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Rapist gets 6 months because prison sentence would have a severe impact on him

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Rape Culture: Where we try to make sure that being rapist does not to affect someone's future. That someone being of course the rapist not the victim.

Rape Culture: Apparently Family Guy Spider-Man was right, everybody gets one.

Brock Allen Turner, a 20-year-old swimmer who dropped out of the elite California university last year, appeared stoic in court in Palo Alto on Thursday, two months after a jury convicted him of multiple felonies, including assault with intent to rape an intoxicated woman.

The 23-year-old victim delivered an emotional speech at the hearing, decrying rape culture and asking that the judge send a strong message about the severity of Brock’s attack on her.

“We cannot forgive everyone’s first sexual assault … The seriousness of rape has to be communicated clearly. We should not create a culture that suggests we learn that rape is wrong through trial and error.”

Turner, who is from Dayton, Ohio, was arrested on the Palo Alto campus on 18 January 2015 after two Stanford graduate students spotted him lying on top of the victim outside of a Kappa Alpha party behind a dumpster. When officers arrived, the woman, who is not a Stanford student, was “completely unresponsive” and partially clothed, with a blood-alcohol level three times the legal limit, according to police.

The two witnesses who were biking past that evening said they saw Turner “thrusting” on top of the motionless woman and that they intervened and held him until police showed up.

Turner, who had a blood-alcohol level that was twice the legal limit, testified in court that he could walk and talk at the time and acknowledged that the victim was “very drunk”. He claimed that he did not intend to rape the woman and that the encounter was consensual.

The victim, who gave emotional testimony during the trial, regained consciousness at a hospital more than three hours after the assault and told police she had no memory of the attack.

After a jury convicted Turner of sexually penetrating an intoxicated and unconscious person with a foreign object, prosecutors asked a judge to sentence him to six years in California prison. Probation officials had recommended the significantly lighter penalty of six months in county jail, according to the San Jose Mercury News.

The judge, Aaron Perksy, cited Turner’s age and lack of criminal history as factors in his decision, saying, “A prison sentence would have a severe impact on him … I think he will not be a danger to others.”

After the hearing, Santa Clara County district attorney Jeff Rosen slammed the sentencing, which will likely result in Turner spending three months behind bars – a fraction of the maximum 14 years he was potentially facing.

“The punishment does not fit the crime.”


He was found guilty on three felonies btw


The Ohio native was convicted of assault with intent to commit rape of an intoxicated woman, sexually penetrating an intoxicated person with a foreign object and sexually penetrating an unconscious person with a foreign object.

Disgusting. This fucknugget gets off with six months because "he won't be a danger" while his victim is left with a lifetime of emotional scars.

Fuck everything about this.
The old defense of boys will be boys and/or monetary influence. I can't stand rapists as I have someone very dear to me who was raped. The psychological and emotional damage it causes the victims is terrible.


Judge Perksy got himself a little perksy from the family I bet.

Oh my sweet summer child, you think it takes a bribe to get away with rape?

Just convince the judge that she wasn't a "nice girl" in some way and you're good
This is not nearly as bad as wishing prison rape upon him, but still in incredibly poor taste.

That said, this dude is a cunt. And fuck the judge.

It's expressing frustration of someone victimizing another person and ultimately having a punishment that communicates that it's a relatively trivial crime (ie, not a crime worth "ruining his life over").


I understand what they're trying to get at.

Except, 6 years should be considered a soft ruling. Hard ruling should be 10+ years.

In these sort of cases they seem to completely ignore the impact it will have on the victim's life for years to come..


Ugh, rico folks being above the law is sickening, especially with such a troublesome problem of victim blaming and misogyny that pertains the rape culture.

At the very fucking least if you're not gonna go the punitive route because of the bs argument of not ruining his life, you need to enforce huge amount of social service involving aspects of this type of abuse that happens in this environment, and a HUGE fucking fine.


get some go again
looked up a picture of this guy and it confirmed my suspicions. had it been a minority the judge would have no problems throwing them in jail for years and gave no fucks about the impacts on them.
Sorry about the dumb sort of off-topic question, but does the "blood-alcohol level legal limit" refer to the legal limit when driving, and it's just being used as a shorthand (or the opposite, since the actual number would be shorter)?


