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Random thoughts.


Gold Member
How nice it is to have 50° celsius from 9 am to 8 pm.

My city is literally burning up, there are spontaneous fires everywhere and smoke all around the city, wherever you are, you are gonna inhale burning wood:lollipop_grinning_sweat:

It's kinda insane.
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
How nice it is to have 50° celsius from 9 am to 8 pm.

My city is literally burning up, there are spontaneous fires everywhere and smoke all around the city, wherever you are, you are gonna inhale burning wood:lollipop_grinning_sweat:

It's kinda insane.
Nothing like a boiled egg over a campfire


Note to self: Don't buy shit quality lump charcoal again.

I bought whatever looked good when I got my BBQ and when I needed to get more I bought cheap stuff from walmart.
Sad Fucked Up GIF by Film Riot
I am pretty loyal to my passions and hobbies. That being said, I'm grateful for my curiosity which (within reason) enables me to branch out and explore new things! Today, I picked up Final Fantasy 16...when the mood strikes me to try a brand new game, I will play it :] Rn I'm playing The Wonderful 101 Remastered on Steam and having a blast with it :]. The best part is that the exploring thing isn't done out of routine or pressure...it's done in the spirit of play, so like for example when I'm sprite animating sometimes I want to try using a different sound effect or visual effect, experimenting and playing with it or in the context of video games, doing some side missions to unwind from the main story for a bit :]


Background: I Live near a park with a walking track, and a there is a stop sign nearby where many walkers cross the road.

Today I was on my way home and while stopped at the stop sign a walker used the cross walk...but something seemed odd, he was wearing old looking wired headphones.... upon closer inspection the wired headphone were attached to a Cassette Walkman... !!!???!?!?!?! Walker age estimated to be maybe late 40's?

If i had to guess I bet he found his old tape collection in storage and also his Walkman, which still worked and decided to go "old School" for today's walk... ?


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
Background: I Live near a park with a walking track, and a there is a stop sign nearby where many walkers cross the road.

Today I was on my way home and while stopped at the stop sign a walker used the cross walk...but something seemed odd, he was wearing old looking wired headphones.... upon closer inspection the wired headphone were attached to a Cassette Walkman... !!!???!?!?!?! Walker age estimated to be maybe late 40's?

If i had to guess I bet he found his old tape collection in storage and also his Walkman, which still worked and decided to go "old School" for today's walk... ?

Cassette tapes are making a comeback lately.


Lol i can kinda see it ...
Damn that scene was intense as a kid. But nothing tops Murphy's scene.. YKWYK
No, checked in on my friends on Facebook, and evidently it's "daughter day." But wow, Xmas in July?
Aah XD holidays cropping up out of the woodwork huh. Yea, Christmas in July is something new that's gaining traction apparently, my friend invited me to a Christmas in July bbq party thing and it was fun. Then online I saw an event also related to Christmas in July as well
tried to make a roll and square sausage for lunch but i didn't cook it long enough :( it has ruined the rest of my day so far. going to have some chinese food tonight to make up for it.

