Thinking about picking up this game on PS4.
Have a few questions:
How's the playerbase?
Plenty good enough to play with people at any hour, with reasonably quick matchmaking.
How often is the game updated?
Frequently enough, but there isn't enough meaningful new content. Maps are free but very few are added to the game. A lot of updates tend to focus on fixing things that are broken, exploits that people have discovered. The term 'patch' is very apt in this case, as the devs are continually patching the game, ensuring things don't fall apart. There have been times where things did fall apart though. Around Christmas the game was near unplayable, but things are better now.
Is the net code still trash?
Depends on your standard, it's better than the netcode in games like Gears of War, and Uncharted 4, but worse than the netcode in games with a more dedicated competitive following, like CS:GO. The netcode generally didn't bother me.
In large part netcode is actually better than your average game, but issues are much more noticable because of the extremely low time to kill. A stray bullet registering late on Uncharted doesn't single handedly get you killed.