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Rare Replay |OT| Jetpacks and Googly Eyes, Here We Come

I don't have it yet but I've heard a number of people criticize the framerate of the N64 games. If enough people complain I assume this is something that can be fixed with a patch but it would've been nice if the framerate was at least locked to 30.

N64 emulation on PC is still spotty at best, isn't it? I know I for one wasn't expecting any miracles here.
Can you play any of the older games with online co-op? I'm assuming the 360 games work through the popup 360 dash, but I don't see a way to do it with the other games.


Whoever has the game, what are the gamerscore requirements for Milestones in 360 games? Rare said you wouldn't need every achievement but not how many achievements you would need.

I'd like to try and go for every milestone but I doubt I have that in me.
Started off with Conker. Same bad framerate from N64, maybe worse. Inverted x and y with no options. And as far as I know you have to close the enitire game to go back to the main library of Rare Replay.

Are critics reviewing Rare Replay, or are they criticising the cost per game?


I am in shock on how good Grabbed by the Goulies looks. I did not expect to look as good as it does...pretty shocked. This is an impressive little package...played Slalom, Battletoads Arcade, GBTG, RC Pro-Am so for. RC Pro-Am actually does not look too bad for such an old game. Yeah, blocky cars etc, but the speed and the such is there and it was fun..but damn I wish I had my younger self reflexes for some of these games.

Overall...blown away so far by this package and at this price. I think the fact that they made the whole package and interface and all the stuff to read and see is just pretty damn good..I am really surprised they launched this at $30.00. Based on the way this was done, I could of easily see them charge a full $60.00, but glad they didn't.
Love the menu design and the whole intro, sadly I'm having some sound issues. Had menu music for a moment then it cut out. Getting no game audio either. Have tried Battletoads, Killer Instinct and RC Pro Am.


Oh Viva Pinata how I missed you

After I finish finals this week I'm going to really get my garden running.
Just played skme blast corps, game ran smooth so far. No crashes like some of the reviews said.

Anyone know if we can back out to the game selections? I didn't see an option and had to quit it from the dashboard.


Anyone know if we can back out to the game selections? I didn't see an option and had to quit it from the dashboard.
Just hold down the start button until the Rare Replay options menu shows up. This works even for the BC 360 games (which just boot you back into RR, no options)


I am in shock on how good Grabbed by the Goulies looks. I did not expect to look as good as it does...pretty shocked.

Ghoulies really makes me want more recompiled Original Xbox games. 1080p/60: Crimson Skies, MechAssault, Live and Reloaded, Shenmue 2, Jade Empire, KOTOR...

I'm willing to pay for it publishers. Let's go!


Holy shit, I forgot Piñata was on there! But I also want to play Nuts n Bolts again.

Picking your first game to play through is so tough. I really want to try Grabbed by the Ghoulies but Conker is calling my name. Then VP and N&B were a couple of my favorite 360 games. Rare Replay is an instant backlog.


Has anyone uploaded the bonus videos yet? I won't have access to an X1 for a while, but I want to see the canceled game footage/interviews.
I can't play the 360 Jetpac game. It says "installation stopped". I tried everything. Redownloading, hard reboot etc.

I only played KI Gold so far but the framerate is bad compared to the N64 version.


This is the game that convinced me I need an Xbone (though I'm probably gonna wait and see what Black Friday has in store for deals). I can't wait to play Banjo Kazooie, Tooie, Conker, and Perfect Dark again for the first time in 15 years. And 26 other games for the first time.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I've always had a soft spot for Jetpac. Intended to just play for a sec, but ended up spending like 45 minutes in it.

If you haven't, you should all check out the Snapshots menu. Cool little NES Remix-style bite-sized challenges to complete in Rare's older arcade-style games. They're very well done.


Advanced warning for those getting physical copies - it sold massively more than the publisher estimated, and so it is already in back order (they're rush printing more copies).
Advanced warning for those getting physical copies - it sold massively more than the publisher estimated, and so it is already in back order (they're rush printing more copies).

Source? If true that's awesome, I want this to do well. Especially for Rare, such a great package.


Anybody else kind of surprised they didn't put in Kinect Sports? ._.

Not saying I would've wanted them to, just pointing that out.


Weird, so I booted up Kameo through the Rare Replay interface and was greeted with a Disc Read Error (something about the disc being damaged) as the intro played and the game refused to load after that. I was still able to exit back to Replay and reload the game and it worked the second time. I do not have a physical copy by the way (but I guess that doesn't really make a difference since the games get installed on the hdd anyway)


Unholy Baphomet, the controls and camera in Conker sure are abysmal! I'm absolutely loving it though - it's such a neat relic from the past. Playing it for the first time, it's so surreal to see such an over-the-top crude and inappropriate take on the cute mascot platformer genre. Even though I haven't been audibly laughing, I still find everything about the game so far hilarious. In my first 90 minutes there has been a sexually unfaithful bee, a drunken stupor blackout, and a botched suicide attempt. It's just so patently absurd that I can't help but not care about how much of a struggle the actual playing aspect of the game is. And who knows - maybe it will get better once I become more acclimated.

The only other game I sampled was Jetpac - why had I never heard of this title before the collection? I can't believe it's from '83, as the mechanics and setting are so perfect for the arcade genre that it seems like it should be regularly mentioned in the same tier as Asteroids and Pac-man and Galaga. Though I suppose the fact that it never actually WAS on an arcade machine may have something to do with it :p

EDIT: OG Jetpac boxart is rad. Interesting that he doesn't actually have a handheld laser gun - it seems like his weapon wraps around his torso, like some sort of comically ineffective space seatbelt.



Hold on - I thought this collection had Alien8 in it? Had never played that and was looking forward to it.


Anybody else kind of surprised they didn't put in Kinect Sports? ._.

Not saying I would've wanted them to, just pointing that out.

I would have loved that... but since the 360 games are handled by backwards compatibility and kinect games won't work with it (because of hardware differences), it's not a surprise to see them missing.
Also that collection seems to target fans of the "Rare of old", and many of them hate the kinect era, so...


Is there an achievement breakdown spreadsheet somewhere? Curious on how many are going to the Xbox BC games and what's actually new.
crazy I'm still rank 47, 93, 28 in the world on Mr blondes revenge having not played pd hd in like 3 years.
fav stage from n64


Is there an achievement breakdown spreadsheet somewhere? Curious on how many are going to the Xbox BC games and what's actually new.

I think I read on one of the review that there are a total of 10000 GP, 4000 of which are "new", so that's 6000 from BC games (Kameo, PDZ, Piñata x2, Banjo N&B at 1000 each, and did JetPac refueled have 1000 gamerpoints ?)


I think I read on one of the review that there are a total of 10000 GP, 4000 of which are "new", so that's 6000 from BC games (Kameo, PDZ, Piñata x2, Banjo N&B at 1000 each, and did JetPac refueled have 1000 gamerpoints ?)

You're missing Banjo 1 and 2 (I think they're the 360 Versions), but thank you!

4000 points worth of brand new Achievements sounds solid for 30 bucks.


I just saw there is an easy mode cheat for Conker - there are SO many games in Rare Replay that I want to get to, so I'm not looking for any particular game to give me too much of a challenge anyway (especially ones without the rewind feature) so, does anybody know if cheat codes in Conker adversely affect anything (achievements, milestones, the ability to save, etc.)?

EDIT: More importantly, if someone wants to add googly eyes to my avatar, I would admire that person for all eternity.
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