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Radio Free Nintendo | A Nintendo Podcast for Grownups


Did any1 sense some tension between billy and guillaume. Interesting listen! Can't wait to hear about johnny's 3ds next week


298 (finally) up.

Looks like they decided on Wario Land 4 for the Retroactive. That's what I voted for. Guess it's time to open up the ol' 3DS Ambassador folder.
It was a bit late this week due to the unusual editing arrangement. Guillaume had friends visiting this weekend and edited only New Business. I edited Listener Mail -- my first time ever editing a normal episode of RFN. (This segment alone took me about six hours!) James did Now Playing and tied it all together with chapters. So passing the files around and coordinating everything took extra time, and we had some hiccups. Hopefully the final product sounds consistent and pretty normal despite the Frankenstein production.


Good news: Coming up on 300. Unfortunate (for us) news: No show next week. Thankfully, this one's extra long.
Episode 298: How Many Licks Does It Take? said:
This week's show begins with everyone reuniting after both Jonny and Jon were out last week. New Business starts with Jonny's woeful tale of how he lost his 3DS in New York and then missed recording RFN, making for a Very Bad Day in the city of dreams. In happier news, he did recently finish Xenoblade Chronicles and shares a measured response to the ending as well as a glowing review of the overall experience. Jonny also advises against playing through the Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut, but not for the reason you might expect. Mr. Lindemann, returning from his own vacation, finds that his bowling skills have severely deteriorated in Wii Sports. He also shares some appreciative thoughts on Lollipop Chainsaw, the latest fever dream of Suda 51 (see also: Killer 7, No More Heroes). James finally catches up with Tales of the Abyss, the robust RPG for your 3DS, and he confirms reports of the game's bizarre storytelling. Guillaume brings it home (rhyme!) with a pair of eShop downloads from earlier this year: the challenging platformer Mutant Mudds, and the depthless Punch-Out clone we know as Sakura Samurai.

Jon had to step out after Now Playing, so the remaining trio digs in for an energetic round of Listener Mail. First up is an extensive look into load times and storage media for gaming systems, including Wii U -- but the conversation also takes a surprising turn towards the apparently highly sought WiFi dongle released for taking Nintendo DS online. Then we answer a desperately terse question about Project Sora's closing (and Namco Bandai's huge push for Smash Bros.) with a massive, James-led exploration of Japanese shadow companies and how the Tekken developer could benefit from this partnership. Finally, we look deep into the ways Nintendo collects feedback from the media, fans, and its own experts -- and how that feedback is used (or not) to direct development of future releases. This segment spans over an hour despite covering only three questions with three podcasters! Keep the magic flowing by sending us your own excellent questions.

We'll be taking next week off due to summer activities, but you can look forward to a big Episode 300 spectacular in just a few more weeks! Until then, you might want to cover the gap by checking out our sister shows, NWR Connectivity and Radio Trivia: Podcast Edition. Also, you can start playing Wario Land 4 and dropping globules of observance into the official RetroActive forum thread -- we'll get to this feature soon after the anniversary event!

Time: 2'22"17
Downloads: mp3 | AAC
How boned are Jonny's 3DS downloads: Boned, if my experience is any indication.
It was a bit late this week due to the unusual editing arrangement. Guillaume had friends visiting this weekend and edited only New Business. I edited Listener Mail -- my first time ever editing a normal episode of RFN. (This segment alone took me about six hours!) James did Now Playing and tied it all together with chapters. So passing the files around and coordinating everything took extra time, and we had some hiccups. Hopefully the final product sounds consistent and pretty normal despite the Frankenstein production.

I'm always surprised and pleased to hear how much work goes into the editing of this awesome podcast.

Also someone on the RFN crew should play Spelunky for XBLA, I'd love to hear impressions from one (or more) of you.


Losing my 3DS is one of the reasons why I'm really worried about full digital retail games on the 3DS. I've stopped even smaller digital downloads as well for the time being. It's gotten to the point now that I have far to much content (eShop games and Ambassador games which I've started to play more of lately) on my 3DS so if I'd lose it I'd really feel it. Money is tighter so I was looking forward to buying more digital content do to it costing less. I don't think I can do that now on the 3DS until something changes. The concern Jonny has is something I really can identify with.


damn you for spoiling that part of TotA -_-.
for the 300th episode, you should get a special guest (like greg :p).

wario land 4? mh... too bad. I hoped it might be a game this time I actually played. maybe next time. btw: I think a small turok Retroactive is long overdue. Especially for the 2nd one. I've recently played it for the first time (pc version) and it was so much better than most modern corridor shooters out there. I wonder how many of Iguana went to retro and worked on Prime 1. somehow it felt slightly similar.

