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Radio Free Nintendo | A Nintendo Podcast for Grownups


Can it still be trolling even if it's your opinion? :p

Besides the Galaxy games, I hesitate to call any games on the console great. 2 great games is the lowest of any Nintendo console by far.

Lots of good games, though. Good games that I probably won't be replaying in 5 years.

That being said, I'm making my way through Xenoblade, so that could change!


Besides the Galaxy games, I hesitate to call any games on the console great. 2 great games is the lowest of any Nintendo console by far.

Lots of good games, though. Good games that I probably won't be replaying in 5 years.

That being said, I'm making my way through Xenoblade, so that could change!
I wouldn't even say the Galaxy Games are great, they are good but they are not even the best Mario games on the system.

The best games on the Wii I feel are
Smash Brothers Brawl
Metroid Prime Trilogy
New Super Mario Brothers
Mario Strikers Charged
Kirbys Epic Yarn
Wii Sports Resort
Resident Evil 4 Wii
Tasuniuko vs capcom
Zack and Wiki

Both Zelda games are good as are the other mario games but to me they are not great games and I never played Xenoblade yet though I will eventually. I feel overall the Wii was a fairly dissapointing system.


Whoa, Gui and I are more alike than I realized. I don't know that I'd go QUITE so far as to say Wii is my favourite Nintendo system, as I think I prefer DS and SNES just a tad, but it follows them in a close third.

Easily my second favourite Nintendo home console after SNES.


wii had much better installments of mario and zelda than gamecube. Theres more creativity in those galaxy games than most games on the market


Talk about the VC made me realise there's probably LOT there I missed, even if I'm on the crappy Aussie shop. Gotta agree Nintendo should push the VC hard when WiiU comes out, it's a potential gold mine for them if they fix the store.


And so we enter the refractory period...
Episode 301: Mechanical Sphincters said:
This week's show is quite simple, as we recover from 300 by serving up a beefy serving of New Business. Guillaume knocks out the first half all by himself, as our editor hadn't reported on his gaming exploits in a few weeks. During that time, he hosted a big group of Negative World buddies in Montreal, basically for the purpose of playing games together. So you'll hear his party game anecdotes for Disaster: Day of Crisis (it's basically The Room or Troll 2 of video games), Wario Ware: Mega Party Game$, the homebrew hit Super Mario War, Fortune Street, Big Brain Academy, and the connectivity duo of Pac-Man vs. and Zelda: Four Swords Adventures.

The rest of us haven't been nearly as active, but we still scrounge up a good set of games to discuss. Jon has a fun Sony sampler with R-Types, R-Type: Delta, and the brand new Sound Shapes. Jonny wraps up Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode 3 and also gushes over Deus Ex: Human Revolution. James brings us back around to Nintendo territory with his final updates on Tales of the Abyss and Pandora's Tower.

We've had to delay RetroActive thanks to various vacations and system losses, but we'll catch up to it soon -- this means you've still got time to submit your comments! And we'll definitely return to Listener Mail soon, so please send in your hot ideas and burning questions for that as well.

Time: 1'27"15
Downloads: mp3 | AAC
Disappointed by: The lack of bearorrists
I later watched some videos of R-Type Delta and don't think it looks nearly as bad as Jon and James asserted. Sounds like most fans really like the game otherwise, too. But I also watched more video of Einhander, and it's definitely the superior visual experience.


I later watched some videos of R-Type Delta and don't think it looks nearly as bad as Jon and James asserted. Sounds like most fans really like the game otherwise, too. But I also watched more video of Einhander, and it's definitely the superior visual experience.
True facts. I wasn't introduced to Einhander until a few years ago and I was very impressed with its graphics. Despite never owning a Playstation there's just something about its polygonal graphics I adore and prefer them to the N64.


Episode 302: In which everything about WiiU is predicted.
Episode 302: "The Pack-In Police" said:
Jon is out this week due to a late work day, and we pushed off RetroActive again (it's definitely happening on 303 now). But there's still plenty to talk about on this show, as we return to a typical length packed with New Business, Listener Mail, and a sizable feature discussion.

