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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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Tence. I have to say. I still love my avatar. I believe that after we're done coming up with new themes for each month, this will become my default avatar. I smile whenever I see it... and I post a lot, so thats a lot of damn smiling.... Scads more than Lissar.


Reluctant Member
Tence. I have to say. I still love my avatar. I believe that after we're done coming up with new themes for each month, this will become my default avatar. I smile whenever I see it... and I post a lot, so thats a lot of damn smiling.... Scads more than Lissar.

It's called Chronic Bitch Face, okay! I've been afflicted SINCE BIRTH.
Also, confession time: I mostly listen to game soundtracks, classical, or any music where vocals are either non-existent or not the focus. My iPod is ENTIRELY FILLED WITH GAME SOUNDTRACKS. I am a geek and I don't even care.

Pfft. I'm not going to judge you for what I already do.



Setzer had a decent backstory, but by the time it was revealed it was far too late for me to care.

*actually looks up Beef threads*

- Sonic Community thread...things are already looking bad for you, Beef.
- "It's my birthday" thread. Really?
- "Why does Final Fantasy VI get so much love?"

Alright, that seals it.

You're worse than ten Hitlers.


Reluctant Member
Oh, judging by the font, it's sci-fi... just trying to decide if it looks like Kurt Vonnegut or not.

Doubt it, I've noticed recently my dad has a bit of a disdain for him for not being hard sci-fi (to quote him, "If it's not hard sci-fi it's all fantasy to me.") More likely to be Heinlein or some such.
*actually looks up Beef threads*

- Sonic Community thread...things are already looking bad for you, Beef.
- "It's my birthday" thread. Really?
- "Why does Final Fantasy VI get so much love?"

Alright, that seals it.

You're worse than ten Hitlers.
You know what's really worse than 10 Hitlers?

Final Fantasy 4.
I put no time into Celes, Setzer, and Gau...and yet I was stuck with them for the WoR's beginning. NO THANK YOU.

The game is great, though. I don't regret trying FF6 at all, but I just don't like it.
Beef hates Metroid Prime, too.
He's right, I don't! But I don't like most FPS games.


I'm going to throw this out there.

I've not liked anything made by Nintendo since the SNES days.


I never bought a Wii. I do think however that Windwaker was an absolute masterclass of game design. Nintendo themself criticised that game. I never understood that.


Just got home, what a gorgeous day at work.


Reluctant Member
I'm not a huge fan of Nintendo's biggest franchises, to be honest. I enjoy some of the RPG games they've made out of Mario (speaking of Mario and Shimomura, oh hell yeah. Now I'll have this stuck in my head all day. Now YOU'LL have this stuck in your head all day.) But generally speaking I don't get excited when they announce a new game.
Hmmm. Let's find out the secret meaning of our favourite kiddie toy company:

nin → queen/mistress/lady/sister (noun) ;
ten → cold (noun, probably usable as adj)

Note: "þ" is pasting wrong. It's supposed to be an "h" with a carat underneath. I think it's probably pronounced like a yiddish hard h.

Verb conjugation messes my plans up, and there's no straight up "do", but let's see what we have that's close:
dalla → conspicuous, excellent (adj)
du → fight (probably verb)
dúb → kick (v)
dub → shake (v)
duþ → to clothe (v) ; free (adj)

nin ten duþ means "free cold queen"
nin ten duþ.men means "I shake the cold queen"
nin ten du.men means "I fight the cold queen"
nin ten dalla means "excellent cold queen"

Oh, wait ... "da" is the "with" suffix

nin ten.da means "with the cold queen".

Okay, I think I've mauled a six thousand year old language enough for today. Either way, I don't think any of these translations quite beats "leave luck to heaven".

Anyway, I hope I've successfully outnerded the video game soundtrack people today. :D


Wow, that's a looooot of stuff you are missing out on considering that people that hold this opinion merely haven't given the games a chance.

See thats the thing though. I have played a wide range of current and last gen Nintendo offerings and found them underwhelming.

Mainly because they haven't stopped pandering to me as if I'm a child. That really grates on me. I really dont understand why everything they do has to have a cutesy spin on it. Aside from that, their major franchises are lather,rinse,repeat of successful games before. Tell me that Mario Galaxy 2 didn't feel like a really big DLC. Tell me how many side scrolling metroid games feel exactly like the last side scrolling metro game. Dont even get me started on Zelda.


Perhaps. Some of the ideas in that game were brilliant though.