Or an ace attorney retro active... After Ghost trick this should be a no-brainer.
I don't think we really spoiled anything about Tales of the Abyss. It was a general discussion about the game's overall characterizations, presentation, and length. Both James and I like the game.


It wasn't a direct spoiler, but something you or james said got me thinking about the game and the plot and spoiled a major twist for me. But it's ok, I only play the game because I enjoy the main character hating everyone else, don't care that much about the plot yet.
Since ondore/Shaymin/Donald always does a great job of posting for my podcast, I'm going to return the favor for his. I listened to all three hours today at work and was mightily impressed by what these guys put together in a short time, with little or no previous experience(?). Imitation/flattery/etc. Love it.

Nintendo Free Radio: Even More Games Than An E3 Press Conference

By Stephen Shook, Ryan Clay, Austen Parken, Donald Theriault
RFN is not available this week. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Download mp3
Download AAC
Feeds: lol?

With the regular RFN crew scattered to the winds, four members of the Nintendo World Report forums - Stephen "Ceric" Shook, Austen "broodwars" Parkin, Donald "Shaymin" Theriault and Ryan "racht" Clay decided to step up and attempt to fill the large shoes left. Although it's hard to match the regular crew's chemistry, the replacements brought 24 games, or one more than Nintendo themselves had at E3!

An absolutely massive New Business segment sees Stephen lead off with Mass Effect 3 post-Extended Cut impressions (may contain spoilers, ends at 27:16), and follows up with the first World of Warcraft discussion to not meet the editor's axe in a long time focusing on the new "PokeWoW" pet battles. After a TheatRhythm Thief doubleheader and Skylanders, Donald jumps in with impressions of Pokemon Black and White 2 straight from Japan, warns people about Final Fantasy II (PSP) and outlines his training techniques... for JEOPARDY. Yes, the game show. (You can download his tracking spreadsheet from Google Docs.)

Ryan picks up the RPG torch with Xenoblade Chronicles and scares everyone but Austen with his play clock before moving to Limbo on Steam and the joys of playing Kid Icarus Uprising when you're left-handed. Despite not being a wizard, Ryan also brings discussion of downloadable 3DS pinball both classic in Kirby's Pinball Land, and new in Marvel Pinball. Austen wraps with a run of DS adventures, rattling off Ace Attorney Investigations, 999 and Ghost Trick before talking more about Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals than anyone in the history of the internet and a couple of independent PSN games in Dyad and Quantum Conumdrum.

After the break, we asked ourselves to come up with one game we're each excited for in the 2nd half of 2012, and the selections may will surprise you. To finish, the group tackles the question of hatred toward accessibility in games and why the majority of players being able to see the content of a game is suddenly a scary thing.

The regular crew will be back next week, but we'd love to hear your thoughts on this episode as we get closer to the big episode 300 - don't be afraid to drop a comment in the Talkback thread or anywhere else fine podcasts are discussed. Be sure to send in your Listener Mail as well and keep playing and discussing Wario Land 4 in the Retroactive thread.

This podcast was edited by Ryan Clay. Music for this episode was provided by Jason Ricci & New Blood, and additional music is copyright Nintendo.


I'll give it a try. The Jeopardy episode finally made me take Guillaume into my heart. He's getting bolder, and in his case, that's a good thing.


Hey, someone posted in the RF...

Apologies in advance if the audio's not up to the usual RFN standard.

Edit: Maybe remastered versions will help: http://www.mediafire.com/?c4fupfu8oh9fwp7 for mp3 and http://www.mediafire.com/?ocy982b3e049003 for AAC


We now return to regularly scheduled programming with the last one before 300. Steam sales are compared... and is that the dulect tones of a Brit I hear?
Episode 299: Premature Evacuation said:
With Guillaume tied up in vacations and visitors, we welcome back old friend Greg Leahy, not only as a familiar voice but also as pinch podcast editor in our time of need! Our special guest kicks off New Business with the surprisingly expansive Wario Land II (coming eventually to 3DS Virtual Console worldwide), several different flavors of video pinball, and the bizarre circumstances of his PSP acquisition and the masochistic game he found for it. Jon follows up with his own PSP entry, this one the acclaimed Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, a game about tying balloons to soldiers so they float away to become your servants. Jonny brings his 16-bit RPG love to Penny Arcade's On the Rainslick Precipice of Darkness: Episode 3, with a mild warning for casual fans of the web comic. He also checks out the psychadelic DYAD for PlayStation Network and an odd interactive story (game?) called Dear Esther. James is last but not least with an update for Tales of the Abyss, plus his recent Steam purchases including Frozen Synapse and Star Wars: Republic Commando.

