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RE4 this is as close to direct feed your gonna...Looks amazing


maskrider said:
Depends on what you mean fine, you COULD adjust to even worse controls and play just fine for sure (much like what I've done with SH4), but it doesn't mean the control is fine. The difference is you simply choose to accept it but I complain about it.

The game will only be better with dodge or strafe, even if Leon still cannot move while aiming.

dodge or strafe would probably make the game extremly easy. This isn't your normal fps where soldiers or aliens comes shooting stuff at you. The villagers are slow,and I can only imagine how easy it would be if you could strafe as well.


And even i am moderately surprised
"dodge or strafe would probably make the game extremly easy. This isn't your nromal fps where soldiers or alien comes shooting stuff at you. The villagers are slow,a nd I can only imagine how easy it would be if you could trafe as well."

if the game is well designed you could have a strafe AND the game wouldn't be easy....


SantaCruZer said:
dodge or strafe would probably make the game extremly easy. This isn't your normal fps where soldiers or aliens comes shooting stuff at you. The villagers are slow,and I can only imagine how easy it would be if you could strafe as well.

Didn't they throw axe (infinite axe storage on their back) at you ? They dodge and run fast in hard mode.


DCharlie said:
"dodge or strafe would probably make the game extremly easy. This isn't your nromal fps where soldiers or alien comes shooting stuff at you. The villagers are slow,a nd I can only imagine how easy it would be if you could trafe as well."

if the game is well designed you could have a strafe AND the game wouldn't be easy....

geez maybe so, but I still think the controls are a little better than past RE games. Give this topic a rest.


maskrider said:
Didn't they throw axe (infinite axe storage on their back) at you ? They dodge and run fast in hard mode.

It's nothing like playing vs bots in unreal tournament or so. I went through the demo once without getting hit.


SantaCruZer said:
but please it's nothing like playing vs bots in unreal tournament or so. I went through the demo once without getting hit.

Well, there is always a way to get through it. I can also go through it without getting hit after playing it a couple of times (mainly to adjust myself to the controls).

Anyway, we have only seen the demo gameplay and we don't even know if the whole game will only have a couple of the "slow on normal" villagers, hoping for better controls shouldn't be too much to ask for.

I am not saying I won't play it with the current control, if by any chance they read abut the complains of the players and they improve the control, it will just enhance the gameplay.


They wont change the controls. I think it's a little late for that right now. Either way I will still buy the game.


SantaCruZer said:
They wont change the controls. I think it's a little late for that right now. Either way I will still buy the game.

I am buying it for sure, just hope that the control will be better for a more smooth gameplay than the demo. I'll give this issue a rest.

Sho Nuff

Miburou said:
Why don't YOU accept the fact that some people have problems with the current controls, and give it a rest?

Because those people, pick one:

1.) Suck at the game
2.) Are clearly biased Cube haters
3.) Didn't actually play the demo
4.) Have opinions that are wrong
5.) Didn't take the time to "get used to it"
5.) Are unworthy slime, unworthy to kiss the feet of Mikami-sama

I will also give this topic a rest. I hope they polish up the controls by the time it comes out. :D


Sho Nuff said:
Because those people, pick one:

1.) Suck at the game <--- Sho Nuff
2.) Are clearly biased Cube haters
3.) Didn't actually play the demo
4.) Have opinions that are wrong
5.) Didn't take the time to "get used to it"
5.) Are unworthy slime, unworthy to kiss the feet of Mikami-sama

I will also give this topic a rest. I hope they polish up the controls by the time it comes out. :D

haha j/k sho :D


Miburou said:
Why don't YOU accept the fact that some people have problems with the current controls, and give it a rest?

ok, the topic was about the latest RE4 trailer, and out of 160 replies like 120 bitched about the controls. Maybe it's time to give it a rest really? I have accepted long ago that some people don't like it, but that doesn't mean I can't argue why I think they are ok for this type of game.
I just watched the MIKAMI video; damn, the game looks nice. Nothing much to say; yes it is brown but hell, that's the look they're going for. So yeah. The action was really intense in the clip; the villagers really are mental/crazed. Can't wait.
Hmm, Trees that are dead, leaves fall kills the grass. Village doesn't have any grass, wood is brown also. They have brown wood, first for me. It seems crazed Villagers don't take care of their property. These guys seem to be behind the times, shit they don't even have paint.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
dodge or strafe would probably make the game extremly easy.

That statement worries me as it was the exact same thing RE fans kept telling me whenever I complained about RE controls...

"good controls would probably make the game extremely easy"

"Not if it was well designed!!!"
I can understand where you guys are coming from somewhat. Its not a issue for me when it comes to dealing with the villagers. For me its just being able to get around without running into objects.

Other than that I'll just play smarter, if a villagers get to close, instead of going for a head shot I'll go for the body then give them a swift kick to the old noggin.

I think with this game you may find yourself strafing right into the arms of a villager or into pleather face chainsaw.

I prefer the ability to move while reloading.
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