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Radiohead scoring A Scanner Darkly: CONFIRMED

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In earlier reports, Radiohead were rumoured to do the score for the film 'A Scanner Darkly'. Later on these rumours were denied again. But now film distributor Warner Independent Pictures confirms that Radiohead is doing the score for Richard Linklater's upcoming film version of the Philip K. Dick novel. Keanu Reeves stars in the futuristic story of government espionage, which will be rendered in the rotoscope-animated style of Linklater's Waking Life. Originally slated for a fall 2005 release, the film is now due out in limited release July 7. [source: Entertainment Weekly]
Posted by adriaan at March 18, 2006 12:26 AM
A day after telling EW that Radiohead would be scoring A Scanner Darkly, director Richard Linklater's film adaptation of the Philip K. Dick sci-fi novel, Warner Independent Pictures is singing a slightly different tune. Instead of a full-blown original score, the film will feature music by Radiohead, including a brand-new track from lead singer Thom Yorke's upcoming solo release. Warner Independent is still working out what music will make the cut, and couldn't say if the tracks would be all new or a mix of old and new.

I don't know where they're getting this Thom Yorke solo album silliness from, there's been no mention at all of this, so I'm guessing that something's getting lost in translation.


You people are assgoblins. This is fucking great news- probably get a new Radiohead album and film score in one year? Best year ever!

*masturbates furiously*
I think this confirmation has been overblown. I'm pretty sure they're actually only contributing a couple songs, including one from Thom's solo album.

You know, Radiohead would be overworking themselves if they released two original works in a year. They couldn't even follow Amnesiac up with a passable album.
enjoy bell woods said:
You know, Radiohead would be overworking themselves if they released two original works in a year. They couldn't even follow Amnesiac up with a passable album.

:lol :lol

Anyway, I'm sort of ambivalent about this. And I don't really care about Down is the new Up either. And A Scanner Darkly looks cool.. but the visual style seems kind of gimmicky. Unless it's like that for a reason, i.e. they're all hopped up on drugs or something..
The new album's called Down is the New Up, or is that Thom's thing?

I think A Scanner Darkly will be great, but I haven't read the book. My only experience with Dick is Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, which I read and finished like two days ago, but I have good feelings about this movie. Waking Life was trash, but Linklater's great and I have to have faith in the Austin film community.
enjoy bell woods said:
The new album's called Down is the New Up, or is that Thom's thing?

Well, first it was just a rumoured title, but all of the new merchandise says Down is the New Up on it, so everyone's assuming that it's the album title.
Yeah, it's kind of self-parodyish in my opinion. And don't get me started on that terrible song they did for that charity album.. and the fact that they're recycling old songs like "Big Ideas"...


hyperbolically metafictive
they're recording big ideas for the new album? that's like my favorite radiohead song. maybe i'll actually bother.
AltogetherAndrews said:
So they have the most whiny actor and the most whiny band? Good lord, emo kids must be slicing their wrists in joy.

Keanu is whiney? Didn't know docile is whiney. The emo generalization needs to stop. Last I checked Radiohead was depressing. That's whiney? Whiney to me is bitching. I don't hear Radiohead songs about them bitching.
Wafflecopter said:
Keanu is whiny? Didn't know docile is whiney. The emo generalization needs to stop.

Hell yes he's whiny. Passively whiny, but whiny nonetheless. And the generalization stays because it's a perfect fit.

And Thom has the whiniest voice ever. The music may be depressing, but I'd imagine that's why he's such a whiner in the first place.
No no no no no. Radiohead is NOT scoring the film. The soundtrack will "feature music by Radiohead, including a brand-new track from lead singer Thom Yorke's upcoming solo release." The soundtrack is using Radiohead songs-- they didn't write any music specifically for the movie. Frankly I'm not too excited :\

Read the update:


[UPDATE: A day after telling EW that Radiohead would be scoring A Scanner Darkly, director Richard Linklater's film adaptation of the Philip K. Dick sci-fi novel, Warner Independent Pictures is singing a slightly different tune. Instead of a full-blown original score, the film will feature music by Radiohead, including a brand-new track from lead singer Thom Yorke's upcoming solo release. Warner Independent is still working out what music will make the cut, and couldn't say if the tracks would be all new or a mix of old and new. It wouldn't be the first movie with Radiohead music, of course -- that snippet of "Everything in its Right Place" was arguably the best thing about Vanilla Sky. If Linklater wants to go back to the vaults, may we suggest a track from 1997's OK Computer: "Exit Music (For a Film)."]

White Man

enjoy bell woods said:
My only experience with Dick is Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, which I read and finished like two days ago, but I have good feelings about this movie.

I don't even consider Electric Sheep one of his best books. A Scanner Darkly is probably in my top five.


CurseoftheMods said:
Me too. I like Radiohead, even if they sound too much like Muse.

Yeah, I also like that movie 'Lord of the Rings', even if it's obviously a fantasy copy of Star Wars.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Diablos said:
Protip: Radiohead has been around a lot longer than Muse ever has.
About four years longer, but yeah. :)

doh, nevermind, six years. thought Showbiz came out in 97. guess that makes more sense...


Jill Sandwich said:
You're thinking of Suede

Well I was only kidding... but thank you, I suppose Suede may have influenced my choice of sarcasm. But seriously now I just have not bothered with Radiohead for a while.
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