I think the lady deserves the money, because she obviously thought it was 100K dollars, she was mislead into thinking that, and very likely could use the money (it seems clear that she has no idea of how little 100K will get you, which leads me to believe she has no money)... more suicides and divorces occur in this country over financial hardship than anything else, and screwing with people facing it for laughs isnt cool.. especially if you know a good chunk of your listeners are poor.
On the other hand, radio stations *never* give away that kind of money to caller x. If a radio station has a big promo like that they will hype it for weeks, and people will call up to get qualified to win the prize so they can milk the big prize for as long as possible.. so she should have known better than to think a late night DJ of all people would give away 100K dollars on a one shot call in deal... but sometimes you hear what you want, and she was likely listening to the radio, heard she could win 100K dollars and her eyes got really big.. and logic flew out the window.
As far as the guy going after lawyers:
1) For decades the cigarette companies lied to the public and told them cigarettes didnt cause cancer, that nicotene was not added to make them addictive, etc. Smart people may have known better, but lying to the public gets your ass sued.
2) Yeah, eating too much is bad for you, but fast food companies have lied to people and told them they can get a balanced meal there when people cant, and on top of that they try and force larger sized cokes and drinks on you.
3) The coffee at McDonalds was served at an insane temperature back in the day. It wasnt just hot coffee it was nearly to the point of boiling when you got it.. sure sticking it between your legs is stupid, but they served it that hot so the same coffee they brewed could last all morning.. cutting costs to the health risk of your customers isnt cool.