Not a danger to others?? He raped an unconscious woman. Raped.. an unconscious woman. He's as fucking dangerous as they come.


For you.

guess at least it wasn't as bad as a guy here in my country that got scott free because he "wasn't violent enough".


Isn't the whole point of prison to have an impact on him? I don't understand the judge's logic at all and that short a sentence is just insulting.


It's pretty fucking scary to realize that even an All-American athlete at Stanford is willing to rape people.

Darren Sharper redux.

Dude should be locked up for at least 4-5 years imo. Oh well. At least this fucker will never realize his dream of swimming at the olympics.


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No wonder lots of women don't report the crime.


looked up a picture of this guy and it confirmed my suspicions. had it been a minority the judge would have no problems throwing them in jail for years and gave no fucks about the impacts on them.

It sucks to potentially derail the thread about this, but everyone knows this is true


In these sort of cases they seem to completely ignore the impact it will have on the victim's life for years to come..
Because the objective of the justice system isn't to make victims happy. It's to provide an outcome for society that minimises harm.

To play devil's advocate, is the lesson from six months gaol time really, actually, less than the lesson from sixty months gaol time?


This is disgusting and everything but....why do they keep beating us over the head with the fact that he's from Ohio?


"Convicted defendant maintains that the sex was consensual"
"Not a danger to others"

Pick one judge
I'll speak from my viewpoint, which is a lawyer in the UK.

Probation made the recommendation for short custodial sentence. They carry assessments in order to make sentence recommendations including courses and action that need to be taken whilst in prison. the fact they stated that indicates something significant.

Danger to others is something that is also considered by probation. First time offender is significant, what he did is disgusting; there is criteria regarding harm to others and society. That's another "flag" for me, as to why not considered harmful to others.

It states he was drunk that he could "walk and talk" - what does that mean specifically? Being intoxicated has massive implications on mens rea.

Also convictions are for penetrating with foreign object ie something that isn't his penis.

Like I always say when I do end up posting in these threads, criminal cases are rarely as simple as they seem.

And it still may prove that the sentence is too light. But it doesn't appear to be "boys will be boys" with a little smirky shrug and the judge going "I remember dem days".


Wait a sec and bear with me before piling on ... it says that he was drunk too?

Was he just a bit tipsy? (obviously she was paralytic).
Wait a sec and bear with me before piling on ... it says that he was drunk too?

Was he just a bit tipsy? (obviously she was paralytic).

It says in the article he was twice the legal limit and he claimed he could walk and talk--to what extent that means isn't specified. The victim was three times the legal limit.


Wait a sec and bear with me before piling on ... it says that he was drunk too?

Was he just a bit tipsy? (obviously she was paralytic).

While it's always good to remain objective, he states he could walk and talk, she doesn't remember a thing and, when found by the passers by, wasn't even able to move.

She may have been too drunk to remember responding to his advances, but the fact that she was that drunk is the point. I know being drunk makes us do stupid things sometimes, but it doesn't remove our ability to assess right and wrong.

Imo, he clearly took advantage of the girl.

I've been in the position where a girl has instituted sex while being unable to walk, once with a girlfriend I was putting to bed after a night spent with friends, and once at a party with a stranger.

Both times I was drunk too, very, and I stopped before it went further.

I'm not saying all drunk sex is rape, I'm saying I believe you retain the ability to understand right and wrong and what your morals are while sober.


Yeah. I also appreciate the impulse to tread lightly around mutually-drunk sex. But there's a clear difference between mutually-drunk sex and this case, where she wasn't conscious.
Wait there's a legal limit to alcohol intoxication outside of when driving? Isn't the dying of alcohol poisoning punishing enough.

If he did the penetrating and she did the being a living corpse then the case seems rather clear cut. His life is probably still ruined by having that verdict on his record.
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