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Rare Replay |OT| Jetpacks and Googly Eyes, Here We Come


Couple of questions gaf. Any of this collection poorly emulated? I heard conkers and blast corps were bad.

Also having never played viva pinata should I just dive straight into the sequel?

Finally are there online leaderboards of any kind?

Got the game downloaded last night but won't be able to get on it until much later tonight :(
Started downloading it before I left for the day. Cant wait to get home and play this for hours.
Took me 45 minutes to download all the games. Interviews were at 3% though.
This is the best digital game currently on the store with optimization.

Another quick question, how is the scaling of the older games in full screen? Not a fan of the windows.
4:3 looks fine on 4k TV, borders allow less empty space in the corners.
Widescreen games also look nice.

So overall scaling is nice.

Ein Bear

It's not even a Banjo game in the first place

As a Banjo game it's definitely a disappointment. But taken as it's own thing, Nuts & Bolts is one of my favourite games of all time. You just have to let go of your desire for Banjo-Threeie and give in to the lego fun.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
As a Banjo game it's definitely a disappointment. But taken as it's own thing, Nuts & Bolts is one of my favourite games of all time. You just have to let go of your desire for Banjo-Threeie and give in to the lego fun.

Yea I can't do that, I have no interest in building Lego cars in what was supposed to be a Banjo game. N&B could be a 10/10 game for all I know, but I will forever hate it with a ferocious passion because of what it's not.
Couple of questions gaf. Any of this collection poorly emulated? I heard conkers and blast corps were bad.

Also having never played viva pinata should I just dive straight into the sequel?

Finally are there online leaderboards of any kind?

Got the game downloaded last night but won't be able to get on it until much later tonight :(

I played blast corps for 2 hours, only slow down was driving the trains and I think that was in the original, chugs down to 5-10fps.
Only emulator issue I have had so far, is sometimes u lose sound when u use home button in n64 games (rare replay menu still will make noise)

I have tried most of the games now after playing for about 6 hours, only game I dislike is solar jetman.. I played much better shareware versions back in the day,
Have to say the docos are amazing, well done whoever put them together.

TIL blast corps was made by 4 graduates, its rares portal
Yea I can't do that, I have no interest in building Lego cars in what was supposed to be a Banjo game. N&B could be a 10/10 game for all I know, but I will forever hate it with a ferocious passion because of what it's not.

The only reason I still relate with this feeling is that Nuts and Bolts did actually start development as a traditional Banjo game. Generally you can argue that one thing doesn't exist at the expense of another, but it really does in this case.

Still like Nuts and Bolts, but totally feel you on this.


It took a couple goes but I got past turbo tunnel. How many hours did that take in my childhood? Feeling swag.


I played blast corps for 2 hours, only slow down was driving the trains and I think that was in the original, chugs down to 5-10fps.
Only emulator issue I have had so far, is sometimes u lose sound when u use home button in n64 games (rare replay menu still will make noise)

I have tried most of the games now after playing for about 6 hours, only game I dislike is solar jetman.. I played much better shareware versions back in the day,
Have to say the docos are amazing, well done whoever put them together.

Thanks mate. Much appreciated. Be interested to know what young gaf thinks of the speccy and Nes games. Can't wait to play jetpac again.
Yea I can't do that, I have no interest in building Lego cars in what was supposed to be a Banjo game. N&B could be a 10/10 game for all I know, but I will forever hate it with a ferocious passion because of what it's not.
I could understand this sentiment when the game released, but to still hold that grudge is silly.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I could understand this sentiment when the game released, but to still hold that grudge is silly.

It doesn't require a whole lot of effort. I hated it in 2008, and 7 years later it's still not a Banjo game so I still hate it just as much.


Got an e-mail from Amazon UK this morning at about 2am, telling me it's been delayed until the 10th. Thanks for the timely warning.

I've not read the topic but apparently it's only £12.50 on the South African marketplace


Nuts and Bolts retroactively made 1 &2 a disappointment. So much more interesting and creative than they ever were.

Tiu Neo

Played a few hours of this, yesterday.

Finished all levels and Snapshots in Jetpac. My favorite of their older (ZX Spectrum?) games on the compilation, by far.

Also played a bit of both Battletoads games (the arcade is really, really good!) and Blast Corps (I rented it once and remembered nothing about it, it's pretty fun).

I think today I'll play the three of their games I never played before: Conker, Jet Force Gemini and Grabbed By Ghoulies.
Nuts and Bolts retroactively made 1 &2 a disappointment. So much more interesting and creative than they ever were.
I think there is still a timeliness to Banjo-Kazooie. Banjo-Tooie is the game that has aged a bit. It was when Rare tried to experiment too much with collectables.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Nuts and Bolts retroactively made 1 &2 a disappointment. So much more interesting and creative than they ever were.

This makes no sense to me, they are in completely different genres. That's like me saying I can't enjoy FIFA anymore because the combat in Bloodborne is really good.


Loving everything about it. Mostly been playing Jet-Pac, trying to complete all of the milestones. Toughest one being where you have to launch from every platform. I get handled in the UFO stage every time.


