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Random thoughts.


I should buy a bike.

I already have a bike but I just wanted to say I should buy one.

I like my bike it has 2 wheels and it is black. It has a bell and lights. It has a seat too. It has front suspension and normal plastic dust caps. I have some fancy caps but I heard they can get stuck.

When I’m not using my bike I use a lock to protect it.

If you have any questions about my bike I will not answer them. So please don’t ask.




I wonder if I'll ever get rich printing fake money.
You should do a blue dart $5 bill.

A blue dart is when you take a lighter and time your fart to create a mini fire bolt.

Never done it myself cause I heard you can accidentally suck the flame back towards your anus. So, buyer beware.

But it looked super cool as a 13 year old


Hold onto your panties
You should do a blue dart $5 bill.

A blue dart is when you take a lighter and time your fart to create a mini fire bolt.

Never done it myself cause I heard you can accidentally suck the flame back towards your anus. So, buyer beware.

But it looked super cool as a 13 year old
Getting ideas. Is it really worth $5? I'm going to need more cardboard.


Are you living inside of Grand Theft Auto?
Just Oxford. Been pretty peaceful around this end for a good 10-12yrs now (far from the posh end of town) but just sat down with my steak, loaded youtube up on the tele and glanced right while chewing; and someone comes up on a bike with a small machete chasing another guy and he thankfully ran into a well-populated public building across the way; knife guy then booked it on his bike.

On a random sidenote, I got a sudden jolt in my head about 10 seconds before I glanced out, so I've probably developed a spider-sense and am now Spider-Man.
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I suck at chess. I have started playing online but only won a few games. No matter what I do now I just keep losing.

My score/rating is currently 247 :( lol.

It lets you review games to learn from mistakes but I’m such an idiot I don’t even understand it lol.
A few months ago while mindlessly watching the 2000 X-Men movie and seeing them play chess at the end, I gave it a try and to my surprise I sucked at it as well. The worst part is after you've won, you have to finish off your opponent in an extremely confusing way. The game results in a tie if you just corner the King and give it no way to move without being captured. You instead have to make it to where their King captures one of your guys, and then you can capture the King. I could never fully wrap my head around how to do that and gave up on chess.
Important to start getting into some sort of rhythm with whatever it is you are doing outside. Easier said than done if you work full hours. You need to find that energy from somewhere if you are changing it up.


I'm watching the show Dead Like Me (2003-2004) at the moment and the lead girl in it has the grossest fingernails; how you'd allow yourself to be on camera with those things I don't know. Every time her hands are in a scene it's distracting.

I think I have a thing about hands, it's like the first thing I look at on a person when I get a chance. I once had a psychologist who I struggled to take seriously as he was disseminating information on how to be a functional human being and yet couldn't manage the simple task of trimming his own fingernails. At any given time a random ~third of them would be roughly trimmed, another third just left to grow and the others partially cut, often jagged/pointed and only to one side.


my old music teacher had a weird thumb nail. all his finger nails were normal but his right thumb nail was so long lol. it wasn't like he didn't cut them for a while and it was long. it was probably about 2cm in length. he said it was so if he ever lost his guitar pick he could just use his nail. I don't know if that's a thing guitarists do but I play guitar myself and have never seen anyone else do it... I thought it was so funny.

this girl I work with always has fake nails and they look nice but one day I caught sight of under her nails and omg I was nearly sick. it was so dirty and there was loads of build up of god knows what.

I hate finger nails. I hate having to cut them but I make sure they're as short as possible at all times. if I could stop them growing I would.
Actually been playing guitar since I was a kid and also play fingerstyle. I've always just kept the nails on my right hand at most ~1mm longer. With longer nails I find they end up scraping the string and there's a horrible lack of control/leverage power, not really sure how other players do it. With just a slight bit of nail I can adjust the tilt of the tip and blend in the pad of the finger to dampen it or go the other way make it clearer.

As for women's hands, it's probably my only "petty" physical hang up. A girl can be gorgeous but as soon as I see bitten sausage fingers, stubby nail beds or even those really cheap, pointed, garish tack on claws it totally dampens attraction.

A simple, understated French manicure or just cleanly trimmed/filed/buffed nails is nice.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
My street is the street of dogs.

Where dogs owned by lazy submissive rich owners bark nonstop and rule the neighborhood.

I've had dogs most of my life but this is affecting my daily life a bit 😄

The main culprit lives across the street.
I was told he's a "rescue" but to me that's no excuse.
Rescue dogs can still be properly trained.

Anyway this dog is just broken.
As soon as he's out he starts barking nonstop. He barks at people and other dogs. He barks at the wind. Broken.
Even Cesar Millan would put a bullet in its barking idiotic head.

Twice I went over trying to talk to its owner and she pulls out her phone & starts filming.
I was not aggressive, but I guess that's how it is nowadays...

So fuck that dog I hope he dies soon.

That felt good just posting my thoughts 😁


Yesterday: Behavioral health provider sends out an e-mail to all patients and staff that they're shutting down the clinic at the end of the month, catching everyone, including all the doctors, completely off guard.

Today: Behavioral health provider sends out an e-mail survey asking my opinion on the quality of service and if I'd refer them to a friend. Makes the mistake of including a long form text box response for "more details".

Working Kermit The Frog GIF
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