Ubisoft must be updating the stats on the Siege website or something because they are telling me I have a 14.76 K/D right now. Heh, I wish
OK, I was scared for a moment that I've been playing too much Siege when my first thought was that they should watch out for Glaz.Just saw this photo in the White House photographer thread. Is the map in Siege an exact copy of Air Force One? That looks so similar, they did a great job.
Just saw this photo in the White House photographer thread. Is the map in Siege an exact copy of Air Force One? That looks so similar, they did a great job.
OK, I was scared for a moment that I've been playing too much Siege when my first thought was that they should watch out for Glaz.
Just saw this photo in the White House photographer thread. Is the map in Siege an exact copy of Air Force One? That looks so similar, they did a great job.
Just saw this photo in the White House photographer thread. Is the map in Siege an exact copy of Air Force One? That looks so similar, they did a great job.
Now that the game can be had for 20 bucks, do you feel that there is enough content with the terrorist hunts alone for a group to pick this up? I might play MP, but 2 in our group will only ever be into the terrorist hunts, so I am curious if the 20 dollars is a solid price for the amount of content we will get out of that mode...
Anyone having any trouble with the steam overlay not working in-game? I can get it to pop up in other games, so Seige is definitely the problem.
Just my luck.
Just my luck.
Just my luck.
So this just happened-
Answers on a postcard.
Played a few games. Game still sucks. Semi auto shotties for all! Huzzah!
Honestly, I'm not all that fond of the way the game is evolving. Defense is now literally all about roaming. 3 dedicated roamers at pretty much all times with a semi auto shotgun and a C4 each. I would like to see semi autos nerfed and C4 to be distributed more evenly. High level games can make attacking a nightmare at times.
Pulse and Blackbeard nerfs would be nice too.
Honestly, I'm not all that fond of the way the game is evolving. Defense is now literally all about roaming. 3 dedicated roamers at pretty much all times with a semi auto shotgun and a C4 each. I would like to see semi autos nerfed and C4 to be distributed more evenly. High level games can make attacking a nightmare at times.
Pulse and Blackbeard nerfs would be nice too.
Yup. The semiauto shotguns are insane. I couldn't stop laughing when they announced they were BUFFING Pulse, who was already OP, while not actually making Tachanka or Castle useful. It is insane what they are doing with the game.
Yup. The semiauto shotguns are insane. I couldn't stop laughing when they announced they were BUFFING Pulse, who was already OP, while not actually making Tachanka or Castle useful. It is insane what they are doing with the game.
Agreed. The Pulse one is the one that really gets me. He was a go-to guy before the buff. Why? Because he was hella powerful. So what's the reason for the buff? I don't know a single person that felt he needed to be buffed.
Ya know, there are some people(that are certifiably insane)that think this game is well balanced. What a world.
These posts feel pretty hyperbolic. What are some examples of the insane imbalances? Pulse was probably their first misstep in a while.
Shotguns still need balancing and Pulse needs a nerf of some kind.
Part of the problem with Pulse is that, on PC, his prior implementation was fine. Pulse is also about locating and reacting to what the enemy is doing. It's a lot easier to make quick adjustments and predictions using a mkb vs a controller.
As someone who plays Val and Kapkan pretty often, there are *plenty* of situations where you're fucked because enemies are at range and your shotty isn't going to do shit. Frost's sniper S90 was a legit imbalance and they fixed that.
The problem isn't necessarily the power of semi-shotties--it's that *every* defender so far has been a roamer-oriented Operator with a semi-shotty.
I agree that Tachanka and Castle need buffs, and so does Ubi, considering they said so a month or two ago. It's weird that Pulse got a buff before them, but it really depends on the complexity of their solution. I would assume they're looking at and testing the myriad of ways these Operators can be improved. With Pulse, their solution (to a dubious problem) was obviously much easier, since the technology was there since Alpha, when he was a wall-hack there, too.
These posts feel pretty hyperbolic. What are some examples of the insane imbalances? Pulse was probably their first misstep in a while.
Shotguns still need balancing and Pulse needs a nerf of some kind.
Part of the problem with Pulse is that, on PC, his prior implementation was fine. Pulse is also about locating and reacting to what the enemy is doing. It's a lot easier to make quick adjustments and predictions using a mkb vs a controller.
As someone who plays Val and Kapkan pretty often, there are *plenty* of situations where you're fucked because enemies are at range and your shotty isn't going to do shit. Frost's sniper S90 was a legit imbalance and they fixed that.
