Nice! My copy has been shipped.
PSN: NeoFoxTrot
Nice! My copy has been shipped.
PSN: NeoFoxTrot
So I called newegg and apparently it won't charge or ship till tmrw...what in the flying fuck. >.<
wtf why hasn't newegg charged me!?
ughhhh it still says pending pre-order on their site, does it say that for anybody else?
It still does for me as well.
eh dp. Dammit, and I can't even get it at gamestop because apparently it was pushed back. DAMN YOU SANDY
It's Sony man. They said you are going to get it Digital and like it!
what character class are people choosing? i'm thinking mage for myself. is that a bad idea for a noob (or for someone who might be playing solo more often than with a party online)?
what character class are people choosing? i'm thinking mage for myself. is that a bad idea for a noob (or for someone who might be playing solo more often than with a party online)?
Bah - waiting for mine to ship still from Newegg. :|
where do you live? Mine just gave me a ups tracking number, so I'll probably get it tomorrow.
what character class are people choosing? i'm thinking mage for myself. is that a bad idea for a noob (or for someone who might be playing solo more often than with a party online)?
Okay, I cleared up some space on my friends list and will probably do more when I can. Still dunno when I'm getting this due to the hurricane. ):
Indiana. I have no idea why it hasn't shipped yet.
E: Mine still says pending pre-order.
Indiana. I have no idea why it hasn't shipped yet.
E: Mine still says pending pre-order.
Mage sounds like the harder class to solo with, since Mage play in this game does require some close-up fighting.
If you find it too hard, though, you can just switch classes a few chapters in, so no worries!
Will be going Mage first myself, as I did in RO years ago. Hearing the character scream "JUPITEL THUNDAAAAA!!" And "STOR-MU GUSTAAAH!" In a vid sealed the deal, lol.
seems like we both will be waiting for a while.
hmm.. thanks for the advice! so i can switch classes pretty easily? do i not need to start over?
Just to confirm, the digital file size is said to be around 1GB yes?
Yup, apparently, after a certain point in story, you can switch classes on the same character. So if you ever get stuck playing a certain class, and can't beat something... just switch to something more dolo-friendly!
That's what's been said, yup. 1.1 GB, I believe.
Thanks. Now have to decide between retails or digital :S Digital would be easier but not sure when the store will get updated
There is only one right answer. ^_^
There is only one right answer. ^_^
There is only one right answer. ^_^
There is only one right answer. ^_^
So is this up on the PSN in about 7 hours or in about 31 hours?
So is this up on the PSN in about 7 hours or in about 31 hours?
Sup tek, im getting the merc edition, maybe we can [team up].
Now which one is the trap card?
lol stop tempting me dang it!
btw Xseed, Thanks for bringing titles like this over. I hope the overall sales end up meeting (or even XSeeding?) your expectations so we can see more games like this on the vita in the future
meh at the cards, the book is where it's at.
This game just makes more sense to me as a digital purchase so I can always have it on the Vitaeven if I'm never out of the house with it
And then the swag edition was shown.
I have no willpower when it comes to swag.
So glorious. More pics on XSEED's FB guys. My order has shipped too btw, and I live in PA bahaha.
So is this up on the PSN in about 7 hours or in about 31 hours?
I'll have you know that I will attempt to slot those into my actual clothes, to reap their benefits.
I figure "Slots" are just medieval terms for "pockets", so this should be easy!
All signs point to "When tomorrow's update occurs", GCT.