As a trophy hunter, if I have an issue with a trophy list, it's almost always because the trophies are too frustrating, too boring or asking you to do things that are not in the spirit of the game.
This game has the opposite problem. The trophies are too easy. You can get the platinum almost accidentally (except for one which requires you to start New Game + to reach the first vendor).
The best trophy lists are the ones that basically just want you to come close to 100%ing the game, preferably on Normal or higher difficulty. But, Rift Apart asks you to complete like 30-40% for the platinum. For example, you only need 5 out of 25 Gold Bolts. You'll trip over more than that while playing.
Game developers have gotten better at achievements and trophies since they started (look at how much more reasonable the Mass Effect trophy lists are in the remasters compared to the originals). But they still have a ways to go.
Trophies can either make a game more fun or frustrating and tedious. Getting a platinum shouldn't be a punishment. But they shouldn't be given for free either. Use them so people get maximum enjoyment out of games you like.
And if you are one of those who hates all trophies and feels the need to point out that anyone who does enjoy them are playing games "wrong", cool, congratulations.