Goddamn this update sounds fantastic! Awesome operators, a new hardcore game mode (to split playerbase even more :/ ), new map, anticheat! Also Skull Rain sounds fucking Metal.
It sucks that we have yet ANOTHER OP shotgun/c4 combo
Cut that crap out. I want shield attackers to be more useful but these defender flankers are too prominent
Kinda bummed I didn't jump on the Siege Season Pass sale a few months back.
Really looking forward to that favela map.
Do you need it for PC?
I really don't understand why they made Pulse's radar so incredibly good now. It was fine how if was before and now geez. Overkill IMO.
NO FFS NO! They already took my C4 away from frost, dont fucking do it to valkyrie too-Removing C4 from Pulse or Valkyrie, and just giving them to other operators (like maybe Castle or Jaeger). There needs to be a better distribution here. Top tier defenders shouldnt have top tier weapons and top tier gear like C4.
Valkyrie already has the god tier auto shotgun and her ability is really strong. It'd be lame for them to pull the nitro switch with the DLC ops again but I do think defenders need less nitro cells in general. They should put them on underused Operators like Castle or Mute.
Mute has a nitro cell lol
Whoever thought it was a good idea to put in Blackbeard needs to get fired.
Whoever thought it was a good idea to put in Blackbeard needs to get fired.
More info regarding anti-cheat is available. BattlEye goes live at 11:59am EDT on July 27th
Additionally, the Presentation and Design teams worked conjointly to improve the in-game HUD. The N mark on the compass is now highlighted in red, which improves readability. Players can access it while cycling surveillance cameras. Our teams also did a pass on how health is featured. We removed the Operator speed level since its not a relevant dynamic information while in the heat of a match. This allowed us to feature your health and additional armor (e.g., Rook) much more efficiently than before, says Da Luz.
Kinda bummed I didn't jump on the Siege Season Pass sale a few months back.
Its got Free Play days (i'd like to know how many day's so i can tell my friends to get it.) But ya its well worth picking up now well there's other new peeps playing. Its still brutal for me sometime's,level 102 lol but its my fav game this gen.How brutal is this for beginners?
Game looks sick, but you need to know what you are doing.
There's definitely a learning curve because of map awareness and knowing each operator, what style you like to play, etc. But I recommend jumping in. Watch Serenity's videos and go from there.How brutal is this for beginners?
Game looks sick, but you need to know what you are doing.
If you can pair up with a friend(s) to show you the ropes thats great, and maybe stick to a few operators whilst you learn the maps and the general playstyle. guys like rook, smoke, castle and mute are cool cause you can stay inside the objective like a turtle and use cameras to help find enemies for your roamers to kill. for attacking, going in a pair with your friends as thatcher+thermite allow you to stay close to each other, but really you just have to play to learn the maps and understand the game.How brutal is this for beginners?
Game looks sick, but you need to know what you are doing.
Double Renown from 28JUL - 1AUG.
All users who logged in on 26JUL have received a 24hr Boost for yesterday's outage.
Ubi <3
Are the JTF2 and Navy Seal the new operators?
Who would you recommend I get next, if I have these:
Wow thanks, I'm gonna check all of this out. Probably write it down as notes as well, so I can remember what you have shared with me. You seem to know your stuff, are you on PC and on the Discord channel?Oooh, I gotcha, sorry.
Thermite is the #1 attacker that you should have. He's needed just about every damned round.
Having a shield attacker is fun, too. Montagne is a great team player, as his ability renders him weapon-less but he's basically invulnerable to everything to the front and sides except C4. Great for closing off or guarding areas your team is moving through or entering a room.
For defenders, I think it mostly depends on your playstyle. I'd absolutely recommend Valkyrie over all others because she is so useful but she may be too expensive.
Kapkan got a good buff and is a fun trapper/roamer with a semi-auto shotty.
Pulse also got a buff for his heartbeat senser, making him an even better trapper/roamer.
Man fuck this pulse buff
Dude went 12-1 as pulse just now
Im playing IQ but it doesnt matter when my pistol cant outplay his shotgun. So annoying dealing with him.
There needs to be a better counter, because IQ isnt working out. I wish i could mark him for my team at least
My opinion... IQ should have smokes instead of bangs, and be able to deploy her gadget on her primary if she's using iron sights (no optics equipped).
IQ instantly becomes top tier and Pulse's nemesis.
I'm pretty I read that it can fire smoke grenades, and didnt the tooltip for the regular arrows read 'armor piercing' or something like that? could shoot through reinforced walls maybeSoooo ...any guesses on the new skills? I guess the interrgoation ability of the defender is true, but what does the crossbow does? The trailer cuts just before the attacker uses it
Soooo ...any guesses on the new skills? I guess the interrgoation ability of the defender is true, but what does the crossbow does? The trailer cuts just before the attacker uses it
IQ is cool, and she probably will be picked more now due to pulse getting buffed for some reason, but you really need to know your maps well and know the pulse hot spots to counter him well enough, i think IQ's gadget has a range of 20 ft whereas pulse is more like 10 ft, so you can catch him before he gets you, but any closer and his shotgun has a far better chance of nailing you than your pistol getting him, especially when the he can quickly swap out the gadgetI unlocked Thermite, and is probably gonna get IQ next, she seems very interesting.
My opinion... IQ should have smokes instead of bangs, and be able to deploy her gadget on her primary if she's using iron sights (no optics equipped).
IQ instantly becomes top tier and Pulse's nemesis.