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Random thoughts.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Is there a more classic meal than meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and green beans?

Same vibes


Gold Member
So wait a moment, if i type birch instead of bitch or gunt instead of cunt, the fucking annoying censor shit in the yt comments doesn't work?

Well good to know.
I just gave my superior a body check out of the blue to signify that I'm done with that place after five years of hard work. Handing in my resignation on Thursday. See how those fuckers survive without me. Expecting Titanic levels of sinkage.


Can someone help me make sense of the game title Tales of Arise?

Every time I see the title it annoys me. Arise is a verb and it's a ridiculous sounding title. Tales of Sit. Tales of Run.

Note: I just saw the title somewhere.
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Think I've ranted in here previously about gig etiquette, or lack there of

Hottest night of the year in Manchester (uk), so obviously the place to go is an indoor rock gig that you're not really interested in

Make sure to talk, loudly, to your poor partner, who has to carry your bag and 2 coats, cardigans

Oh, and becaise you don't like the band, please leave every 3-5 minutes to get another water with ice in it

She was like 55. She should fucking know better

Shut the fuck up, stop moving about and deal with the heat, every other person did

The gig was good


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I'm going full vegan for the remainder of the year.

It's not that I want to but I gain weight with everything else that I eat. It's bullshit at my age. As long as I have my hot sauce then I am content.
I might do the opposite and go full keto. Not nearly as healthy, but a lot easier.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Are you the skinny type that can't gain weight? I have a boxer physique.
No, I gain weight extremely easily. I was recently diagnosed with a thyroid issue which seems to account for that. But I had a lot of success with keto + fasting about 10 years ago. Kept all the weight off until the pandemic, when I started drinking and caring less.


Why don’t doctors ever listen to their patients concerns? I say I had a very bad experience on SSRI’s and don’t want them again but apparently the doctor heard “sure, I’ll take Prozac twice a day again”.

Time to look for a new doctor and start at square one, again.


Why don’t doctors ever listen to their patients concerns? I say I had a very bad experience on SSRI’s and don’t want them again but apparently the doctor heard “sure, I’ll take Prozac twice a day again”.

Time to look for a new doctor and start at square one, again.
SSRIs pretty much ruined my life, I was prescribed them off-label by my GP (for Depersonalisation/Derealisation) when I was younger and my brain was still developing. I have permanent akathisia as a result now as well as periods of anhedonic depression (never had depression before). Turns out they were never indicated for DP/DR in the first place, the average GP here just hears any sort of psychological ailment as some variation of depression and throws SSRIs at it.

The akathisia leaves me with a constant, insatiable need to rest and relax, but the relaxation never comes. It's a constant low-grade torture; like restless leg syndrome, the need to yawn and the need to stretch all rolled into one, spread across the body and multiplied 10x; alongside a crawling, tingling and buzzing "thing" that sits somewhere between a physical sensation and a mere concept. Sometimes it's as if you wanna itch your bones and the only thing that tempers it is movement.

Saying yes to those things was the biggest mistake I ever made. I'd already learned to deal with the DP/DR for the most part, but I was both ill-informed at the time and wanted to take the easy way out; and it came back to bite me. I would've been better served just going and standing in a field with the breeze on my face, watching the wind in the trees.
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I don't know what to do with my money since I've stopped smoking weed. It's just sitting there, spread eagle, waiting for me to put my cock in it.

The fuck do you do when you have beaucoup money? Fuck hookers? Then what? I cannot be fucked to start a family in this economy.


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
I don't know what to do with my money since I've stopped smoking weed. It's just sitting there, spread eagle, waiting for me to put my cock in it.

The fuck do you do when you have beaucoup money? Fuck hookers? Then what? I cannot be fucked to start a family in this economy.
Conso0om or invest. That's it. Just do it...


Them: "Most women care less about looks, more about intelligence and sense of humour, I think..."

Me: "As a really intelligent guy with a great sense of humour I have to disagree. I think it's more to do with humility..."

Them: *Absolutely nothing, not a chuckle, not a grin*


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I want to invent something called apemaxing where you kinda just sit around eating raw fruits and vegetables and occasionally scratch your head and look slack jawed. You can also optionally throw the peels/inedible parts of the fruit/veggies at passersby for fun and then make primitive cackling noises. It’s basically like a return to monke taken literally. I don’t know where I was going with this or why I chose to share it. I’m deeply sorry.


Gold Member
5 years without a cold or anything and i get an influenza 5 days before my vacation trip...

Hopefully i'm gonna feel better in a couple of days.
Aside from rare bouts of food poisoning I'm on the shitter every 40 minutes for two days straight (I get that maybe once every 6-7 years the past 20 years), I dont get sick often even as a kid.

But oddly, every 2-3 years the past 10 years I get this cough that lasts for a month and no amount of cough syrup or pills or sleep makes it go away. The first day of sickness I'll get chills. So I assume I got a flu or fever. Even when I saw my doc one time, he just said wait it out. Either he knows what he's talking about or lazy to write me up a prescription. I dont know. lol

After a month it always goes away.
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Sebastian Vettel is two years older than me. He is the reason why I started watching Formula 1 on a regular basis. When he became a family man he started aging like hell. I refuse to go downhill like that in th4e upcoming years. He looks like Björn Borg now. Naw, I'm going to do my own thing.


I swear. The Penny Arcade forums cannot go a single day without saying something gay.

That is quite an achievement.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I've had a transgirl roommate for over 5 months now and I couldn't live without her.

Get off Twitter and mainstream news and go meet people and be pleasantly surprised.
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