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Ranking every Metal Slug game from worst to first...which in no way could be controversial...said nobody ever


I do love a good ranking...because its always fun to try to put a series in order...and its equally as fun to see how your opinions match / differ from the rest of the gaming community. Especailly with something as beloved as the Metal Slug franchise. Neo Geo collectors (myself included) are known for having some very STRONG opinions on games lol

But how would you rank them Gaf? I do love a good comment war about gaming opinions (if its friendly)

edit: oh and I should say I am the gospel and this ranking is not disputable :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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And I've never played 7 or XX...or the Neo Geo Pocket Color games, for that matter.

2 built off of the already excellent foundation built by one, and I also feel like it was fairest, where it was designed (at least in the early levels) to where it could be tackled without having a million quarters in your pocket. X had all of these same qualities, but was also just zanier...just not as crazy as the later entries.



And I've never played 7 or XX...or the Neo Geo Pocket Color games, for that matter.

2 built off of the already excellent foundation built by one, and I also feel like it was fairest, where it was designed (at least in the early levels) to where it could be tackled without having a million quarters in your pocket. X had all of these same qualities, but was also just zanier...just not as crazy as the later entries.
3 AFTER 2? what heresy is this!


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I agree that 4 sucks ass, specially playing it right after 3. It truly feels like a recycled game. It even turned me down to keep trying the games that came later, but after watching your vid I think I'll give them a go.

My favorite is probably 3 because of the level design, the branching paths and how different every level feels from the others.
I also love 1, as it's the most fair imo and it's more settled in the WWII? setting, instead of going all crazy with aliens and stuff.

Oh and for anyone that's like OP and loves the underwater levels in those games, go play In The Hunt.

A Archaic101 man I wanted to like 2 so much, but the slowdowns made it unbearable for me.
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I initially read this as:
Ranking every Metal GEAR game from worst to first...which in no way could be controversial...said nobody ever

Now that I see it's about Metal Slug..... meh. I'm a huge fan of the series, btw, I just don't think ranking this quarter muncher series is all that interesting. We all agree that the first one is the best, right?


I initially read this as:
Ranking every Metal GEAR game from worst to first...which in no way could be controversial...said nobody ever

Now that I see it's about Metal Slug..... meh. I'm a huge fan of the series, btw, I just don't think ranking this quarter muncher series is all that interesting. We all agree that the first one is the best, right?
if by 1st you mean 3...then yes!


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I've played 2 hundreds of times. Either it's the only Metal Slug game I got good at, or it just feels the most "fair" to me. I feel like it can be beaten on just a handful of quarters, and it's the only Metal Slug I can say that about.
1 is the easiest by far my dude. I could 1CC it after maybe a week of practice.

Those games are about skill yeah, but also lots of memorizing and realizing the best way of overcoming the challenge.

For example: there's this big ass robot boss at the end of the stage 3 in MS3. You can reach that boss with a heavy machinegun, a laser, a walking robot, a pistol if you've fucked up, or a shotgun.
Reaching it with anything but the shotgun will make it a fairly difficult boss, while reaching the boss with the shotgun will turn it into a total push over. The thing is, the level desing makes it so reaching the boss with the shotgun is the most difficult outcome to achieve.

They are also kinda like Gradius in the sense that losing a live will left you in a very dire situation, so maybe that's where the quarter munching thing comes from.


1 is the easiest by far my dude. I could 1CC it after maybe a week of practice.

Those games are about skill yeah, but also lots of memorizing and realizing the best way of overcoming the challenge.

For example: there's this big ass robot boss at the end of the stage 3 in MS3. You can reach that boss with a heavy machinegun, a laser, a walking robot, a pistol if you've fucked up, or a shotgun.
Reaching it with anything but the shotgun will make it a fairly difficult boss, while reaching the boss with the shotgun will turn it into a total push over. The thing is, the level desing makes it so reaching the boss with the shotgun is the most difficult outcome to achieve.

They are also kinda like Gradius in the sense that losing a live will left you in a very dire situation, so maybe that's where the quarter munching thing comes from.
yes the weapons management plays a huge roll in a good way

Naked Lunch

They are all unbelievable games. Some of the best ever made.

The best Metal Slug is the 1st one. Paced perfectly, nice variety of stages/environments. Its the most militant and serious of the bunch with none of that wacky alien stuff. I like the sort of war tribute ending.

Ill take Slug 2 next, even with the slowdown. It has a better color palette than X and its feels closest to MS1.

Ill take MS3 next but I absolutely hate the last stage - that stage is too long and boring. I always just turn the game off when you launch to space. The last stage on MS3 ruins the game for me. I do love the branching paths though. All run and guns need branching paths from here on.

