Yeah these new operators are really going to have to prove their worth. Its not that hard to tell where an attacker is coming from so why rish interrogation mechanic? Plus there's plenty other roaming defenders which will just tear through the attacking team. Oh well, we'll see. Still waiting for IQ to be a valuable team player outside of her THREE EXCLUSIVE ASSAULT RIFLES. Do the Devs know she's terrible and so incentivize her being picked with cool ARs?
Her being a dedicated Pulse counter is very limiting. Pulse's buff is more a problem of that he's too good not to have because there aren't enough defenders worthwhile.
Valkyrie, Pulse, Rook, Jaeger are a pretty all star team. If Ubi could buff Castle, Doc, Tachanka, Smoke, Mute (his gun has no ACOG, his shotgun is weaker)... we could see fewer Pulse players.
Right now, Pulse is a must, making IQ a must.
IQ should be able to mark electronics for her team. Just temporarily, like an ordinary mark. Itd be great to ping Pulse to teammates without struggling to take him out on my own. Most Pulse players are way too tricky and dip when they know IQ sees them.
Even if IQ can see 10 ft before Pulse, most kills have to be done in CQC or require you to enter the building, as Pulse is somewhere near an entrance.
I think it will be so situational that it, overall, may be useless...but how many videos have you seen of defenders teabagging a DBNO operator? If they have time for that, they probably have time to interrogate.
At best, it will make players think more critically about going for the kill and try to push to "recover" a DBNO player. I know when roaming, if you sneak up on a group of 2-3 attackers and start firing, some are straight kills but there is often one who is DBNO.
Yes, but this happens so rarely that it makes the ability totally useless and easily the most impractical. I wonder if it would work better as an attacker ability. With so many roamers (Valkyrie, Pulse, Jaeger) it could be useful for attackers to find a lone enemy in bigger maps and interrogate them