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RDR2 tips 'n' tricks (aka I never knew that!)


  • You pay 80% of your bounty by turning yourself in and doing jail time. You also get fully rested and released in Valentine, so it can be a type of fast travel.

I'm pretty sure you only go to the region's jail that you have a bounty in. I've been locked up in 3 different jails.
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It stores the 30 in your satchel, and to my knowledge, there's no way to hold/store more than that even at your camp.

That said, even the initial $15000 you can get from 30 bars is a game-changing tremendous amount of cash. I bought basically everything I wanted at this point in the game for myself, my camp and my horse and I'm still at a little over $12000. Yeah, some will say it's lame to exploit the game in this way, but personally, my enjoyment of it all has skyrocketed without having to micromanage money and resources to purchase and stuff, and having fast travel sooner rather than later. I can't say I'm really into that kind of management in games, to be honest.

EDIT: Also, for the glitch to work, DO NOT take the horse pamphlet!
I’m declaring this the best Rockstar glitch, even better then the stock market one.
It’s easy, close to the camp and repeatable. The fence always has unlimited money.
Rockstar will probably do 2 things, fix the exploit and give the Fence limited daily funds like Fallout/Skyrim. You watch.

Like above, I am enjoying the game much more not worrying about this aspect.

Btw, you need to do the missions that opens the fence operations I think.
I think I took the pamphlet. I don’t remember. I would make 3 saves before starting like the video said.
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You can activate Deadeye aiming by lightly holding the right trigger like you would when you’re in a duel.

You can essentially get unlimited gold bars with an exploit in the old burned down town near the end of the Dakota River in the Sheriffs Office from a lock box:
1) Make sure you have no bounty and auto save is off
2) Open the lock box but don’t loot it
3) Stand over the box so the option to take the gold bar is showing in the bottom right but don’t loot it
4) Save your game, back out to the load screen, and load the save you just made
5) Head back to the lock box and loot the max amount of gold bars you can carry (you will notice the horse recipe/pamphlet in the box is gone)
6) Head to a Fence and sell all the bars for $15,000
7) Head back to the lock box but this time close the box then open it. This returns the horse pamphlet
8) Repeat steps 3-7 for ALL THE MONEY

There’s a fence in Saint Denis to the east but if you’ve unlocked the fence at Emerald Ranch, that’s the closest one.

Here are my comments on these directions (which are excellent).
1) I had a bounty from the mission where you save the Irish dude. It was like $15. I didn't pay it off until after I cashed in the bars so it still should work. AutoSave may not me necessary but a smart thing to do.
7) this could be a timing thing but when I went back, the box, which was still open and displayed a gold bar, I just continued picking up 30 more bricks. No opening or closing the box.

I would also recommend immediately upgrading your camp and getting the fast travel so you can warp to the fence quicker.
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Completely pointless (I think), but if you tap up on the D-Pad, it’s a short whistle to call your horse, whilst a press and hold is a longer whistle.

I discovered something kind of useful about calling your horse. If you do so in a mission where you have to drive a carriage and can't take your horse with you, you can whistle for your horse and it will follow behind the carriage.


FFFUUUU sorry @Strife In a Teacup and AlexxKidd AlexxKidd that WAS the wrong video to go along with the text guide I posted but gunslikewhoa gunslikewhoa posted the right one.

No worries I ended up seeing the second video before I got home so that is the one I did. I stopped after two runs though so I made 30K. Figured that was more than enough. The bar is still there if I need it.

Did anybody do more than two runs? Does anyone think we'll even be a need 45/60k? Seems like overkill for the single player game. I'm sure it's pennies for online.
No worries I ended up seeing the second video before I got home so that is the one I did. I stopped after two runs though so I made 30K. Figured that was more than enough. The bar is still there if I need it.

Did anybody do more than two runs? Does anyone think we'll even be a need 45/60k? Seems like overkill for the single player game. I'm sure it's pennies for online.
There's simply not much to spend on in the game. I've maxed the camp without doing the glitch (or even using legitimate gold bars) and I'm still only on chapter 2. You already see how much future weapons will cost and they're cheap. I guess you can be a completionist and buy every single color of equipment and that will add up but in practice most people will just buy the best one and stick with it. You can probably kill your horse over and over again too if you want to burn that money.


To me, like someone else said, it is QOL. Before the exploit, I was in Chapter 2, taking my time playing at a normal pace (I'm trying to be on the good side so no robbing) and I was almost broke after buying just the leather kit from the ledger.
That is fine, the game wants to give you a reason to go out and do more missions. That is not necessary to me, I will keep playing the same way.
But now I get the enjoyment of buying any horse I want, any weapon, customization, upgrades, etc.
I don't have to use it (After upgrades, I only gave the camp $300) but I know it is there if I need.
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It stores the 30 in your satchel, and to my knowledge, there's no way to hold/store more than that even at your camp.