MS4-7 kind of run together for me - I cant remember which is which but I love all these entries as well. Playing as the Ikari Warriors was a nice bonus.

Ive said it before but Metal Slug has the best graphics of any videogame. To my eyes, nothing comes close.
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Ultra baller tied for first
1 x 3
Ultra baller too much slow down
ngp games
Ok 6 7
Meh 5
Made for to spin off tier 4


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
They are all unbelievable games. Some of the best ever made.
Ive said it before but Metal Slug has the best graphics of any videogame. To my eyes, nothing comes close.
Agree mate. And yeah the pixelart in those games is second to none.

Ill take MS3 next but I absolutely hate the last stage - that stage is too long and boring. I always just turn the game off when you launch to space. The last stage on MS3 ruins the game for me. I do love the branching paths though. All run and guns need branching paths from here on.
WTF, really? Why do you think it's so boring? For me it's the best part of the game, and one of the most epic moments in videogames: In the span of a few seconds you get the twist that the aliens are the real bad guys, join forces with Morden's soldiers,
get launch to space on a fucking rocket and to top it even more the music for that moment is amazing.


Is the series worth playing after metal slug 3? X was my favourite and after 3 which I also really liked I was a I little burned out lol it’s been a few years since I played those 3 should I try the rest?

My ranking


Is the series worth playing after metal slug 3? X was my favourite and after 3 which I also really liked I was a I little burned out lol it’s been a few years since I played those 3 should I try the rest?

My ranking
honestly I could go 3/x/1 or X/3/1 and convince myself I was right


1 is simply the best. Its the most fair, and I can get to the final stage on 1 credit.

Second best would be X, which had better perf than 2. But I like the daytime first stage of 2 more. Then 3. I like 3, but I felt it was very frustrating as well.

4 is shit. 5 wasn't bad. Didn't play the later ones.
I'm torn between 3 and 1.

3 is the greatest package but I have the most fun playing 1. Also like someone already said here, the last level of 3 sucks ass.

X is pretty awesome as well. 2 is pretty good, the slowdown stuff is overblown.

4 and 5 are OK. XX is... Not good.

Naked Lunch

WTF, really? Why do you think it's so boring? For me it's the best part of the game, and one of the most epic moments in videogames: In the span of a few seconds you get the twist that the aliens are the real bad guys, join forces with Morden's soldiers,
get launch to space on a fucking rocket and to top it even more the music for that moment is amazing.
Yeah I dunno man - MS3's last level is as long as the entire game of Metal Slug 1. It just goes on too long and just drags. The shmup part in particular is just not good. I like my run n guns paced quickly and to the point. The rest of MS3 is flawless though - how about that ice cave bit with the yetis and woolly mammoth you ride on? Just too cool.


Gold Member
Is there any good way to play these games these days? Not counting emulating on PC. I've never played a single MS game, but they always looked cool.

Naked Lunch

Is there any good way to play these games these days? Not counting emulating on PC. I've never played a single MS game, but they always looked cool.
I think the ACA Neo Geo versions are available on every console platform. Around $7 a piece.
I have the entire series on Xbox Series/One. Considering these games used to be $300+ on the original Neo Geo - they are worth every single penny.
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I think I emulated 6 and 7 but didn't finish them, they were okay but I dislike the backgrounds in 6 especially. 5 has some lows but I think I still like it more than 1 overall... ahhhhh I dunno, maybe 1 is above 5 actually. Its just a bit too slow sometimes. 4 really is a pile

Is the series worth playing after metal slug 3? X was my favourite and after 3 which I also really liked I was a I little burned out lol it’s been a few years since I played those 3 should I try the rest?

My ranking

I'd just play 5. 4 is mostly pish and 6 & 7 are only okay.


There are good ports on the PS4. That's where I played 3.

Don't buy the anthology if you have the cash though. There are seperate sku thay are purchasable that were ported by a better studio.

What releases are those exactly, can you get the separate ones on PC? Anthology does have awful input lag, especially on PS4.


Gold Member
What releases are those exactly, can you get the separate ones on PC? Anthology does have awful input lag, especially on PS4.
Not sure on the PC cause I haven't checked.

There's a couple of versions actually. The anthology, code mystics and the ACA ones.

Code mystics if you want online support. It costs more though. ACA has no online support but is cheaper. I think I bought the ACA one.


Not sure on the PC cause I haven't checked.

There's a couple of versions actually. The anthology, code mystics and the ACA ones.

Code mystics if you want online support. It costs more though. ACA has no online support but is cheaper. I think I bought the ACA one.

I have ACA ones on Switch, nice, ta.

The Steam ones says DOTEMU so I guess thats a good sign?
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