The problem isn't necessarily the power of semi-shotties--it's that *every* defender so far has been a roamer-oriented Operator with a semi-shotty.
I agree that Tachanka and Castle need buffs, and so does Ubi, considering they said so a month or two ago. It's weird that Pulse got a buff before them, but it really depends on the complexity of their solution. I would assume they're looking at and testing the myriad of ways these Operators can be improved. With Pulse, their solution (to a dubious problem) was obviously much easier, since the technology was there since Alpha, when he was a wall-hack there, too.
The Pulse stuff is starting to get to me a little. Playing Consulate and entering the building from the main floor from the side entrance with the two trap doors and waiting chairs.
Break down the barrier and check the room with a drone to see if anyone heard the noise , no one in there. So I get up the steps and strafe into the room to check the entrances as I walk in and die to a C4 from the floor below immediately as I take one step into the room.
Well you got me Pulse, should have known that that entire room is wood. Regardless two more of my knucklehead teammates (randoms) get killed in the same room from shotgun blasts through the floor with Pulse...
Again, Pulse buff... Not necessary he was a very good operator the way he was.
Come on, man. We do the same song and dance every time.
The fact that that Tachanka and Castle haven't had any meaningful buffs since launch is exactly what we're talking about.
Again, why buff Pulse? Why does it take so long to buff characters that actually need it but takes no time to buff Pulse who doesn't need it.
Ok, so that away Frost's C4 to "cripple" her. Ok, fine. Then, you release another character with possibly an even better shotty and give her C4, too?! What?
Defenders keep getting better and Attackers keep staying mediocre.
I mean, come on, dude. I like the game as well but don't defend idiocracy. The developers, not the movie.
I can understand where you're coming from but you're brushing legitimate criticisms under the rug. Always do. That's great that you've lived in a non-teamkilling utopia. Others haven't. Myself included. But, hey, it didn't happen because you didn't experience it, right? You're right that we get whiny in here at times. I admit my faults as such. However, the defense league(you being the President and CEO) is a little strong here, too.I'm not defending idiotic decisions--my post pretty clearly states that they've made some mistakes. Tachanka and Castle need buffs. I also work in software development (though not games), so I know finding a solution isn't always as simple as "just do it". I agree that it's not just a snap your fingers sort of thing until.........
Again, I already agreed that C4-wielding roaming shotty defenders are also tired. Not sure why you are acting like I'm not aware of that when I stated that very fact.
Again, the Pulse tweak was probably much easier to make compared to what needs to happen to make Tachanka or Castle more useful. Shit, all they probably need to do is tweak the responsiveness/refresh rate of Pulse and he'd be good. If not, I would want him to lose either the shotgun or the C4, considering both can guarantee kills through walls. .........you say this. They changed the look and everything. More thought went in to Pulse's buff than you're letting on.
Attackers stay mediocre? I'm not even sure what that means, especially given how much whining there is over Blackbeard (who needs tweaking to his shield mechanic but isn't nearly as unstoppable as people make him out to be). I agree that Blackbeard is not some crazy overpowered guy. In fact, I've been headshot while looking through the shield straight ahead of the Defender.
I just get tired of hyperbole in this thread. If it's not complaints about "insane" imbalance, it's how someone gets teamkilled seemingly every round or some shit like that. It gets whiny in here sometimes. We can talk about the game's faults without exaggerating.
I can understand where you're coming from but you're brushing legitimate criticisms under the rug. Always do. That's great that you've lived in a non-teamkilling utopia. Others haven't. Myself included. But, hey, it didn't happen because you didn't experience it, right? You're right that we get whiny in here at times. I admit my faults as such. However, the defense league(you being the President and CEO) is a little strong here, too.
The problem with the semi-auto shotguns is that they have little recoil and the range and damage is better than the pump shotguns. Short to mid range gunfights favor a shotgun over an AR.
They need to focus on making the existing attackers feel more powerful.
And I think what people are trying to say to you is that that started happening with Frost in "Season 1." Though Pulse's shotty has always been OP. Then we got Valkyrie as well and I believe Pulse's shotty got a buff as well as his gadget.I feel like the addition of all these shotties was to balance out the Attackers having the "best" weapons in the game early in the game's lifespan. Back then, I think Jaeger was the only Defender who was perceived to have a "good" gun because of his AR. They overcorrected, though, through the buffs and the quantity of semis.