Playing Superior Xbox Version on my 1080p monitor (getting a little picky, eh).
I'm a little over one hour in, and I'm playing very meticulously.
+This is obviously a game that wants you to look at it. There are a lot of unique textures and art assets being used.
+60 FPS is immediately noticable on consoles, and makes the generally sluggish gamepad controls feel twitchy. Feels good man, but I need some time to adjust.
+Texture pop-in is less than half a second, and very negligible. Doesn't bother me.
+This isn't a "brown" shooter. The artists at id have definitely gotten prioritized. The vistas are already incredible, and well put together. These touches are what give the barebones story flourish. For example, I can tell that the Ghost clan are hoarders from their metallic scarecrows made out of lamp posts and other contemporary metal goods.
+The sound design is good so far. The pistol feels a little too tinny, but other than that the ambiance is great. The sound of the wind whistling through a timeworn apartment complex changes from room to room.
+I can already tell Wingsticks are awesome, and having to cook grenades to get kills is something that I've always thought more games should implement. You're rewarded handsomely too, with dat blood mist.
+I like the enemy behavior. There seems to be plenty of variation already. I'm not sure if it's AI or prescripted, but it's worked well so far.
-The artists and high frame rate at id have definitely gotten prioritized, at the expense of some interactivity many gamers take for granted at this point. The player's model does not cast shadows against the gameworld. Shooting non-enemies rarely results in anything satisfying (I shot a small lamp, and it just showed a bullet hole). It's not that id tech5 can't do these small scale physics/effects, it's just that id has forgone these techniques to maximize preformance on consoles. The effect, so far, is a game that is beautiful to look at, but it's lack of life makes it feel a little more static than it should.
- Everyone is asking me favors up front in exchange for swag. I may have underestimated how much this game resembles Borderlands in structure.
- The buggy isn't that fun to use (and the player animates unnaturally in 3rd-person while driving it), but it's an introductory vehicle so I'll give that a pass.
- At least on Hard difficulty, headshots aren't always giving me a one shot kill. That seems wrong to me. If I shoot someone in the brain, they should stay down.
- Enemies drop weapons that you can't pick up. It wouldn't bother me too much if my arsenal wasn't limited to a pistol in these first couple of missions.
This game is still starting, so I'll hold my breath. It feels good so far, but not great. Still, the game is about the guns and gunplay, and I've not even tapped the arsenal so far. Not to mention crafting, racing, or the card game (WTF there's a card game in this?).