So it's not just me and N&B really is chugging a bit more than it used to? Hopefully it gets ironed out over time, since there's no shortage of other games to occupy me until then.

Even though BK keeps crashing intermittently but that might have something to do with the wifi issues on the current preview build...
So one of the games I just can't get, jet pac refused wouldn't do the necessary update and would stop every time it hit like 90 percent, so then I deleted it and for some reason now it won't let me re install it, like it won't show up in my ready to install page



Have to repost this. Lmao best gif I've seen in a long time. Kudos my man.
It annoys me that these compilations have you jumping to and fro from the disc, to XBLA, to the home screen, and back again when you want to quit certain games and pick another. Yes I know it's just the way things are but......welcome to the next generation I guess. Instead of cool new things each gen there's new excuses why stuff is worse.

As for the game itself, I'm picking it up at lunch today. Can't wait. Going to knock out a first impressions video soon as I get home from work and hope to post it late tonight or tomorrow.


It annoys me that these compilations have you jumping to and fro from the disc, to XBLA, to the home screen, and back again when you want to quit certain games and pick another. Yes I know it's just the way things are but......welcome to the next generation I guess. Instead of cool new things each gen there's new excuses why stuff is worse.

Are you just referring to the transitions? You can hold down the menu button to get right back to Rare Replay in any of the 360/Arcade games.
iirc, in the original JFG you could get a facsimile of dual analog control by constantly holding the aim button down. Wouldn't that still work in this version even without a patch?
Played a little bit of Battletoads earlier, here are a couple of videos of it (first time playing it in over two decades):

Battletoads - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YptvSZn0yDY
Battletoads Arcade - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcl9tISO9_U

I am aware that the first Battletoads video has some skipping happening. Don't know what caused it as it was present in the source file as well.

I cannot believe how brutal Battletoads Arcade is compared to Battletoads. I mean, you can slice an enemies head off (with blood and all).
Are you just referring to the transitions? You can hold down the menu button to get right back to Rare Replay in any of the 360/Arcade games.

That's great to know thank you. I have played a couple other collections on the 360 (Namco Museum Virtual Arcade and Capcom Digital Collection) where some games were on the disc and some were on Xbox Live, so if you'd quit say, Galaga Legions, you'd go back to the home screen and have to load the game again.


So it's not just me and N&B really is chugging a bit more than it used to? Hopefully it gets ironed out over time, since there's no shortage of other games to occupy me until then.

Even though BK keeps crashing intermittently but that might have something to do with the wifi issues on the current preview build...

Yeah sadly N&B framerate seems worse than 360 :(

Someone here mentioned a patch but i have not seen any info on this?

My favorite rare game, easily


I've been skimming the games for about 3 hours and I've just got to the N64 games. Finished battletoads arcade (infinite continues) and did the snapshot challenges for RC ProAM II and solar jetpac.

Think I'll now take my time with the N64 and 360 games.
I'm not having much of an issue with JFG's frame rate as the slowdowns are just like I remember on the original but the game is actually pretty hard. Ran out of continues on the first level lol

Edit: it's a shame they couldn't get online for the n64 games working. Would've loved to play Beach and some other Conker games with a full set of players.
Probably been answered already but how come they ported Grabbed by the Ghoulies to run natively at 16:9 but not Conker's Bad Fur Day???


Probably been answered already but how come they ported Grabbed by the Ghoulies to run natively at 16:9 but not Conker's Bad Fur Day???

Ghoulies they seem to have ported over to run natively, Conker looks to be running the N64 version in an emulator.

Pre-ordered digitally last night. How's Conker playing for everyone? Better/worse than N64?

Identical from what I've seen so far...


Yea I can't do that, I have no interest in building Lego cars in what was supposed to be a Banjo game. N&B could be a 10/10 game for all I know, but I will forever hate it with a ferocious passion because of what it's not.
This is very much akin to blind console fanboyism. "Sony could have some 10/10 games for all I know, but I will forever hate them with a ferocious passion because they aren not Nintendo."

Nuts & Bolts is stupid good; a creative breath of fresh air in an industry where most fifth entries in a franchise (I'm counting spinoffs here - Grunty's Revenge and Banjo Pilot) are rehashes of everything that has come before. Banjo-Kazooie is one of my favorite games of all time, and I originally was gutted that Nuts & Bolts wasn't a "proper" platformer. But I bought it day 1 anyway, and it turned out to be one of the most original games of all last gen. Hell, it still IS a platformer in a lot of ways, just with the genre-bending twist that you have to create your own platforming abilities through customizable vehicles instead of having pre-set moves doled out to you in a linear fashion. The art style and music are gorgeous too, and it has the same hilarious charm as the first two games.

In summary: Terrible. Take a lap.


Never played nuts n bolts. I think that will be my first main game after a bit of a nostalgia hit.


Probably been answered already but how come they ported Grabbed by the Ghoulies to run natively at 16:9 but not Conker's Bad Fur Day???
Probably because xbox emulation isn't a thing. Makes me wish for more xbox games, because Ghoulies looks really good.

I wonder if it will be possible for 360 bc to improve IQ over the originals. Perfect Dark Zero would look much better if it wasn't sub hd
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