James kicks it off with a string of game demo impressions. He enjoys Hybrid on XBLA (a shooter from the guys who made... Scribblenauts?), hates the net code in Heroes of Ruin, disses the tutorial-heavy demo for Dust: An Elysian Tale, and urges you to discover Miyamoto's forgotten gem, Mole Mania, now on 3DS Virtual Console. Guillaume brings a 2D platforming duo with the impressive homebrew level pack called Another Super Mario Bros. Wii and the far less notable TOSE joint, The Legendary Starfy. Jonny continues that theme with his own take on Sound Shapes (PSN), a game Nintendo should have made themselves, and the WiiWare sequel/reboot Excitebike World Rally, which Nintendo probably should have left in pieces under the tea table.

We intended this to be just a quick preview, but our mini-feature discussion on the Wii U launch went much deeper than expected, and that's a good thing. We go through the date, price, pack-ins, software, retail supply, and media attention with expert predictions at every turn. Nintendo should be announcing the real details very soon, so listen now and see how close we called it! Finally, we tackled a bit of Listener Mail this week, with questions on which WiiWare games should follow ThruSpace and Fluidity on the path to eShop, plus our recommendations for a Nintendo gamer who just picked up a PlayStation 3 and PSP. Please send in your own questions and ideas so we can address them on a future show!

Next week, we'll FINALLY be talking about Wario Land 4 in the oft-delayed RetroActive #23 feature. Listener comments on the game will be pulled from this official forum thread, so drop off your thoughts and maybe they'll be read on the podcast! Also, we hope you'll check out the second episode of Nintendo Free Radio, made by some of our favorite community members. You can also hear what Jonny, Karl, Obi, and Stan have been seeing at the movies over on Box Office Poison.

Time: 1'58"04
Downloads: mp3 | AAC
Getting plugged in a podcast post: *swoon*


Great episode! Has anyone from the crew picked up New Super Mario Bros. 2? I really like the game's level design and would love to hear your thoughts. I think Gui is probably the likeliest candidate, as Jonny and the others seem a bit tired of the NSMB formula, which is understandable.
I downloaded NSMB2 last night but may not get to play it much before recording this week. Wario Land 4 is my priority, and I'm also deep into a couple other games.


Episode 303: TYP, XL and other acronyms.
Episode 303: Livin' Extra Large said:
This episode features the return of our favorite guest, Michael "TYP" Cole, the perfect substitute on a Mario/Wario-heavy episode. (Jon had a family emergency -- we hope all is well and that he'll be be back soon!) New Business brings the excitement of major new product launches from Nintendo, as both Guillaume and Jonny picked up the 3DS XL and New Super Mario Bros 2. Gui also provides his recommendation for Retro/Grade, the odd rhythm-shmup on PSN. Jonny explains the very happy conclusion of his lost 3DS saga, and also tries to redeem Dust: An Elysian Tale from last week's slam. James uses his Layton-esque skills to track down a copy of Sega's Rhythm Thief, which he loves, causing us to wonder if the eShop can give a second life to such retail-limited games. Finally, a very patient TYP caps off the segment with his own, extremely positive thoughts on Mole Mania, plus a more measured look at Rayman Origins from last fall.

Next up is the long-awaited RetroActive #23 for Wario Land 4. One of the best things about this serial feature is that we all get to play and discuss the same game, together. This time, it happens to be a weird, flawed, and ultimately very interesting 2D platformer that divided both the RFN crew and our listeners who've been playing along at home. It's exactly the kind of game we love for digging deep on these segments, and we hope to get back to RetroActive quite soon for another game to challenge our expectations. Special thanks to TYP for bringing his franchise expertise, as well as all the listeners who participated by leaving their comments in the forum thread -- which will remain open for any latecomers who want to continue the discussion.

We'll return next with Listener Mail and, hopefully, Jon Lindemann. There's a great backlog of questions and comments, and you can add to it with your own correspondence. PEACE!

Time: 1'54"35
Downloads: mp3 | AAC
Hope everything's cool with: Jon


Maaaan, I had like a month and a half to get through Wario Land 4, and I still only managed to play it for a couple hours. Failure.


Maaaan, I had like a month and a half to get through Wario Land 4, and I still only managed to play it for a couple hours. Failure.