Yeah. The level design after the first dungeon was pretty weak, though.

See thats the thing though. I have played a wide range of current and last gen Nintendo offerings and found them underwhelming.

Mainly because they haven't stopped pandering to me as if I'm a child. That really grates on me. I really dont understand why everything they do has to have a cutesy spin on it. Aside from that, their major franchises are lather,rinse,repeat of successful games before. Tell me that Mario Galaxy 2 didn't feel like a really big DLC. Tell me how many side scrolling metroid games feel exactly like the last side scrolling metro game. Dont even get me started on Zelda.

I can't really comment on the other shit, but the "kiddy" design is because they want to appeal to as many people as possible, including families. I don't think there's anything wrong with that at all. In fact, in the current gaming climate, I'd say it's a refreshing aesthetic.


Reluctant Member
Laser what the hell

This isn't even the best Shimomura piece for a Mario RPG title!

This is.

I knew you were going to post that, because you already did. BUT since I haven't played that, I can't comment.

Anyway, I hope I've successfully outnerded the video game soundtrack people today. :D

If I posted about what I've been reading for enjoyment today, I think I'd outnerd anyone.
Tell me that Mario Galaxy 2 didn't feel like a really big DLC.
Having played it for the first time about two weeks ago, it didn't.

Tell me how many side scrolling metroid games feel exactly like the last side scrolling metro game.
Let's see, there was Fusion alongside the Prime launch and then the Metroid 1 remake. So, discounting the remake because, you know, it's a remake, that makes...one? About twelve years after Super Metroid and really didn't feel that much like it?

Dont even get me started on Zelda.

I'll try not to.



My new job is in a bad neighborhood and right across the street from an abandoned gas station. :(

I want a nice view. :(

Shame to hear, you'll have an awesome view one day! That or subject yourself to physical labor in rich areas.

edit: I was never a huge Nintendo person. My first system was a Gameboy pocket which I loved, but my first home console was a Dreamcast. I have basically no affinity apart from the times I played various games at friends' houses.


Oh, and by Zelda, I meant Mario Kart.... I was thinking about what Leadbelly the Impaler was talking about with Windwaker and typed that by accident.
See thats the thing though. I have played a wide range of current and last gen Nintendo offerings and found them underwhelming.

Mainly because they haven't stopped pandering to me as if I'm a child. That really grates on me. I really dont understand why everything they do has to have a cutesy spin on it. Aside from that, their major franchises are lather,rinse,repeat of successful games before. Tell me that Mario Galaxy 2 didn't feel like a really big DLC. Tell me how many side scrolling metroid games feel exactly like the last side scrolling metro game. Dont even get me started on Zelda.

I never really understood the whole "cutesy" or "kiddy" thing. I play it for the gameplay, the fun, and if it's in this sort of package that seems too childish then I don't know what to say since it's hard to kick that feeling out of your psyche. But to me, it's kind of like people not liking dancing because it seems too "gay". You're really missing out on fun things due to having a poor perception of the package that it comes in.


I never really understood the whole "cutesy" or "kiddy" thing. I play it for the gameplay, the fun, and if it's in this sort of package that seems too childish then I don't know what to say since it's hard to kick that feeling out of your psyche. But to me, it's kind of like people not liking dancing because it seems too "gay". You're really missing out on fun things due to having a poor perception of the package that it comes in.

This sounds a whole lot like a free MMO I used to play in late middle school/early high school called ROSE. Now, to be clear Nintendo products are much better, but the starting tutorial island of that game was some of the cutesiest BS I've ever come across. However, I had some of my best gaming experiences going to boss areas with a friend of mine when we got deep into it.


I never really understood the whole "cutesy" or "kiddy" thing. I play it for the gameplay, the fun, and if it's in this sort of package that seems too childish then I don't know what to say since it's hard to kick that feeling out of your psyche. But to me, it's kind of like people not liking dancing because it seems too "gay". You're really missing out on fun things due to having a poor perception of the package that it comes in.

Plus the "cutesy" aesthetics are usually really awesome! Give me SMG2 over hardcore "manly" MW3 or something.

Edit: New Zealand > Prison Island
Instead of a Nerd Winner, we just have a Nerd Win. \o/

Using camptothecin to introduce toxic double-stranded DNA breaks and lesions in primary neurons. After all, why shouldn't experimental cancer therapeutics be repurposed for completely unrelated disease paradigms?

Anyway, it turns out topoisomerase I is fairly important for life.
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