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Rate the avatar above you! Thrice!


So I feel like this thread has a whole new meaning with Real Pic January.

7/10 because I think comics are cool, but I honestly don't know where that's from. :(

Junior member here. Just testing my avatar.

The avatar above... very nice. I love Dia de los Muertos designs and you used a proper PNG format with transparency. 9/10


Junior member here. Just testing my avatar.

The avatar above... very nice. I love Dia de los Muertos designs and you used a proper PNG format with transparency. 9/10

Mordecai. 10/10. That is all. (
Honestly could do with a better cropping with the guitar disappearing at the right side. But I can't remember if the guitar as massive in that episode. Anyway it's a very minor nitpick.
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