I'm not a fan of Wario Land sans 1

Trying to go through 4 was a bore fest. Not as terrible as Kirby Amazing Mirror though


I'm not a fan of Wario Land sans 1

Trying to go through 4 was a bore fest. Not as terrible as Kirby Amazing Mirror though

That may or may not have been the case for me as well. On the one hand, I had a lot of other things to do and didn't feel any particular disdain for WL4 while playing it. But I also didn't feel particularly compelled to go back to it at any time.

Maybe I'm just neutral. But, I guess neutrality could qualify as breeding a "bore fest".
I tried to play through WL4 and made it through a few levels, then came across one where I couldn't find the key. I played that level (it had bees and flowers everywhere) for hours and gave up in the end. I'm sure there's a good game in there somewhere, but I wasn't finding it.

Wario is too slow and the platforming feels like it plays second fiddle to finding treasure. Maybe if they showed you where the treasure was, then put up obstacle courses up for you to get there, I'd have enjoyed it more, but it clearly wasn't that sort of game.


That may or may not have been the case for me as well. On the one hand, I had a lot of other things to do and didn't feel any particular disdain for WL4 while playing it. But I also didn't feel particularly compelled to go back to it at any time.

Maybe I'm just neutral. But, I guess neutrality could qualify as breeding a "bore fest".

Whenever I pick it up I just want the level to end so I can save and stop playing. It's really weird.


TYP is the best Wario.

Re: the discussion at the end about bosses in Mario games, I mostly agree, but would argue that all bosses in Yoshi's Island were great.


Episode 304: Guess who's back - back again. Lindy's back, tell a friend.
Episode 304: Don't Blame Games said:
Ladies and gentlemen, we present the return of... Jon Lindemann. It's good to have him back after a couple of weeks when he was pulled away from the show against his wishes. Jon gets the ball rolling with his thoughts on Muramasa: The Demon Blade, Gran Turismo PSP, and his disappointment with the 3DS lineup in 2012. Jonny follows with a report on his visit to the Wii U Experience in Denver, which is very much reminiscent of the old Cube Clubs and features many notable Wii U demos from E3. But will it convince Nintendo fans who still don't know the price, release date, or launch lineup? James doesn't have the answer, but he does have wrap-up thoughts on Rhythm Thief, which is pretty short (but maybe pretty long for a narrative rhythm game). Guillaume completes the set with his continuing trek through New Super Mario Bros. 2 and cautious optimism over the demo for a fan mod called Super Mario Galaxy 2.5, which is still a long way from completion.

The show only gets more passionate in the latter half, as we do some much-needed catching up on Listener Mail. The first letter is on violence and games, with a particular focus on other mainstream activities that seem to escape the constant charges of negative influence on the minds of babes and loonies. We also go deep into emails about must-have interface features and Nintendo's abandonment of motion control with Wii U. In all, it's probably one of the most intense and stimulating Listener Mail segments we've had in a while! You can help make it happen again soon by submitting your own questions for the RFN crew.

In the outro, Jonny has a surprise announcement: the next RetroActive is starting immediately, and the theme is Kirby's 20th anniversary! You've got less than two weeks to vote on which Kirby game we should collectively play and discuss, so get to it before you forget! Voting is quick and easy -- and if you're not sure which game to support, look for comments in the poll thread that might help.

Time: 1'42"53
Downloads: mp3 | AAC
What could have been: Combined cuts were nearly an hour.


re: listener mail



Wait, an episode on Saturday? And it's got Billy? It's the miracle of Festivus!
Episode 305: Xmas Eve-Eve said:
With James on travel this week, we brought in the veteran RFN guest and world-renowned Nintendo guru, Billy Berghammer. It was good timing, because Billy just got back from PAX Prime 2012, where he played a couple of hot upcoming 3DS games in Paper Mario: Sticker Star and Fluidity: Spin Cycle. He also catches up with Nintendo Land and talks about the expo's slate of panels (nothing much for Nintendo fans!) and impressions of the Nintendo booth and other game exhibitions at the show. Gui finally catches up with the fantastic Virtual Console localization of Monster World IV, but he's much less happy with the DS sleeper hit known as Hotel Dusk. Jon rediscovers Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on his PSP, which leads us to preview the upcoming Monster Hunter 4 that will shake up 3DS in Japan at the looming Tokyo Games Show. Jonny completes the cycle with the astonishingly modern Wario Land (1) and a superb action-adventure remake, Ys: The Oath in Felghana.

