The problem is Ubisoft never wants to go back on an Operator change they put real development time into instead of just changing a few numerical values like most balance changes. The Pulse 'Quality of Life' upgrade was the biggest offender of this when they completely changed his gadget from 'pulsing' heartbeats to an active wallhack with 100% updated positioning. Pulse has never required the same level of play as before that and it killed all strategy and nuance to good Pulse plays when you could easily preaim exactly where the enemy is. That upgrade completely broke Pulse for almost an entire season and they never reverted it, only putting a bandaid on by lowering the gadget distance a couple months later.
This new Glaz scope is the same thing. They put dev work/time into making this thermal vision scope and publicized it on twitter and stuff like that. It ruined the meta of an entire pro league season and made the last couple months completely revolve around Glaz because of how overpowered it is. And now instead of just reverting the thermal scope or changing it in any way, their bandaid solution is to tweak his gun values and take smokes off of Thermite and Ash and put them on Jackal and Fuze.
It just doesn't make sense. Firstly, Ash is already a ridiculous entry fragger and having stun grenades now is making her even better at that. Smoke grenades were perfect for Thermite as a support operator and now he has Stuns which have never matched his playstyle (similar to them giving Frag grenades to IQ as a 'quick fix' to make her more powerful). The easy solution here was to take away Glaz's smokes so he would have to rely on teammates to smoke push, but instead they did this convoluted mess.
*slow claps*