who are these pretty grils
The free weekend on PC is great and awful at the same time. The new players think that all modes are team deathmatch.
I lost countless rounds of Bomb mode where we had one point completely in control and instead of planting the damn defuser the idiot decided to go hunting for the enemy.
Ended up picking this up on PC. Despite my frustration last night with not performing how I hoped I would, I still had a blast. Convinced a friend to jump in with me. Here. We. Go!
I hope the season pass gets put on sale soon. I wanna try these news guys out 25k is such a pain to work back up to.
Thanks for this. It looks like a very great map, and interrogation seems to be useful.
So when are the new operators and map being released?
Yes terrible atm, was considering buying the game but 6-7 minutes waiting time is a bit annoyingAnyone having really bad matchmaking today?XB1 here, not sure why but casual is taking forever. Consistent estimates of 2-3 mins even.
Yes terrible atm, was considering buying the game but 6-7 minutes waiting time is a bit annoying
Edit: enemy team declined message, another 7 minutes atleast of waiting. It was working fine this morning.
Checked reddit. XB1 servers are down. They went down about thirty mins ago, got them back up, now they're down again.
To be fair, this rarely happens... but it sucks it's happening on free weekend with double XP.
Anyone have Bright House in Florida getting this 2-0x0000C003 error? Seems to be affecting only us. Cannot play the game at all. Did port forwarding with ISP, Ubisoft Support, etc. Annoying.
Damn, I guess I missed this.If anyone has a VPN with a UK-based server, the PC version of the game is $10, while the Gold Edition comes out to about $19 on the UK Ubishop! $10 would be the cheapest the base game has ever been. I bought the Gold Edition myself essentially as a cheap season pass.
People that angrily message you in game wondering why you're on the other side of Kanal (I picked off 3 enemies from the window) and then blaming the L on me because my 4 teammates somehow got overran by 2 people.
Logic. Lol.
I get this every now and then. Sometimes it's amusing, others it's just tiring.
Have they changed the way Casual matchmaking works? I seem to encounter far more people of my rank/level than I used to some three weeks ago with only two matches this weekend being the exception.
words cannot describe how excited I am for this update. cool-sounding operators, improvements to killcam, FUCKING BATTLEYE etc. siege continues to be my favorite game by far this generation
If anyone has a VPN with a UK-based server, the PC version of the game is $10, while the Gold Edition comes out to about $19 on the UK Ubishop! $10 would be the cheapest the base game has ever been. I bought the Gold Edition myself essentially as a cheap season pass.
I would give up all that if they would just fix the hostage rescue. Damn thing is still broken. Played it on Xbox One during the free weekend never had an issue with it. Go back to PS4 and the damn thing is still broken.
Huh? Where's that, all I see is £14.97.
i don't think i've ever had an issue with hostage rescue. care to elaborate?
The issue I always have with hostage rescue is. When you pick up the hostage, he or she will just run in place. And you can no longer interact with them. The only way to end the round is to either kill the hostage or have everyone else die.
For some reason the game is still letting me play on Xbox One even though the free weekend is over
I feel like I'm so bad at defense, during preparation phase. I have no idea what to do or how to be most efficient but I guess that comes with time. I'm covering walls, putting up traps and the likes though. I really have to learn these maps.
Which were the two DLC maps?
Anyone know what time the game's update/content drops today?
PS4: 9:00am-9:59am EDT
Xbox: 10:00am-10:59am EDT
PC: 11:00am - 11:59am ED
PS4: 9:00am-9:59am EDT
Xbox: 10:00am-10:59am EDT
PC: 11:00am - 11:59am ED