Ranked team killing penalties:
These are a joke. Fortunately it doesn't affect me much as we usually have a full group, or at least 4, when going into ranked.
The first offense penalty is literally equivalent to the penalty given out for the game itself failing to load the round (I know, it's in "beta"). Permanent ban "may" be handed out on a 6th+ offense. Clearly they do not care about this issue.
And it kinda goes without saying that implementing no such measure in casual is ridiculous.
Kapkan buffs:
These look promising, I expect a lot more Kapkan picks.
Mute buff:
Sounds good, but is not really much of a change.
Maybe drones can't hop jammers now but it won't effect breach charges very much. I already usually place jammers in the middle of two reinforcements because it's exceedingly rare for players to realize they can place breaches on the edges and get past the jammer. People either only place breaches on the center of walls, or they hear the jammer and just take it out anyway.
This range buff effectively just means that you won't be able to place breaches on the edges of pairs of walls protected by one jammer. It stops something I've seen less than 1% of the time when playing as Mute.
I'll have to see how it works out in game, but I think even with extended jammer radius and Thatcher's reduced EMP radius, one EMP can still take out multiple jammers along the same wall.
A better Mute buff would be physically placing the jammers faster so you could put one down when you hear a breach being placed on a wall, like the batteries for Bandit.