I wonder at what point they realized that they were standing in a hole that they had just dug (a call from their freaked out lawer?) and who was responsible.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
pretty dumb stunt to not even spring the joke on the air.

I'd try and get that money.
I don't know what's worse: the deception of the practical jokes or the frivolous lawsuits. I do feel sorry for them, but at the same time I think lawyers are destroying society. :lol


"I said I wanted $95,000 more," she said. "Nobody would watch and listen for two hours for a candy bar."

You'd be retarded to think that a radio station would offer $100,000 for being the Xth calller. Seriously. The most I've seen given out have been hard to find concert tickets.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Where's the payoff for the DJ if he doesn't spill the beans to her on the air. I mean, usually in cases like this, the DJ takes the 10th caller and it goes something like this:

DJ: Caller, congratulations, you just won a hundred grand!
Caller: Really...I won...I'm caller 10? (in a very excited, out of breath voice)
DJ: That's right. You're caller number 10. You win a hundred grand! (In cheesy DJ voice)
Caller: Aaaaaaaahhh!! Oh my god! Oh my god! Ahhh!!! (other screams in the background from family members)
DJ: Haha. So, tell me, what are you going to do with your 100 grand?
Caller: Oh my god... oh my god.. I'm going to buy a new car, put my kids through school...
DJ: What? How are you going to do that? (skeptical, cheesy DJ voice)
Caller: This money is going to change our life...
DJ: Money? What money? (smug cheesy DJ voice)
Caller: The $100,000.
DJ: Haha. Oh. I think there's been a misunderstaning...
Caller: What?
DJ: You thought I was giving away $100,000? No, you won a hundred grand bar. They're very tasty you know?
Caller: A candy bar? I won a candy bar? (disapointed voice)
DJ: Yep! Thanks for participating in our contest. Now tell us, who made you winner?
Caller: You mother (*beep*). I'm going to kick your (*beep*). You're going to wish you were never born you (*beep*)
DJ: haha. Another satisfied customer.

In this case, that didn't happen. The DJ got no on air payoff to his gag, so what was the point? This is one stupid DJ on so many levels.

I immediately thought of that clip when I saw this thread.


She wouldn't even get the full 100k after taxes either.

House (even just a down payment), Minivan, Shopping spree and savings account....not likely.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
OmniGamer said:
Yup, not only that, but the station is giving out $1m daily and $5m on Thursdays.

In the past, they've given away cars on a daily basis.

Edit: To be fair, I just read the rules LOL
Every winner will qualify to get a shot at a million dollars. Insured prize will be awarded via a dice roll on or about June 24, 2005 at a secret location time TBD. Qualifiers will roll 6 dice. If the six dice rolled all show the Hot 97 logo, that qualifier will win the million dollars. Only one million dollars will be awarded. The first qualifier toæroll the 6 hot 97's will be the winner. Up to 10 second place prizes of $1000 will be awarded for those qualifiers who roll 5 Hot 97's on the dice. The first 10 people to roll 5 hot 97's will be awarded the $1000. Contestants must be present at the grand prize event to win.

Loaded Dice Ms Jones/Ebro/Envy :p


She has a dubious case under contract theory because it may not have been reasonable for a person to expect to receive $100,000 for making a single phone call. However, that radio station's promotion probably violates FCC guidelines and the state's laws regarding false advertising.

So it is a tough call to determine whether a jury or a judge would rule in her favor, but she definitely has a strong enough case to get past summary judgement, and because of that (and because most states allow punitive damages for this sort of thing), she'll probably receive the entire amount in question and a little more in a settlement. It just won't be worth it to take the case to trial and receive a possible punitive damages claim over 5x the amount in question.
Nobody can do anything in America. Too many lawyers and sympathisers of idiots. That station should have known better than to do something funny like that.


Fight for Freeform said:
Well it's not a million, they say up to $5000 and then the CHANCE to win 1 mil.

Still though, it's possible to win something far more than "a pair of rare concert tickets"....there are other stations that do things like "pay your bills" or "double your salary" etc just for calling in at the right time, or because they call your birthday date, or whatever. Those who think thinking you've won a lot of money when it's just a joke, deserve to get one of those fake scratch off instant win tickets. Btw, regarding the "value" of radio contest prizes, do you really think anyone would expect to win a $0.50 candy bar? We're not even talking about something like "a year's supply of 100 grand candy bars"...just one single candy bar. She could have walked the streets and found random loose change on the ground and buy the candy bar in the time it took to wait for the special time to call in to win it.