Listener Mail was so much fun last week, we decided to dip back into the well. This week's letters cover the futility of fan-made game mods, the anti-Nintendo shadow conspiracy, controller options for Wii U backwards-compatibility, and the best/worst kinds of game bosses. Chip in your own ideas and questions for the RFN crew to ponder next time!

Don't forget to vote in the new RetroActive poll for which Kirby game we'll be playing together -- time is running out! And if you'd like to check out those sweet NWR podcast t-shirts, we'd really appreciate that as well. See you next week for a discussion of the hot new Wii U launch details from that September 13 press event!

Time: 1'47"10
Downloads: mp3 | AAC
Next week: S**t gets real.


dear lord, I was planning to listen to 303 tonight because I definitely didn't want to fall 3 eps behind. AND IT HAPPENED ANYWAY

thanks a lot, guys :<
Well, I made it through new business on my way home from work tonight and immediately purchased Monster World IV from the VC. My girlfriend is out of town this weekend so it looks like it's just me and MWIV.

I hope it doesn't let me down.
What incongruous/new mechanic boss fight do you think they were referring to in this last episode? They specifically said it was suddenly a fighting game, which was nothing like the rest of the game.

Metal Gear Solid?
What incongruous/new mechanic boss fight do you think they were referring to in this last episode? They specifically said it was suddenly a fighting game, which was nothing like the rest of the game.

Metal Gear Solid?

MGS4 was the one that popped into my head as well but they seemed to imply that it was a more recent Nintendo game. I don't know what one they could be referring to, though.
MGS4 was the one that popped into my head as well but they seemed to imply that it was a more recent Nintendo game. I don't know what one they could be referring to, though.

I think he was talking about two different games. The Nintendo game is separate from the one that suddenly turns into a fighting game.

They're probably talking about Skyward Sword, but I can't think of anything that really fits that description.
Maybe the Imprisoned fight where Groose launches bombs?
That seems like a real stretch, though.
The only recentish Nintendo game I could think of was
Metroid Other M, which has you suddenly able to use power bombs for the first time, out of nowhere, without telling you.
I was surprised they didn't bring it up.


What incongruous/new mechanic boss fight do you think they were referring to in this last episode? They specifically said it was suddenly a fighting game, which was nothing like the rest of the game.

Metal Gear Solid?

I couldn't work it out either. Maybe Mario Tennis Open has a crazy ending? :p
I'm not sure why this was clear to me at the time and seems to be confusing people now, but the game Billy meant (and I was thinking the same) is MGS4. If we implied or stated that it was actually a Nintendo game, that was simply misspoken.
I'm not sure why this was clear to me at the time and seems to be confusing people now, but the game Billy meant (and I was thinking the same) is MGS4. If we implied or stated that it was actually a Nintendo game, that was simply misspoken.

I haven't played MGS4, so that's my reason. :p But I played all the rest of them and the original MGS's fistfight felt like a pretty big departure too.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Sorry for bumping this thread with no new news or anything, I just came across it again.
I wouldn't even say the Galaxy Games are great, they are good but they are not even the best Mario games on the system.

The best games on the Wii I feel are
Smash Brothers Brawl
Metroid Prime Trilogy
New Super Mario Brothers
Mario Strikers Charged
Kirbys Epic Yarn
Wii Sports Resort
Resident Evil 4 Wii
Tasuniuko vs capcom
Zack and Wiki

Both Zelda games are good as are the other mario games but to me they are not great games and I never played Xenoblade yet though I will eventually. I feel overall the Wii was a fairly dissapointing system.

I know an opinion can't be wring, but I strongly strongly disagree to the point I don't think you're being serious. You really don't think the most critically acclaimed games this generation are considered 'great'?
It's all in his opinion, even though it's not really normal. GTA4 is one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time which a lot of people disagree with.


I think that not covering stuff because there is nintendo direct and iwata asks is a very weak excuse. I've watched every single nintendo direct until today, and there were hardly more than 10k people watching, mostly even less. And I bet the same goes for iwata asks.
I know copying the work of others isn't particular interessting but that shoulnd't stop anyone from analysing what was said and giving some thought on that.
regarding "low profile" titles. how can they get more coverage if they don't get more coverage?

btw: last window is waaaaay better than hotel dusk.
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