I just dont get it. The oil is just sitting in your hair. People are talking about "organisms adapting" and I can't take it seriously. Your scalp is producing oil daily. Shampoo is designed to get this oil to bind to it and to repel the water, effectively removing the build up from your scalp and hair.
You don't get it because you haven' done it, you haven't experienced it. Most of society has been conditioned to believe that you need to use both soap and shampoo every time you wash or you will stink, it's just the way people in modern society are raised. I used soap and shampoo for 40 years of my life. And I had horrible dandruff problems and periodic skin rash problems. It was just how I was.
But then over a year ago I read about this and decided to try it myself. You know, as a science experiment. I mean, at worst it wouldn't work and I'd just go back to doing what everyone else does. But much to my surprise, it not only worked just like people say it does, it worked wonderfully. My dandruff and dry scalp went away, my skin feels better than ever and my rashes are no more. My hair feels much, MUCH better than ever, it's more full and controllable. And no, it doesn't feel greasy.
This isn't a "don't shower" thing, I shower daily just like I always have. It just works better than it ever has, and I feel better than I ever have. And yes, I even smell better than I ever have. Several people have commented on how I smell better than I used to, especially my girlfriend who thankfully was willing to put up with this experiment in the first place. More than one person has asked what cologne I was wearing when all I had on was a dab of deodorant.
I don't know the science behind it, or even the reasons why this works, all I know is that through personal experimentation and observation it DOES work. Whether you get it or not, it works, and it works great.
guys, you stink. please shower.
Sigh. The lack of reading comprehension and social stigma in this thread are depressing. I suppose some people just can't think outside the box and even entertain the idea that something they believe just may be incorrect.