Space Age Playboy said:
Nobody can do anything in America. Too many lawyers and sympathisers of idiots. That station should have known better than to do something funny like that.

One man's "funny" is another man's "wasted time and energy, and a little unwanted humiliation on the side"
Fuck her, she doesn't deserve the money. "Hundred Grand" is a candy bar and that's that. There's no bait and switch. She was baited with a candy bar and won a candy bar, it's not the radio station's fault she thought they were talking about money.

Flipping out over it and suing only makes her a bitch. It's a joke, laugh and take the $5,000.


StrikerObi said:
Fuck her, she doesn't deserve the money. "Hundred Grand" is a candy bar and that's that. There's no bait and switch. She was baited with a candy bar and won a candy bar, it's not the radio station's fault she thought they were talking about money.

Flipping out over it and suing only makes her a bitch. It's a joke, laugh and take the $5,000.

How long has a "Hundred Grand" as a candy bar been around? How long has a "Hundred Grand" as a term for $100,000 been around? How likely is it that a random person would associate the term Hundred Grand with money rather than a candy bar? She's a bitch? The punk manager didn't even have the balls to tell her in person, instead they told her to go back home, and left a message on her phone...sounds like they knew they were being blatantly deceptive.
No shit they were being blatantly deceptive. That was the point of the joke.
Course some asshole lawyer started this whole thing about how people deserve something because they were tricked or weren't warned.

Smoking is bad for you ! No shit?
Eating too much is bad for you! Say What?
Hot coffee is hot! What?

This is just another reason this country is fucked.


Mr. Rellik said:
No shit they were being blatantly deceptive. That was the point of the joke.
Course some asshole lawyer started this whole thing about how people deserve something because they were tricked or weren't warned.

Smoking is bad for you ! No shit?
Eating too much is bad for you! Say What?
Hot coffee is hot! What?

This is just another reason this country is fucked.

Thinking you actually won a contest when they told you so! Wait, yeah that doesn't quite fit your rant now does it. It's false advertising, the radio station profited off that false advertising. Hooters profited off their false advertising.


Mr. Rellik said:
No shit they were being blatantly deceptive. That was the point of the joke.
Course some asshole lawyer started this whole thing about how people deserve something because they were tricked or weren't warned.

Smoking is bad for you ! No shit?
Eating too much is bad for you! Say What?
Hot coffee is hot! What?

This is just another reason this country is fucked.

You just don't play around with money like that.


Did this happen on April Fool's Day? Cuz even though that was still be an asshat thing to do, that's the ONLY way I could see any justification for it. Let's see how hard you laugh if you're ever on the receiving end of this "joke".


First tragedy, then farce.
I think the lady deserves the money, because she obviously thought it was 100K dollars, she was mislead into thinking that, and very likely could use the money (it seems clear that she has no idea of how little 100K will get you, which leads me to believe she has no money)... more suicides and divorces occur in this country over financial hardship than anything else, and screwing with people facing it for laughs isnt cool.. especially if you know a good chunk of your listeners are poor.

On the other hand, radio stations *never* give away that kind of money to caller x. If a radio station has a big promo like that they will hype it for weeks, and people will call up to get qualified to win the prize so they can milk the big prize for as long as possible.. so she should have known better than to think a late night DJ of all people would give away 100K dollars on a one shot call in deal... but sometimes you hear what you want, and she was likely listening to the radio, heard she could win 100K dollars and her eyes got really big.. and logic flew out the window.

As far as the guy going after lawyers:
1) For decades the cigarette companies lied to the public and told them cigarettes didnt cause cancer, that nicotene was not added to make them addictive, etc. Smart people may have known better, but lying to the public gets your ass sued.
2) Yeah, eating too much is bad for you, but fast food companies have lied to people and told them they can get a balanced meal there when people cant, and on top of that they try and force larger sized cokes and drinks on you.
3) The coffee at McDonalds was served at an insane temperature back in the day. It wasnt just hot coffee it was nearly to the point of boiling when you got it.. sure sticking it between your legs is stupid, but they served it that hot so the same coffee they brewed could last all morning.. cutting costs to the health risk of your customers isnt cool.
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