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Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow - Gamespot review


works for Gamestop (lol)


All around, Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow is a great package that builds on the framework that was laid out by the original game. The worst thing you can say about this release is that it's essentially the same game as Rainbow Six 3, but since its predecessor was exceptional, is that really such a bad thing? Black Arrow retails for less than most new Xbox games, thus making it a good value for fans of Rainbow Six 3 who want to get more of what they loved the first time around. It's also one of the most complete online-enabled console shooters around.


Had you not been remiss in your deal posting duties, the Board would have been aware that this is on sale for $29.99 at Fry's this week.
I can't find the game anywhere. Its sold out at all my local EBs and BB and CC still haven't got their copies in.


I went to the store where Lyte Edge works and the dude right in front of me in the line got the last copy.
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