That said, even the initial $15000 you can get from 30 bars is a game-changing tremendous amount of cash. I bought basically everything I wanted at this point in the game for myself, my camp and my horse and I'm still at a little over $12000. Yeah, some will say it's lame to exploit the game in this way, but personally, my enjoyment of it all has skyrocketed without having to micromanage money and resources to purchase and stuff, and having fast travel sooner rather than later. I can't say I'm really into that kind of management in games, to be honest.

EDIT: Also, for the glitch to work, DO NOT take the horse pamphlet!

I only created a save using the glitch for future use in case it gets patched. I'm okay with working for my money the first time through.


Gold Member
Another one, OP. There is a full game manual available on the RDR2 phone app. It's downloadable and includes full description of the controls.
I don't have any problem with what people do with their own single-player game experience. That being said I fully upgraded the rest of my camp with the 3 legit bars I got from the statues, and while I love the upgraded camp it already feels like cheating. I'm staying well away from any money or experience glitching.

Perhaps next year if I come back for another play through assuming Rockstar leaves it in.


Huh? I haven't tried a duel yet. But are you saying I can activate DE by not fully pressing R2?

Yup hold r2 slightly and you see the draw weapon icon slowly fill in, when you finally press it you auto enter dead aim and you can also do this i conversations or when a cop tries to bust you!
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I don’t think the gold bars glitch ruins the economy too much because like people have said, it’s relatively easy to get a lot of money. There isn’t too much to spend it on either that would really benefit the player in a gameplay manner either since most of what you spend money on is cosmetic except for new weapons/weapon upgrades.
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I don’t think the gold bars glitch ruins the economy too much because like people have said, it’s relatively easy to get a lot of money. There isn’t too much to spend it on either that would really benefit the player in a gameplay manner either since most of what you spend money on is cosmetic except for new weapons/weapon upgrades.

And many of the higher cost weapons are locked anyway. At least they are for me at the point I am in the game. So its not even like you have access to the higher tier stuff without advancing the story first.


Gold Member
cross posting this from another member, Pejo Pejo :

One neat little thing I learned yesterday - if you set a waypoint or have a mission waypoint and you start on the horse and go into cinematic camera (hold the touchpad for a bit), it will auto-ride you to the destination in that cool cinematic camera. Great for if you want to go grab a snack. Not sure what happens if you get hijacked by random strangers or if it shuts off that possibility.
Just be careful with the cinematic auto pilot. If you go too fast, you may end up crashing into a coach or other riders.

You will be accosted by bounty hunters if they are looking for you too. I like to use the companion app so I can see if there are any enemies around on the map while in cinematic mode.

What do you press to do this? I haven't figured this one out yet.

It is in the item wheel on the right hand side with your binoculars and such.
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God the money glitch is addictive...upgraded valuable satchel allows to carry 50 gold bars and the legendary one prolly more. In middle of chapter 2 and camp all tricked out with $110k to burn. Think I'll go drinking and shoot up towns...and pay all them bounty's...cuz I'm rich!

My fav rdr2 thread...thanks ya'all for posting yer tips n tricks!
In melee: Square + direction lets you dodge, O at the same time as an enemy's attack does a counter.
The tonics that give exp like Valerian Root and Aged Pirate Rum always give a percentage of the full level so it's best to save them for high levels for less grind.
Wanted means wanted, it doesn't necessarily mean guilty like it does in GTA. If you're not acting suspicious you can even talk to lawmen to clear things up.

Last one is currently very YMMV, at first glance the wanted system looks buggy and goes off for every little thing but it might actually be very nuanced. We just need someone to work out all the possibilities.
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Riding in cinematic mode doesn’t keep you safe from collisions in the game world. Like boulders on the side of a road lol.


After doing the gold bar glitch, have it set to auto save again. Can I always go back now with the glitch still present?


Riding in cinematic mode doesn’t keep you safe from collisions in the game world. Like boulders on the side of a road lol.

Set the controller down and hit the John while cinematic’s happening, then I start hearing a gun fight from bounty hunters!


Gold Member
I mean enjoy the game the way you want but I feel the Gold bar glitch is both unnecessary and it cheapens the experience. You wanna take the most immersive game we've had in 8 years and turn it into a cheap free for all? I don't understand that logic.