waiting on amazon delivery so please be excited. going to replace the wheel on my electric scooter. tried putting on a spare tire yesterday but i must've punctured it trying to get it on :messenger_tears_of_joy: will attempt to fit the tubeless tire tomorrow and i'm dreading it. i use the scooter to get to work. i know i should walk but i am too lazy and do enough walking at work. walking takes me 20 minutes but on scooter i can be home in 7 minutes. those 13 minutes are valuable.
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Trying my hand at something topical: aliens. I don’t know if I believe in little green men or UFOs are real but there’s one thing I do believe in: Hanlon’s Razor: never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity. Imagine finding out aliens crashed in New Fucking Mexico in the middle of the Cold War right after Russia stole US nuclear secrets. We don’t know what they have, we don’t know what we have, and we certainly don’t want them to know that we don’t know what we have and they don’t want us to know they’re just as clueless: but we do know it’s not of this earth and we can’t explain it or how it works but you don’t want the other guys to know we don’t have a fucking clue and they don’t want us to know they don’t have a fucking clue. Now keep that cycle of thinking up for 80 years and the bureaucratic systems put in place to protect it using archaic filing systems and probably computers running outdated software and it becomes the DMV or IRS: no one knows why it’s so bad but somehow miraculously it continues on through inertia. It’s like JFK I think half the reason for the lack of disclosure on some files isn’t due to some malicious conspiracy against the American people but so that agencies who dropped the fucking ball on a cook like Oswald could save face: maybe he was a Russian agent maybe he wasn’t fact is the FBI and CIA completely fucked up and part of the reason for secrecy is to avoid the world knowing how incompetent they really are.
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Trying my hand at something topical: aliens. I don’t know if I believe in little green men or UFOs are real but there’s one thing I do believe in: Hanlon’s Razor: never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity. Imagine finding out aliens crashed in New Fucking Mexico in the middle of the Cold War right after Russia stole US nuclear secrets. We don’t know what they have, we don’t know what we have, and we certainly don’t want them to know that we don’t know what we have and they don’t want us to know they’re just as clueless: but we do know it’s not of this earth and we can’t explain it or how it works but you don’t want the other guys to know we don’t have a fucking clue and they don’t want us to know they don’t have a fucking clue. Now keep that cycle of thinking up for 80 years and the bureaucratic systems put in place to protect it using archaic filing systems and probably computers running outdated software and it becomes the DMV or IRS: no one knows why it’s so bad but somehow miraculously it continues on through inertia. It’s like JFK I think half the reason for the lack of disclosure on some files isn’t due to some malicious conspiracy against the American people but so that agencies who dropped the fucking ball on a cook like Oswald could save face: maybe he was a Russian agent maybe he wasn’t fact is the FBI and CIA completely fucked up and part of the reason for secrecy is to avoid the world knowing how incompetent they really are.
Personally, I like to believe Taylor Swift is the greatest poet mankind has ever or will ever have. :messenger_peace:
finally got my scooter fixed! so happy :) new tubeless tyre (bloody nightmare getting it on) and new reflectors. gave it a good clean down too. got it charging up for work.

just seen that a newer model is out which looks cool and has a few nice QoL changes (better charging port location and cap, comes with 10" (vs 8.5") tubeless tyres) but it's £700 :messenger_fearful: there's nothing wrong with my scooter though so i wouldn't buy it even if it was cheaper. don't have a lot of cycles on the battery either.

if i ever need to replace the tubeless tyre it'd probably a lot quicker and less hassle to buy a whole new wheel. the front wheel is a cunt to work with because of the attached wire. the magnet the wire is attached to is meant to come out but i couldn't get it out. my back wheel still has a tube inside it but i'll wait until i get a puncture before putting the other tubeless on.
i joined Instagram...

well i created the account about 3 weeks ago and had it set to delete but reactivated it. i have used Instagram in the past but the first time I tried signing up for it they closed my account after a few days so I never bothered with it again until recently with all the Threads shit. I haven't tried Threads and not sure i will since it seems to be shit and people have abandoned it now lol.

i'm still on Twitter. Sorry.... X but who knows how that will go in the future so wanted to give Instagram another try. at first it bored me but i guess i could use it in place of Twitter. annnd so far Zuck hasn't shut me down.... maybe it's because my account was in pending deletion for 3 weeks so i'll see how it goes over the next few days lol.
the last few nights when i've been sleeping i've had such vivid dreams. when i was sleeping i kept thinking i was in an AI that would control my dreams. well when i say the AI controlled it ... i was the AI. it wasn't like i was in control though as it was the AI doing everything. i was the AI and i wasn't. throughout the night i would have episodic dreams and really by that i mean i was aware that i was having multiple dreams in one night. it's hard to explain. either i was waking up every so often and thinking "ok next episode" or i was fully asleep all the time and wanted to move onto another dream.

i don't remember having such intense vivid dreams before so not sure what's causing it. it's not like it's happened one night but this has been happening the last 4-5 days. i can't remember any of the dreams now but as i was sleeping (or half awake) i could remember them. i haven't slept so peacefully in years.
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My wife wants me to plan a vacation for us. What I want to do for a vacation and what she want's to do are not the same.

She wants to go somewhere to do things and see stuff. Previous vacations have had us driving around multiple hours everyday to half a dozen places. I don't want to do that anymore.

I want to go somewhere with a lake, forest and maybe a mountain and do nothing. The less people around the better.
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