We lost James to a power outage during the break, but he found enough potatoes to jump the breaker box and get back onto the show partially into the second segment. The rest of us press on with your fantastic letters about 3DS police report strategies, expectations for widespread digital releases after NSMB2, and the pros/cons of the Steam Sale model for Nintendo's own platforms. Please do your part to keep that stream of ideas and questions flowing! And while we're singularly focused on the podcast milestone for the next week or so, we haven't forgotten about RetroActive -- keep contributing to that official forum thread for Wario Land 4 because we'll get into the feature quite soon!

Time: 1'56"24
Downloads: mp3 | AAC
Acceptable reactions to the return: *squee*


I feel like every podcast is hitting episode 300 this month.

EDIT: Oh nooooo, more TotA talk?! (I really loathe this game if anyone couldn't tell by now)


Yay for Greg! Not sure who they were but the peeps who did that podcast last week should get a regular gig. Good stuff as always!


Yay for Greg! I feel exactly the same about Wario Land II. Here's hoping he'll be part of episode 300, too! The discussion about Nintendo's approach to sales was pretty interesting. Personally, I like NoA's Game of the Weekend deal more than NoE's 20% sale. It's good to see Nintendo experimenting, though.


Warning: A huge podcast is approaching fast.

Billy Berghammer, Craig Harris, Michael "TYP" Cole, Karl Castaneda, co-founder Mike Sklens and, of course, our escaped editing slave, Greg Leahy.

Ohhhh yeah.
5 hours? That's amazing..

Great lists of guests too, can't wait to hear the whole thing.

Saw the 5 hour timestamp and smiled. I bike to and from work, which is an hour each way. So I've got myself some quality listening material for at least two and a half commutes.

I listened to the first part on my way to work today and it got me completely nostalgic for my own experience with the Wii launch.

I remember nabbing the last reservation for the system at my local Gamestop at the time.

I also recall playing Kirby's Adventure up until a few hours before my friends and I were going to go wait in line.

Once I got home we all got a chance to play some Wii Sports before getting right into the thick of things in Twilight Princess, which to me is far from a horrible game.

Overall, my 2006 holiday / winter experience with Wii was an overall positive one with tons of memories of friends coming and going and having little parties all around the idea of Wii.

Can't wait to listen to the rest of the show.


Only listened to the first hour or so but already bringing back some memories.

Still in high school when the it launched so I had very little money. Got the wii for christmas after my mom or dad pre-ordered it (here in oz it was like 400 dollars so very lucky). Much like johnny was stuck playing wii sports over the entire christmas break. Till this day ive never played 4 player wii tennis again after christmas that year. Very fun!

Didnt really get stuck into zelda until the new year like the game but lacks something. Love skyward sword though!

Getting brawl was huge in my group of friends. We played the original, but melee not as much because some of them couldnt handle the increased speed(i know!). For my 18th b-day they pulled their money and got brawl. Thats all i remember from year 12 playing smash and getting smashed!


This episode was a fitting tribute not only to the Wii itself but also to the guys behind RFN who once again proved why they're experts on all things Nintendo. The next episode should be interesting, too. Just as Greg pointed out, 301 is 103 backwards.


Only halfway through, but a fantastic episode, as expected. I still recall fondly getting to Target at 3am and waiting in line at #20 with at least another 75 Nintendo fans behind me, excitedly talking about playing with that remote for the first time. We were let in around 7:45 and it was organized like a racetrack so you could pick out the games and accessories you wanted first, and then finally the system and check-out.

I got Zelda, Excite Truck, another wii remote and nunchuck, a classic controller, and a 2000 wii points card. Went home to get a few hours of sleep, then my friends were over with me the rest of the day playing Wii Sports and Excite Truck. Great day, great launch!


What an episode. Only about 3 hours in right now. This should last me a couple of jogs/workouts!

Wii really wasn't that great in retrospect
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