The journey is fun. I liked struggling at first, delaying gratification and figuring out the best ways to make some cash. The money you earn while playing normally is more than sufficient to get every gun, horse and camp upgrade with ease long as you don't squander it.

Look at it like this:
I don't wanna steal stage coaches, trains and homesteads just for fun. I wanna HAVE TO do it to make it in a harsh unforgiving environment.


everytime my girlfriend "goes exploring" she gets a bounty and is wanted everywhere... So ya. Money Glitch is welcomed here, i had like 160$ last night and after she played it was about 65$

So ya i got a buncha gold bars, now she can do whatever i dont care because there is plenty of money.


Whilst aiming press square to dive, you can spam this and save you in gun fights, there use to be a roll you could do in rdr that's not in this game, or I haven't worked it out yet


After doing the gold bar glitch, have it set to auto save again. Can I always go back now with the glitch still present?
To add to yours...
I did the glitch, got 30 bars, left the box open.
Got the money ($15k?)
Went back and got another 30 bars, left the box open and got another $15k from the fence.
Did some missions and decided to try it again just in case Rockstar pulls a GTAV and has some property you buy for 1 million or something later on in the game.
Well I can only pick up 2 bricks and it stops.
Did I break the exploit? Is that area dry now?
I'm good with what I have but it was weird how it stopped working.
Update, I just watched a YouTube video that says you need to do the save/reload trick everytime (which I didn't the second time).
Oh well, time to look for a save point before then.
I know people say you get enough money during the game but I wonder how much would be enough to buy everything?
Is it 10k, 25k, 100k?
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Riding in cinematic mode doesn’t keep you safe from collisions in the game world. Like boulders on the side of a road lol.

I learned this the hard way. Crashed onto some boulders while riding into town on a wagon. The wagon got permanently stuck and one of the horses somehow got loose and ran off. It was during a mission, so I had to restart at that point.


To add to yours...
I did the glitch, got 30 bars, left the box open.
Got the money ($15k?)
Went back and got another 30 bars, left the box open and got another $15k from the fence.
Did some missions and decided to try it again just in case Rockstar pulls a GTAV and has some property you buy for 1 million or something later on in the game.
Well I can only pick up 2 bricks and it stops.
Did I break the exploit? Is that area dry now?
I'm good with what I have but it was weird how it stopped working.

I did the same thing you did, two runs of 30 bars for 30K, but I have not yet tried it again. I don't see why it would stop working after that (there's been no patch), but I'll check it out. Pretty sure you're in the clear though, after picking up everything I want (save for locked items) and upgrading camp my 30K stands at like 28K, so that's PLENTY of cash for the long haul.

People further in the game than I can answer that question better. In fact I've asked it before:

Did anybody do more than two runs? Does anyone think we'll even be a need 45/60k? Seems like overkill for the single player game. I'm sure it's pennies for online.
I learned this the hard way. Crashed onto some boulders while riding into town on a wagon. The wagon got permanently stuck and one of the horses somehow got loose and ran off. It was during a mission, so I had to restart at that point.
I just had one last night. A bunch on bandits blocked the path with a wagon. Head first into it with horse and Arthur. Then gun fight. Lived through it tho.


If your dead eye has a red X in the middle it's because author is tired. He needs sleep. This also means he regenerates dead eye slowly. After sleeping the eye in the middle will turn white again and slowly deplete then turn red. Figured this out last night.
I just had one last night. A bunch on bandits blocked the path with a wagon. Head first into it with horse and Arthur. Then gun fight. Lived through it tho.


Good job surviving though. The only time Bandits pulled up on me, I was dead as soon as I got off my horse.

I feel like you have to react much faster than the sluggish controls allow you to. Gonna try out Boomstick Gaming's control settings when I get home. Apparently, it improves aiming responsiveness quite a bit.
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Good job surviving though. The only time Bandits pulled up on me, I was dead as soon as I got off my horse.

I feel like you have to react much faster than the sluggish controls allow you to. Gonna try out Boomstick Gaming's control settings when I get home. Apparently, it improves aiming responsiveness quite a bit.
I’ve started to fancy using dynamite and fire bottles on those groups lol.

Make sure you have full dead eye. Surprisingly drinking coffee is pretty great for the refill.
Is anyone who did the money glitch worried that R* might do some cheeky patch later to punish those who used the glitch. Just feels like something they would do.


Gold Member
I discovered something kind of useful about calling your horse. If you do so in a mission where you have to drive a carriage and can't take your horse with you, you can whistle for your horse and it will follow behind the carriage.

It is a great tool to have two horses for extra storage sometimes.
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