Matchmaking is taking forever right now... PS4.
Has been for me for days now.
I'm looking to do a lot of Ranked right now. Hit me up if you're interested. PSN is my GAF name.
Matchmaking is taking forever right now... PS4.
Has been for me for days now.
I'm looking to do a lot of Ranked right now. Hit me up if you're interested. PSN is my GAF name.
Did someone hack alpine's account?
Starter Edition sounds fantastic, assume it's only for PC though?
Had an incredible moment tonight where our Montagne ran into the objective room and started capturing while the sole remaining enemy struggling to get past his shield as he was blocking the doorway. Somehow their Bandit slipped past tho and for LITERALLY TWO MINUTES they both just circled each other in the office complex on the Harbour map. Absolutely incredible. Friends and I had time to formally place bets. I bet Montagne would bite it trying to reload and he did, and as Bandit approached him to execute him, he noticed Montagne was crawling towards the Kapkan trap next to him and only just shot him before they both went out in a blaze of glory and made a Tie. Was fucking amazing, love this game haha
Lol, I'm serious.
Lol, I'm serious.
You think a TK + kick in casual is bad?So.. after finishing all the situations I play my first casual match. The bomb gets located and after a brief wait I spawn in and then it seems like I got spawn killed? And then a few seconds later I get voted out.
You're fucking telling me they put the ability to vote people out?? Hello trolling. I should have read up on the game more before I bought it.
So.. after finishing all the situations I play my first casual match. The bomb gets located and after a brief wait I spawn in and then it seems like I got spawn killed? And then a few seconds later I get voted out.
You're fucking telling me they put the ability to vote people out?? Hello trolling. I should have read up on the game more before I bought it.
I'll add you up. I'm playing Overwatch atm but wanna get back to Siege to hit 50, I'm 44 right now I think.
Add me first if you want, same as GAF name. I'm playing at the top of Silver rank atm.
its even crazier we actually did well...sweeps galore
Yo, what, Alpine is up for ranked?! I'm hopping back in.
Ubi just updated their Code of Conduct to make first-time cheating offenses a permanent ban. Progress!
Ubi just updated their Code of Conduct to make first-time cheating offenses a permanent ban. Progress!
They also state they are implementing a new or additional anti-cheat measure, but don't specify when.
More here:
I saw in the xbox one yesterday in the daily challenges now i have the option to go to the ubisoft club and i can choose 4 challenges more.Very good.
Where are those Ubisoft Club challenges? I must be blind because I didn't see anything
edit - Playing on PC.
Where are those Ubisoft Club challenges? I must be blind because I didn't see anything
edit - Playing on PC.
shift-f2 when in game and click on the Challenges tab near the top
CD Keys (are they legit?) selling full PC version for $25:
cdkeys is legit, yes.
i buy all my keys from there and got Siege from there last year too.
Remember that you get a 5% off coupon on their facebook.
I fuckin despise Blackbeard.
The only operator I straight-out call bullshit on. Doesn't help that he is the lamest, most vanilla operator in a game that is otherwise fun and creative with its characters.
Nerf him into the ground. Bury him under six feet of shame. He should just spontaneously combust at round start and the player should get a two week ban for even choosing him.
Make his shield weaker. Make the cracks appear more often. Make tachanka auto shatter it or stagger him, and shotguns should be two shots.How do you even nerf Blackbeard?
It's not like they can remove his shield so his effectiveness in prone peeking, windows and high ground is still going to exist. I guess you can nerf his damage but what does that accomplish? He can still get intel in ways no one else can.
How do you even nerf Blackbeard?
It's not like they can remove his shield so his effectiveness in prone peeking, windows and high ground is still going to exist. I guess you can nerf his damage but what does that accomplish? He can still get intel in ways no one else can.
My ire is directed at the character and not really those who use him.
Although anyone who blackbeard prone-peeks a roof hatch knowing they are wholly bathed in sun glare... I mean yeah that might be valid tactic, to exploit the low T2K and visibility from their position of near-invulnerability, but it's lame as hell and they can get fucked.
I await the nerf.
It's just absurd to put a shield on an AR in a game with such low T2K and OHK head shots. 99.9% of the game teaches you to aim for the head and then they punish you for it.
Most times I don't even see the shield, just hitmarkers, by the time you process why your headshots aren't registering, he has you.
Hitmarkers should be fuckin flashing neon. Shield should be more visable.
It used to be solid metal... then they made it translucent for some dumb reason.