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Rapist gets 6 months because prison sentence would have a severe impact on him

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Does he say least have to register as a sex offender? Since he's guilty, is it at least legal for companies to deny him employment cause he's a rapist?


Does he say least have to register as a sex offender? Since he's guilty, is it at least legal for companies to deny him employment cause he's a rapist?

But that would have a severe impact on his life, and we can't have that.

Lock him back up.
It's hard to believe he is getting released already on Friday. That sentence just flew by.

via Mattman310: http://imgur.com/user/Mattman310

You guys remember Brock Turner, right? Brock was literally caught in the act of raping a drunk, unconscious woman after dragging her behind a dumpster in January. The scene was so horrific, one of the students who tackled him couldn't stop crying as he spoke to police.

Brock was arrested and "charged with five felony counts: rape of an intoxicated person, rape of an unconscious person, sexual penetration by a foreign object of an intoxicated woman, sexual penetration by a foreign object of an unconscious woman, and assault with intent to commit rape. He was released from jail on $150,000 bail" (quote from article below). When the story broke, reporters helpfully tacked on his impressive record be made on the swim team.

Brock's parents were horrified, but for all the wrong reasons. His father was seriously bummed that his son couldn't enjoy a good steak or his favorite snack anymore. His mother couldn't bring herself to decorate the house, because her son was getting all this negative attention, and he was really sad about it. His father rushed to his defense, saying it was only a mistake, and that poor Brock shouldn't be punished for twenty minutes of action.

Brock faced a maximum of fourteen years in prison for raping an unconscious woman, but Judge Aaron Persky thought that was a little too strict. He figured Brock was probably sorry, even though he never admitted doing anything wrong during any of the court proceedings. So the honorable Judge Persky gave him six months in county jail.

On Friday, September 2, Brock Turner will be released from jail after three months for good behavior.

Fuck this guy. Fuck him, fuck his parents, fuck anybody that stands by him without feeling even an ounce of revulsion. He's a piece of garbage, and he deserves to be reminded of what he did. Never forget what he did, but more importantly, never let him forget it either. The court may have let him off easy, but that doesn't mean that we have to.

Here's where I heard about his release:


If you really want to be angry/heartbroken for the rest of the day, here's the open letter by Brock's victim:



You know, I always see BLM talking about mandatory sentencing guidelines being bad and unfair, but then you see this and it acts as a counter argument to all that. :(
Does he say least have to register as a sex offender? Since he's guilty, is it at least legal for companies to deny him employment cause he's a rapist?

I can't remember how long for, but yes he will have to register. It makes no difference though — guys like him can live plenty comfortably through their parents connections so its not going to have a severe impact on his future in any tangible way other than people talking about him behind his back.

I don't understand what the clapping is for?

Drain You

This is so sad, and I feel like it happens way more than we even know. I worked with a guy at my last job who served only a year for raping a 14 year old. Meanwhile my buddy almost went to prison for selling pot within a school zone. A driving school. Not condoning what he did either as it is still against the law, but man do I feel like one is far worse than the other.


The fuck does BLM have to do with this asshole rapist getting off
I was reading an article today about minimum sentencing being one of the things they're against and then song this today it sorta got to me

In my mind take should take the same sentence as murder. In some ways it's worse anyway. Everyday that girl will wake up and be tortured by the memory of what happened to her while this guy gets 3 months


I feel weak reading that letter. It portrays a fraction of the horror of the event and I'm shaken. My hands feel heavy trying to move through it on my phone.

I don't think I'll finish it, and I hope that rapist scumbag meets actual justice one day.


I was reading an article today about minimum sentencing being one of the things they're against and then song this today it sorta got to me

Whether you consider minimum sentencing requirements to be good or bad probably depends on a number of factors:
-whether you think it's worse to overpunish or underpunish
-the relative frequency of overpunishing vs underpunishing
-other issues such as bias in overpunishing vs underpunishing

Personally I would prefer to err on the side of underpunishing, though of course the case in this thread throws a light on underpunishment and the damage it can do to victims. It seems obvious that America's general bloodthirstiness and hard-on for being hard-on-crime would lead to a much higher likelihood of overpunishment compared to underpunishment (and in fact, minimum sentencing requirements are an example of this). And of course, there's bias in the system in that black people tend to be overpunished, or at least black people are disproportionately likely to be charged with crimes that tend to be overpunished. The above combined mean that I don't support mandatory minimums.

We've recently seen a number of high-profile cases of underpunishment of a specific kind of crime with a specific kind of victim (and a specific kind of perpetrator, of course). I agree that this is a significant problem and that something must be done, but it doesn't change my mind on mandatory minimums in general.
Bumping this to remind everyone that Stamford Rapist Brock Turner is out today.

Caught in the middle of sexually assaulting a girl behind a dumpster and out in time for the fall semester.


The only solace is that his life is ruined. It's not justice though.
His life is not ruined. People will forget about this in a month, he'll get some nice prestigious job somewhere and go on to live a prosperous privileged life. Scumbags like these never get their comeuppance in real life. Only in Hollywood movies.
Protesters outside his house is nothing compared to what he put that poor girl through.

Still can't believe this case - shocking.

I second this but I am damn glad they are giving him hell. If i lived anywhere near him, I would do the same. He is fucking scum.


Oh cool, now we've got mob justice on the loose. Regardless of the specifics of *this case* that's unacceptable.

Oh agreed but you have to be a little more understanding at what's a pretty clear miscarriage of justice. People want to act to remedy the situation somehow.


Oh agreed but you have to be a little more understanding at what's a pretty clear miscarriage of justice. People want to act to remedy the situation somehow.

They should be acting by getting legislators to fix the sentencing guidelines (which appears to have been done in CA, correct?) rather than surrounding someone's home with firearms. He served the sentence the system gave him, he has no fault in that particular facet of the case. Don't even get into the 'white/rich/male privilege' part of it, because that's not actually his fault either.

\/\/\/ outside his home with weapons. unacceptable.


I'm sure that the rest of the people that live in the neighborhood are loving the people walking around with guns. I don't have a major problem with people protesting on the sidewalk or whatever. The guns and signs like 'shoot your local rapist' cross the line. They're advocating mob justice and/or straight up murder. Quite honestly, I can't understand how people that want to claim the moral high ground can be ok with that.


I'm sure that the rest of the people that live in the neighborhood are loving the people walking around with guns. I don't have a major problem with people protesting on the sidewalk or whatever. The guns and signs like 'shoot your local rapist' cross the line. They're advocating mob justice and/or straight up murder. Quite honestly, I can't understand how people that want to claim the moral high ground can be ok with that.

Even more reason for the neighbors to join up and oust the scum of society. Shitheads like him need learn they're not welcome anywhere.

I'm not advocating murder but I'd be entirely okay if fuckers like him got life in prison. At the very least when the system fails to do it's job the people should make it known they don't welcome people like him anywhere. He deserves to be entirely outcast for the rest of his pathetic and miserable life.


^^^ bullshit. He served the sentence he was assigned and is registering as a sex offender. This is what happens in a nation of laws. He's scum but what's going on is unacceptable.

At the very least when the system fails to do it's job the people should make it known they don't welcome people like him anywhere. He deserves to be entirely outcast.

When the system fails to do its job, people should be protesting the system. Why aren't these shitheads standing outside the judge's home with weapons? Why aren't they threatening the state assemblies that actually make the laws and set up sentencing guidelines?

Sure he's a piece of shit, but the protests are *entirely* due to the short sentence and media attention. None of which are his fault.
They're protesting. There hasn't been any mob justice yet.

He deserves all the shit in the world. Protesting shitstains like him is a good thing, to be frank.

They're protesting the wrong person. He committed a crime, was arrested, tried, convicted, and was punished for it, as lenient as that punishment may be.

Lynch mob-style intimidation isn't going to fix what's wrong with the system, but it sure is easy and makes everyone involved feel good. And it veers into vigilante territory.

Even more reason for the neighbors to join up and oust the scum of society. Shitheads like him need learn they're not welcome anywhere.

I'm not advocating murder but I'd be entirely okay if fuckers like him got life in prison. At the very least when the system fails to do it's job the people should make it known they don't welcome people like him anywhere. He deserves to be entirely outcast for the rest of his pathetic and miserable life.

So you took the ridiculous sentence meted out in this case and used it to completely jump out the window with a notion that no one convicted of violent or sex crime ever can be rehabilitated?


Rape isn't something most people recover from quickly. She will hold that night as a part of her for the rest of her life.

Yeah, I got that part. But she was unconscious and said she has no memory of the attack. Do people still get impressions from this? I mean, she woke up in a hospital (and probably would have done regardless), so does anything actually remain?
If you are operated on in a hospital under anaesthetic, you won't remember anything. The operation might as well not happened. Shouldn't it be similar in this case as well?


So you took the ridiculous sentence meted out in this case and used it to completely jump out the window with a notion that no one convicted of violent or sex crime ever can be rehabilitated?

I agree with you but in this case, Brock Turner and his family still don't acknowledge that he did something wrong.


Yeah, I got that part. But she was unconscious and said she has no memory of the attack. Do people still get impressions from this? I mean, she woke up in a hospital (and probably would have done regardless), so does anything actually remain?
If you are operated on in a hospital under anaesthetic, you won't remember anything. The operation might as well not happened. Shouldn't it be similar in this case as well?

She knows what happened. It'd be like going under for an operation and then being told the surgeon raped you instead. Rape carries such a mental stigma that yes, even in cases where the victim doesn't fully remember the act, it leaves scars.

And to my recollection, she does remember some bits and pieces.

And waking up, knowing you were raped, and feeling the pain and soreness the attack left behind might make it even worse. 'Someone violated me, he could have done anything, I don't remember.' And off goes your stupid brain and it's stupid imagination


I agree with you but in this case, Brock Turner and his family still don't acknowledge that he did something wrong.

Why would he? From a legal standpoint, it's the dumbest thing someone can do. He's protecting himself from lawsuits, etc. It isn't being a piece of shit, it's being smart.


Is he a piece of shit or not?

He's a piece of shit for committing sexual assault. He is not a piece of shit for (presumably) listening to his lawyer and not admitting fault and opening himself up to what would then be a very easy lawsuit that could cost him millions of dollars.
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